Show rostal HANKS A large number of papers and journals throughout the whole length arid and breadth of the united states are taking up lip tiie tie matter of saying savings Is banks much that is good is bein being g said in favor of such an institution and we fail to find anything sat sall d which would intimate that they would beany be anything thin but a boon and blest ing to the country generally we take ples pleasure ure therefore in calling the attention of the people of this section to some ot of the advantages of such an institution with the savings bank system in operation at our post offices one could take a quarter and deposit it when lie or she chose during OIL office lee hours A start woula be made which would bean be an incentive to f further arther effort and the boung boy bov c cr r girl who makes such it a start would woul d I 1 ave a strong desire grow upon tham to swell the amount of their savings knowing that they lad had government security for their savings that the amounts deposited would draw interest without fail and that such interest would be compounded quarterly would all be additional incentives towards promoting habits of thrift among the young such an 0 jcck is worthy of t e careful study of pare ets ts who should do tl utmost to try and secure this boon it only need petitions to congress to secure itan it and devery every person having the wel f faie at e of their children at heart should be a signer to such petitions we do not wish it ui der stood that such banks are only for the young tor for such is not the case tl TI ey would le cf benefit to aery far farmer nier artisan mechanic or laborer ic the country ehn could and a large majority would take advantage of this the admitted best savings system in exis tance the farm joural jour ial is taking great interest in this important work and is sending bending petitions ready for signing tree free to all wo will apply for them we copy the following extracts on oi tle the subject from tile farm journal for november Ko vember postal savings depositories repositories deposit ories will help belp in ike bater belter cit z ns th nun in in or r woman vo inan boy or lir girl who has a savings account will become at once au an upholder ot of law and order and take taked ii deep aid growing interest in t e I 1 welfare of tile hie state all t c e enlist enlightened bened countries ot of the world ang ago dis discovered coveted this and have postal savings ba iks in successful operatic ope ratio great britain established them it in 1861 fralie Fr aice alce la in 1882 austria 1883 ca ala ada 1868 ital italy y 18 1870 u belgium 1869 swe en 1884 netherlands HSI sandwich Said islands island 1666 etc in all blics aliee e countries 1 e pla i lias has worked well lit in great britain 0 e per perron peron on in I 1 ll 11 even eight is isa a depositor in the postal savings banks and in aingie year as mail many as one million people have opened new accounts 0 oe e chiri ot of the depositors in postal savings L anki lanki in canada aro are farmers lir lar mers I 1 i this coultry where here v the department now had handles lei calely and economically over one hundred mil liou lion dollars a inui illy 0 of the peoples money in money order ts machinery is well equipped to take charge ot of small savings I 1 postal would gl gle the people 1 absolute security from loss joss 2 A return i t e way ol of I 1 interest on their savings 3 convenience in making deposits 4 repayment toot not affected iv change ot ol residence 5 Preveat iou of poverty or temporary baut by inculcating habits of if thrift avid and savins saving 6 education of the childred chil drei to the knowledge of the value and management of rno money they w wi uld give to the country 1 1 A co c 0 le ted happy i dust r loul it ii dependent people who would feet feel a t d direct personal interest in the sta stability 1 I I 1 ity nt it would also make available large sums of money which are now hidden bidden away where fires fire often detroy destroy and thieves break in and steal |