Show lake town locals beautiful weather town rather high toned potato crop turning rig out fine teachers institute in oes session sion health of the people good with exception of colds bishop with his wife and part of their family went to logan Y yesterday esterday mr frank has just jua passed through town with a large herd of sheep headed for dear bear river it bishop Neb ekers son fraik ik but a relative we un ferstand mr richard weston his sister sarah and cousin lovina departed for logan last week to attend to educational cat cati ional oual matters as put forth in the B Y Ar academy ademy miss sarah will learn the art of dressmaking while there mr ceo wadstrom Wah strom and miss josephine mattson visited logan as two and returned as cue but we found out jut one yet we wish them a happy prosperous journey through life As this is a good example to set and many will follow that same how about the population of laketown Like Lake town would it be on the iho decrease think you A lake town utah oct 27 |