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Show Lilxllo will bo trl-- in the city court May K on a charge of reckless driving. lie pled not puilty to the charge in the city court Wednesday morning. Prowlers entered thn Wheeler bakby breaking ery late Monday night stole $10 in and door ft in the glass cash, it is rrported to the police. M. d Fmma C. Hepooli dismissed her action in the Second district court for Dejmoli on n divorce from F.girto of cruelty. grounds Max Iace has been made defendant . in a divorce action filed by Ollio to failure of provide. on Iaee grounds Custody of one child is also asked. The couple were married in lrovo, ISo C L I M A X" 85o issued by the county attorneys office. Choixt is alleged to have written a check for $12..rA) signed R. J. Mooney, r.nd Thomas passed the cheek on W. II. Wright & Sons rompany. Mooney is said to be a fictitious name. FLOOR 50 Genuine WAX lb.......... GALV. Johnston. 1 TUBS $1.25 extra heavy, No. S 03 BASKETS $2.50 CLOTHES Lg. size, oval, hardwood 31..15 $U5 DUST MOP MHlnJ" re-- veralbla mop Du nike Green- 87t WASH BOARD King," a dirt getter 85o houses, 1007 KiescI avenue. Weber county commissioner spected the highways on Second and "Brass advisement Ihe repairing of the two streets inasmuch ns the city officials Mated they had no funds available to improve the streets. In many Instanoool Scottg price. i Larff size with cover and bail, reinforced. Extra! Extra! Enamelware w'l latest creations from lar:3 .'SlaOi) for SASH CORD Fine clothes lines, trunk ropes. $1.50 $2.25 steel, J. Bamberger Railroad at Pacific e between Twenty-firs- t und streets, A gravel car tipped over, striking Winslow on the leg. -- feet ar.d New York, If you are interested in dressing more attractively, call 3S3G-A 12 LoRoy Winslow suffered a broken leg Monday afternoon while holpin, unload soma gravel from a rar'onths smith $2.00 aWj.. son" $4.85 'pjY ave-nu- rd 33 ' & -- 95v Best tool short handled axe 75 WRENCH Genuine Still- pipe wrench S1.25 REVOLVING VISE SI. ....................................A . k.i Manning .......................... ELECTRIC TOASTERS full size $5.00 TABLE STOVES . ,..m ji size for mechanics S3.45 75c HACK SAW FRAMES With one blade 45A 25c SCREW DRIVERS Choice of three sizes 12.25 BACK SAWS for mechanics 35 p St. $1.00 VACUUM f. t ; i. 85c WASH BOARD Brass King $1.50 BOTTLE CAPPER All steel Indestructible ' $1.35 DOOR a lm- - ported cocoa fiber mate. . 0 0JC I; vyw - " J ' .. 50c CLOTHES LINE Braided wire, $1.65 LUNCH KIT Icy Hot kit with bottle Kto GAS LANTERN Coleman's Improved 95c ..38c rust-proo- f. OC glsAiw jg JQ During this onlyl "Goodyear Elm Hosr sale Penn- - 25 i.Vsylvania Super American Great I 50 grass feet $6.50 wheels $-t.S- Heavy tu- $7.95 .1 CLIPPERS 000 w Hollywood, now SCOUT KNIVES Stag handle. MEN'S KNIVES One lot val. to $1.65. Choree.. $1.50 SCISSORS Genu-ine "Swiss, 71-- Inch... $1.50 BARBER SHEARS Boker "Tree Brand... $1.25 BOYS 4 ' v ' . , - , a '- - , , rj - ' . . a. . 4 . r .'-. v m. ' .,--a a 63c 98c (0 q)iUr 07 1dC np DOC 87c WASHINGTON AVENUE 2414 I'M,! r . v $4.85 Composition $1.50 VEGETABLE GRATER "Climax" $1.85 PIE PLATE Py- - $1 rex plate and frame. QC $3.50 CASSEROLES frame with Pyrex $1.25 DISH PAN Ol White enamel. Now $1 KNIFE SHARPENER AQ. Disc. Special CUTLERY hv ' RACK- - $1,00 POKER CHIPS 9I 1 & VT-T? 4 TENNIS 45c The HOSE MENDERS clamp kind Hera are the beat brooma money can buy! Jenny Lind No. 6 Hand selected straw. This broom will outwear three cheap ones. Sale price ROLLER SKATES Full ball bearing, now $1.-1- 5 $6.50 WAGON All steel, disc - pattern Parlor Brooms $2.00 Qr Spring tool eteel 75o NOZZLES Boston ETS Boys and Girls '"? 65c GRASS SHEARS feet $3.95 Special now $1.50 HAIR READ HERE! $2.25 Lawn Mower." The Easy Empty heavy, durable catcher, will fit any mower. bular, rubber tires v3C 3C garden hoae. $8.50 $10.50 TRICYCLES QM OP non- honkink, est and new SCOTT HARDWARE COMPANY Uapid Husiness Service No. 275 MATS A or 03 C real elothrs washer i-- Sr';. .r r WASHERS SPECIAL SALE ON 8UN RED EDGE SCREEN WIRE est, 14-In- 14-inc- h Household Needs $3.50 WASH BOILER Atlantic, solid copper n ar bottom $1 We have 35,000 feet of highest quality, tough- Pennsylvania "Wasatch A real grass cuttsr mower. made by the manufacturer! ef the frmous "Super Great lawn mower. American Known the world over as the best mower built. Wasatch 14-In- ch 3 s The Toreson Co. Same Old Ihone $3.95 latest de95 $1.50 GRASS CATCHER f I: ........... Large O OP $1.15 $1.75 LAWN MOWER SALE I I GARDEN HOSE SALE i . BATHS BABY (1 vltdv 16-In- GARDEN HOE Choice of 6, 7, SHOVELS "Anchor Brand," featherweight DANDELION RAKES New and Improved aiMiamm ' - Qftr size, oval, white enamel 65c BREAD BOARDS Beautifully decorat- ed. Special $2.00 MIXING BOWL Set of 4 yellow bowls n, We are Ogden'a distributor for the ' af size, white enameled $3.50 "Wlthlngton, v PA RAKE GARDEN 40 OP $1.35 BREAD BOXES Wlthlngton" 14-In- Ogden Agents for Duco House Paints and Varnishes vy J location. ........... . strong and .renowed M. with wringer attached . - "Everready," New Location old Bow-ma- durable ..SI. -- t p W BROAD AXE 100 SPADING FORK Best Fork made. GARDEN RAKE steel bow rake, STEP LADDER Moot with 7P shelf. Each step redded and bolted HAMPER $4.85 CLOTHES Choice of two styles, (ho 1 P willow $3.25 MOP BUCKET All metal $3.75 ...................... FLASHLIGHTS sign Cut Cut ! You eon now Duco your own car. See our paint man. EVERY ELECTRIC APPLIANCE GUARANTEED IRONS Beautifully $9.00 WAFFLE nickeled, large size, fully guaranteed. Special 35.35 $8.00 PERCOLAI OR Manning and Bowman, size $(l.!l.i $1.50 CURLING IRONS Choice of 6 colors; guar- anteed Garden Tools Wa are tho Ogden distributors House of the famous "Duco Paints, Auto Enamels, Varnishes and Paints. "Duco Paints cost no more and last a lifetime. Save on New Electric Helps est grade "Village Black- car Misses and stout women here is your chance to dress belter and pay less. 1 have a complete line of womens wearing app- tl.e street from our CLEAN-UP- 0. $4.50 e 99c PAINT-U- P, gray enameled ware tea 26-Inc- h high-grad- Choice Pots, coffee pots, double boilers, kettles, etc. Val-.6nes to $1 Choice W alnminnmware Double Boilers, Tea Roasters, Percolators, Values up to $2.00. Kettles, Kettles, etc. Grouped on one large table. One lot of high grade ....... .......... ALUMINUM Cookingwear One lot of 87 r Price Antomatio Gas Range with the marvelous Heat-seale- d Oven now on dis-E!ffi Pail Every Item! Summer banking schedules have already been adopted by the various banks of the city, despite the weather. Under the new summer schedule the banks will open at 9:00 a. m., And close at !!:00 p. in., on week days and open from 9:00 a. m. until noon en Saturdays. GAS RANGES 87c SI.50 Garbage 95 Wood Working Toola for Better Workmen. 6tock up nowl 1225 HAMMER Gehuln "German Town carpenters hammer .(13 HAMMER $1 Forged steel, household use 63 11.25 HAND SAW steel blade. Now S5 60c PADLOCK Sargent 6 lever, all brass 35k $1.50 DOOR LOCK SET Sanded brass, sets complete G5 $2.75 HEDGE SHEARS High- Banquet Genuine mops, sold everywhere at $1.25, Those Irons guaranteed for 2S years. On solo for one week only at to labor as a missionary. The family spent some little time in Europe before proceeding homeward. 25c at $1.25 OIL MOP Electric Irons K Our Windows 10-qu- art G for 50 Limit 6 to o customer. Read See Heavy galvanized water size. A pails, three-da- y special Wallpaper Cleaner; now fresh weight Extra $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin and son, Frank, have returned to Ogden from South Africa where Mr. Martin served three years ns mission president for the I D. S. church. Another son, Theodore, remained in France One deyr west Commercial National Hank. Just across ' , DcC 40c PAILS atock, full 8V3C Inheritance taxes amounting to $345 was ordered paid in the estate of Eliza Fletcher in the probate division of the Second district court. Flowers Funeral Sprays and Designs; Rosebushes Shrubs Plants. WEBER FLORAL, Phone 410, 740, 28th St. Why Pay More? Twenty-Fourt- h 1 knife for cutting saw-toot- h tomer 15c Climax ld rsdl lh - bread hot or cold. Limit 2 to a ens- 0(k Specials and Save! Audrey Bateman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bateman, 473 Twenty-firs- t street, suffered a gash in the head and slight bruises when struck by a passing automobile Tuesday afternoon, driven by George Hammond, who immediately picked the child up and took it to her home. The child was playing in the street at the time. Twen-ly-thi- A ; -. r ;;; mumi 11 11, . . A si S!,!4 st,.(-V-,Y'- BREAD KNIVES Extra! Buy Now Appeal to the district court was made Wednesday by J. C. Davis, alias, J. C. Thompson, who was sentenced by Judge Simon Barlow in the city court to pay a fine of $180 and serve 180 days in jail with 90 days of the jail sentence suspended upon payment of the fine. Davis was charged with possession of liquor. arel--the l 60c BURNS Tremendous Sole I The greatest price alashlng event In the yearl Gordon Tools, Hardware, Cutlery, Cooking Utenslla, Sporting Goode, Point, Household Nooda, etc regardless of former prices or cost, must bo sold. Prlcea less than manufacturers' wholsale cost, New Method Denlint bn, Sitih Washington, phono 343. adv. Keady-to-- W. A. Wade, of Sat I high bidder on the O. Ogden company, a- ,i the sale for $6,833.81. j inventoried at $17,OGI.o - A Docs anyone remember Jack Ste vens ? Relatives in the east ace of the opinion that he was hanged in Ogden in 1881, but H. II. Spencer, early day mayor of Ogden, states that no legal hangings have ever licen hold in Ogden or Weber county. two-year-o- 5 Como Earlyl CLEARANCE! Cattle nnd sheep receipts at the Ogden Union Stockyards nearly doubled during April, 1929, over the same month last year, while hogs showed a slight decrease, the April report shows. Cattle receipts numbered 7208 this last month against 4403 last April; sheep, lf.2,347 against 00,024; hogs, 19,719 against 21,700. ftnyrj kitchen nooda, household needs, bathroom fl turee and ondleie other uooful Items HARDWARE Twelfth streets west of Washington Idncock. machine. D. . accm-.!;.-It- 2414 Washington Ave. C3 in- avenue in company with the city commission Wednesday, and took under I,.-- for trial, Ogden Thera ora hundred of other opeelala not llotod hero that are epedally priced for thla eal Including all klndo of toole, OTT Largo size, , 5 NOT LISTED Sale! Washington Ave. Wallpaper Clsansr. Now 6 cans fiom Salt Uke on a forgery charge -- 2414 Housecleaning Cooper, 17, and Edward Thomas, 21, were returned Wednesday A Genuine Cut Price , Hi of Clearfiild, V; i;i. last Thursday night f r, "j '" been recovered by off ,r. fit f City, and Gerald F. yt k. with the theft of the f ir. , arrested and will be Matthew A. Miller has filed a t with the district court stating re that he has completed his duties asasks ceivcr for certain properties and to be discharged and paid $8 for his services. ave-followi- ng Hubert Visitors Welcome -( one-thir- 1922. January 4, An automobile The county assessor is the responsible rarty for the collection of personal taxes up to the first Monday in accounts are June, after which the office treasurers the to over turned for collection. Both officers, it is stat-to ed, are empowered under the law confiscate cars on which the current taxes have not been paid. A complete campaign to eradicate Delinrjuent taxes on automobiles will obnoxious weeds will be waged in We- I a thing of the past, however, after lter county in connection with the state this year as the new license law passthat department of agriculture. The last ed by the last Ugislature requires subbe must tax for the necessary receipt legislature appropriated $100,000 liweed eradication with each county and mitted with each application for a cars. d the to owner to ense operate pay A $10 worthless rhirk passed by K. individual property There are many delinquencies carof the cost. S. Harris on Cliff Hashing, grocer, ried over from 1928, it was stated, eost Harris $15 in the city court Monto $11,000. amounting Automobile owners in Weber county day after he had entered a plea of owners have and who are not property guilty to Uie charge. The four-da- y program incident to not paid their personal taxes for 1929 of a new pastor at the uninstallation the machines their of Three local Chinese pleaded guilty may be deprived on Wall church is (colored) announced it are taxes the Baptist til paid, when to charges of gambling brought eve- concluded be will asSaturday of the nue, a meeting county before Judge .Simon Harlow in the McDonald M. W. Reverend with the com ring. The city court Monday morning and were scssur and treasurer is the new pastor. each fined $15. The fines were paid. missioners Tuesday. Motion for a new trial was filed by Mina Flinders against Frank Flinders following thp dismissal of the former rase by Judge George S. Parker in the Second district court. n 11 ' U ... . A , yy , . . - ' 41 u, |