Show GENERAL NEWS by W U to f crupi nov 22 P S post U S consul at vienna ia in washington ho said today to day kimt tho crops chii season in europe had un alenot entire failure hungary which u usually a large exporter of ceceale ce reale will hardly havo tw its own consumption clusin making progress in the introduction of improved agricultural chinery than anny other country in eastern europe the prospect for a good markot in europe for american car sab and provisions is bright franco alone of european count rys thinks apparently enjoying a season of material prosperity tho U consul at zurich reports that alio failure of grapo crops switzerland will lead to importation by the swiss of about francs worth hungary spain and france john riun the sun says cabinet officer baij this evening blui while john y ts herman at heart desires des ires to wilh draw and cancel greenbacks green backs in cincu lalion yet lie would not recommend such a measure to congress the question hai boan only brielly Hs cussed but the weight of opinion r tho advisers is that among any attempt to ritiro might lead to beeh opposition in con y financial agitation t gres as to reopen and that this might do more harm than to leave tho aholo un disturbed tho times says wo have news i from washington which if irue must bo accepted as remarkably good our correspondent telegraphs in ilia forthcoming forthcoming annual report will discuss alio question of legal tenders and recommend legislation which will lead to si certain extent to their withdrawal and can cc lation should alio secretary do what is cicro predicted as possible poa sible it would remove a very serious obstacle from alio way of complete lish ment of a sound currency heretofore sherman lias been a consistent opponent of alio of greenbacks green backs he has held with firmness worthy of a better cause to the theory that whittie whit the country needed was not the withdrawal of government paper but its equivalent to coin it will be a decided advantage botho country if its chief financial assumes alio sounder position eliat the less tho government afta to do with currency tho better for all concerned certainly no better time than tho present for alio gradual retirement ti of legal tenders will present that is the policy which the times lias never to urge on the government and on tho country we that it must ultimately bo adopted wo trust that the time for its adoption is not far distant like BOSTON nor 22 gw W it co leather dealers leavo failed abilities are estimated at considerable portion is owing to new york and philadelphia houses the tribune says it ia worthy of noto that tho exhibition which has just been held at raleigh was entirely und erthe management of tho colored people and entirely thay ajr orar nov 22 the U S auditor of railroad accounts has received a communication from the vice president of the central pacific railroad company enclosing a check lor which in connection with the amounts duo the company and withheld by the united states treasury for government tion both ou its subsidized and un subsidized nov ath 1869 and june 1878 fulfill the requirements of all exiting laws in regard to the payment to lie government of the tivo per cent of the companas comp anys earning buring entire period alio payments made alie company last week settled its ou account of tho five per cent requirements and ako discharged lie obligations under alie thurman fund law for the six months following 78 from which date alie sinking fund obligation was to bo computed it may be said eliat the can rat pacific company lias settled all its account tho government up to alie of last december payments for the year not be duo until nest february vice president in hh letter transmitting tho glicck for writes to auditor french as ollowa jn making the payments I may add eliat alio central a railroad company does not and never did dispute tho claim of the lenoral government to a five per of th net earnings ot alio llio road after its completion u tho eyes of tho law have arisen ai to what constituted net earnings to whether five per cent could lo 10 taken out of tho earnings of non aided roads andai to tho date when this participation should begin aliceo points have but recently been decided so that an appropriate settlement can at last be reached there remains tho question as to whether tho railroad companies are receiving alio reasonable bompensa com pensa tion tor service stipulated by the acts of 1802 and by common business equity duo in regard to the mails in particular tho railroad companies do not receive what alio exceptionally onerous senico is worth but only so much as congress in its discretion boes proper to allow tho central pacific coin reserves the to appeal to the court for redress this and like grievances and this payment I aci birc to bo understood a being subject to that reservation thi dve per cent when accurately ascer twined we have always regarded a tho right of tho government but the 20 per cent and half alio earnings from tho governmental business taken and withheld in excess of the per cent under our control for the nent to june au 1878 tho Thu act of congress wo must regard having been wrongfully extorted irona the company in defiance of justice equity and good faith in fact by tho law of alio foont ho ont sank a tho schooner ancon tan capt went and sunk here today the crow all saved by lie life baving service another unknown ie alio ashore the U bleamer michigan linn gono to ita relief ou NEW 22 alio bierau jiant beveral on tho irish including ono barnelle Tar nelle speech wherein ho took nc 11 bual ground that alio people fimlaid lili own alio boil ift nov 22 civo cw of scarlet we reported the city board of balth today to day ordered nil the school doled until after january ast 1st NEW OKLE Axa nov 22 A gal iceton report tho execution today to day and andrew brown for tho of doc melain in montague co may 1870 A large crowd witnessed tho execution lib sr loc nov 22 it can lo 10 stated on high that alie babosh st louis A railroad will make chango in aliu of prorating on freight fad exited between tho road running cast and west of the mississippi river prior to tho consolidation of tho dabasi st leuis kansas city and northern and clial the Wabash st louis A pacific will pursue not only a fair but liberal policy all connecting and competing A ack LE nov 22 at I thursday morning a party of five masked citizens forced wat on to surrender to bliem a prisoner named charles stewart notorious noto riou footpad who had to kill alio man who had him us soon as lie should get out stew ai t was 20 old and begged pit bously for his life and for time to arito hi mother at pann but was only allowed timo to and was then brief aay 11 prayer hanged the mob then took ed and although ho struggled furiously hung him in a ork manlike manner that indicated fa with alio hang mans trade frodsham has been jumping lots and driving oil the occupants by force and conducting in manner the fol lowing note was pinned to his backi to all thieve bunko footpads and chronic bondsmen for the of tho clans of criminals tim is our corn and elau lo 10 your wo mean let be your last particularly to choncy adams conner collin clogan ed burns ed champ great joany other who aro well known to this organization we uro strong P P kelly lias been accused of taking bribes while the city marshal and jini bush havo been warned to leave or share tho same fate the thugs and bad char actors havo also banded together and claim that having names enrolled they will immediately begin avenging their comrades dath and will punish every one of tho vigilantes who executed them they havo already threatened to burn the town and have ont notices to some people suspected of having been concerned in the hanging to leave tho chronicle and forces have also been ordered to auit elioso having advocated extreme measures to check tho outlawry and crime which luve been decidedly on of late famine DETROIT 11 the schooner W B rii elps of oswego went ashbro near glen arbor ou tho night of tho aind is a total wreck civo of tho cica acro drown ed a follows captain Dan Kolley geo kelly oswego frank dolden cook sandusky robert oswego and ono binau shipped at milwaukee unknown CHICAGO nov 22 the schooner two at sixteen and and insured for fourteen thousand is ashore and gono to pieces at elk on traverse bay michigan was indan with iron ore tuo ky nov henry pei cival convicted of incest his old daugh to was sentenced to two years in alio county aall EW ov 22 A dispatch from a says that there will bo a general turning out of irish nationalists throughout the state tomorrow to morrow at a meeting of nation alis tsat mahondy city it was resolved to take up the cause of Davitt killin and daly lj sand following ire the messages between president and president gravy on the opening to alio public of tho franci cable the president of the french lies public ilc alie new cable which franco and america by bending an expression of his inott cordial sentiments to the president of tho of alio llio united states president cayea bent tho fo low ills reply to the of tho french ISe public paris tho of ho united states acknowledges with great satish action alio agreda blo communication by the president of tho french republic making known to him the completion and successful operation of shenew transi atlantic cable and hopes that it may never bo a vehicle of any other kind of between the governments and people of the wo countries then those of friendship and respect |