Show STAhLE By LARRY STAHLE Shouting to make your children children children chil chil- dren obey is like using your horn to steer the car and you get about the same results The Manti city council has called a meeting for next Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- which should be on the must list for everyone who is still puzzled about the city's plans for chlorination and the upcoming bond election to improve improve im im- improve prove the water system On June I met for two hours with two members of the council the mayor and city re re- re- re corder At this time they explained explained explained ex ex- ex- ex exactly what their intentions intentions intentions were if the bond election passed and how they intended to repay the bonds should they be approved We have tried to take the explanation explanation explanation ex ex- given at that meeting and present it to you to enable enable enable en en- able you to make up your mind about the matter and then get out and vote out and anci vote These articles appeared appeared appeared ap ap- ap- ap in the Messenger last week and today Of the few things in this world you can depend n c-n one of them is that no woman wears shoes too large for her On July 1st there are several news laws which will go into effect One of them would have quite an effect upon everyone who drives a motor vehicle The State Legislature passed a law which made a number of revisions in the drivers license law You will be required to take drivers training from a qualified instructor before you can obtain your first license Also when you get a license renewal you willbe willbe will willbe be required to take a written examination examination examination ex ex- along with the customary customary customary custo custo- mary eye test Your license will only be valid for four years instead instead instead in in- stead of five and the fee climbed climb climb- ed a dollar or two So if your license expires within the next six months you had better beat the July 1st deadline deadline deadline dead dead- line and head for the courthouse next Wednesday afternoon and renew your permit Dieting is a penalty for exceeding exceeding exceeding ex ex- the feed limit Umit We haven't received the official official official cial word as yet but we suppose suppose suppose sup sup- pose that the Manti Jaycees have everything about lined up forthe for forthe forthe the forthcoming July celebration celebration celebration cele cele- bration on Tuesday July We spent about an hour Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- Tuesday day trying to track down a Jaycee J Jaycee Jay Jay- aycee ay- ay cee who could give us the lowdown lowdown lowdown low- low down but they were about as scarce as a happy citizen at income in income income in- in come tax time It is hoped that by next week all the final details can be worked worked worked work work- ed out and a complete program will be ready for the paper Theres There's nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them wont won't aggravate One last favor we would like to ask Our new system of correspondents correspondents correspondents cor cor- respondents is meeting with a great deal of enthusiastic re re- re- re New names are being add added d each week to the columns of the Messenger But the correspondents have asked that we encourage those submitting items to call them a abit abit bit earlier if possible say Monday Monday Monday Mon- Mon day morning instead of Monday night and Tuesday morning This will enable t the them h e m to write up their news and submit submit submit sub- sub mit it without going through the agony of burning the midnight oil to get finished before their deadline f r Your support will be j ted r 3 Will power Having the same 1 1 ailment somebody is describing t to you but not men mentioning e it |