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Show BEAP. B r.IVH BIRTH OF A SONG ri ' '"Jtannfoe, I Dresm Cf Litae Tim" Nathaniel Shilkret and L Welf Ci!brt 0 f !' J' V ; ." . ,v :.v i 7 . . "... . -City. His father, Wiiliarsi, was 3 r.usicwn. j Nathaniel learned to p!a ho piano bstcro he learned the alphabet Wr e ".-'- -- CPi ... "... ; i.rs- - : i- :i ' - ha travelled as a child reached tha aga cf thirhe When prodigy. teen he began to play with major symphony orchestras. ha had switched soloist in a iu-v.d cr scysnry pieces. e J T"'.) a l conducted the first great symphony rcnes-'- ! rra broadcast with John McCormaekard. Lucrezia Bori as soloists. andothejrdutie. PRANK heard Monday through Friday at 10:15 a.m., fI 12:15 p.m., PST, brought part of f a week-end'- the studio to i I . yr.., I into 4 The sandwich ia said to get its name from the Earl of Sandwich who so loved his games that his only iood for days would be a piece of meat between two slices of bread. j EXABTSUSN, A CD STOMACH, GAS ON STOMACH t ; Have you tried ; i ALK ELTZCRP A-- 5 make a parking Ikalina solution. As It contains Alka-Sel'a- cr ' f3Rnalssio (aoetylealicylate),lt f rst reuavea tho pain of every- day allmeaU, then by helping to alkaline balance, isnds to remove the caur,e when Cue to hyperacidity of the Uie restore . J REAR RIVER - it'-1''- -- ry '17 ' c ' t- irr at jour iliuf , ' ,t store In 35 and 1 V- Alka-Srl- aim i " 1 'HVIn home um r,,r i 1 founUii. or Saturday from Granger, Utah, where she spent two weeks visiting her son, Utilizer Nelsen nnd wife. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iwell OuituUi and' baby, of Oakland, California, Mr. and Mis. Shelly H. Atchky nnd threoj t hikircn, of Ih'iggs. Idaho, m e visit-- 1 log in this city with the two ladies' mother, Mrs. Sina Thorsen, and family. Erving Zinck, IaVell Anlersotv PeUr M. Anlcii.uu ium! lenauee West' Conrult the Sit.:::: r . Mi!it and rapJiers took on a when morrow" a white micro- phone replica off ; perisphere f "World of e the Hall of . Com-f- . : :r ... think i has experienced mike fright, .1 NEW YORK (Special) Aqua-bel- le vouas or talwm'to Eleanor Holm, star of Billy Rose's Aquacade at the New York World's Fair, pictured as she awaits her cue in the huge marine amphitheatre where the water spectacle is staged. AAAACS-MZETIW- A VARAPBi V 1 t everyone who has ever spoken I over the airs j ; ? i butj tnu new device . seems to buoy Dorothy Kiljore 5ne up," said Dorothy Kilgore, head dietician and food commentator at the Heinz Dome who was one of the first to be interviewed through the miniature -perisphere. I.K.--s ore, who now h. makes her home in is a graduate of the University of Illinois, and one of the busiest home economists at the Fair where she greet thousands of visitors daily. Pure Eskimo Rare Contrary to popular opinion, pure Eskimos are rare. In West Greenland, where more than 90 per cent of the island's population is concentrated, the natives have intermarried with Europeans since the days of the old Norsemen. Pi't-bnrn- Checkctts and two children Arietta and Whitney returned home Saturday, after a week's stay in the Yellowstone National Park. hsJImh1 Today's prvpuIaTlty of Doan't Pilli, utter many yean of worldwide nan. aural mb accentor! as rvAm i of sntisfactnrv dm. I And f&vnrak) nnkll. i opinion support that m in aoie Physician who test lha alua of lioan'a tinder exacting l&horatorr cnnrltti....... . . Physician. you Tad, the ohjectlva of which In only to treatment for functional kidney dlaorde 0t th Pain Uni worrT UmJ? If mora piy,pl9 were aware of bow ;- ,- ' hn kidney. W, and diuratio M mora of 1 -- """" "f nignta, J,1 Bt W iro WL Til 2V ... i .., v l . .." rj9 . member,'"" thenio.tpowr.- ,- , PRICED DOWN WITH THE TH?,E LOWEST f i . muiil employed. bank. m n Paul Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson-- had the misfortune to fall from his horse while herding cows, Wednesday, breaking his right arm at the elbow. ...., , Time awwiing, warid-wtdTi- Radd, ADV&RTtP 70PAV AW QJJIT TOMORROW . CUSTOMERS MOVE IN N MOVB AWW MEN 0NB , munications at the New Yorkl Fair. "I Doris - and try Ion was Introduced ini To- the past week: MICKIE SAY- S- i j BROADCASTING the 1 emoved Helen Fields and Edwin Colley. De Lana Holjesen was treated for a fairly severe burn. The accident happened July 24. bia Network,' she had just finished posing in fur coats on that particular afternoon. d nn y r Noel ley. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alix is still at the hospital The following had their tonsils r- T I 24. July t Honda D through O . f r ' ..." ... . EDST and p.m., I0: a.m., PST, Noel models for. fashion photog' i t state. Mrs. Jusie Nelson arrived home on .4 week. a s t i Get super-ho- Girl Marries, ' which is heard j J over the I ' who are employed with the Strong & Grant Construction Com pany in Strawberry, Utah, spent the weekcnl visiting in this city. Miss Elva Anderson, who is em- ployel at the State Capital in Salt Lake City, spent the weekend in this city visiting her mother, Mrs. Mar tha J. Anlorson. Mr. anl Mrs. John P. Holmgren. Mr. ant Mrs. Ruelon O. Holmgren home Saturday evening from P.uiley, Ilaho, where they had attenl-ethe funeral services held for Mrs. Alice Petersen Wills, daughter of Andrew and F.va Holmgren Petersen formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rasmussen and CITY family moved to Corinne Friday to f Uy Mrs. C. W. Brailsford home on their farm. They make their . 9 have rented their home in this city Pioneer day was celebrated in this to Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Rirch. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore an city July 24th with a large crowd in ntttn'lance. A fine program con-s- i runny nave moveii into nieir new tin gof a parade, numbers from the INV Scout band, stories, tap dances, Miss DeFsie Simpson, of Oakland harmonica selections, dramatic sketch California. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpraces, baseball game, wresting and ron. "i ugcen, rpent me hoiuiays m boxing matches, was very much en thU city visiting with Mrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. nnd Mis. Ileber F. I Pill joyed by nil present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeff Reeves arrived ing. Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Morgan, of homo Wednesday, after spending the Pioneer days in Salt Lake City, where Price. Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. Pvt.Tves performed with his trick! I J assign--" on When 4 upon which the industry was built in Utah. The state's resources have not been subjected to the boom type of mining, the type where rich ore bodies were gutted and the ground abandoned without proper development work. Mines here hava been whose developed by pioneers, thought was to build something for the future. A systematic policy of mining was adopted in the early days and is still in force. A part of the revenue from every ore body is set aside for research and development so that new ore bodies can and will be developed. That is the reason that mining here ha3 grown from a small beginning to the greatest Industry in the An average estimated yield of 13 bushels per acre as compared with the 1938 average of 21 buahels is the out look for Utah's wheat this year. The forecast now 13 3,788.000 bushels from 236,000 acres while last year 6,573,000 bushels were taken from 2.87,000 acres Oats are estimated at 9r2,000 bushels which is 1:0,000 bushels less than the 1,093,000 bushel yield on the same acreage bust year. Present indica- bushels which is 302,000 bushels less tions of the barley crop show 2,240,000 than the crop harvested last year. The acreage this year is greater by 8,000 .... in. 11 than it was last year. At the beginning of 1939, there were 1.22S Dairy lierd Improvement Associations in the United States, with 625,284 cows on test. Utah's part in this program includes 10 Associations with 5051 tested cows. There the 5554animals on test including the drys. One thousand forty-thre- e of these are producing more than 40 pounds of milk daily while 121 top the mark. " IP I the studio last Ajjtfay ' Beticeen 7. - she wandered on atic and sound foundation S- Kills, with justified- lit wilted when A'oe? Hon, looked a Much has been written and said about "Ghost Towns", but little has been said about "Ghost Tunnels." Ghost tunnels make ghost towns. It a tunnel floes not lead to ore, or the ore in the face of the tunnel ogives out then the tunnel is abandoned and becomes but a ghost of tho past. .The miner in the above photograph Is trudging back to the face of the drift with an empty car. Will he coma back with ora or waste? That is the eternal question of the miner. Even it ore is found, it does not luat forever. Vtah ia fortunate in having tew ghost, towns. True, the state has hundreds of miles of ghost tunnels, but most of the old mining districts that were discovered during the eitrly days are still producing. This is due to the systera- - 5 bass turned up in the "splash making" water tub which is part of. the CBS sound effects equipment; 0TELY 4 Sterling Secrist, who was seriously injured July 14 is progressing slowly. Chester Nelson, who suffered "a fractured pelvis June 18, is progressing nicely. Verne Boume underwent a serious operation July 21. So far his condition is excellent. Jennie Kornelly underwent an operation for appendicitis July 24. Her condition is good. Mrs. Lawrence Archibald, of Plymouth, was confined to the hospital a few days. Mrs. Vernon Hansen, of Bear River City, is undergoing medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kerr are the proud parents of a baby girl, bora fourteen inch ! croos is forecast at 55S.OO0 bushels comnared to 573.000 bushels in 1038. Frost damage during April cut the cherry crop from 4,4000 tons in 1938 to a'oout 2,700 tons this year. The present condition of apples is indicated at 72 percent compared to 75 percept last year and an average of 67 percent for the ten years, . s j'jLl- Utah's peach, cherry, and apple - - give to Bud Coll- - S V yer. Bud didn t p " receive the en- - M howtire catch, ever, lor a snort time later a Matt Crowiey r f"- - 4 ' -- HOSPITAL NEWsl a. - Tit.- si fishing catch to A new dual purpose refrigerator designed especially for the farm and of a size to hold a 5 gallon milk can and a lot of ice trays or space for frozen foods, is reported in "Electricity on the. Farm" for July. The special fea tures are the large low temperature compartment, and the elimination of th& condenser coil box, making the en tire interior available for storage. 'which licenses their use In public perform ance for profit, and protects them against. ' infrinaement.' i and! EDS T, & 1928-193- ":,jt loving Matt Crowley of Kitty Kelly, CBS gerlal, Iacluded in the total was butter held by the Dairy Products Marketing As sociation for resale or relief and the Federal Surplus Commodities Corpo ration and state relief agencies. in9 His original copyrighted works earned him membership in the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, mtmi st Air Personalities 47,403,000 pounds last month to reach 1S2.S70.000 pounds, the Bureau of Agricultural Economics has disclosed. Virhw t.m ? News and Views on Reserves of creamery butter in the nation's cold storage warehouses rose the halT ana aomestif 1, GOSSIP-GRAM- S ls?? conditions. : musical departments of Machine ComDanv. Shilkret wrote a svmDhony and other music before he produced the popular song "Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time". He scored over sixty major pictures in Hollywood. He kept right on conducting radio con- eerts, sometimes leading as many as ten in a week with all the detallsof rehearsals GHOST TUNNELS the time he was twenty, By come i': r') 1 - . -- te Acreage planted and to be planted to commercial truck crops for fresh market shipment this season is the largest on government record, according ,to reports in the agricultural situation for July, But the total production will be smaller this year than last on account of the unfavorable grow- ' n . Nathaniel Shifcor was Any motion that American farmers fell into an inprogressive rut during the depresion is dispelled by the announcement of the results of pergonal interviews with 02,000 farmers states. These results In thirty-fivshow that farmers are more eager to and to use the latest scientific farming methods than they were in thf Loom days of 1928. More than 53 percent of the farmers attended meetings or demonstrations held by their county agents. Over 2a percent ma4e the long- drive to their state experiment station farms and fields for pointers on advanced i by Joseph :. ..is-'"- : JXXY 27, 19S9 TlXTSDX. VALLEY JLEADE3, poymnfihrTuqh"our ovnYMAC o l. L Plan at oetf o b9 Sandail KJolor W oo. 5 |