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Show 193& THURSDAY. JULY 27, BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR By CARLE FERRIS m TYEAR TEACIIETl" Is back on the vtrhDn tHI r .Ml I I V I Beattv. famed lion mvd -, . ' f?" Jam 6 r- '" Mr. Ro, The Farm Bureau were ert Wednesday at the city park an canyon. Twenty-twwere present and the afternn,-spent in games, program ard oguea in the amphitheatre.' il M:i nl o , e?' ? L Mothers and daughters of th, ts and Second Wards were enw31 Thursday afternoon on the lawn. Each mother was registered presented with a corsage The gram was conducted by Mrs r Trippe and was as follows: uLT solo, Mrs. Mary Keller; sWJf Mrs. Con Steffen and Mrs a Strand; display of historical reliefs Mrs. Don Peckenpaugh; instruaiJ solos by Maurine Sandall and a , fiesta, featuring type stories w E ma Rae Anderson, Bessie CaldenvJ" VaLoy Newman and Viola Cowley i? "Hobby Lobby" Elman Is the ranks of the depleting rapidly NBC page boys. To date eight of them have resigned to act as guides years' sojourn abroad, made his first radio out at Elman's World's Fair exhibit. appearance in a drama on the hour. That night's conducErno Rapee, distinguished show was the last Radio Theatre tor of the CBS "Musical Playhouse," until September 11. has a valuable collection of unpubBob "Believe It Or Not" Ripley has been given the largest gavel tn the Garner to world by exhibit at his Odditorium on Broadfull-leng- th Itehed scores of famous r )i; way. Latest of the vocal groups to appear regularly on the airlanes Is the "Stardusters," now featured Wednesday nights over NBC on George f' Willi lit: Vice-Preside- nt r r MICKIE SAYS ADVERTISE TODAY AW UUT TOMORROW CUSTOMERS MOVE A Move ' JZc aw imam Are alujc grqwimHip! voure or tamu'to pv4J ,i Union in the Jordon district. members were present. Local and Social Items compass, several of which are bolns played for the first time during tins n?w Bsnday series. A Ai4rr MEETim, BUT A hAKAPEt Sixty-fiv- e Miss Verle Baker, of Cornish, Utah, ox Eider was recently appointed MAURINE COOK, Local Correspondent Thone 2 County health nurse. Miss Baker is a graduate of the Dee hospital in OgMr. and Mrs. Elwin Potter and son, day. PrizS winners were Mrs. Duane den and has completed a course in Glenn, of Washington, D. C, have Lower, high; Mrs. Con Steffen, cut; public health at the University of spent the month w ith relatives in and Mrs. Guy Johnson, low. Mrs. Washington in Seattle. She will fill the position formerly occupied by Utah and Idaho. The fore part of the Frank Taylor was a special guest. Miss Sally Smith. month they visited at the home of Mr. Potter's sister, Mrs. LeRoy BunMr. and Mrs. Duane Lower Mr .and Mrs. Eric Stenquist have nell. The Bunnells accompanied them the Lower family reunion at as guests this week Mrs. had on a tour through Yellowstone park. Mrs. Lower was general Sunday. The remainder of the month has been chairman ot the aitair and was m daughter, Mrs. David M. of Mr. Salt Lake and Elaine and and in Blackfoot Nephi. spent charge of arrangements for the lunch and Mrs. Potter will return to Tre-- 1 and games which were held on the Donna Jean Harding of Bountiful. monton Sunday and after a short vis lawn at the home of Steve Lower. Saturday evening Mr. Kiveriam and Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harding were it will leave for Washington. Arrangements were made for a simat the Stenquist home, returning to ilar reunion next year. Fifty-eigQUICK SALE their homes Saturday evening with Grant Hawkins returned Monday members were present. the guests. The twins accompanied k tour of California. from a Dodge Sedan Mr. and Mrs. Kiveriam and will reHe accompanied his brother, John, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess spent the STUD E BAKER SALES who is touring California on business. 24th with friends in Tetonia, Idaho main in Salt Lake for a week. 0. Box 427 - Phone 26 John will return to California next They returned home Monday evening The entertained Epworth League Tremonton, Utah week. Thursday evening in the church base- Mary Stenquist, of Salt Lake City, Edgar Winchester, Grand Master, of is spending two weeks at the home of the Masonic Fraternity of Utah, con- her mother, Mrs. C. A. Stenquist, She CUT FOOD . . . ducted the ceremony for the installa- will return to her home Sunday. tion of officers in the Corirme lodge You can reduce your food bill up to 50 when you buy Mr. and Mrs. J. D .Harris, Mr. and Thursday evening. Tremonton officers more FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. were in charge of the installation, Mrs. Reed Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Landvatter being the installing Delores Harris attended the 24th eel Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of good quality could never officer. ebration at Salt Lake. The party before be purchased at such LOW PRICES . . . Save a-tspent the remainder of the day in The Girl Scout troop No. II, under Emigration canyon. the direction of their leaders, Jenny Mr. and Mrs. Leander Stenquist and Gephart and Naomi Marble, spent a week at the Girl Scout Red Cliff in Mr. and Mrs. George Stenquist at"Home of Nature's Most Healthful Food" Ogden canyon. Members present were tended the Borg family reunion at Tess Johnson, Helen Walton, Yvonne Briggs, Annlvor Heppler, Donna Jean Nelson, Eleda Vee Smith, Joyce Ransom, Peggy Jean Johnson, Jill Johnson and Elaine Marble. They returned home Saturday. 60-a-- cf f Doc Rcjkwell, the sa bey Harbor, was Joking when h; s u on the Rudy Vallee Hour, "Kx u.r... with mustard are only a dj'.i.'.r half at the New York Worl l s f a.r However, none other than Grove: A Whalen himself took the Doe Whalen Insisted on sec:n. iVallee listeners riglit on food pi lues at the Fair Just a week after flock WsU had his litUe Joke. . . -- KjftK'-- J.csd's program. They comprise three boys and a girl, the girl being May McKim, pictured here. Although this is her first regular series, she Is an experienced radio singer. Lew-isto- n Sten-quist- 's Kiv-eria- m . NOTICE There will be dancing at the Crys2, tal Springs Wednesday, August Butte's Rhythm Kings. 60 cents a couple. Admis-ato- FOR SALE: n: Old Newspapers MONEY TO LOAN FOR ht 1 11934 three-wee- r. Leader Office ItEAL ESTATE FARMS OR HOMES JAMES BROUGH AGENCY UTAH V V 1 BILL YOUR FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE TREMONTON, 53 t a last recently. Charles Laughton, famed English actor who had Just returned to H'llywood from a two 6he is Madeline Gray, pictured here, and her new idea oilers prizes to youngsters for telling things to do to their spare time and ways to make money. She will present children themselves on the radio. ' Alex Roxana Hayes and famav Lake City, were guests th' the homo of Mrs. Haves' E,ter. Rosco Heppler. night Radio Theatre celebrated a first and Dave , Mi-s- . home of Mr. and u v".wW. , "J , and a j daughter Eleda, of Richf'ffa Thursday and vislW' Mrs" Cecil B. DeMille's Monday '""' 8 arrangements. T f oxt , scheduled for ha gram his cat? were so nervous, for feared to let his wife substitute him and sent Mrs. Eeatty to New York to do the broadcast network. e NBC-Blu- - ii op at Hamid's Million LI airwaves with her "Bright Idea tamer appearing in Atlantic City, was Pier Dollar 10:30, at Club" Saturday mornings a recent radio profcL 1 1, over the JH IlI By 'DWIG! ? CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE Eioim Co chimney (top Here's COMPLETE Building Service with everything: you need from found.it.inn tn ih chimney top . . . Top grade lines of Lumber, Millwork, Cement, Roofing the qualities want for you attractive, durable homes and lasting repairs . . . Plan now to build or modernize your home this year Wo lmvo thn ... right materials. Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander and Dr. and Mrs. D.B .Green were fishing Monday and Tuesday at Mac's Inn in Idaho. They report unusual success. The Stenquist family reunion was held Monday at Bear Lake. Mrs. Geo. Stenquist was chairman of the outing and other officers of the organization are: president, Mrs. C. A. Stenquist; vice president, George Stenquist, and treasurer, Elnor Stenquist. Seventy members of the family were present. Mrs. Glen Mason entertained at a Bridge luncheon at her home Thurs- - QUALITY r.lERCHAfJDISE OrpheumTheatre TREMONTON", UTAH Building tYIatcrialOj Coal, Hardware, Glass, China Vare ri "YOU CAN'T CHEAT AN HONEST MAN" "THE GIRL AND THE GAMBLER" Sun. - Mon. FARMERS CASH UNION 35 Friday and Saturday Everything to Build and Beautify the Home Tuos. (JARY COOPER in "THE COWBOY AND THE LADY" Wednesday - Thursday ADOLPH MLNJOU in KING OF THE TURF For Your Convenience Meet your friends at the City Drug . . . Buy your stamps, use our phone, leave your parcels . . . Check your needs from these sensational values and save . . . Rememtpn Uy Drug is the friendly store . . . "You Save When You Trade With US1" AT OUR FOUNTAIN SATURDAY ONLY - SUMMER TOILETRIES Coty L Aimant Toilet Water Cashmere Bouquet Soap - 3 for Putnam's Bath O'Bloom, lge. can $1.00 27c $1.00 bag Wrisley's Bath Crystals size Violet Borated Talcum lge. Kleenex Cleansing Tissues - box of 300 3-l- b. SPORT AND PICNIC NEED- S- TENNIS RACKETS THERMOS JUG, 1 gal. size SWIM CAPS $1.98 up $1.98 10c to 49c SUN GLASSES FIRST AID KITS PAPER NAPKINS 25c to 49c t0 - 1 II . 19c 17c RIN SO LB. 3 OZ. Size 4 75c BELL-A- S 5-l- Tremonton b. 2"c 2Sc ? k 49c KREML HAIR TONIC, 60c size CHUX PAPER DIAPERS 9Sc Silhouette Clcansinff Tissues 57c TABLETS .. . FREE SHAVE CREAM with 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES EPSOM SALTS bag MUUhSS, Box of 12 - 2 for RUBBING ALCOHOL - full pint N . 500 for DRUG SPECIAL- S- 2:c LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE LIFEBUOY SOAP - 3 bars ,59c 47c 49c oSc 39c 17c 10c BOX OF 200 ADLERIKA LAXATIVE, $1.00 size WHITE ACE SHOE CLEANER DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE - 2 for MIDOL TABLETS - 40c size SC1IOLIS ZINO PADS 35c size FORT HOWARD PAPER TOWEI CITY DRUG Prescription Specialists 69c 23c 4lc 3U lOc Tremonton ...j 1 |