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Show I Millard County Progress, Fillmore, Utah 84631 Friday, September 28, 1979 Page 4 became the King of Sports at Millard High-t- he year our football team subdued every opwere ponent they and matched against states' the captured Class highest honors-t- he "B" Championship. For the first time in the history, of our school, Millard became the honored recipient of the state football championship Ten times our trophy. Eagles proved that they were true champions as they rang up triumphant victories over the best of opponents. Join us again the week of October and participate in Homecoming '79. Coach Taft Watts will be the honored coach for the day and all participating team members have been invited to meet with us again. They will be recognized at a special HomecomOctober 4, Above are the candidates (or Homecoming Queen. ing Assembly at beginning Thursday, They are from left to right, top row Natalie 7:30 in the High p.m. Burningham, Jerilyn Muhlestein, third row Geneal School Auditorium. Trade row Starley, Cheryl Peterson, Tuttle, second Homecoming week actiJacci McBride, Connie Ivie, Chere Beckstrand, front vities include: A coronarow Gina Hall, and Taml Utley. The Queen and her tion assembly Monday, attendants will be announced October 1, 1979. She October 1 at 10:30, Early will reign over all homecoming events. Good luck morning class compegirls! tition Tuesday. Wednesand Thursday, day, Alumni Homecoming Thursday, assembly, The studentbody and our Millard High Alumni, Octoboer 4 at 7:30 p.m. faculty ask you to join This year we wish to Millard will go us at Homecoming '79. honor our alumni of 1950. Friday head to head with Moab At this time we will salute This was the year football at 2:00 p.m. and that evening the Homecoming Dance will be held at 8:30. We wish to issue a special invitation to all alumni to attend. By 'iaitii ( 'thy Eagles Win Again Millard Eagles breezed Santhrough the North Mount at Hawks pete Pleasant last Friday at 7:30 with the score of 41-- The game was supposof edly going to be one the games, toughest since neither one of the teams had been defeated. But the Eagles didn't feel that way, and they proved it. The first half was quite close with the Eagles leading by just 7 points. The second half, however, the Eagles left the Hawks licking their wounds. touchdowns were scored by Sterling Marvin with an 80 yard punt return. Bryce Monsen also scored in the first half w ith a pass from Bob In the second Jensen. Dale Robinson half. scored twice, running with a one and six yard play. Jensen threw two touchdown passes to Robison, one 25 yards and the other for 15. The final touchdown was scored by Terry Monroe w ith a 15 yard run. Monsen said Coach that he was really pleased with the defensive and offensive lines. The Homecoming Date Oct. 4th and 5th Highlight of the occasion will be a reunion of Millard's FIRST STATE FOOTBALL TEAM, together with their coach, Taft Watts. October and Friday, day 4th and 5th. The date for the Homecoming at Millard High was reported in error in last weeks Progress. The correct date is Thurs- Homecoming "B It. J I brief when you cannot be good." amEogjic DIABETES or other NEED HELP? j SKILLED TYPISTS WELDERS V) BABY SITTERS GARDNERS MILLARD HIGH ? St. Francis Oe Sales hidden medical condition FOR FREE INFORMATION WRITE MEDIC ALERT () 743-576- 6 ASS 743-620- 1 REGIONAL OFFICE East 2nd SoutN, Suit! SMtUki Oty. ZA taw tt UT donctwn lor diaritiMt A ta 40 Milt lilt tamOim Southern Utah Does Well in Farm Bureau Talent Find Harris, 15, Tammy ci,y- - Millard Performers from south of Salt Lake County won 7 of 1 1 places in the state talent Find finals compe- tition sponsored by the Utah Farm Bureau Federation at the Utah State Fair. Countv Washington was the only county in the state to place two acts in the top 11, which the first place ad ances in the Junior (age and under) and Inter- mediate fanes 11 to 161 division plus five finalists in the senior division (aees 17 to 30) In Junior competition among 20 county Talent Find winners, Daniel Bates, 6, of Coalville won first place and $25 with a violin solo. 0ak HOLDEN of , 9"?"er V - P'aced secnd wlt. baton twirling perform- happenings - a nee. Five finalists in the Senior division will compete at the Utah Farm Bureau Federation convention in Salt Lake City December 12 for first P,ace and an exPense Paid triP t0 the American Farm Bureau January convention in Phoenix, Runners-uwill receive S25 in cash. The F3 Talent Find is the largest talent search in the state. Sponsored by the Farm Bareaa Yung and Ranche,rs by Ella Crosland - S p Fmi? "e on Bill and Ruth Stevens and daughter Rulane and Jim and Carol Masner 0f Holden are being vis- ited this week by his parents. Bill and Loyce Masner from San Bernar- Also dino, California. visiting them are his Sharon two sisters, from San Grandmont and California, Dicg0 mother Florence Stephen-includeson drove to Brigham City Saturday evening, where they were the over-1- 0 night guests of their daughter Anna and husand band Brian Parsons d family. Bill and Ruth Stevens hosted an Open House Saturday in honor of Masner 0f San Bernardino. They are them- sure enjoying seWeS' Fe)ecia county Jees eve s' ' 3 dreds of young perform- ers each year. of Kseldscn Chasty Bennett enjoyed having Denmark. S ,ran of Thomas Chris- - niece d Rosale Mi- - ,lan and her daughter chellc spend Sunday with StcPhcns,n' DeS' them. Colen and Sylvia Rasmussen and family of Castle Dale were at the home of their parents. the Earnest Christian- sens for the weekend. They were glad to see their mother feeling better after being rushed to Tuesday hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wynn We all wish you a speedy evening and being a pa- Olsen and daughters of rccovery an(j may God tient there for a few days, Idaho vis- - less you with good Sunday the Earnest Chris- ited over the weekend at fiea((1- tiansen family enjoyed a the home of her mother, Sacrament meeting on reunion together at the Mrs. Sharon Edwards and Joel Sunday was conducted Ranger Station. the home of her grand- - by Vern Stewart. Christiansen family of parents, Mr. and Mrs. trj0 consisting of Aurora joined in the vis- Venoy Labrum. The Rasmussens Miss Cutler, Kay Stott, iting. Mrs. Nelda Wadley ancj Scott Doutre was ac- - returned home. The and Mr. Therald Beck- - companied bv Mrs. Dal- - Christiansens thank all strand were visitors at un Nielsen. who assisted them while the home of their parents, Elder Kay Stott re- - Salena was at the hos- Mr. and Mrs. Clifton p0r(ed on bis mission to pital. Beckstrand. Therald took scotand SSKC" JTZ r. Mrs. Laura Warner and her daughter Elaine were visitors at our ward on Sunday. Mrs. Cindy Iverson and little daughters have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeLyle Beckstrand. We were happy to see Blaine and Minnie Pen- back in our ward on Sunday. Make it more often, we miss you. afternoon Thursday Gerald, Luella, Deanna and Amy Lue Edwards drove to Nephi to see the Junior varsity football Val Dean met game. them at the game and re- turned to Meadow with them to spend the week- - weicome home program for Kay were the chil. 0f Mr. Clifford Stella Mrs. Stewart, j0hnson of Holden, Mrs. of FeoIa George Yanosh, Mr. and Mrs. their Dallin Nielsen, daughter and her family 0f Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Penney of j(anosh, Lori Leoney and her mother of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Gerald Carling and her daughter Barbara of Fillmore. Mr. Thomas Swallow jUS( returned home after the home of- a vjsjt f,is son Grover in Provo, while there he attended the mission farewell for his granddaughter, end- She will be Roxanne. Bobby Higgins of Hun- - leaving soon for the Puer- ter, Utah, was a house j0 RjCo mission as a guest at the home o nursc. Kelly Edwards over the Thought for the day-- weekend. "A way of avoiding Edith tinkles: Dont look for and Melvin Cox and Orrin and Elma them so hard." Beckstrand spent a few Mrs. Steve (Cindy) days at their homes in verson and children of Meadow. They drove on perron spent thc weekend down to Minersvi le e- - vjsit jng Ama and flor- to do a little tis - cnce VCrson and in Mea- 'n8with dow the Beck- Mrs. Velma Stott spen S(rands a few days in the Fillmore Hospital. It sure is good to see her home again. I - hearing6r about the birth- place of their ancestors, ... . Thc ,Kse'?SC"Lck en.ln. itmg in vU Utah. extend our sym-th- e the Gerald Coats to pathy and LaVar Coats families in the death of their ther, Archie Coats of Members of Granger. both families attended funeral services in Gran-a- t gcr. Our sympathy is also extended to the Lewis Monsens in the death of his father, Farrell MonFuneral services sen. were held Monday. Wc Time and Place to Ride PntlV A VII J We have received many fine compliments about (he beautiful park sur- - rounding the Territorial It is diffi- Statchouse. cult at times to supply the manpower to keep up with the many mainte- nance problems that occur on a regular basis. When we have to com- pete with those who undo our efforts by thought- less acts, many man hours arc lost in cleaning up the aftermath. Parents who furnish ponies for the enjoyment ,f (hcir children. I am confident, must do so with jhc idea of benefiting (hem in a constructive May I alert parents, who are not aware of it is park regulations, against the law to bring horses into this site and you may be dealt with accordingly if the of- fensc continues.. Your cooperation will be appre-ne- y ciatcd in correcting the problem peaceably. . Thanks, Max Martin, Supt. Territorial Statchouse " 15. . , com-oDere- d pTk jng meter, w ay f you are one who likes your son or daugh- ter to have a horse, please cach them a few dos and don-l,hcy Seem to be s unaware of, will you? I refer to thc rider of a little pinto Welsh pony. a small sorrcll, and a larger gravwhitc. sibly there were others, who were racing in our ir fine pari anj a making received phone calls from irate citizens who do not approve. mess. 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