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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH IXFANT CLINIC FOR DAUGHTERS OF UTAH PIONEERS HOLD MEET DUCHESNE SEE DUCHESNE COME AND HART'S, July The Infant Welfare Clinic will 1st to July 15th. For every dollar The Theodore Camp of the 8:30 in cash bought in Dry Goods and Daughters of The Pioneers met at be held Friday, July 6th from the home of Mrs. Jane Davis Wed- - a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Ward Hall Shoes you will receive $1.20 worth. Groceries for every dollar bought nesday, June 27 with Mrs. Lester at Duchesne. All babies born since January 1, you will receive $1.10, except Stott as assisting hostess. 1932 will be examined free of ar, flour and cigarettes, $1.05 After roll call, showing nineLeon H. Cline, as- worth for $1.00. All relief orders teen members present, the follow- charge by Dr. W. A. sisted by County nurse, Mrs. taken in on same basis. ing program was carried out: Jennings. HART'S STORE, Duchesne, Utah Flag song and drill by Della Mrs. Jennings will leave this (Adv.) Lorille and Barbara May Duke, week to attend the District Nurses o Hair, and Audery Stott. The les- Conference to be held at Vivian Dr. Leon H. Cline has been in of the United son The Flag in Provo, Canyon. Park Lake during the past week Salt State States of America and The the Intermountain Medattending Florwas of by Utah, given Flag ed that this chapter buy a "Utah ical Conference. He reports that ence B. Madsen, State Flag. the doctors after investigation, Bertha serand Delicious refreshments were Song, Freda Hair widow find the black that spider Partridge. Ellen Stott gave a ved by the hostesses. The meet- menace is mostly rumor and that Mother Pioneer paper on her ing adjourned to meet with death rarely follows the bite of "Jane Jenkins Stewart." Poulson Wednesday, August this insect, although a person may Ro-xel- la A motion ir& was made and pass- 1. 1934. STERLING TRANSPORTATION COMPANY m M9MWI Uintah Basin Points to Salt Lake Eastern Utah Transportation Company Uintah Basin Points to Price -- o- Every Day Service Each Way o -- Effective Friday, June 15, prices on Ford V-- 8 Passenger Cars, Trucks and Commercial Cars were reduced $10 to $20. These reductions represent new low prices on 1934 models, as there have been no Ford price increases this year. FORD H PASSENGER CARS Gets The Low Down (112-inc- h wheelbase) In a recent letter received by Postmaster Fitzwater from the Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gilbert anCivil Service Commission, he is in- nounce the arrival of a big girl formed that he is still considered born June 15th. All concerned in the civil service, and that in- doing nicely. vestigation into the matter reMr. and Mrs. James C. Solinon-so- n veals the following facts: were Myton visitors on MonMr. Fitzwater was given the day. civil service status on February The cattle owners of Sours Can4, 1915, and since he has served are going up to dig out and yon the post office department con- crib up all the springs to im ever he since time that stantly cattle the water for the prove maintains his rating and comes summer. under the act of June 16, 1933 this Mrs. Oren Johnson returned whereby all postal employees who from Salt Lake where she has serve for thirty years constantly been visiting her daughter, Bertha. can retire at the end of that Arlene and Theresa Nielson are their grandmother, Mrs. visiting Mr. Fitzwater was first comJames C. Solmonson. missioned postmaster at Theodore, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nielson made (now Duchesne) Utah as postmaster at Duchesne, Utah, In 1914 a business trip to Roosevelt on he took the civil service examin- Tuesday. Marvin Richens came in from ation, passed a high rating and was classified February 4, 1915 the CCC camp at Gooseberry, with and the office advanced from the Utah and spent the week-en- d fourth to the third class in Oct- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. ober, 1916. Mr. Fitzwater was Richens. Several from here attended the again commissioned as postmaster on Dec. 16, 1918 by President Wil- wedding dance at Mt. Emmons son, and has held the office since Friday night. that time to the present. Don Kolb was taken to a Salt While Mr. Fitzwaters civil ser- Lake Hospital last week for treatvice rating makes him eligible ment to an injury to his back refor transfer to any other civil ceived while he was repairing a Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Shepard service position that may be open, ditcher. After a careful examinaof Helper are spending a few days he says his intention is to stay tion, it was discovered that his un- backbone was fractured and the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. right with the Duchesne office end his of retirement til the perligaments torn loose, but he is im Probus Fouse. iod. He says he knows his present proving at this writing. Elizabeth and Fred Emery were job and likes it, his interests are Miss Wilda Bell, daughter of Saturday evening callers at the in Duchesne, and he can see no Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bell will be Curran home. reason why he should contemplate operated on for appendicitis Mrs. Emma Wimmer, Mrs. Char any change. Thursday morning at the L. Miles les Burdick and Miss Phyllis Hospital at Roosevelt. Wimmer were calling on Ailene Lloyd Shields of Tooele was a Dr. Burke of the Veterans Hosweek-en- d Curran Saturday afternoon. guest at the home of pital in Salt Lake was a visitor Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sellers, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Shields. Mrs. Eliza J. Gilbert entertainold time residents of Midview, stop Allen last week. He accompanied ed at a chicken dinner Sunday. on P. a Holfeltz Madsen ranch last Mr. J. fishing trip ped at the The following guests were presTuesday. Thursday. ent: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horrocks, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Shields, Mr. Lloyd Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo Richens and children and Mrs. H. T. Rich ens accompanied Marvin Richens to Price Sunday on his return to the CCC Camp. NOW ON DRAFT Mrs. Don Kolb returned home BILLIARDS from Salt Lake last week. Mrs. W. J. Seaton was pleasantly surprised on her birthday, June 22nd by a group of her friends and neighbors who came bearing gifts and delicious refreshments for luncheon. The ladies present included: Mrs. P. W. Fouse, Mrs. John Wimmer, Mrs. Harvey Partridge, Mrs. Joseph Cowan, Mrs. Martin Slane, Mrs. Joseph Gee, Mrs. Charlie Burdick, Mrs. Harold Wimmer Mrs. Ethel Curran, Mrs. Ed Herrick, Mrs. Oliver Sagers, Mrs. CarBerthena los Marsing and Mrs. Holfeltz. The afternoon was spent in visiting and playing cards. The guests were surprised in turn when Mr. and Mrs. Tommy become very ill from it. This news of California, stopped at is rather heartening after the re- the Seaton home. port that one of these spiders was Miss Wilma Fouse of Salt Lake found in Myton last week. is spending the summer with her Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilsonholm, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fouse. their two children, and Mrs. of all Smelling sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Fugal of Plea Calif., were in Duchesne last Fri- sant Grove spent a few days with day, visiting with old friends and Mrs. Berthena Holfeltz. The Wilsonholms acquaintences. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gee are were among the pioneers back in relatives and friends in visiting was still the time when Duchesne Theodore. He is now running a Manti and Price. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gee are forty cow dairy in Calif., he says he is too satisfied there ever to visiting relatives and friends in return to the Basn. Manti and Price. IW 3 Postmaster Fitzwater Olcl Blatz Heidelberg Beer Pass Time Pool Hall Duchesne, Utah FREE! - FREE! $50.00 in Prizes FORD Commercial Car Chassis ch wheelbase . . $350 485 510 650 157-in- ch wheelbase . . 715 wheelbase 112-in- ch Truck Chassis 131-in- ch wheelbase . . Truck Chassis 157-in- ch wheelbase Stake Truck (Closed Cab) Stake Truck (Closed Cab) CARS 131-in- . . In addition to above, prices were also reduced on other Commercial Cars and Truck types from $10 to $20 ALL PRICES F.O.B. DETROIT FORD MOTOR COMPANY s -- WANT JDS I school purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Laren Beckstead left last week for the Hardman saw mill where Laren has work for the summer. Mr. Harold Sorenson and his sister, Mrs. Homer Sulser and family are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chris Sorensen. Quite a number of young people from here attended the wedding dance at Mt. Emmons last Friday night. Claude Mc.Donald has gone to American Fork. Bishop Burton, Elray Larsen, Stanley Mc.Donald and Wm. Fris-b- y attended the Drouth Relief and Cattle meeting at Roosevelt Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sorensen are visiting relatives in Provo. IS WANTED Coal and Wood Look at the subscription. U beside your name on the pa1 and if you are behind, and w'6 to deliver coal or wood In paym' , call at the Record office and m j1 arrangements. OVER $2300 IN CASH PRIZ1 its ,:es The Happiness Contest includes 50 cash pri Lots of fun for solvers. Bf and puzjye Full information and 1 puzzle six cents In stamps, sent to .iff t newspaper. ccntr jig-sa- w cross-wor- d 1 Livestock Loans Urged Second Prize $10.00 Make arrangements now for the money you will need for carrying feeder lambs and cattle for early autumn," Is the advice to prospective livestock buyers of Mr. of the George Collard, Secy-Trea- s. Utah Livestock Production Credit Association of Salt Lake. "With the drouth apparently broken, he continued, " and feed crops and pastures now coming on, many feeders are looking forward to the feeder-lam- b market as well as to fattening beef for the market. is "Money for these purposes readily available to experienced and qualified livestock farmers through the Utah Livestock Production Credit Association, a unit of the Farm Credit Administrations Eleventh District, which has $1,000,000 authorized capital and which serves the entire State of Utah as well as the Northern Strip of Arizona. Never before have livestock men had at their disposal production credit at 5 per cent per year, which is the present cost of money through the 650 production credit associations in the United States. d "Borrowers should be in securing their loans from the Utah association, which are passed upon by the Berkeley Intermediate Credit Bank. Inasmuch $5.00 The next ten best letters will receive a 1 year paid up subscription to the UINTAH BASIN RECORD NOTE: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. prizes will be paid in orders on any business establishment, speci fied by the winner whose ad appears in our columns during the life of the contest. Letters must not exceed 200 words, must be in ink or typewritten on one side only, and may be published in our columns if we desire . . Anyone is eligible except members of the paper staff or members of the families of the judges. Judges: Chas. M. Iverson, Supt. of Schools. G. V. Billings, County Commissioner Faul P. Allen, Mayor The Contest Starts Immediately and Closes July 1st. fore-hande- FOR SALE Bench Lot In jae ton. Lot 6, Block 64. Add) acks. John G. Gassmann, 831 Chic icomi Blvd., San Antonio, Texas. 7 Hi 3T 47 rth M It le iminii :and i 4 hiy m, a. Lie. after SANDWICHES - DRINK PASTRIES jf Ve j leav COOKIES - CAKES CANDIES a 'sne je cro it Of: out by true ae i town, as A. I arena , Its Producer le fi coi delive ne. as he a wh i ' o the nearly those p brought md Up To Yoi about wi S ugh ma Why sell cream to be shl capable ped to outside towns? r hour, Does not the Basin nei akir run J its payrolls and factories ' mail It is up to the producer. Jl hoU Kraft Cheese Miracle Whip Salad 8 " cial bu Dresslij, cc two 1 wi passenj i aich MUTUAL CREAMERY r. It is mak pa ugh COMPANY Denver Duchesne. Utah erestinf bration esne R ars ag arrivee MAID-O-CLOVE- R Butter and Chet-s- along like bey hac iot Well Call You Up lit A family leaves heir ma hesne w f Co. ead we time. sne R ' Bea a on cation trip. Well call y up, they tell relatives af to sei immediately. aa we friends. They know the te phone will put them In tou, f eUler iy c It isnt expensive to . ke une be ho in touch with members i the relatives your family or wag other cities. Telephoning ;iy jne like being there in perso) Jncertai, youn 7 ln til t then p the mi Ask Long Distance' for any rates yoUnnin t, would like to knw...b The Mountain States & Telegraph C Telephone f rs score, xtend w ' a sever ,ei befo "'Ming f jlara, ri-- T oball between j Rodeo n Big Baseballn Time thi r FOR SALE Singer Sew, Machine, In A- -l Condition, Chj Call at the Record Office, IC0 chesne, Utah. met Early Application for $15.00 ME :)1J E First Prize Third Prize TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL 1 : Work began Monday on the new school buildng in Talmage. A sis tern is being constructed for RULES: 8 er CANDY AND TOBACCO WE NEED ADVERTISERS For the purpose of stimulating interest and convincing merchants that ads in our columns are read and followed, we are going to give $50.00 in prizes to the writers of the thirteen best letters entitled: I LIKE TO READ THE ADS, AND BUY ACCORDINGLY V-- as Interest starts only when tJl money is actually advanced to 3 1 borrower, he loses nothing by a I curing a commitment on his a plication in good season. Secretary-TreasurCollard a ded that despite the fact the VtT Livestock Production Credit Association has been functioning t .. two months, a few livestock m L still hold to the belief it is emergency agency and open oi to producers who cannot find ci it elsewhere. On the contrary, the Association is a ent organization designed permit to brl credit from the nation's mot markets direct to the door of producer. on 1,1 the the ram, i bough fa aa'ln the me (J 0 tout der he: |