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Show UINTAII BASIN RECORD ile the real lb consisting and Sy Sec 17, T 16, , with ITS 158th 98.44 lory BIRTH DAY the capita orth Cana Briefly told for Busy Readers CARLOADS OF CHERRIES REVENUE ON BEER " IIOOPEE DAYS riONEER DAYS appurten y, ny persona ong to said i Duchesne 'W h, on ot of July, a For cash FROVO, UT. The water development projects of the FERA In the Provo district are advanced probably further than any other part of the state, according to the supervising engineer of the state drouth committee. IDAHO FALLS, IDA.- -A val- ? highest an 34. uable 1.LHNBEC1 inistrator cation Jun Publicatio y Eoard at its Men Ever Susceptible to Lure of Lotteries Intermoiintain News c o h, until 1 ykj) flower it (hit that greets the morn, 1934, sea ,UM from Heaven to freshly born7 ig of schoi with burning ttar and flaming band diamond ring, about $2 in cash and other items of jewelery were taken from Carl Monson, local cafe proprietor, by an armed robber recently. However, the bandit missed approximately $100 In bills in a pants pocket. OGDEN, UT. Ten refrigerator cars of cherries have been shipped from North Ogden to Omaha, Des Moines, Sioux City and Kansas City. one-car- blue-whit- e BEAVER, UT. Due to the serious shortage of culinary water in Bakers canyon, from which the city ool on eac 0 tell us what its name may be receives its supply, the city council isted belov Is this the flower of liberty? ! I banner of the free, ' has protested the grazing of sheep 3 purpos flower of liberty. The and cattle In this vicinity. stacry ements i Oliver Wendell Holmes. be subml OGDEN, U T. Plans are progressing for the organization of a period still Inclined to assume that be- cooperative fruit and vegetable and shou cause we have a primary material marketing organization in Weber scho-:-e. er as well as a strong moral county. Interest SRslURi belief In peace as a guarantor of I D A. Although FOCATELLO, ute freedom the Interests and the mo- Irrigation water is short, as is the rry rality of others Impel them along water for livestock, the general our III ute the same path. With a modesty outlook for crops in southeastern ite which would be commendable un- Idaho Is much better, with an avder other circumstances, many of erage of about 70 per cent normal AnM! us underestimate the Importance of return expected, according to a re- Arcad America to civilization and the cent weekly crop aud weather reneed for a national Insurance equiv- port. f oute alent to all that we have at stake MONTICELLO, IDA. One of the Dry- - Gul In the continued maintenance of most destructive fires ever seen in peace. Montlcello occured recently when Past ite The Fourth of July is a valu- the former home of J. M. Redd Jr., - Monart able occasion, Indeed, If It carries burned to the ground, entailing a 141451 our minds through the War of the loss of approximately $5000. :ola rout- tRevolution, the Civil war and the IDA. Hailey chamHAILEY, which we have wars or near-war- s ola route ber of commerce decided in special with had Great route .j 0f France, Britain, session recently to extend an Invitajuy has h routij honored place Germany and Spain. It renews our tion to the democratic state central reIt zest for May present liberty. Mt a calendar for a mind us that one neither gets nor committee for the annual Demoand the tempta-;- k in this cratic convention to be held the latfor - Hanir3 to regard it keeps something even nothing such a, price- ter part of August. and world that fimctory gesture LOGAN, U T. Fifty-fivshop on reserv- of an ancient less thing as freedom drifts away com- teachers from Utah, Idaho, Nevada a unless Is or snatched away or all bidet there was and Wyoming are enrolled in a class is constantly vigilant! ol Distrf of realizing how munity in farm machinery at the summer Tribune. York Herald New dd victories are Clerk session of the Utah State Agriculcourage. The bat , tural college. e freedom won In Introduced Declaration MOSCOW, IDA. Six hundred oattle On June 7, 1770, Richard Henry that never tons of federal grasshopper seventy In Continental the Introduced Lee to day recalls r,T- vwn't been shipped into Idaho. bait have the .fflculty and suf-- i congress a resolution declaring was first ob- United Colonies to be free and In- Tliis quantity of bait is sufficient to treat 130,000 acres of grasshopper constantly It has dependent, and dissolving all politboth by domestic ical connections with Great Britain. infested land. This government bait to badly The resolution which was seconded is being distributed free areas. infested jlch we for was aside put proclaimed by John Ad? ms, clous Fourth can-- 1 BOISE, IDA The Idaho beer the time, and a committee was apnot tend It any pointed to prepare a declaration to tax law, in operating just one year can grow without the same effect as the resolution. produced $131,716.14 revenue on it. In domestic On July 2, Lees resolution was sales of 2,226,822 gallons and liceni upon personal passed and, on July 4, 1776, the ses. :n to a dangerous Declaration of Independence preBOISE, IDA. Revenue of $198,-00- 7 n fields we are was received from 16,273 passpared by Jefferson was adopted. enger automobiles licensed during May. Total receipts from all regi.mmmnimmi orting i t Undies all the sunset lands - Vars It Is curious that proposals for a strict curb on stock exchange gambling should coexist with a rising demand for the release of similar curbs on gambling elsewhere. In some congressional circles margin trading is considered wicked in itself. The professional speculator, fleeing from the stock exchange, Is now to be driven out of the commodity exchange likewise. And yet, at almost the same moment, states are legalizing racetrack gambling, for years under the ban ; cities are considering means of capitalizing on the gambling propensities of their citizens, and even the federal government itself is being urged to adopt a national lottery. Many profess to see no inconsistency in this. They hold that while speculation ought to be sharply restricted on the exchanges, for the protection of the investor and the whole industrial system, the gambling instinct is too to be repressed altogether. Taking as their text Mrs. Roosevelt's recent remark, It seems impossible to say to people you shall not gamble, they propose first to give them such national outlets for their speculative impulses as horse racing and, second, to turn at least part of the proceeds Into public channels. Hard times have been as potent an Influence In this effort Inas changing moral standards. deed, lotteries are regarded by their sponsors, like Representative Kenney If New Jersey, author of the billion-dolla- r veterans lottery bill, primarily as a means of raising money to fill depleted government treasuries. The lottery is an ancient institution. The Promised Land w as divided among the twelve tribes of Israel by lot. Quepn Elizabeth Introduced the lottery Into England In 1500, and for more than two centuries It was a regular source of public revenue In that country, eooh spreading to France. Germany, Spain and Austria. Eng deep-seate- d NO SUCH THING Housewifes Idea Box land raised money for the British mu seum by means of a lottery. Kings college, now Columbia university, was founded on the proceeds of a lottery. We are told that the first French lottery, held in 1081, was won by the king, an outcome which for a time dampened the ardor of his subjects. After haing been under the ban for a hundred years, the French lottery was and met with Instant popular enthusiasm. The best known and most widely patronized lotteries in the world today are the Irish Free State sweepstakes and the Calcutta sweepstakes. Opponents of lotteries point to the long record of corruption aud crookedness associated with them during their early use here and abroad. They condemn them on social as well as moral grounds, pointing to the fact that the desire on the part of hundreds of thousands of Americans to get rich quick in ttiis fashion was one of the causes of our financial crash. It Is alo argued that lotteries with cheap tickets have their greatest appeal to persons with small Incomes, nnd therefore operate as nn tax on the poor. In considering the attitude of government toward gambling it Is possible to draw a line between those measures which moral recognize changing standards wide Interest In horse racing, the difficulty of enforcing prohibitory statutes, and even the desirability of obtaining some public return from various sporting events, nnd those measures which seek to put the government, whether federal, state or local, directly Into the business of promoting an outright gambling institution like a lottery. A British royal commission appointed to investigate the subject brought in a report last year opposof lotteries ing the in England on the ground that private lotteries invited fraud, that the WASTE IN NATURES SCHEME AS When Stephenson, the father of the railwa.vs, was asked what power drove his locomotives, he replied: Solidilied sunshine. And the heat of the fires which give warmth and comfort in the chill autumn evenings Is really only the heat of the sun sunshine that poured down upon this earth countless centuries ago, long ages before the first man had looked upon the wonder of dawn, or shivered and cowered at Oil Stains oil stains are difficult to remove if not properly done. The best way to remove them is to Tub lard into each spot. Let stand for five minutes. Then wash the garment with warm water and soap To Remove Cod-Liv- er Cod-liv- er until the stain and grease are thor- oughly washed out. Always remove the stain Immediately, If possible. THE HOUSEWIFE. Copynyht by Fubfc Leducr, Inc, government should practices offensive citizens, that the fect of a national bad, and that the only trifling. not engage In to many of its psychological eflottery would be Income would be New York Times. Dog Record Scholar Tim, a dog, has been a regular attendant at school for two years, according to Miss W. B. Godfrey, a teacher in nn Infants school in Somersetshire, England. Every morning he enters the class room when the doors are open and goes directly to a chair reserved for him. There he anti-soci- btays until luncheon and recreation time. Returning from luncheon he takes ids ball from a box and plays with it. When the bell rings he promptly lines up with the children and marches Into school, to stay until the class Is dismissed. Then he trots home. Know His Snoozing position for position of night Whats the best The sleeping?1' the sunset. But there Is more beauty than the beauty of leaping (lames Imprisoned in these lumps of coal. The sun lias stored a richer, subtler loveliness there, and today the magic of the chemist extracts and reveals it. Dyes of various sorts, more exquisite than any ever known to the ancient world, for nil Its boart of Tyrian purple, have been . made available by this means, not only for kings nnd potentates, but for every man anil woman. They nre the gifts of a vanished sunshine to 1934. Other tilings, too, we can obtain from coal. If there was no natural oil In the world, we could still obtain nil the gasoline we required for our ears and airplanes from those black diamonds we take so much for granted. Let us remember these things when we see the woods laid waste, their gay trappings flung aside as worthless, rotted with rain and scattered by wind. For there is really no waste. In Natures dictionary there Is no such word. In her scheme under Providence, ail tilings work together for Wliat good, nnd nothing is lost. seems so is only transformed and recreated; wliat appears to us destruction Is in reality reconstruction: death is renewal of life, and the end is the beginning. London Answers. watchman. Know It Politician Man is generally led the way lie Is inclined to go. oc-na- e - - IPS. 9? strations were $278,470.15 during X May. Total receipts from January to June 1 this year were $1,234,738, or $377,030 mere than for the same months of 1933. OGDEN, UT. Progress on Ogden's proposed $750,000 water supreply improvement project came -ty commission cently when the approved an orc.nce empowering the city to Issue $000,000 In bonds for the project. TWIN FALLS, IDA. A break of about one foot wide and four feet long in a water main here recently caused considerable water to shower over the surrounding area for about an hour, flooding streets and SAFETY AND DEPENDABILITY OF EXTRA STRENGTH 7S THE HEW FIRESTONE. SPEED TIRE FOR HIGH home premises. REXBURG, IDA. Rexburg will whoocelebrate an pee days program August 17 nnd 18, sponsored by the merchants' committee of the Rexburg chamber of commerce. ST. ANTHONY, IDA. A pri- vate railway car, at one time owned by W. P. Monson, Union Pacific railroad official, was recently purchased by S. M. Nixon of Etenrys Lake for use as a summer home at his ranch. ROCK STRINGS, WTO. Work on the Rock Springs airport was resumed recently, under a special grant of $12,000 alloted by the federal government for the work. The Job will entail a total expenditure of more than $80,000 of city and government funds before it is com-- ! pletcd. TOCATELLO, IDA. Soutbeast-- 1 ern Idaho's drouth relief program is getting under way. At the present time three projects have been storied and in the near future the number will be increased to a dozen. SHOSHONE, IDA. Officers and directors of the Big M ood Canal res-- 1 company have adopted a forninl Ben President olution authorizing 8. Durrah and Secretary-Manage- r T. Baer to negotiate for a $180,000 loan In P W A funds with which to make needed repairs and new of control gates ot Magic 500-mil- 7m Svct Jlteule (Jtented 'Jtte 'liuiicite IS almost inconceivable that human ingenuity could huild tires that would withstand the terrifie punishment of the grind at Indianapolis, May 30. Round and round the blistering track they streaked, hour after hour, nnder the blazing nun the low moan of powerful motor rose to a terrific roar as they hit the etraightaway at 150 curve faster than mile or better grinding, pulling, pounding around treacherous wa nothing to hold these there terrilic at turn the into pced, Sliding dared before, they ever the car to the track except the tire. Mile after mile, lap after lap, greater and greater heat and increased rentnfugal force of the tire. Every conceivable force known was developed to separate the tread from the body Firestone High Stretch High Speed Tires, wiih to tire yet piece the working to tear test. Cords, withstood this most gruelling cars equipped with Tireslone High Speed Tires all Tliirlr-thrr- e demons of speed thirty-thre- e entered the Annual Speed Classic. Every tire Cords Stretch High protected by car. the of owner or ikoneht bv the driver not one cotton strand straining ll the heat in all the grinding In all life was endangered by lire failure not one car was forced out of the race by i f.ni-ho- d without a tire change. What a tribute to the Extra Strength tire trouLIe!Six of the winner, Firestone into High Speed Tires. built Safety and Durability IT 1934 e Gum-Dippe- ....... Gum-Dippe- d WHAT THIS HEARS TO The amazing record of Firestone dependability at Indianapolis was made possible by the Firestone Every fibre of patented process of saturated and is the tire of in cord ply every every coated with pure liquid rubber ( there are eight extra pounds of rubber to every 100 pounds of cotton cords. There is greater adhesion between the plies of Cord body and between the body the and the tread. As a result of this patented process Cuni-Dippin- Gum-Dippe- d d YOU Firestone engineers have been able of to build a wider tread of flatter contour, with more and tougher rubber and deeper non-skigiving longer non-skimileage. you more than 50 Dont delay I Call on tho Firestone Serviee Dealer or Serviee Store in your community today and equip your car with the new Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934. Drive with security and peace of mind. Choose the Ttrct that Champions Buy! Cuin-Dippin- g d WORDS pWtORNAtlCt nimoNiHiGMinowo f'f'Tnrhcnwmmn e.r. Fee hZ7.nmT. - Jrui BLOWOUT THIS IK IANS fROTtCTlOH For. h. mt,pm cant deal SAFETY WANS NOM4KIO THIS AND TRACTION for l.rc on 11, ks k::,wss WoiltWy 'f, trouble OtPtNDABlimf THIJ KUANS AND ICONOMf Wo ton tord -- B c.i-t..-e- Fruefc " .. 4$ rninw 7 7 nJ. .dual running tim THIS WANS IMDURANCI See Firettono Air Balloon Tim matin at tho Fircstono Factory and Exhibition Building, World' Chicago Fair, reservoir next fall, UOs OGDEN, L' T. Ogden's Pioneer days celebration w'ill be enlivened by the presence of several hundred Indians, who are expected to attend the fertilities in full regal'a. HOST MILES PER DOLLAR Lliten to tho Voice of, Firettono er cry Monday Night Nettcerh over N.B.Ce-WEA- F |