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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD AW. Is &4f VI '3steL mh. i i OF THE d V1NGIE . ROE.. COPYRIGHT DOJBIEDAY.DORAN SYNOPSIS S,Ca Ine. nere was the answer to some of her questions, thut she knew InIf only she could go stinctively. out there herself! She could not even see from where Darkness stood, so prompt and so efficient had been his action. But she must see. Sonyas lips set, as they did when she faced a crisis for her skill, and she dismounted and, dropping Darkness rein, went forward carefully the few steps that separated her from the sheer edge of the canyons mouth. Taking off her hat, she carefully leaned along the rock until her line of vision reached the open and the plane. And what she saw bewildered her more thun she had been before. The Blue-eyeone was off Un dOro, and one man was on the ground beside him, while another was bent down In the after cockpit. This one rose, as she looked, and gave something to the other, who In turn handed It to the rider. And he, with care and swiftness, put it In his saddlebags. Three times the transference of something from the plane to Un dOro's saddle took place. Then the stranger climbed back In the forward cockpit, the plane, which had never stopped Its engine, roared a moment, slid along the sand a little way, picked up Its tall and took off. And Un dOro was loping away, headed for the town. After a long while'Sonya climbed back on Darkness and went soberly home. She had much to think about and was doing it with a vengeance. For one thing, why had the feel of this mans arm across her breast, the nearness of his face, shot through her so strange fire? Once before his arm had been about her, dragging her from Darkness back, his face had been W.N.U. SERVICE and cruelties? What connection did he have with those awful retributions across the Border of which the Servant had hinted? Whnt did the strange old man know about him? The henchman of Eeelzebub he had called him for no other In all this country answered to the description of the Blue eyed One with Bronze-coloreIlalr. Sonya felt cold, as If a wind of portent had blown across her spirit And swift on Its heels a sadness came, the odd, unaccountable feeling of personal loss and sorrow which had assailed ner that night at Myra's. She shook herself, mentally and actually, and was angry at herself again, and when this man spoke she listened, forgetting. "Its always a good morning, Doctor Sonya, he said richly, when we see you here. You dont get dowD too often. You goin to the dance over to th Neidlingers next Satday night? Bill Plngle from Big Town an two others Is goln to furnish th music. Accordion an two fiddles. Ought to be good. Think you folksll git over? I "Why, yes," said Sonda, shouldn't wonder If we did. The Neidlingers always have such nice times at their ranch. Nice people." "Sure are. An th more th merrier, I always say. In the room behind the store a man stood where the first sound of Sony as voice had stopped him. The cigarette he had Just rolled hung unsealed In his fingers. Until the girl had gone out, until the last sound of her feet on the boards had died away, until the sputter and roar of the old flivver lessened In the distance, he remained so. Then he flung the cigarette Into the refuse barrel aod went on out the back WORLD IN GRIP OF DRY PHASE? While we are speculating about the possible causes of dry weather In our own region, we may note, for whatever it may signify, that In England they are giving serious thought to problems caused by falling of the water levels In streams, a phenomenon that has been developing for a couple of years now. That may be mere coincidence, but on the other hand It may suggest that conditions affecting a far wider area than Just our group of a half dozen dozen states are at work. It may be that the areas which now seem to be particularly wet, not dry, such as some parts of the "East, are the exceptions, and that either the whole world or at least the northern hemisphere is In the dry phase of a long time cycle. Everybody now knows, of course, that radical climatic changes do take place. That the Ice caps at the poles have advanced and retreated Is proven by the evidence of our hills and valleys and lakes and soil. Even some of the ancients surmised that there had been great climatic changes In Europe, by which the cold In central nnd northern Europe had greatly moderated. But these changes come over such long periods as to mean nothing to any single generation of men. Whether there really are definite cycles, subject eventually to measurement, whereby, weather conditions vary within a relatively brief period of years says a to dry cycle or a forty-yea- r wet to dry cycle It not yet known. But there seems reason enough for even a nonseientific person to suspect It. A hundred years hence, when a vastly greater amount of reliable in formation about weather happen- vorabe climate for producing ings has been - gathered In this neees-ariof life than in tins'1 and other countries, it may be pos- belt, of which Iowa Is the cent-Desible to predict the next swing toward Moines Tnbune. dryness and the next swing toward wetness with real accuracy, so far as any large area Is concerned. Meantime we here In Iowa may rest DO YOU SUFFER on the fact that drastic changes In climate do not seem ever to come FROM HEORITI!. rapidly, and that several times in the past this region has known prolonged dry spells, only to emerge again Into compensating wet spells. American and European Sc Nowhere on earth has there been, tists Agree That Minera. within the period of white men's Water Is Beneficial ; faa more knowledge, dependably es TELLS HOW SHE TOOK 4 IMS. OFF HIPS 7 ISIS. OFF WAIST TRY THIS NATURAL W? People spend hundreds of mil1 of dollars every year going to great mineral water health resor Europe and America. Many of these people have to b thousands of miles. Many of were suffering untold pain rheumatic aches, from artfc from neuritis, from gout. O suffered from certain stomach ments or excess acid or sluggisl or a general rundown condition. The scientific and medical ret of Europe and America show t very large percentage of these o gained blessed relief and hel these natural mineral water ments. Today, however, you do not to travel long distances to parta the healthful qualities of fine na mineral water. You do not even f to pay the excessive cost of havj1 shipped to you in quart or gallon, tainers. For Crazy Water Cr bring, to your own home the of one of the worldi mineral waters in crystal form great saving in expense. To Crazy Water Crystals abs ly nothing is added. All you add Crazy Water Crystals to drinking water and you have a mineral water which has ben millions. If you, or any of your friends-f- er from "rheumatic aches or we suggest you investigate Ci Water Crystals at once. Just as , of the millions of people who given them a full and fair tria9 you will realize how beneficial al have been to so many sufferers, The standard size box costs-$1.50 and makes enough mineral for several weeks treatment. Water Co., Mineral Wells, J'5 In 40 days by taking Kruschen Salts, Peeking death to escape dishonor at the hands of a drunken desMrs. ITelpa Blaugh of New York City door. reduced 20 A lbs. took 4 inches off hips, perado, Sonya Savarin allows herself to se saved by her repentant 3 inches oil bust ana loved Savarin dances the Sonya attacker. The girl Is a IVi inches off waist. to of the region. She writes: "I havent ;he Navajo Indians, physician on an Arisons living sheep ranch gone hungry a moAlthough liquid contraband flowed with her brother Serge, his wife, ment I feel fine and Lila, and their small daughter, freely, and the cowboys from the uplook 10 yrs. younger." Bahs. She Is engaged To get rid of double Rodney per country sometimes raised the Blake, wealthy New Yorker, ant her chins, bulging hips, with rafters their was there noise, heart Is with the friendless Nara-jo- s ugly rolls of fat on something elemental and very young and she evades a wedding. waist and upper arms about these gatherings of the folk Sonya pulls Little Moon, wife of SAFELY and without Two Fingers, a Navajo, through the discomfort at the same time build up of the lonely land. The sheep men crisis of an Illness. Two Fingers glorious health and acquire a clear skin, brought their wives and daughters, Is deeply grateful. Sonya again bright eyes, energy and vivaciousness the whole family, In fact, down to meets the man who had Insulted to look younger and feel it take a half her. lie tells her he bitterly rethe littlest ones, who slept In ranks tcaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass grets his action and has never had of hot water every morning before on the wall benches as the night a minute's peace since that day. breakfast. wore on, and everybody danced. Sonya Is affected, but unforgiving. One jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but She hears rumors of a Border banSavarin and his womenfolk Serge a trifle at any drugstore the world over. I'm a violent nmn, Miss Savdit, "El Capitan Diablo, and vaguecame a little late, having to drive Make sure you get Kruschen because ly connects him with her attacker. he said strangely, and my its SAFE. Money back if not joyfully 2S miles over roads that left a lot On Lone Mesa, she again comes arin, satisfied. wont bear th light but a thing to be desired, and entered In the upon the strange young man, but life like that makes my blood boll. she no longer fears him. midst of a number. There aint no manner of use hurtSonya, In a new dress, her dark ing something that cant fight back, face sparkling already, laid her wrap CHAPTER V and a woman an a child well, on Lilas shoulder and swung out 6 theyre set aside, someway, like a on the floor In the arms of a perstarvin kitten, or a dog that no one Deep Things Begin to Glimmer. spiring cowboy. matter proved almost wants. No kind of a man would do fewest Hotel She met these people only at the THAT little than she could stand, how- them a harm not an be a man. dances, but she remembered every"You think that honestly? said ever, for the Indian mother, watchone and danced with all who asked ing the east continually since hor Sonya. "Itlght from your heart? her, provided they were not too . 'V. , , previous visit, having taken her ad"Why, of course, he said surIn the common hilarity. If far gone vice literally, collapsed at sight of prised, "Don't you ? so, she would merely laugh and her children, and Sonya had a brisk Yes, oh yes, a woman feels like shake her adorable black head half hour In bringing her round that, but men are different- - I Just with Its shining curls and say wondered." again. gently, "No, Billy, Im too tired to But alls well that ends well, and Have you been back to Lone hold you up. Come around earlier the girl finally rode away, leading Mesa? he asked presently. next time; or, Youre silly, Bob, her extra horse with a smile on her "No, said Sonya, "I havent Ive A Just plumb silly. I think youre lit In and the her been lips eyes deep light pretty busy. Housecleaning And on his young Bob, Hod weaving Blake called fanaticism. and sewing. Have you? that . booted feet, would tell her anxiously Maybe It was, but it made her "Twicet. At night Watched th' that he washn't near drunk, but he foolishly happy to see this poor moon come up across th desert, and knew how she felt about It and A man cant defamily united again. And Ilosteen It was wonderful. are for sale by dealers display! 40. didnt blame her a bit, not a shingle Nez had looked over his woman's scribe It like new life cornin to a the red and green Crazy W fut At All Drug Stores bit. Neither did he, nor anyone else head at her exactly ns Two Fingers dead world. Crystals sign. Get a box to whom a she WriieMurineCo.,Dpt.W,Chicago,forFreeBook refused was dance. It had and called her Blue South I know," said Sonya, "Ive seen ,dFU 200 Rooms Woman In the Sun. It was all he It from there myself. enough that she was there to look 200 Tile Baths is (co most In the woman beautiful all at, was It said, but pregnant with deep Alone? My G d, Miss Savarin, Radio connection in every room. Be i the hlghest-up- , the the country, yet things, and Sonya knew It so. be shouldnt PARKERSaround you this goln RATES FROM 1.50 sweetest to everyone that a man So she opened her lips and sang. country by yourself like that! RALSz- HAIR TPhereoer it occurs on the bodq howRemove Dandruff Stop Hi and could ask for. And then she came to the canyons f JuH opponte Mormon Tabernacle Everyone knew of $3 , Why not? I'm perfectly safe. Impart Color her and her work among the lowly, ever tender or sensitive the parts quick mouth and enught her breath sharp- Everyone knows me and there Isnt Beauty to Gray and Fat ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. 00 at Drogg n Tie vjrVA 60c and ("hem. Wka . Patcho ly, for a man sat there on a golden a Navajo, drunk or otherwise, Three Times the Transference of Her little fame was sweet In the land. FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal k Stm horse. He looked like a young god whod say a word to me," From the Plane to connection with Parkers Hair Balaam.! Something with the sunlight on his hair, and So danced and 60 cents by mail or Not th Navvys, no, maam, he Sonya hair soft and laughed Un d'Oroe Saddle Took Place. WNU W 2634 gists. Hiscox fluffy. Chemical Works, Patehog' Ms eyes ns blue as the heavens, and said and listened to the music of the painfully, but they aint all the grave look on his handsome there are, you know. close to hers, and she had been violins,' the gay accordion, with her face. How well she knew I But she filled with such unbearable rage and arm on this lean shoulder and that, Forgive me, he said quickly, was sorry the Inference bad been hate that she could have killed him and was . extremely happy. She for being In your trail again." on the spot. drawn. forgot the sorrows of the world and Why? she said as quickly. "It "As for being drunk will you beWhat was the matter with her? lived her youth to Its full extent. Is free country. Where was her character, her Forgot Bod Blake and New York lieve me when I say I havent "Yes, I know. But I promised to touched a of city and the man of Lone Mesa, all glass or a bottle since principles, her condemnation stay away. of, which had troubled her of late. since that day on th cliff? Every wrong? "That was from Ixne Mesa. Lila was dancing, and so was time Ive tried, your fuce has come For that he was wrong all wrong The Intent was everywhere. I before me plain as plain the white entirely she had not the slightest Serge, and Babs was already dead meant It, too was goln going to to the world on a bench In the coris a record of motor protection and low fury of It, the courage G dl I doubt. Why did he meet a keep my word, but I seem to come choke an quit try in." here on this lonely desert? Why was ner, covered with Lila's cape. The that conclusively proves how big a lubricating job t ek regardless. He was looking st her earnestly, he afraid for her to be seen by Its music was waxing more "hot and a quart of oil can do. Six strictly stock cars, with one fill Sonya sat and looked at him And furious. a the door man by and Sonya did not question a word occupants? What strange freight five quarts only of six different, nationally advertised motor steadily, her sweet face grave, too. had he taken from It and put so came suddenly into her range of He bore her scrutiny quietly, though he said. Instead she smiled, and oils were run to destruction at the Indianapolis Speeda tall In vision, man, his and In coldness left her heart a rac- carefully saddlebags? a muscle twitched In his cheek, and the He was In store clothes, under AAA Supervision. Under exactly similar condiflood. graceful. way was There ing something deep here, and the there was a seeming of strain In his eternal In "I'm cigarette tions said. I she hung the cars were operated until their motors failed. Here "Didnt tell terribly deep, and It had to do, she glad. face. It was neer too late to look felt sure, with the hinted things of his fingers, its spiral of smoke asyou is the result: Oil No. 4 went 1713.2 miles; Oil No. 6 went "Ive thought a lot nbout you, the Servants guarded speech with cending In a tiny stream, but she up? Didnt I? 1764.4 miles; Oil No. 5 finished 1815.9 miles; Oil No. 1 comthe girl said presently: why, I "Sure you did, but that dont that mysterious Presence across the knew him Instantly. As Instantly don't Just know. I shouldn't, by all pleted 2256.8 miles. OilNo. 3 totalled 3318.8 miles. Oil No. 2, the almost terrible thrill shot mean anything In this case, Im Just Border which ruled so bloodily. the rules of my lifes game, but I New and Improved Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil, from her to head through toe, that face you telling your piled stopped And why, she asked herself again, have. Tell me If you care to a bit. catching her up the amazing total of 4729 miles! That was 3000 miles should all this weigh down her soul I blurring her eyes where have you' been since I saw my liquor. a "Itll stop a lot of things for you," Why should she, busy and happy In throat with little pain. farther than the first oil to go out, and 1400 miles farther you last? Where do you live?" Suddenly the music changed, than the last oil to fail. He moved In his saddle, laid his the girl said In a rush and was as- her daily life, betrothed to another tonished at herself. man, care what this drunken wastrel some one yelled Paul Jones! and hands on his pommel. Such demonstrated superior qualitiesof "What do you mean? he said did? No, she corrected the circling couples broke like the greater filmstrength, "Miss Savarin, he said, "I cant herself, not colors In a kaleidoscope. slowly. to withstand increased heat, resistance to dilution-s- uch now. drunken They ability He had snid he could Every Wednesday Might A tell you. lot of places for th first 1 don't know 1" said Son- not drink, nnd she believed him. And strung out In a huge oval, all holdt CONTINENTAL OIL CO. proved performance should guide your future oil purquestion nowhere for th Inst one. ing hands, and began going to the Presents Over N. B. C Harry I told you before, I wasnt fit to ya, trembling, "only I know you've why should she believe him? chases. Be safe look for the Red Triangle Sign. In Rich man Jack Dannv't Music time to the lively tune. A right talk to. I am a drifter, If you like, got to stop stop that Border stuff. Gravely, In a sort of cold fear, John B. Kennedy whistle blew, and they broke apart, That youve got to chunge the leop- she searched her Inner Just goln through th country. depths, and each man ard spots. taking the woman Immewhat bhe dimly saw appalled her. "Oh, no, youre not, said Sonya, It was his eyes, she told herself, diately facing him at the whistle's "You," he said, wetting his lips, "the day you came In the store you and dancing on with her. '' were familiar with the place and which had suddenly lost their color, the look of his eyes when he spoke blast, Whirled from this pair of arms to of want me do to these things. They were deep that?" had been there before. Dont you "you V "Yes," said Sonya thickly, "yes." eyes, strange eyes, filled with a wild that, breaking step, catching It Bdnk I know a few things. Well, we to her new each step Then, by G d ! he said through spirit, and under this wildness, this again, suiting wont talk of that, she added tk 3 'f the girl felt as If a wave old devil may-carwhich had char- partner's, gently, where are you going now? his teeth, of portent was bearing down upon What he meant to say was not acterized them, was something so her. "Why, nowhercs. That Is I was Something was going to hnp-pe- n so Just rnitu around for exercise, sort apparent, for at that moment they desperate, anxious, that Sonya terrible and wonsomething vv of. Un d'Oro, here, needs a lot both heard what they had been too would have staked her life On Its derful vt 3 she was afraid and exhiltruth. v ' i of exercise. WVVs'-tensely strung to hear before the 4 arated as she had never been In her AK ' '4 ' XV j He smiled and patted the shining roar of a motor In the sky. A small , Frightened to her foundations, life before and here he was comanf XV VC SI, VJ , ; yV neck at his saddle bow. r r. down the gray ship slipped girl straightened In her saddle ing toward her In the line. directly over rS)I O He To d'Oro Golden One," sahl their heads and dropped to a landing and lifted Darkness into his stride. danced as she might have known he Fivn quarts of each brand of oil ware care Sonya. "What a lovely name. And on the desert out beyond. The man She would forget this man, his eyes would, like the wind fully put an the care by AAA othciale. blowing In long what a wonderful horse. He's the took one look, and renehlng out an and his hands and the heady InAAA Sanction No. 3001 she could see him sway as he grass most beautiful thing I ever saw done arm, he pushed Sonya and Darkness toxication of the scent of him. She weaved in and out in alnninn left up In horsehlde. You love him, don't hack Into the canyons mouth, Un would write to Bod tonight, a long, and the whistle blew, and he was d'Oro shielding them both. The good letter. She had neglected him you ? before her. here, Her hand was The man's face lighted 83 with In- touch of his breast against her a hit of late. In bis, his arm had gone about r 3 hr, 'we H ner fire. The next day Sonya went to town they were shoulder, the scent of him, tobacco "Well some," he said. and sweat, the nearness of his bronze to mall her letter. She felt very and nil the driftingonaway together the walls were lights For a while they sat In silence, cheek, sent a wave of weakness virtuous and calm. All the strife In a long blur. running together s at a for something to talk over the girl. and unease of the day before I V . Sonya held her breath and let It "Get back! he rasped, "for th had gone from her. about, and then Sonya told him She had writIn a long sigh, and felt out suddenly about Cactus Flower and how Mr. love of heaven! Go in deep, please, ten dutifully to Bod and told him the trembling of his arms. an dont come out till It's gone. Sutter had taken her children. all the trivial happenings of every i "I n !" lip said flushing. "Excuse Then he had struck his beds to day that Is, all but those pertain- . Thou the whistle blew again, and jA, me hut some people Just ain't hu- Un d'Oro's shining flanks and was ing to the rider on the golden some one else had caught her hand nml sho was circling right once more man. I'd like to see that agent out Lke a flash across the sand. horse. These were of too small ImThe oIHcft sealing of crankcase after fill In the long ovnb Here h the winner the cat that covered 4719 on For a moment Sonya sat where port. she told herself, wouldn't Inof five quart was put in hio addition of oil miles at fiftw miles an hour , lubricated with JVcW When the number was sh mat over permitted in this destruction teat. He stopped, and Sonya felt her he had left her, shaking as with a terest him. And besides, he wouldnt tuid iowroved Cunoco Germ Processed Motor QiL , went dizzily to where-Lilsat fanheart contract, for she knew he had chill, bewildered and a little scared. understand. At the store Mr. Barks her flushed cheeks and sat ning fpapirriN BASF) What was this? was urbanity Itself, bustling about almost said "a cross. NEW AND IMPROVED CONOCO GERM What had driven the blood from to wait on her, smiling unctuously, down beside her. She wanted to What was this man? What was PROCESSED MOTOR OIL rest, to gather herself together, to In the soul of him? What strange his face? rubbing his fat hands together. IXaUSIVI NIW FEATURfS PROTECTED UNDER RECENT U. S. PATENTS still the shameful tumult of her And why did he go straight to "Good morning," she told him po contradictions? What savageries heart. and attritions, what sympathies the plane if he was frightened? lltely CTO d 1 flfteen-year-w- Salt Lake Citys rnji44! c SP ifcSMnf&iTsi Few Drops Every Night and Morning Will Promote a Clean, HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE Healthy Condition! b rrcHinq sKin , '2 u 1 HOW BIG A LUBRICATING JOB CAN A QUART OF OIL DO? HERE sky-shi- slim-hippe- d II f'N .wf Til" M :X UP?; e - CI S - 'Sx.s A. O'.- lo--- a Bl CONTINUED ) I |