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Show r TEN FREE TICKETS, Given away To the First TEN LADIES at the Box Office, this Saturday Night WINNS SIX ACES Cheney" a if new nd , boy )ne, Mrs) Lifltan isa Clan Mr. an Basin Duchesne Courier Vol. 10, No. 32 fiispaper er, Erm' friends is quit and Mr jden vi SUCCESSOR TO THE DUCHESNE COURIER Dastri 0IE Covers ALL The Uintah Basin. 3. f wool. ardle a SOCIAL CASE WORKERS MEET iuse wei lisfortu' The teal crush a hou DUCHESNE, UTAH, FRIDAY JUNE 29, 1934 BOY INJURED BY SIIOYEL Fourth of July, 1934 The Social Case Workers of this at the Court House Tuesday, with Mr. Earl F. Case of Mt. Emmons, Mrs. Margaret Pace of Boneta, Mrs. Clara Hansen of Roosevelt, Mr. Mrs. Hazel Orr of Duchesne present. The worgers discussed their different cases, exchanged ideas and data and in general did a hard days work as Mr. case put it in making up placement cards for those who are to be put on relief work. District held a meeting 5 I reorgt n Saturday, Clark Col-loto imprison-ni- e T? sentenced PetjrUie rest 0f his natural unS. s jjj Utah State Penitentiary .murder on March 30lh of o i Lad. Santos Del Prado of Sac-The crime California. Emitted on U. S. Highway miles West of Roosevelt night of March 30th. the i V. King, Counsel for a motion that the je made x be arrested, but the mo-'00- d .w denied and sentence was e Arguments wall be heard 16 pa Lake City on a Motion for and w' ll i payir re-t- o and ro only statement in the sentence was, " That ae load, wasnt it, he gave PRIA he could. Collins stated pu- - was going to endeavor to h pr:e of his relatives from Alasee to to Lake Salt rs. Bcome puz and puzzle-.'- f Arzy H. Mitchell it to Glen Rasmussen left about iwith the prisoner for Salt My, where he will be com- Set to the State Penitentiary, p ra NEW MAIL ROUTE READY TO START C, 1 on. Cl flce trvised For Playground Children Started Oak playground project, dear and t hearts of the mothers, has two started at last, under the able les, 1 ' ision of Mr. Lonnie Fitz-xchiand Miss Emily Madsen. So t Schie hours for play have been hesn 2 to 6 p. m., but they expect e near future to extend the from 10 a- - m- - bill noon and ,ot ii nf J A(2 to 6 p. m. Cl? an FERA project, spon-ia- s. 1116 City find provdes yment for two people 24 a week until school starts 11. So far the work has serely supervising the play ping the children busy In the future Hadsen and Mr. Fitzwater bo teach swimming, base folk all kinds of dancing, cd kindergarten work, have already noticed with e that most of the chldren ' the streets and are enjoy- m Emse'vea and learning worth .kings under safe guardian s :ton EWAY CLUB TAKES RECESS )res regular meeting of the ay Club, last Thursday eve-the New Palace Cafe, the L'otioned to adjourn until by the president. Hot sum-- r hys cut into the attendence, ernbly, and it was thought il recess until fall, unless he at r-- Y to should come up of suf-- t importance to call a meet-e8- e i an earlier date. 3s were discussed for the celebration on July 1st. A from the Vernal Lions Club, sting that the celebration be Ing rR until the Fourth was hut the members felt that 'lebration would lose its sig-c- e entirely if not held on day, and sent a letter to with this opinion. ssiderable time was spent in 'sion of the road question t was fcit that it would be to Road g :issioninterfere with the of as to the type Fruit-ion used the surfacing h 5 ?cllesne. section, but that sned n effort should be exerted fobbing a hard surface of sort applied to this stretch to-- m 1 hevUmmer A motion waa Pass structing president Fitzwater a road committee, with Social instructions to wait on commission in this matPoint in I opellRDAY NITE you IS DEAD LINE I letters Jpmber, only those lre post marked June 30th srher will be considered by in our I Like to Read ?sContest. atds Sit nght down iph 4i"rite your letter, seeing to it is mailed at once. Yours the winner. NUMBER 48 $2.00 Per Year In Advance Gene Wilkins, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wilkins of Duchesne met with a serious accident while playing Monday. The Wilkins child and a little friend Forms Sent were playing with a shovel when Application To hand Committeemen his of the in the he got way Bhovel and had one of his fingers It is expected that the Cattle severed. Dr. Cline being in Salt Lake, the child was rushed to Dr. Reduction phase of the Federal Harris of Roosevelt for treatment. Drouth Relief Program will be under Way next week. A meeting was held in Roosevelt last SunYOUTH KILLED at which Mr. Harry day NEAR OURAY Petrieevening of Washington, D. C., Assistant Director of Federal AgriThe 12 year old son of James culture Relief Service, Mr, Wm. Brannen of Ouray was killed Wed- Peterson, U. A. C., Director of nesday forenoon, by a shot from State Agricultural Relief and Proa 0 rifle, held by a companion fessor E. J. Maynard, U. A, C., of about the same age. were present. The two boys were playing wit A local unit was organized to the rifle near the new Gilsonite take care of the buying of cattle mine below Randelette, Utah, ac in the basin. Wm. K, Dye of Neo-l- a cording to three witnesses of the was appointed Director of the accident, when the gun went off Advisory Board which includes and shot the Brannen boy in the Owen Bennion of Mt. Emmons, body, the bullet striking the low- Austin G. Burton of Talmage and er tip of the heart. He was rush- Alma Poulson of Duchesne. This ed to Roosevelt immediately, but Board will appoint an appraisal was dead long before they reach- committee. The Government ined there. terests will be looked after by After a short Investigation in Dr. Jones, who has been inspecting Roosevelt, a certificate of death cattle for T. B. in the State for was obtained, and the body was some time. returned to Ouray. According to The Government expects to pay the eye witnesses, the affair was the following prices for the cattle: purely accidental. $4.00 to $8.00 for yearlings. $9.00 to $12.00 for 2 year olds. TWO JAILED ON $13.00 to $20.00 for cows. ASSAULT CHARGE Those cattle not fit to be shipped will be condemned and killed Wm. Gibson, and his brother of on the premises of the owner who Arcadia are In the County jail, will be paid the minimum price and Sheriff Arzy H. Mitchell 18 out for each head. It is estimated that 10,000 head looking for their father, Andrew Gibson as a result of an assault of cattle will be shipped out of the complaint filed by A. E. Drolling County, since the hay crop is only 15 of what it should be to feed er of Arcadia. all cattle now here. to the his Drollinger, according forms will be sent re to was Application attempting complaint had from any of be and some to, propmay move the Gibsons from Thomas M. Gilbert, the which and following: Is he they leasing, erty had entered without permission, Arcadia, Leslie B. Goodrich, Blueattacked bell, Lott Powell, Altonah, Edward when he was suddenly from behind by Wm. Gibson with E. Cox, Boneta, C. W. Smith, Dua club, w'ho struck a blow render- chesne, Rulon J. Larsen, Duchesne, ing him unconscious, and breaking Alma Poulson, Duchesne, Clarence Ivie, Fruitland, John E. Webb.Ioka his nose. When he regained he claimed, the elder Leroy, W. Rust, Mt. Emmons Gibson was standing over him Clyde Rowley, Mtn. Home, Joseph with a drawn knife. They threat- H. Eldredge, Myton, W. K. Dye, ened his life, he claims if he re Neola, R. E. Dillman, Roosevelt, O. A. Richardson, R. D. Roosevelt, ported the affair. John G. Boulton, R. D. Roosevelt, are in sons two custody, The but the father has not yet been Wm. Russell Todd, R. D. Rooselocated. They are charged with velt, Ervan Clegg, Tabiona, Wm. "assault with a deadly weapon." G. Mlchie, Tabiona, Austin G. Burton Talmage, vVIlford A, Mitchell, Upalco. MASONS ENJOY Cattle growers who want to sell JOINT MEETING cattle should get one of the forms fill in every line, and mail to the The largest assembly of Masons Duchesne County Cattle Control ever seen In the Basin was pre- Association, Roosevelt, Utah. sent at a special meeting of Basin Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M. in HAY BUYING IN to Myton last Saturday evening, FULL PROGRESS of visitation annual the receive the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of G. V. County Commissioner, Utah. In addition to the Grajid Lodge, Billings, who has been given the groups from Argenta Lodge of responsibility for the Hay Buying Duchesne County Salt Lake City, Uintah Lodge of program for Relief Park City, Story Lodge of Provo, under the ERA Drouth and Carbon and Joppa Lodges of stated that actual buying started Price were present as guests of Wednesday morning. He has appointed Abe Liddell of Duchesne, the Basin Lodge. A banquet at w'hich exactly field man, in actual charge of the eighty Masons were present was purchases. served in the Community Church Any surplus hay will be bought at Myton, at 6:30 P. M., follow- up for cash, with Federal funds, ing which the Masons repaired to at prices ranging up to $10 00 per the Lodge room for their work, ton, depending upon the quality be where the number was swelled to of the hay. This hay is to over a hundred. kept in the Basin, and w'lll be disAfter the close of the official tributed to those who are in need visitation of the Grand Lodge, of feed, and unable to purchase members of all six of the Lodges It outright, for ERA labor. Great stress was given the imrepresented participated In beDeMasons Master portance by Mr. Billings, of keepstowing the gree on a candidate from Argents ing every pound of hay in the Bastoo Lodge. in, as there is already far little here to take care of the liveWEATHER REPORT stock on hand. Considerable hay has already been sold to outside, interests, mostly dairys, and at lower prices than those quoted above. Every ton of hay that leaves the basin this summer will mean just that much loss to livestock next winter, and it is the loyal duty of every fanner to see that this does not happen. 32-2- Thomas S. Illes, contractor on the new mail route, passed thru Duchesne Tuesday, on his way from Salt Lake City to Craig, Colo. He informed Postmaster Fitzwater that he has everything and in readiness for the route, that he himself wall make the first run Sunday morning, July 1st. His crew, which wall consist of three drivers for Salt Lake to Vernal run, in not complete yet, but will at first contain men now in his employ on other runs. He has promised, however, that he will soon give jobs to the basin men now on the Govt, route. The celebration, in connection with the mail change, in spite of rumors to the contrary, is, according to the latest information going through according to the original plans. A delegation will accompany the truck from Heber memCity, gathering additional bers in each of the towns serviced, and ending in Vernal where some sort of a goodwill celebration is planned. The truck will be greeted in Duchesne by salutes, fire sirens, and a general burst of noise, to inform the citizens that the first letter has arrived over the new route. Duchesne Couple to Wed Saturday Miss Mildred Stephenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stephenson of Duchesne will be married Saturday to Mr. Ed. Carmen at the home of her parents. The young couple will leave immediately for Ohio for a visit with the grooms parents and will spend some time at The Century of Progress Exposition on their way back to Duchesne. They expect to make their home in Duchesne Pres. Roosevelt Made for the present. Hon. Member of Shrine Both the bride and the groom are well known and popular here Mr. John N. Sebrell, Norfolk, Va and we wish them much happiImperial Potentate of the Shrine ness and success. visited Almas Temple, Washington, D. C., on May 26th. While TWENTY YEARS AGO there he and Mr. William C. Miller Potentate of the Washington, D. DUCHESNE C. Shrine, performed the ceremony Murdock has returnMerle Miss Rooseof presenting to President where she attendProvo ed from velt at the White House an honed school the year and will past TemAlmas orary membership in on the ranch. vacation her spend ple. M. Pope just returned from R. Mr Following this conferment Sebrell placed wreathes at Arling- a trip to Willow Creek where ton Cemetery upon the graves of he was looking over the new road, Mr. Harrison Dingman, of Wash- and reports everything moving fine, and says the road will be ington, Past Imperial Potentate and the Unknown Soldier. ready for the auto mail line by A banquet was held during the July last. postmaster W. H. Fitzwater, evening at which eleven Past Pohow to some out Is plans numtentates were present, also a figuring mall post the parcel ber of members of Congress and provide for He may four next years. for the other distinguished guests. After the banquet fifteen new build a new large building if he can get some help from the departmembers were initiated. ment. We have a new blacksmith shop Legion Auxiliary in town just west of Perry s Elects Officers Drug Store. A. J. Feller is the man at the anvil. Miss Lulu Odekirk was married the of The regular meeting was to Geo. C. Kohl at Pocatello American Legion Auxiliary held June 14 at the home of Mrs. Idaho recently. John T. Pope of Vernal and Wm. H. Case. The following ofLake has offered Uintah for Salt elected the coming ficers were enough Asphaultum free County year: the mine to pave the cost at of Ernest Wilson; President, Mrs. Uintah across BarLincoln Chas. Mrs. highway Vice Pres., First It haul n Rul-owill the if county Mrs. County ton; Second Vice Pres., down. Clarand it Mrs. lay Larsen; Treasurer, A. M. Murdock, the Duchesne ence Wilson; Chaplain, Mrs. Abe has recently purchased Mrs Sergeant-at-Armpioneer, Harns; C. W. & M. Titus Jones: Historian, Mrs. Art- road grader from the on the stage line over use Co. Mrs for Board, Executive hur Orr; Titus Jones, Mrs. Wm. H. Case, the mountain. BLUEBELL Mrs. Jess Johnstun. of Altonah Nate jBlddlecome The Secretary will be appointed fell a victim of pneumonia last by the President. A girl scout organization will be Monday, after an illness of ten and five sponsored by the Unit and its days. He leaves a wife The to loss. his mourn Activities to members. children Junior the sympahave future. near bereaved the in family very begin The Unit pledged itself to pro- thy of everyone. Mrs. Agnes Marchant is teachduce its quota of jelly in the National making ing music to a class of eleven, jelly Auxiliary drive. This will be used locally in with good results. All those new to welfare work. pianos must have someone lunchthe them. business, Following play FRUITLAND eon was served to sixteen Up to date the trappers at the Simmons ranch here have caplions Mr. Ray Gillis, District engineer tured twelve bears and two of lots wasnt big said there Who the in an was on inspection trip game in Frultlond? Basin last week. s. LOCALS Dr. Rich of Vernal was chesne visitor Tuesday. only half enjoyed JUNE Mrs. Annie Bench of Boneta was a Duchesne visitor Tuesday. 25 Custer makes fatal last stand at Big Horn, 1876. Mr. Ray Gillis and Mr. Ed Carmen were in Altonah Friday on State Road business. Earth passes through comets tail, 1819. 27 Tv a-- l , 28 Boston and New York joined by telegraph, 1846. Long-live- d Mr. D. L. Capener, Government Field man was in town this week seeing about the Feed and Seed Loans. Victoria British queen, 1837. 29 England imposes that hated tax on tea, 1767. 30 Blondin crosses Niagara 1859. Falls on tight-rop- e, Mrs. Jess Johnstun and Mrs. Titus Jones motored to Salt Lake Wednesday to meet Mrs. Jones from Washington. sister-in-la- w Mr. R. E. Miller of Myton was JULY 1 Du- L. A. Hollenbeck and Guy Hollenbeck motored to Roosevelt Tues day on business. "Joy which we cannot share with others il ms a Free letter carrier started, 1863. serf-ic- in Duchesne Wednesday. e State Representative, CWNtf D. J. Mit- chell of Roosevelt was a Duchesne visitor Wednesday, JUST TO REMIND YOU Mr, E. J. Beggs, formerly of DuContract Club, Saturday after- chesne, now of Park City was noon, June 30th with Mrs. Roy A. greeting old friends In Duchesne Schonian. last Saturday. B. P. W, Club, Monday, July 2nd Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kohl at Palace Cafe. had dinner with Mrs. Kohls parSL Pauls Church Sunday eveschool at 10 a.m., Church Service ents In Randlett last Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. John Leacher In the ning. Pulpit Bishop Rulon J. Larsen made a trip to Salt Lake on business Tues- Myton Man Finds day. Deadly Spider Mr. John Martin of Myton, while moving some boxes in an old building, uncovered one of the notorious black widow spiders whose deadly venom has taken the lives of two Utahns this year and caused fatalities in other states. Mr. Spry, director of safety on F. E. R. A. projects said in a safety bulletin that the black widow spider is the only spider known that can produce and transmit poisonous venom, although the bites of other species may be depending on whether the spiders previously have come in matter. contact with infectious the is female deadly, the Only little a insignificant, male being harmless Insect. The black widow may be recognized by Its glossy black body the size of a pea, with large sprawl swell Ing legs which seem to have her Beneath the Joints. ing of orange-yelloabdomen in a peculiar to red marking, shaped Besomewhat like an hour-glasblack the cause of this marking widow has been called the hourglass spider. w s. Mrs. Albert Stephenson and her two daughters, Alice and Mildred spent part of last week in Salt Lake returning Saturday night. Mr. Arthur Havener and Mr. Vernon Davis of the State HighDuchesne way Patrol were in Monday and Tuesday on business. Mr. Ray Adams of the National Veterans Employment Office of Salt Lake was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crocker last Thursday. Mrs. Cliff Hanson and two sons of Helper are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murdock. Heber T. Hall, Mayor of Roosevelt was a Duchesne visitor Wednesday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Jacobs. Mrs. Ed Hart has Just returned Precipitation .11 from Salt Lake where she spent EARL S. WINSLOW Mr. Hart week. last of part Co-oacObserver drove in to get her Sunday, Mrs. his daughter, companied by Miss Lucille Moss of Price was James Dalglelsh of Myton. who guest at the home of a week-en- d will stay there for a short Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Hollenbeck. p. THERES A REASON It Is a slpn'fimnt fact that an ever inerocing number of people are switching to THE RECORD the County feat newspaper. There Is a reason. f |