Show officers must account for equipments washington sept 7 the mustering out of the volunteers volun will be followed by vexations vexatious and troubles for officers ot the regular army and for many of the volunteers themselves this is due to a misapprehension upon the part of some of the officers of the volunteer organization respecting the property pro party of the government which they have in their possession the government will require that every article be accounted for every officer or man in the volunteer service who has charge of division prop erty will have to account for or it before be he cin can be mustered out and paid an instance is related of a governor ct cf one elate state who received two regiments of troops lie ile told them they could take thirty days furlough and go home what became of all the equipments equipment I 1 in n their possession which is the property of the government the ho united states cannot tell some of these equi equipments lp belonged to the ordnance bureau of subsistence and to the quartermasters department receipts were given by some one when equipments were furnished by the government and the volunteer officers who gave them will be held responsible for them it is the he intention of the war department again to supply the states when the guns and arms are accounted for but in order to keep a straight account in the department records it is feces sary to have them thein first returned to the department the same is true of other government property |