Show Naples T Richardson to Base Dy By Mrs Kate Goodrich Mr and Mrs Ray Richard Richardd RichardI I son On received word that their son Terry Ter y has arrived back at his new base bare in New River Jacksonville North Carolina Terry is now a 2nd Lt in the theMar Mar Marines nes and a qualified pilot in in both helicopters and fixed aircraft Mr and Mrs Jinx Everett brought their two children Reginall and Shelly to spend a week with relatives Mr and Mrs Everett returned to their home In Grand June June- Junction tion Colo last Sunday Mr find and Mrs Lynn Holmes are spending their vacation at Yellowstone Park Mon tana Mrs Mina Strong was a visitor in the ward last Wed Wed- Wednesday Wednesday Vern McLean Of f Grand Junction Colo spent two days last w k visiting his brother Fred McLean and family C Elwin Merrell went to Craig last Thursday to visit his daughter and family Mr and Mrs Merl NaIl Nall I Mr and Mrs Ray Jones and son of Salt Lake City spent last weekend visiting Mrs Jones parents Mr and Mrs Heber Harrison Verda HarrIson went back to Salt Lake with the Jones to spend a week Last Wednesday the mary held its annual around around- the block parade Children came dressed as pioneers and Indians and there were several sev- sev several eral miniature floats as well as decorated bicycles and I tricycles Refreshments were sold Mr and Mrs Dale Watson and three children and Mrs Watsons Watson's sister Linda and a frield all of Seminole OMa- OMa homa and Mrs Joyce Odell and four children of Shawnee Okla were Iere visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs LaVell LaVellI I Simmons last week Mr and and- Mrs Arnold Baker I and family went to Orem last Monday to visit Mr Bakers Baker's sister Mr and Mrs Rulon Bow Bow- Bowthorpe thorpe and family left Satur- Satur Saturday Saturday day for a fishing trip and va va- va vacation cation Mr and Mrs Theodore Walker of Provo visited at atthe atthe the Ralph Southam home last week Mr and Mrs Everett Coon and family are vacationing In Idaho Mr and Mrs Claud er and chIldren of Sunnyvale Calif were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Carl Donna Southam returned home last week after spend spend- spending spending ing a week in Salt Lake City visiting her sister and family Mr and Mrs Marlin Moon Mr and Mrs Irs Fred McLean attended the Hullinger family reunion held last week at Lodge Pole Camp near near Heber City Sixty five members were present After serving a mission for two years in England Elder Charles Knight son of Glen and Martha Knight returned home last week Mrs Lloyd Pope and son Wiley returned home last Fri Fri- Friday Friday day morning Wiley just com com- completed a two and one half year mission to Norway and Mrs Pope met him in Ger Germany many Mr and Mrs 1 Laurence Laurente Kay and sons spent the week week- weekend i end at the Linus Openshaw home Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pope and family spent the weekend In Provo visiting their son Karl and family and in Salt Lake City Mr Pope also r rf- rf medical attention for his eye that was injured re- re recently Jeffrey old year son of Mr and Mrs Howard Hr- Hr Horrocks rocks reeks was operated on Sun Sun- Sunday day morning for appendicitis The Horrocks just returned I IThe Saturday from a trip to Sa Salt Lake City Kerry the small son of Mr and Mrs Ferris Gardiner has been ill and spent several days in the l cal al hospital Mrs Melvin Gardiner un un- un derwent minor surgery last Monday Robert Ka Kay of Salt Lake City is visiting his grandparents Mr and Mrs Linus Op- Op Open Openshaw en haw this week Mr and Mrs Marvin Mer I rell and family of Salt Lake City left Monday for Blandi Bland Bland- Blanding ing Ut after spending a week here visiting Marvins Marvin's parents Mr and Mrs Harold Merrell While in- in in Blanding they will visit Mrs Merrell's parents Mr and Mrs Parley I |