Show san francisco relief fund the following additional addition il contributions to the san Finn cisco relief fund have been received and hao hae aNNel swelled led the total to NEW contributions contribution the list which was handed in this week is as follows mrs william hodgkinson Hodg kinion 60 bank of vernal 25 W A winward wdward BO 60 VV S ashton 2 60 50 G M pickup 1 mrs E D SIn simons Lons 60 50 iiii mi a kato sheperd 60 50 W 0 reynolds 1 david bennion 1 ernestine weist 5 total 35 60 50 there were several errors in our list published last week we herewith present the corrections joseph H hardy st 1 instead of 60 50 mrs rose 11 trdy 50 instead of 1 W 11 II gagon instead of logan 60 50 mrs W 11 II gallon gaion ins instead tead of mrs logan 60 john W pope instead of john pope 1 john S hacking instead of john hacking 1 anna anita young 60 instead if f 1 the correct total of the amount last week was 67 50 which id 1 I tu to 37 60 makes a grand total of 16 hardy and young will still accept contributions from any person who desires to aid the homeless suffer buffer ers era of san francisco francisc |