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Show THE SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST EXAMINER, 6, 1905. GEN A1JGUS 9 Famous Collection of Educated Animal Actors Wilt Give Two Gala Performances in Ogden on Above Date L . w la there such thing ai affinity be- and an elephant? i tween a monkey j la It poeaible that way bark in the VJunfiles,M l.rfore either evr dreamed of a citi!i:.e-- lut.d, that two comrades of tha wildeme-- a were separated only to to rBj!iiitt'd under a cirrus teat in America? It vnyjld rlmnst aeetr. so when the story of the monkey and elephant shown tn the arootr.penyir.B i- - w a - c - Both of Whom of A Monkey And An Elephant Are Star Actors A Story -t IDQUtffiLWl! The Gentrys were In Coaxing, whipping even, and all the tricks known to animal educators. were tried In vtln. Jack aa an actor was a fearful frost. In disgust tho Gentrys decided to return both to were New York, and arrangements made Tor their departure. When the express van called for the dead actors" a icmarkehle scene-tooplace. i to cut-u- p something awToby ful. sed Jiirk cut all torts of Uiutikt-chines. Eephant and monkey endeavored rith all their might to break their fet'era. and ware to excited that every- bananas. aullen, and no amount of coaxing, hard work or uaual persuasion could get the dumps. After trying all him out the tricks of old animal trainers and a ou-- a to get Toby to perform lot of the Genn deeciit elephant Ijke trys were seriously thinking of glv:n3 up the task and serdlr.fi Toby back to he cam.', Xew York from whence stamped no trnod," when Big Jack, a rw . r. AIAY 12, INK. ' - : ';' ' 'Jr it ft ' v X Hut Mil Ti lT'4 V V v Sjw 1 VVra t rr? : t. Uraited giWpja. Ko. 4, Atlantia Expresa, all 7:00 p.m. poiats east e - 1 , : ... - ' ; ' f I- - 'a , ' '. i 1. a - . J 7--- . - 'I-.- - ;.r' The Overland Limited Tic Med Uxorious TMo ko AeWtrid Compaitmaot and drurlng-me- m deeptog cart, observation can, Ito-la-g can, and ng and Its Host Famons SUMMER RESORTS Tent City Pasadena Terminal . C a WmSr, Chicago & m Worn isaM Cant A. Kortt-Westa- ra SMrtb Rj. sa. Aims . Riverside Hbrtry SL Paul and Minneapolis Coronado San Pedro Long Beach . Los Angele DRAWTHROUGH OBSERVATION TO W ING ROOM CAR OGDEN ANGELES. EXCURSION LOW MIES C. A. HENRY at Djpto TWJ write to J.L.MOOR2.& or Office, tse ALT LAKE CITY. A Pony Musician With Gentry Bros.' Shows aftsociate with the rest of the monkeys nd only satisfied when in the society of his big chum Toby. After the per- formance every night on "one-da-y stands Jack rides to his apartments in the cirrus train mounted as you see him In the illustration. It is only on street parade that he waves the American flag so proudly. The other picture shows the degree to which a pony's "musioal education can y perfected. It will be noticed that the wrong erd cf the hern la used as a mouthpiece, which Is explained by the fact that a Shetland pony's lips are somewhat thicker than those of the . ordinary human circus The Gentry Shows arrive Tuesday iriii ml FURNITURE VAN more deeoraUve In workmanship than those which are erected to hold the mortal remains of the kings and the queens. STORAGE in Phones: Transfer I'l- FOR PETS. , 'T ''.r.i '.e rss here attd Ihvy in ih.o nur.'menls .".ml pnnrdvr.t on them. f 'y No. il aU Milford and ' south Na 14 Salt Lake and mediate potato Na 0 Local . Real- - Li Salt Na I --Salt Lake aad latsr mediate potato W Na 2 Salt Lake. Na ra. a arhtve. MaU from Safi ;U 1! Jr-F- Rest Na 5 Butte and Poc if da 114a Express .. will leevu Sanitarium for Lake Wagon Na 11 Sett Utahna Drug fitors eeraax at fi:20 Tlntlc '."ilViiA m, 1, m. and return 11:30 a m,f p Na I Salt Lake and return at 4 p. "t. . ford Lake Na Salt mediate Potats .. Na I Eeeurn and Portland Na jjg;i;oo Na 14 Butte 4 tot:oia WHERETO EAT BOSTON trl-hi- n Big Tfc. ths HcstfatelligcrA Bubcon in the woild j 224 1.cVu, CAFE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything here the hast. Short organ at all houra. Ail hinds of game ant fish In season Extra line dinner Sunday, from 42 te I p. m 15a Fine lunch from 11 te 4 of Tiv o:i. Kii. j '.lirns erveted a number hny? aarcopbugl and mausoleums. 7 5-- th? nnnlier in the Butto and Na it! ben burled trci-i-- A C. fiLAOE, LESSEE, 40fi 25th Street, Tribune Bldg. I'Phom 224. , r May 7tN Tlntlc Hacks and Day and NigHt SPECIALTY. MOVING PIANOS SHORT LB CARXX fipealeRy. J. I OREGON IMS If, tSLADEiS Vans '' - Ball EZ; independent 411 IMh fib Seavenger Were. Lxcursien Wagons In bt irenvnents b. V I'ulrej... plrre '..1 lhr? J c Ei'-li- , Heavy Draying Allen Transfer Co that have been ih affection or h inside friends of em-- I :viom i.m ntM'fsea are of gold, sil-- i Same of the statues r" end ivn-- y. i:-- r Vvrh fair thousand of pound I l;r;n R i;rg ths Poni:s Art:r tfc: Big Shew- bnfM-UMki- To California ran, with bsibar, both and Bodw lovers Ubrsiyi oaOn train etscMc tiroagh to CMcsge wkhogf Dbect coaasctloa for ! Ch Agent Ogdoadril ing n wonderful fourfooted comedian, especially to hold the mummified boone of thoee howling swells, the Bean dies of sabred cats. In many cues these buildings are Brummel of Monkeydom, too proud to j ' Pus Trav. v Famous Waltzing Pony Who Is the Smartest Shstland in the Show Business When a favorite dog. cat or other demesiie pet belonging to a person of royal rank die; in China Its sorrowing own- -r has its body enclosed in a ratlin of polished . oak, elaborately r.irvri ;mt hur'tt In the animal cemetery behind ih. summer palace, at rs-'n:- . This burial ground is the 't'x'st and kept in the far east, ' r& ,i ii t CEMETERIES .. , fi , morning. 1 Na Na fi-- "wind-jammer- J Dee. 4th. 1ML DEPART. .................. four-foote- d daataatioa la told. Bodnars now star babboa almost aa large as a man, arOset 17. Bras. Trained Ailmal rived by express. Accompanying Jack waa a letter from the aame importer, ilwwi which will baleen for two at Twenty-fifth. and Grant which eaid: This monkey is the nearwa, ' Tuesday. "Bull'' and uenkey est approach to civilisation which tha .Mfa aurchaied-from-thisbi animal ape world has produced. Being deeply ! r aevatfil years ago, bat arrived Interested la tha future of the new t Athwart. paRods. The elephant, wonder, Toby was hr a time forgotla bow the famous pachyfcerra ten. Big Jack oceapied tha centre of cannon. .Toby, waa the first la ba- tho. stage tn wtaterguartera. Every ccate a tranpAr. lie came very highly trainer with the new wanted to teach fSdmiaaded aa a beast af rare him. things, but disappointment Ka S owners were great followed. Jack was worso than Toby. If' disappointed shortly after bit ar- Ho poaltlvaly declined to perform a rival by'tha aad discovery that Toby single stunt. He was worse than an ,wa fhr from satisfactory a. ha actor. Tncle Tom barnstormer going so Ho proved to be cross and far as to even refuse to eat choice Eased VO KaQ and BaprtM...I:H a A Overland Limited far ARKIYE DAILY. Qwfih council Ka LI, Ogden special ....11:20 a m. Denver, Kanue City wd Na 6. Faclflo Mall, Salt Lake I:N a east dally and all poiats east ...... .11:30a.m. Ka 4 Atlantia Exprsu for No. 1, ClUcago and St Louis Omaha Council Denver, 2.40 p.B. knitted Bluffs Kansu (Uy aad all No. 11, Local from Park City potato east, dally..,...T:N p. to and San Pets alley .... 7:00 p.i ARRXTto No. 8, Pnclfle Express from 12:01 ana Na I Pacific Exprsu from 1 all points east Omaha Oouncll Bluffs Through Sleeping cars to Omaha. Denver, Kansu City aad Chicago and Bt Louis, New York and kd A to Boston. Free reciiclng chair care A tut daily limited perfect dining car service on all Na 1 Overland Coundl from Omaha through trains. Bluffa Knnoao City, Dm-ve- r C A. HENRY, Ticket AKent. Ogden. ail and palate out L A BENTON, Gen. AgL, Pngr. Dept .l:W p. to daily auu Fut Salt Lake City. Na i:Ham C. A. HENRY, ot B GILSON, Agent; Ogdon. Ticket Agent . A. B. MOSELEY, - EIepKnt; and Monkey Who Are Gfeat Pals TIME CARD T: :00 12. Salt Lake local Na 11, Salt Lako special.... 2:1 No. 3 Chicago and SL Louie No. i dh DAILY. aU Mail Atlantic potou DEPiET Ko. body arrr.td I'se -- how was dumbfounded. Toby's fe.ilrts wers wrought up an extent that it waa at first to ihcucbl that he bad gradually gone In ran-'wY.lc Jack was in such a fearful state cf earlier er.t that It wjs deemed ir.artvlaaMc lo ship them that day. So wh-the expires wgou was unloaded a sitll mors orra '..able scons occurred. rv.i animals cooled down at irc-steff.ni.ly mid tha monkey began jabbering lit the most friendly fashion, hit dolight in many and niK'iife-te- d v;uya ei the prearree cf the elephant. An all expe anin al trainer make study of their subjertf, the case of Toby and Jack waa diagnosed, and tha trained and experienced eye of Mr. YV. W. Gentry scon' raw that there waa an alijnity of some sort between the two brutes. Jul to sue What they would do Gestry had Big Jnpk placed In the elsphsnt'e stall, aad the scene which followed Is without a parallel. Monkey and elephant did their bent to embrace each other. Plato trumpeted his d light and Jack screamed his pleasure. From. Hint day to this the two have been in? operatic companions, and both dally manifest' an almost human Irip-'c:- t te each ether- If Jack gets a handful of peanuts Toby gets part of them, and the only occasion in which Trhy is eve unhappy la when Jack refuses to eat bay. Only when necessarily separated have they ever manifested the slightest and Toby hns riuce become famous as an elephant comedian, and is thn most vahtbale animal, with the possible exception cf Jack himself, of all the 300 fun makers with the Genthe fourth try shows. lie make elephant with the how until this year Gentrys carried but three bulk, and his willingness to act, wonderful docility 'and marvelous intelligence, makes the Gentrys elephant act this year fourfold greater than ever. Far from taming out to he a failure. Big Jack has demonstrated and proven bis claim to "being tho nearest approach to man which the aps world baa produced." He emulates humanity la many different ways, and does an act before the audience, which entitles him te stellar hanars. Hs appears in the arena wearing a full drees suit, patent leather shoes, silk hat, cane and nil. He eats with a knife and fork, hae his meals with his trainer and has been known to go so tar as to use a toothbrush. To look at Jack one would never think, that he is, ln addition to be- - TIME CABO IN , Props Twentcrtk stnet, V J A. I-- K BL MOBKLBY- - '2 , s u , |