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Show MOLMNti THE farmk!sT( AMUSEMENTS Aay Big Circo: jwjJTiu SHOW WHICH DELIGHTS Imbodv gS1 ?5r BREVITIES EV in og will exhibit PERFORMANCE!. TWO Who ia Nora ONLY. M. L. Tuesday, Aog--f we-- t AT 2:30; EVENING E SHARP. TENTl AT : WILL BE LOCATED 25th St. and Grant Ave. the exhibition beautiful without an the PERFORMANCE RING. WHERE YOU THE SHOW. GENTRY BROS. L. J. Holt her of the Corey Construe ion company ia hack from Montello Charles X. Uiddingi. head chemist if the Logan sugar factory, is in town .or a few days. Capt. Lee of the fire department, who U suffering of typhoid fever, show improvement. The Florence Crittenton Home uoard will meet Monday. Aug. Tth, ut -- :3U p. m., at the City llall. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Xease and sou George are visiting friends lti Og den. and are tho guest of Conductor Middleton and wife. THAT NEVER FAILS TO Mrs. La Bo. head saleslady in the ault department at Hurt's store. h;S resigned her position and t ill leave for Salt I ake Monday. Several of (be employes at the depot are making arrangements to go INTRODUCING 300 EDUCATED ANdown to Provo next week and take a IMAL ACTORS. chance at the nrawing. Big Evtrything New Three Time WATCH FOR THE BEAUTIFUL A. B- - Moseley, traveling passenger STREET PARADE TUESDfor the O. . L. and I'. P., e a agent AY AT 11. In Provo yesterday, where he intends 100 wonderful 1M Shetland to register for the land drawing at Ponies; SO Marvelous Monkeys; Two that plare. E Herds of Elephants. A small grass fire at the rear of the Ogden Steam laundry mused the aid bright- hose wagon to make a run to that The management is point. The fire was easily put out. er than ever. astainlng the reputation for the best . A petition for order of sale of real show on earth" by expending thons-aad-s estate, in the matter of the estate and of dollars for new and novel featguardianship of Reilly E. Taylor, e; ure acta, the two greatest being a!., minors, was filed In the district court. The estate eonsists of retil esThe tate. located In Farr West. Iptclal Bargain Prices for Ogden En- gagement Only. The show is better, bluer Marvelous Juggling Normans l feature art which ia a credit to the Gentry shows, and which create a Mentation everywhere. Besides 800 wonderful animal actors another added Nature la the A cave-i- n occurred at Cumberland, In which .lames Wyo., yeaterduy. Belters was killed, Joseph Anderson, Joaeph Corrigan, Frank Sibittfa seriously injured and William Wilcox, Thomas Evans and John Miller slightly Injured. Y0SHI3ATE FAMILY REAT All yesterday morning traina were late, No. 8 from the north, waa delayed five hours. As a result the Cache Valley train waa forty minutes late. Witch for the beautiful miniature The 8. P. from the west delayed the street parade Tuesday morning at 11 U. P. going eait one hour. The D. & o'clock. Doors open at 1:80 and 7:30 R. O. waa fifteen minutes behind the p. m. Performance commence! an schedule. Seven Wonderful anese Acrobats. Coo elating of Jap- hour later. A petition for letters of administration was filed In the district court by Attorney Harris, for the estate of Elisabeth Wadsworth Douglass, deceased. James H. Douglass, a son of the deceased, la tho petitioner. The estate consists of real estate of a prob-abl- e For Presents Value of (2,500. that will It hna been announced by one of the board of directors of the Weber County Fair association that it waa practically assured that there would not be a fair this year, and that instead there would be a race meeting. As a result the horse races arranged for. August 13 and 14 have been declared off. Wear go to Smalleys A complaint has been sworn out before Clerk Jensen of the police court, charging P. K. Farley, proprietor of the Riverside saloon, with disturbing the peace. The complaint allegea that Farley maintains a disorderly saloon, which disturbs the peace of the neighborhood. The case will come up for trial on Monday. An Engraving Free The two men arrested by Sheriff Bailey and Deputy Scbrlng on the circus grounds Friday on suspicion of being the highwaymen who held up tbs motorman of a Twenty-seconstreet car on Thursday evening last, were released from custody yesterday afternoon. J. W. Butcher, the motor-mafailed to Identify the men, leaving nothing to hold them on. d p. ernstrom The Rev. Cause, pastor of the First E. Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, will spend Sunday with hia brother, J. M. Cause of the Eccles Lumber Co. Rev. Mr. Cause attended the Epworth League convention at Denver and from there went on to the coat from whero be ia now returning.' It ia exported that Rer. Mr. Cause will preach this morning at the Presbyterian church. . atMrtmtd SBS Horseshoer how :;!!? It" w Phone IIS X. ductor in one of the leading Pittsburg churches and a composer of some note.- - During hia Ogden sojourn he has composed several new sacred The pieces, and one of them, Lord. Is My Shepherd," will be sung by Miss Mitchell at the morning service in the Presbyterian church. 1 417 H.F.UPP: TO OBEY DER OF COURT. THE I OR I feet of which to' the North Ogden Irrigation company have a prior ri;;hi. The Eden prop!: absolutely refuse to release any part of the water, all or which they claim, and, if what they maintain is right, then every Irrigation law In vogue m the state Is wrong, and every irrigator below Eden will be divested of his rights." What is to be the outcome, is the question that, every former, whth.-directly Interested in the case or not, is asking. All nallzr that on the suit depends the loss of crops in either thy Eden or th? North Ogden districts. If Edrn has been retaining the water unlawfully, then they must relinquish their claim Hud their crops will be aompletcly destroyed. If the irrigation company's claim to the water Is a figment of the imagination, then North Ogden must be content with what water those above allow to escape, and their crops will perish. As the time passes feeling is growing stronger. Tlia outcome of the ault means actual financial ruin to come, and, Judging from the temper of the people Interested, there will be trouble of more serious nature than a law aulL It has ben suggested that the only Way out of the difficulty, without great injury to either aide, is for the fsrmers to Join In petiiionlng and urging the government reclamation service to build a dam In Ogden ran-yostore the flood waters, thereby making available supply for 11 users and doing away with all necessity for costly, ruinous litigation. The attorneya for the plaintiffs in tbit rase are Maglnnlt, MacMillan ft Henderson and Bagiey, and the defendant a are represented by C. C. . Richards and J. N. klmball. r n, MAYOR APPOINTS The mayor yeaterday appointed the following delegates to tho Irrigation congress, which Is to be held In Portland, Ore., the week beginning Aug. s 21 Miss Frances M. Eddy, Hon. Rudolph Kuchisr, W. J. Critchlow, line ry Islaub and A. A. Wenger. As delegates to the congress, which will he held In Portland, the week of Aug. 14, the mayor has appointed the following delegates: Colonel Oeorg M. Hanson, Dr. J. H. Epperson, Mis Hattie C. Brown, F. J. Keisel and Henry Wessler. If the delegate named accept the it is desired that appointments, they notify ihh city recorder at once, o that their credentials may be made out to the congrassea to which they have been named delegates. - If you have been reading our advertisements, and are not convinced that we can fill and extract teeth without pain, and that our gold and porcelain crown and bridga work is finer than any you have ever seen in the West, there is something wrong with the ADtho with VERTISEMENT NOT Trans-MIssla-aip- WORK. Come In and talk over your ASKS FDR DIVORCE Attorney K. J. Harris filed In tha district court a complaint in a suit for divorce for Mary Haines against John is alHaines, In which leged. The papers show that the coupla were Intermarried at Warminster, England, April 3, 1895, and that there Is now living ns an issue of said marriage three minor children, aged 11, 4 and 3 years respectively. Judgment is asked for tho dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, the rustody of the children, permanent alimony, 100 attorney's fee nnd the costs of the suit. Reunion, Weber Stake Academy. Saltalr Beach. Aug. 10 Special train via Rio Grande leaves Ogden 9 a. m., 2:15 p. m.. returning leaves the beach at 5 and 10 p. m. Fare 11.25 for round trip. All are Invited. ! tooth Jewelry h true-hearte- ea und FisK Rinckep. - I I fi; Suspended - x li. i THIN la that is of interest at this season of the is included in tins big sale at a special price not unnecessary year things priced to make on them attractive, but absolutely necessary merchandise priced to .more attractive. It is a time when all summer goods are marked e. at sacritiee prices in order to insure their complete and immediate clear-ancThe time that jtou should share needs for weeks ahead, at a decided saving from the usual prices. your it Sen- Ft. e. eute::-- D0i th irder In Judge Muii-- n , ,.jri y?si?i lay. and ail who ?r.- arraigns n the charge of vay aiih ibe ex of two you i ( ...i ,i who gav udisputable evident thy wer .ut hobos, but bon n wprr sen o the rock pile. 1 Haiion These two men. F an Jeorge Stafford. af. r guil:j the judge i,!!uw them l 'I hr i. ake a iiatemenl. request wa im. grunted, and Instead of . iudge Murphy's unwilling tar a f hard lurk and n Un ef an ungraiefi-oM. they explained ilioir position I sirnigliuorward nta:.:j fjiiiun. In id th pressed with the dfiii.tioi order? 'Citing men. Judge Murphy hat setuenee be and alt? hi good ol Fender to in securing work for the men. .ir In contrast with the wanner of 1h toruer men were th union o' v. O. Wil John tudy, Sam Buni't-rf.sou and Frank Mari':", v.ho were al necusi'd of vagrancy Th r ntru plead J not guilty to the chaige Friday ami their trial was held yesterday. Ac men vi line to the atones ih,e tuiri. all the world is uti.'ide down, a1 Last for them. Misfortune in one aha pi or nuuiher had been tltetr lot, bu Judge Murphy, believing that theli principal misfortune was a distaste sentenced each to thirty days on the fork pile. Trunk Henna a, Harry Hill anil George 11111, all of shorn pleaded guilty to the charge of mendicancy were sent to tha atuti? garg for leu 28 to 50 Per Cent Discount Allowed on Goods in Every Dept Ladies' Neckwear afocke. roller and cuff asta, and turnover, made of white and colorod l"ty u.ce a"d wash materials, l,nn look as though they coat double, your choice 20c m.-ii.- Childrens Dresses U-- r School time is near and the little girls need suitable droaao. W have them In all color and aiiea. Well made In several pretty ctylea, priced from 29c up to it 4 ,50 3 fw UU Childrens Slippers eui-;rilr- . u.--o tractive line of strong well built ehaaa ia Un color, alna ,,,M 2 to 2. Special salt price aoo tiooooaaodooMtod , Black and tan Vicl Kid and patent laathar Oxfords, all alxaa. a vagular $$M shot. Tha Bum- map Sait nca is ,,, Silks dr-cii- Porch Cushions Fin Silkolens, double ruffle, pretty color and designs. .33c air-lin- CUESSmC Dotted Muslins All colors, 30c and 35o quality, 25c clearance price Chelca of Children $1 Straw Hate COMTES! The key to the babies is as follows: 2, 3. S. fi. ID. 11. 12, 13, 18 19 20 were girl and Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 45. 16 and 17 were boys. and Them ire ties (or every one of the prise except the first prixe, which waa won by Heber H. Thomas of Ogden. Mr. Thomas guessed the entire plat of babies correctly. The Misses Margarrt McElrov, Beatrice Austin and Muri. A. Wilkinson and Albert F. Foulger of Ogden are a tie for the serond prise, each of them having gnese4 18 out of 20 baMiss MeElroY deposited threa bies. ballota on which she guessed eighteen the Misses Ethel B. Stanley and Margaret and Messrs. Paul C. Fleer of Ogden and George R. Ruse, Jr., of Salt Lake City are contesting, each registering 17 bahles guessed correctprise y j Q Apron Glnghamo Bleached 10 Mualln 4o L. L. Factory beat Everything in tho Domootlo 8e 80 De- reduction. Pompeian Cream Cutlcura Baap Elder Flower Soap ........... 45c .22o So Rublfoam 19o Lyon's Tooth Powdor Rubber Sponge 20e Willlamo Shaving Soap 4c Hlndo' and Almond Honey ' ......lie. .... ,. C ream .. . ...,89c Special pricae an face and Talcum Powders. W. H. WRIGHT & SONS CO. ,a063BBDEDOC3SSSeBO C30 ARE PORTLAND STILL AT FAIR WORK The following ladies and gents are a tie for tha fourth prise, each having gueaned 16 of the babies correctly: Ethel B. Stanley, Emma Peterson, Margaret, McElroy, Mrs. Packard and Mrs. Let tie Dankera, and Mesaera. Paul C. E. Fleer, Axel Lind strom, W. L. Crawford, all of Ogden. PNOM EXHIBIT The fifth prixe will be contested for LIVING DEAF. FOR SCHOOL Laura Emma Misses Peterson, by tha IHorr, May Conroy, Zells Stevens, Mrs. William DeGroot, and Messrs. G. E. Hellrwell. Jr., W. L. Crawford, Albert Bell, Henry Hutton and A. Wilkinson of Ogden, sad the Misses Lottie Solomon, 8. Walker, Bertha H. Jenson, Mrs. F. A Shields, Messrs. Arva Solomon, Chester W. Reese, M. Baker of Balt Lake City, each having guensed 15 out of tbe total number of G 00 OFF FOR THE CROOKS ly. MEETIKC IM : SILT LAKE Of tho Stockholders of Unique Amuam meet Company. .Yesterday in Balt Uka a meetof tho stockholder Amusement company, owners of tha Utahns theaters In Bait Lake and Ogden. Attending the meeting were Prod-den- t John Cort, Uncle" Dick Button, and Manager Grant, of the North western Theatrical syndicate, who have acquired a majority of the stack la the Unique Amusement company, Tha necessity for tha meeting was occasioned by tha action of one of the mall atockholdara, in trying le block tbe transfer of tha properties to tha syndicate. Proa. Cort, Mr. But too and E. H, Egan, manager of the ayadlcata the, star at Bt. Phut, came to Ogden yea terday. All three of the gentlemen refused to diecueo tho difleultJee whleh they have encountered in acquiring the Utahna Theaters, or to give any de. tails of their plane for the coming seaing was held in the Unique THE GANG THE WORKING INTO OGDEN. TRAINS . Six Little Tats Are to Demanotrot tho Work of th Utah Passenger Reports Hia Suit Caaa en Daily Complaints Made Friday, at 13:05 a. m. tho beginner claaa, rr presenting the State School for the Deaf, left for Portland. The name of tha pupil are Maria Hunter, A paaaengar on Union Pacific train No. 3, which arrived Is Ogdon Friday morning, reported to th railroad police that he had been relieved of hie to Inetltutlon. 6 EXCURSION NORTH. . 0335253 . babies correctly. 8 Jerk Waterhouse Salt committee' will meet on 6 yean. Balt Lake; The Lake; Thelma Young. yaan, on to decide Wednesday evening 6 yean, Roy; Trane Chlpman. 7 yeoro, some method of awarding the prises, American Fork, and Grant Morgan, 8 sugto receive any nnd will b pleased Fork. The little folk Spanish yean, Interested gestion from the parties were In charge of Mlsi France N. before that time. Eddy, their teacher, whooo work at St. Louis a year ago if well known, ACADEMY MOTES and Miss Hattie C. Brown, tha houa mother at tha school. Miss Elisabeth Maughan, also a teacher m the school, Former Student la to Taka Miaa accompanied them. It la expected that Place. tha work of throe pupil will even excel that don at Bt. Louia. The much younger than The catalogue of the Weber Stake pupil, though who were at 8t. Louis, are Just I It those Issued. 19HR-0Just for Academy is a neat, little pamphlet containing ax bright and Intelligent, and no doubt outline of court?- - offered, half tone they will bring credit to tbe state. of members of the board, the faculty, Supt. Driggs will receive them at Portseveral of the rooms, classes, basket- land. staff. The Acorn ball team, and ahow SALT LAKE - EXCURSION changes noted from laat yeara moat that the school 1 preparing for Is proaperoua school yesr. While there a Sunday, Aug. tth, nothing stated In the catalogue about definitely It Qutle new building. Via Oregon Short Line; $1.00 round known that the loi recently purchased trip, al! trains uwJl coming the lie by the board will sen ion for building purposes. Ml Eldredge, who bad charge of the pieparatory department last year, has been granted a year' leave of al sen re on account of her bealth. Mr La Roy Cowlea, who is a graduate of the Academy, and who has been teaching for the leaf two year In Heber place. City, take Miss Eldredge The students sr at present looking to be held at forward to the reunion Salt air next Thursday. Tak- Polic. ult ease during the night. The name of the man waa not made public, but ha furnished th officer with n good description of the ease and )to A theory, generally accepted, and which the police brlleV will be borne out by future development!, la that a gang ef train graftera, who travel in the guise of laleamen. have Invaded thla section In the hope of from the hsrveet n many reaping rich tourist an route to the lair at Portmentioned of the ekuar land. Crooks usually make Ibemaelvea. pleasant traveling companions, but, at tbe first opportunity, relieve their newly-madfriends of their valuables. They are never rough in attaining their ends, and it to believed that the man who had hia pocket picked at the Union depot Friday waa a victim of the crooks who relieved the stranger of hia milt case. Daily complaints are reaching the police of passengers robbed. son. HO RACES MONDAY eon-tent- e . , Manager William Bln ford announced would be no race at the auoer track on Monday night of next week, hut that tbe usual Thursday, night races would be run. Whether or not the Monday rare will be discontinued entirely rould not be learned, but it la understood that if tbe attendance at the races In tbe future is not good, that there will be but one race night a week, Thursday night. that there - DENVER EXCURSION Auguat 12th and 13th. Via Union Pacific, 318.00 round trip. Tickets good to return until August 89th. Ranch Saloon Saturday, Auguat 12th, Via Oregon Short lJne oh fare for the round trip to H Oregon Short Line points north, lamg limits and stop over allowed. Ask agents for particulars. BAHE1SIER BROS. Proprietors a e ,.,.4c partment at S Toilet Needs in Pattern Dainty abundance, skirt materials, domestics and silks. All containing sufficient for your purpooo. Waist Good Calico 0 Tomorrow night we will advertise all pacels left in the store during the past two weeks. Watch this space. Nos. 1. correct For the third i. ., ,., ... .., ,..89c Remnants - aw Lawn, Batista, Linen and Gingham Waists, latest style alcove and full pleatad front, worth $126 each, Special ... M 9i 9ao9 It 990 909 f blue and white, black and white, and ton pores lea. Thia 00000 otylea. Bale Bjd price 11.28, $1.45 and 99i white Shephard Block and Cheek and Fancy Silks far ault 65c only wv 0 thPwtUU Shirt Waists and Cotton Suits Shoor Whit days each. D. H. Walker la a veterinary sur. geon with tha Barcmn Bailey lie adrs'tted that he waa drunk, but a the dtjauch had rapped his resource. he was allowed to go under a suspended sentence, with ihe under e for standing that he take the the show. John Haskins, charged with cruelty to animal, and H. Kimball, charged with disturbing the peace, failed to appear and their ball was forfeited. BABY SEX o . 1 EXCURSION. Students Buipj-'de- tences Before Judge Kiicuie, of the third liairlci court of Salt Lake. Judg. John E. Bagley secured a citatinn fui pa ay vs. George A. Fuller at al. I. .or contempt of court. The contenip'. proceedings are based on the allege.! ,vfual of the def, miauls, in the rasv of the North Ogd n Irngatiuu company va. Georgs A. Fuller et at. tu jbev an Injunction graded Aug. 1 by Judge J. A. Howell, iu the second court, ordering the defeudau; .o release water of tb? North Fork of Jgden river, alleged to hate retained by tle latter. The hearing 1 i the contempt charge tefore Judge Ritchie has been set fur Aug. 9, and. by stipulation with ihe attorneys, the defendants will ntcr their appearance without arrest. The move In the suit uowr pending have to date all been made by the attorneys for the plaintiffs, and as the case promises to be on? of the greatest suits over water rights that 1taU has yet tutu, the Hue of defense ro he made by the attorn vs fur .he defendants is awaited with interest. In speaking of the rase. Judge Bag-lesaid: "The Ed-- people hate i:i their ditches do feel of water, or t, Pile Rock 1905. WITH PRICES MELTED BY HOT WEATHER Lb?r tc 6, o. EVERYTHING FOR SUMMER AS n,0 COMFAf JUDGE MURPHY SION FOR tAGRANTe. font Many ef There in Irrigatic:'. Proceedings Fight Will Be Heard in Sa't Lake, Aug. 9. Contempt enjoyable one for the old folks. Comtroubles" See tome of our work and mittees are now arranging for the ocThe program will commence get an estimate of the cost New Sys- casion. m. Dinner at 1 p. m. Bishop at 11 a. tem Dentists, .2451 Washington At. Robert McQuarry ia chairman of tbe Officer Rackhsm picked up a man at committee on arrangements. the corner of Twenty-fiftstreet and At a meeting of the Dix Logan W. Grant avenue, whom he believed was Intoxicated. At the station, before he R. C. No. 3 the following resolutions ur Specialty ia could be booked, the man was attack- were adopted: Repairing Whereas. It ha pleased tbe Sued with cramps, and the city physician hastily summoned. An examination re- preme Ruler of the Universe to remove his from thla sphere of life our late vealed that the man was sick, but ogden267 w,h Ave sickness waa the result of too much comrade. Chief of the Grand Army of UTAH. whiskey. Some medicine waa given the Republic, William W. Blackmar, Resolved, That we mourn a brave him, which put him to sleep, and he will probably be all right In a few soldier, a faithful leader, and a genYoa d erous. friend to our Order, V,'int the Worth of You days. and that we extend to hi family and The old folks of Weber county will friends our heartfelt sympathy. Money in meet for a day at Glenwood, ThursResolved, That these resolutions be day. Aug. 10th, in annual gathering. spread on tbe minute of tbe Corps The street cars will carry all old peo- and a copy sent to th daily nreps. FLORENCE IJTTLEFIELD, ple. wearing badges, free. Bishops of MARY A. CO ITU, will the various ward distribute ELLEN HUPS. badges. The Glenwood people will Flume IJ& 353. 4do Ogden, Aug. 4, 1305. everything- - to- - make this day an Watches and p I THEY FAILED . M. Herman H. Fleer, Jr., of Pittsburg, Pa., has been spending the summer with' his father, the Rev. Mr. Fleer. Mr. Fleer Is organist and choral con- Practical DAY aesa. Friday. ilVE IMMENSE SATISFACTION. ESPECIALLY FLEASING TO THE CHILDREN. . WHY i .Sparks. Hon. C. C. Richarda was called t 'ait Lake yesterday on legal bust AIfirsT MolfMMj, EXPLAIN from Jesse E. Rutherford of the Ogden high school anJ El ben W. Huroiu oi the Industrial school were in Provo THE ONE NH.U M UTAH, murphy ha: A busy Friday. 8'int. Manon has returned ffloN E ALL 7 went a i:AMlXEK: O'iliEX, MORE BOYCOTT. Yokohama, Aug. 5. The hoy- entt rpiinst America has started h're. tnr Chinese refusing to ban- die freight on the Pacific mall steamer Manrhnris, for Hong- kong. The Chines? w(Ill hold a meeting lomorron- to organize the movement. Wines, Liquors and Cigars ' - (gL 365 Twenty-Fovrtt- h Street C3 n(0 jr " |