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Show THE SUNDAY MORNING under the taw ation of lAbor. AUGUST EXAMINER, at the Feder- one in England, a, far as tabor conditions are concern e The returns issued each month bv the London local The Court of Crim.ii; Correction government hoard show ihnj the numMo., h that ber of petsons In receipt of relief from at St. the state is higher than in any pre- barber shops be exeti.p, ;he Sun:r on e that' day closing taw. ceding year since 1874. such place are a P'.hiic As n result of conferences recently . Out of a total at 1p7(-- members bald between officials of the New Pub-jclw- d and Be Authorized to Concise Complete wd New Haven and Hanford Rail- of 939 French trad'-unwYork, (uol jU. punting road c ompany and the machinists' eluding the unions tf r.,;.er in the die in Examiner Exclusively Morning rt monte oommitie. it Is said that the machin- Nord of ist have been granted a slight in- which made returns a, to tr of crease. during April. s i j 1 7, or employment memdiffer-No. taw has all that a the adopted l 9.3 per cnt, were ui on the w4a for arbitratin' Coal Oper-- bers over sixty and 8 who become the UHaeta The anthracite coal companies are 15:h of the mluh- - a- - u:i p.ir. u wiih sixty years of age shall be exempt to abut down their mines a 10.9 per cent In the ,i in ious m.iu'1, from all further dues or assessments planning of next month. and 10 per cent in April, ,v 4. great part memfor life, yet continue as active bers, with all the rights to work, and maker of Havanna. The employes of the Vienna. Lodx The cigar-botie-u- p on entitled to all sick, accident and dis- and Kalibiz have de- Cuba, have Joined in tLv ;r:ke begun Russia, Railway. flrar law. ability benefits, and their families to cided to use the Polish language in by other worker fi r a wcrkiug day the benefits paid by the union upon the transaction of railway business. of eight hours. ' conventloa at the their deaths If any one la punished for so doing all the employes will resign. JSaEniat GUH Worker will be The Barbers' Union of Seventy five laborers ht Culebra, Chicago baa Panama, struck rscvmlv nn account mfaToletoi Oklo. finally signed an agreement with the of their Prior to the American occupation, of the dleay la the payim-(Kngtand) Trade. Coun-Jtai- T Master Barbers' Protective Associa- Filipino workmen formed no tabor or- wages. ntdhtiom reoom-I- , tion, which represent about 2.000 ganisations of a permanent charao-ter- . dopwd s The annual session of the legislaThe Chinese have long .been unittrade ualoaa to take aa act-i- e bops. ed ia gramios or guilds, which could tive assembly of British Columbia, the formation of cooper-reductivThe report of the Berlin Trades at need, inaugurate and conduct a which cams to an end recently, passstores. c Union Commission, which la practicalInuuKraiion Art, ed tha atnke. same aa a the trades council three un.es disallow, been ly haa Russian which wortingmeaa thing sew n. on memia thla country, shows that the act. promulgated Ths Molders' union last ydkr had ed and annulled by the nonunion govof the affiliated organisations an income of over 361,000. ernment. J?(1S. 103. and effectWe atace bership was 174,102 at the end of 1004, an in190 tfkMrle moot crease i of 17,000 against 1003. The Japanese press of Honolulu Ia Austria the provisions relating to Russian preei to insurance Include sick- says that the Tokin government nt act of tabor legislation aince workingmen's Thera are now affiliated with the ness and accident pensions; besides aha Issued a new order, which went Jftrten a normal working day waa American Psdarmtfou at Labor 111 these forms, provident funds for old into effect on July 1. increasing the sshUabed. International trade unions, thirty-thre- e age pensions are provided for iho numdHff of Immigrants per steamer to Btoetrieal Worker1 stats branch, sod central ta- miners. In Belgium systems of sick- Hawaii from 100 to 4ih). Half of this n. New Yorkhand of a recelTer. bor unions and 1.048 local trad and ness. accident and old aga insurance number may ba laborer, tha other a la la the federal tabor anions, the Hi interna- era la operation. half women and children. 4ib for aa eight-hou- r day are tional unions having approximately JSSui by the Rock Driller and 23,000 local unions attached to them. The Trades and Labor Assembly, of to New Jsrssy iron molders threaten union. strike. Denver, Cola, has Indorsed several IHl ghirpener Iron maiden of Paris, Franca, and proposed amendments to the state Illinois established free employ- designed to safeguard the Often at the Llthogiaphle Artists, neighborhood have had to resume weaver and Designers' League at work after a three months' strike with- exercise of the executive power to nient offices In 1899. suspend the writ at habeas corpus imgfca hare made an agrarmeat with out having obtained their demands. The American Cooperative Assoand call out tha militia in times of aTeuloylng Utbographera to ratae ciation haa been formed in Elgin, 111. Ten years ago not a female electri- trouble. a ataadard of trade in thla country It will handle only union goods, and w Bmlpg aa apprenticeship board, cian was recorded ia this country: Victor 8. Clark, of tha National ia composed of only uulon men, all of of empioyara and employe. now there are 409 of than. The technical schools wars largely responsible Bureau of Labor, who haa bean inves- whom are active In the interests at for this. Greater New York Baker tigating labor conditions In the Ha- tabor. court of the waiian Islands, has completed this la consequence nigs, ll French factory law are very exA general lockout la the building work, and will report that no permanday declaring the enforce the demand trades has taken ptaee la Basel, ent solution of the labor problem In acting. Switzerland, where the carpenters and the Islands can be found until there Anogfc it own effort, of possible. Alabama coal miner are still os Joiners have put in n demand for n ta a larger aapply of resident tabor. Is oaraany la to ba found the nine-hou- r day and n waga scale of 1 a He favors the immigration of white strike. laborers to Hawaii. day. highlit development of workingmen HORSE COMING BACK TO HIS in that country a social ywiM. OWN. s and on Tha conducted scavenger Worka bean The Iatamatlonal Brewery Mtteest ba and ths movement may mens Union ia seriously considering employed by contractors at Stocklup guia. Those who have watched Newport's lAirty ba said to mark ths most interplacing a 9100,000 brewery plant In holm, Sweden, struck work recently, demanding an Increase In wages at vagaries are not surprised to leans mix recent social legislation that Seattle, Wash. 10 kroner (92.75) per month, and oth- that the horse ia regaining tha old b to ba found anywhera in ths world. place 4n human affections from which An ordinance providing for an eight-ho- er concessions. he was driven by the motor chariot. Thafeawbton bill, n day in public works has been Ths Wabash railroad haa abolished The morning drive 1 again in favor, that recently held valid by a local court In Detroit saan similar towas the entire aocrot service department aud tha dog carts, phaetons and la Alabama, overwhelminglfreare seen with an All the unions of lobater fishermen, of the company, including about fifty y defeated by the recent legislature and, by so doing, haa quency that Is refreshing, althongh of which them are nine, are attached d California. to the American Federation of Labor. ended the moot remarkable system of some persons are so affected by speed espionage ever maintained on n rail- madness that they never will return to The requeet of the International the horse. Bellevue avenue, of course. The recent Washington legislature road. toudiy employe at New York for an Is Ideal for auto driving, for it ia broad toenaaa ii wagee molten $1 n day defeated hills to prohibit boycotting The number of British working' peo- shady and smooth; but a set that has taw. ud Wpers IS ha been granted by and to repeal the state eight-hou- r ple (exclusive of aeamen) reported aa diversity for Its motto Is likely to find Marly all firm la Greater New York.' Bakers are circulating label agita- killed In the course of their employ-20 traveling along the same road every during May was 213, bleng Tht Supreme Court of day for weeks a monotonous pursuit Michigan tion fans, which they send prepaid for ment more than April, 1905, and 21 mors The pioneer .In the movement which ia hu tali that the taw requiring that 96 per 1,000. than In May, 1904. a daw ba inserted la contract! for resoling the horae to favor la Mrs. Alfred Vanderbilt who haa been seen In ptoUe work to employ union men ia The Brotherhood of Railway TrainA commission has been appointed her basket phaeton almost every morneoMdtmtonal. man closed the year 1904 with a memby Secretary Metcalf, at ths depart- ing recently. bership of 75,000 in good standing. Ths sot convention of the Vo-nement of Commerce and Labor, to make She generally wean a while frock Iatamatlonal Union Labor Of 1,300,000 railway workers In the a thorough examination of the Chi- with a huge chiffon veil. In fact, such of attire prevails on these League will not b bald until 1107. United States It la said that 1,009,000 nese Exclusion and Immigration laws. R will take place at Millville, N. J. drives that It causes many a blunder. are unorganized. Borne persons say the easiest way out A movement ia bow afoot to organTbs Boston (Mass.) Pavers Union The last year haa been a notable ize the professional baseball players iff It Is to Identify the groom. Labor News From All Parts of the World Latest Auii-nca- 1 1 x -- fuel Anti-Asiati- a. ' a. n UO-wi- T it street-cleaner- ur anti-boyco- tt en-Kt- vlo-toria- a old-tim- e cream ftnen stamped with a design of In the elx spaces IndifOrgetmenotsi cated are placed the photographs. They are first basted Into position and then buttonholed around with brown alik and stitching, being about of an Inch King and very ckiea together, so that whan finished tha effect Is that of little views set In wooden frames. Buch a pillow ia a charming present for a friend who has enjoyed with you the scenes depleted. If made for seta views of well known places like Lake Georgs I big pocket a short distance from It Is Tha Idea ta to take photographs of va- and the White mountains are quickly designed for the sponge, while the cation scenes, about tha else of a post disposed off. toothbrush Is struck through three loops card, cm thin cotton cloths that are Since Louis effects have beoome so much the fad for interior decorations, and tha least ambitious hndsekeeper aspires to a drawing room dona after the style of the "grand monarch,'' the er real reason exists for ft. t am sure, but there la nevertheless aa unwritten taw that early In the autumn baaaars and sale hsl he held for ths benefit of tha assy charltabla Institutions whose noble minded and philanthropic mtn have so nearly at heart Tha nasr vacation neason ta ths time seta by most skillful needlewomen for h Baking of dainty and useful aril-C- e to be contributed to these sales. NO J905. following suggestion tor a sofa cushion Ctmas gifts and little sartorial suck as stocks, belts, tuckers ditosvelets that one never find an toyortuulty of putting together during Winter alao materialise. But what w the work In contemplation, and ease In construction should h to features. y woman wanta to hrtwtak In summer a piece of work 111 absorb her whole attention, so jvt Nat anything dainty and easy to make dways welcome. Coming under this head and with tha well at fairs advantage of ft sets of Individualselling egg cosies. They eone JJ shaped and may be made raps of silk or velvet Four aach four and a half Inches long two and a half inches wide a point at on end, are grad aewa wwr. forming a cap. This la for A lining of the same dl- similarly arranged, and a at thin cotton batting is placed 7Tn them. The edges era then with narrow ribbon. If the ia a plain color a spray of worked in each section adds to A tiny loop of ribbon Is ? top of each easy as a Jhe EJJ' Tiles little cosies fit over the wtlng In It cup, keeping IS IT POSSIBLE POR MEN TO ESTABLISH A PERFECTLY JUST SOCIAL STATE? I Continued from comoolony was begun a steamship pany had a rumple monopoly of all tha traffic between Mobil to and from bank to him in the shape of a receipt- the eastern shore of the great bay. ed tax liil, and whatever remains in This company got rid of all their comtime as they the cjlony's treaurv after paying petitors from time ta the by putting price of these taxes is used locally to provide sprang up freights and passage down far below such public utilities aa tha commun- rot of service until competition was then by putting prices up Thu the entire ity requires. rent destroyed, 10 "all that ths traffic woald bear" paid by the 10 the colony each they soon recouped themselves of any be it much nr 'ar, little, ia handed loa they had sustained and more. back 10 hnn during thf year either la They hsd n landing three end a half miles south taxes or in public service the colony's site and performed. soother shoutof tha same distance Marked Results of Land Tenure north. The price for carrying pasSystem. from either of these points to The efforts resulting from this sys- sengers Mobil and return was 9L0O. H retem of land tenure are about two and a half hours each becoming very marked. First; No one takes and quired make tha trip. No amount of to way holds more of ths colony' land than complaining or pet it toning Improved he can put to good use. Ii does not the service or reduced the chargee; pay. Newcomer can always find good yet nothwithetandlng all these drawland open to settlement. They do not backs viewed from the atandpolat of need to buy some one out In order to the settler who a wanted to make get a foot hold. All of their savings home on the eastern shore, it was perar available for the Improvement of evident that the steamship cone their holdings. If they want improved fectly was not much psny making very places they can usually get them at money. about what the improvements are Thla condition of affairs might readaortb, that ia about what It would cost ily have discouraged even this band of to replace them. stout hearted pilgrims. If they had not Second. The fund that la here an- bad plan of their ewa already la nually provided through the payment mind. One at their very first efforts of rent to the community ia ao targe at public utilities therefore, when compared with the public fonds wasproviding 10 build a public wharf. of similar coumuaities elsewhere, To flnanea thla place at public imthat many public utilities are pro- provement wan a serious problem. No vided that other similar communities public interest bearing debt can he never even dream of being able te created (for future generations te enjoy. pay) for thla method of financing ia Among thoee already provided, al- strictly prohibited both la ths charter though tha settlement Is only ten and in tha ennatttutlon and of years old, may be mentioned a public the association. Bo tha council or water supply, public bath houses, on board of manager mad to the people for men and one for women. A pub- living on oolony lands thla proposition. lic system which has To build a wharf, only labor and matelephone been extended through a reciprocal terial art needed. W already have traffic agreement over another tele- the land, that is, the place to put tt. phone system to every Important You have plenty of labor aad than ta point hi tha country all maintained plenty at timber on our toad. Let's gat free of charge to ths colonists. The each aattler ta famish such labor or lly sot over a four material as ha can and each taka a public to five months term In other rural bearing certificate la recommunittea of thq stale has been turn, which will ba receivable by tha extended to a tea months term, and corporation for aJJ dues, that it ia la enlarged Into a grade school with an any way authorised to collect; let us industrial agricultural department, ia this way build and own our own perhaps the tint rural school garden wharf.'' Tha propoaitioa was readily and industrial Institute iu America agreed to and the wharf Immediately maintained wholly out of local public became a reality. The merchants la revenues, A public library at man tha village aoeaptad these certificates, tbaa two thousand volumes la alao par value, for goods, atace they could maintained free of charge to all occu- use them se readily Jn tha payment of pants at colony land. It In claimed wharfage and rants. Others took them that there ia no better public library Just aa readily, alnoe they could use In the stats, even In bar largest them la tha same way, especially nine olUes. The largest and best kept tha merchants wars so willing 10 taka publln park, per capita population, them la exchange for goods. that css he found In any American Public Wsrks Without Public Bends. city. A newer system of the latest and About 91.GG0 at these certificates moat approved ty pe ta being started were Issued and in leas than three and already coUages are being sup- years 914M of them returned to the plied with all tha modern city con- treasury (soma of them many times) hot and wars caneelied. Tha whereabouts veniences, modern and cold water, sewer connections, of ths others Is still unknown to the etc. association. Bo, instead of Issuing Building of a Fublla Wharf. bonds and paying Interest for fifteen The moat Important public utility, nr twenty years aad finally paying the however, Is yet to ba mentioned. It to full faee value of the bon its. thla pubsixteen mllra as the crow files, from lic Improvement cost the community this colony to the nearest railroad or 15 per rent less than tha fhea value city market (Mobile), which ta direct- of tha certificates loaned. Tha comly across the bay- - Thu only way of munity not only saved Interest hut reaching tha colony or getting away actually made Interest ou tha first coat at thla piece of public work. Tha wharf from it Is through this entry-por- t When the work of establishing the is now yielding annually mors than page 9.) le-s- eo . a Bchool-f-usua- noo-lntere-st bath-room- worked cut by a very artistic woman may meet with approval. The material used was the heaviest JUnd of soft upholsterers' satin In an old Ivory shads, and tha design was in ribbon work. W era all tired to death of forgetme-no-ts and Dresden patterns carried out In baby ribbon, but the roses made of wide shaded pink ribbon on thla Louis pillow were novel and exquisite. There wsr only thru blossoms, one full blown rose, a half open one and a bud. To make these beauties waa the work of a few hoars. Ths ribbon wds cut the required length, gathered st the edges and then padded with small wads of raw ootton to form petals, each petal being securely fastened to ths foundation with strong thresd, A suspicion of pals yellow ribbon pieced In the center of tha roso gave ths suggestion of stamens and pistils. Ths leaves end stems were first padded with embroidery cotton and then workrd in mtln stitch. Around tho pillow was a cord of dull gold. At an 'art exchange the originator of this pillow was offered aim-NM- ty "' ed rv E? .tar stragglers at the break-tabl- e, and they are convenient carrying a tray to an Invalid. ta a question of what to do v.. Pna. toothbrush and wash rag Vjatmvexng, M cat for theta dls-- nUmLtlS? jaatsriala favor, aceesaary are Merely a Ui light color ta W"hbl MR 'hlen V outside covering, (to robber Sheeting twenty-tou- r tang and nine inches wide and one aide with the JJJ? silk, Urt. the rubber d .u5 tothe edge. Line pieces rubbw lr Pockets bamSi ttla E? Sr JJSta lb tata 53 fcaiTS (t Ms. at tha top. All the parts ar bound with the washable tape. Then the case Is folded or rolled according to bow full It is and tied with Inch wide ribbon. Memory pillows are novelties that are finding favor with girls expert with cameraiand needle. These pillow tope WcT- ,onI packet ready to work are to bo purchased In ta for the wash rag and a th art departments of largo shops. "taesM rn'e Ml for her work, which aha told me had cost her only glO. Lota of friendly rivalry Is going an at a hotel la tha Adirondack among the riri guests, many of whom ate making In momenta snatched from porta on links, tennis and eupld Courts cigar hand ash trays. Those enthusiastic workers have during ths winter collected from their men friends paper rings that com around cigars gaudy red, blus and gold affairs, the brighter ths better. It takes from 169 te 146 of thee bands to decorate a tray, no you sea a girl haa to ho popular to make tha collection or her special young man" must be almost aa fond of tho weed as ho Is of her ladyship. In making tha tray there Is really llttla work to bo dons. A round gtaao bowl of suitable also that looks Ilka a cereal dish la purchased and In tha center Is placed tha handsome at band in tha collection. Around this center the middle portions of ether bands are pasted, making dreleh, rack one larger than the one within. The tiny ends of the bands fill In the spaces not covered by rows of round pleeea. Tho easiest way to peats tha bands on is to thoroughly cover tha inside ef tho bowl with flu. When the dish la finished tha decoration ia covered with sheilas. Bedroom slippers are having a boom this summer among tho fonoy work contingent The daintiest ar crocheted from light blue yarn and at the fop have overlap about two Inches deep, knitted from cream colored wool. Stripes ef black worsted worked at regular Intervals nn the cream give an appearance of ermine that la vary attractive. Wide soft blue satin hewn of four loops caught butterfly mad fashion at tho too and Instep, an placed on each shoe. Tho crocheted part of tho slipper 1 aewa to fleeeo lined " yj?1 it r.n-.ii- d a ZJr 6, POINTS FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. the rt bristles. beys sailor bkmsea will be worn. The ho hWd wide collars and deep V fronts are always becoming, cool, serviceable and practical In every way. The season's r and for blouses differ not at all from those of ,ln'n former years except In the sleeve. The foT afternoon la usually newest are mad on the same lines as those wwm by women, full puffs at the down Into deep, dose top. w,r the summer cuff. coming The chairs are often uncomng as there r Uttie fortableprettiest one way or another; Tha seat Very stunning are tha pew Klgnon bedroom slippers evolved from the tope of an old pair of tan mousquetalre gloves. They art much tha shape of Oxford ties. Tha fronts are cut sway a little, displaying the stockings and open well up toward the ton Around thla opening Is sewed a frill of ecru lac finely plaited and lying flat on the foot, the tongue being formed by the edges meeting. The suede vamps are embroidered wkh tiny pink flowers. the Dainty rosettes ef ribbon adorn cen-ctl toes, and bows of the earn ribbon the straps of elastic holding tha shoo to ths foot Tho slippers are lined with quilted silk bound with ribbon and sewed to tho Jamb's wool soles. The despised ia theory but much beloved In practice handkerchief case has taken on new beauty. On of tho cir1st eat. ideas in these fa te cut cular pieces of soft crinkled pink silk, Join them In pairs with a thlek layer of ootton batting between, sew the two pieces thus obtained together of ths distance round and cover the top with a full blown pink Bilk roes. GRACE) CRISCOM. 91.500 In publie revenues. The schema was so successful and was ao casilv carried rut that four years later it was decided . to build a steamboat along practically the same line. Tha boat was put Into commission shout six months later aud has become s moat important factor la the coluny development. The steamboat company ' was still la the field and still charged tha same old rate and made the same slow time. "The Fairhope" (for aurit ta the little steamers name) adoptei a very different policy bha waa to Is operated in tha Interest of tlu people. When she leaves Fairhope wharf aha goes straight to Mobile, making the trip in (mw aad a half hour, aad tha price for service is Just half what wag formerly charged. From the first the had a good business, which year by year haa increased at the rale of from 80 per cent to 40 per cent, until now tha question of a larger boat la becoming problem that must soon be. salved. The reader can readily se what a radically different environment haa hero been estabHahed to that usually found la other communities. Its influence upon the personal conduct and character of the people who voluntarily com under lu away ia readly observed and frequently referred to by, strangers within bar galea. Character Shaped by Environment, The character of men ta shaped ab most wholly by environment, nog heredity. Faraoual Investigation and a study of fundamental principles may, have tha grantor influent with aom but ihe number ta ao small aa to ba tha exception, not tho rule. Tho education which jf absorbed from one's surroundings is far mom potent in shapresolution ing his future than any which ha may adops through abstract or ths theoretical eechlngt reasoning, at others. It therefore beoomea the public's moat important duty to tho Individual to establish a hsal thy and Inspiring environment tor all who corns under its sway." On tha other hand aince tho publlo la Invariably composed of individuals tha Influence of personal example ia not ignored. "Each individual la not ignored and to all mankind tha duty of observing the golden rule. No mas can apeak ia stronger terms to others or ex art a higher Influence over thorn than his daily ample Implies, "If ho preaches one doctrine aad for practices another his Influence good is aulllflad by ths bad oxampla that ho sets." Thus they reason and upon this foundation they an building. Tho officers arc elected by vpts of all tho members (male aad fanials being admitted to equal suffrage) and an acta of the offloer arc aubpeet to a referendum aad all officers are subject at all times to recall by a majority vote To capitulate: Hero ta a community (now over five hundred strong) wherein the equal rights of all to life, liberty aad the pursuit of happiness and to opportunity ta Jealously maintained. A community la which nearly every family n owns Ha home. A community wherein all publie utilities are furnished by the public free of (barge. A community that collects no state, county or local taxes and yet haa tha largest public tnooma of any rural community ia America. :: SANDWICHES FOR THE PICNIC I bandwiches. Pori Tomato tomatoes, remove the seeds, press out the water, season ths pulp with pepper, salt. oU. vinegar and lastly a llttis freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Spread this silxtwi on a sites of butterod brown bread, cover with another allco and cut lata small squares rota Gras Band wlches. Run a very thin layer ef asplo Jolly Into a shallow tin such as the lid of a biscuit box and on this spread the foie gras. Cover this again with a thin layer of jelly and when quit act turn It eut, put It between thin slices at bread and butter and trim Into shape. Well flavored potted meat may be substituted for the fol graa. Salmon Sandwiches. Flake some odd salmon, put It In a mortar and pound with butter and a seasoning of salt and Pour over it a lltUo thick pepper. may an noise and some chopped capers. Bptwad between thin slices of bread pressed together and cut In diamonds. Boll throo eggs Egg Sandwiches. for twenty minutes, then plunge them Into cold water. When cold remove tha shells. Pound ths yolks and whites In a mortar, adding salt and pepper to taste, one on nee of butter and a dessertspoonful of cream. Keep on pounding tho eggs while those Ingredient ore being mixed In. Spread between this squares of buttered bread. Shrimp Sandwiches. Pick the shrimps. Wash and dry sums watercress ar.d flavor a tables poonful of thick cream with a little anchovy sauce. Cut thin slices of brown brood, cover half tho slices with cress, mix tho shrimps with the flavored cream and put a thin layer over the cress. Cover with another allc of bread and cut Into squares. Bering Went. Ia purchasing beet take notice of the color. The lean will be a bright red. flecked with spots of dear while fat, and the suet Arm and While. If ths fkt be yellow dont buy tho meat; Ytal you mar he sure it (s stale. should be fat, flna grained and while. If too Urge It will bo tough, unpalatable and unlirakhy. In selecting mutton seek small bone, ahort Uga, plump, fine grained meat and bo sura that (tie lean 1 dark colored, not light Bid bright red like bed The fat should bo w hit and clear. f-- ur two-thir- mads for tho purpose and sold by the doxen and apply them to spots especially marked for them on the pillow top. Tbeeo cushion tops are generally of SUMMER VACATIONISTS may be too high or the black awk- shaded satin stripes In rod, blue, green' wardly curved ao that a corner or a or lavender. roll of the wood seems to run Into your Many hat braids era thin and transbock, or tho arms msy be badly placed parent in the extreme. A drawstring so that you can neither rest your arms Is found in one edge of some of them on them nor escape them for comfort- to Manipulate them easily Into fanciHair and ful shapes for trimmings able moving. Ho And what became of that little fine straw are favorite materials for dog you took about with you such a lot the braids. last eea eon? Bhn Oh, that sort of dog Radium silk has ths suppleness and went out of fashion, so I had the poor thinness of crepe de chine, but la as flat and lustrous os satin. thing put out of his mi aery. A challis, Just the thing for negligees, The 'dragon fly seems to be popular has wide Persian stripes, bordered by for Jewelry. One of Us prettiest forms AT WOBK. Is as s decoration for an automobile hatpin one of the huge safety pin kind. The bar is of twisted bright gold studded with tiny rhinestones, end across it the long wings of tha dragon fly In Iridescent enamel spread. Invalid chairs for outdoor and seashore use are made of light wickar and bamboo without padding or upholstery and have umbrellas attached to the sides or backs to protect the occupant from the sub. In business surceas depends greatly oa three things punctuality, pwsqpal ds Perappearance, pleasing manners. sonal appearance means smartness end neatness ef dress, but net overdress. A dowdy dram and dull surroundings msy be completely changed by a flower. In manner let the business worries be cheerful and natural; avoid affectation. For headache, bathing behind tha sera with hot water often proves of Immense benefit A good remedy for foot blistered from long walking is te rub the faetta spirits aiUsd with tallow dropped from a To Wash Cettoa Fabric. Colored cotton fabrics will not fad by subsequent washing If placed in boiling water to which bas been added three gilts of salt to every four quarts of water. Do not remora tho doth until the water is cold. lighted candle In the hand. Do this for the night. Speaking of cycling and heart strain, a doctor says that ao long as the cyclist can breathe with the mouth shut she is certainly perfectly safe se far as heart strain la concerned. There Is a new association called the International Leagua Ibr YFeman Suffrage. Its headquarters are In tha Anthony is United States, and Susan Its president, but Its members Include women of evsty civilised people from UoUand to New Zealand. a |