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Show THE SUNDAY Beauty and UKUSUAL BROADWAY SNAPIHOT. MORNING AUGUST EXAMINER, Beast. 1 905. C, New Form of Xarriagq Ferric. REXARXASLE i THICK OF THE CAMERA. this story ob an east aide THEY to was oil day ralird upon! a couple. Outs.tie hia ,yC wedair.g, wtt.ca tad taken place so years before llot he had forgotten) pound. the lightest Qany the r!onad llie keybuaid particulars, It Baa the Alderman's aa a prominent actor in The operator first toil uUm:. but the manuscript le not e- - weighs sx ihuui.-- l -. hundred p tani, and evenglf It were would we ever timechiieea j la In me hr made to agree on the gjhjert of ' n like Hegel. Bchciling. Wm. Em- - preva key cor:-lo a bell lr. the niainniuiual affairs, and he was in danger of missing Nome of the ho poir-t- of l . u Tina electric eatao.. croon, Burke end Haulier wrote phlh!Mi-l'reniuny. Hoaever, in hi former capaity vuiume and eeaa.va on this topic 11 llB: which opei.s u- id civ toin the steeple. s pisiou with jf Jiiam-- he bad administered tlia nir conducting corny oaia nuoe of them agreeing, however. I ,hP All the poets, the ariifls snd the must- - ' Eketririty to many wimesars. and la proove.led to. ,1't the feiar.a of the world have tried to tell wh.it marry young pcpl in truly judicial, I stv le. ,he ri.',r' beauiy la. and only on one elngla po.n:' "Hold LT'm tuurcb ft th up your right bands.' ha said! hia a tnutra .vaiim11 bwi sn&da the t eapt-rau- M-- toe-ce- cnnm-i-Ira- e I dnt wfnt Uuty tk twMtu'a t,f ts trm pMrer nrw to attrart. As te the eecret ef Hue power j all the world aruin disagree. Ths brilliant Gautirr says: A women who ta beautiful is brainy enough; that le. ah has tha quslliy of being beautiful. ' I prefer a pretty mouth to- a line mii.d. I would gire fifty auul for a a:r.g;e a ell I I glibly, The bride blushed and th gro.'m loikedj piixzlBl. Fortunately, both wers young' ' and unfamiliar with the marr-e- y service. so tiiry complied. As th rerrmony pro- c ceded It occurraj to th Alderman that wae nor tjin tis knot to rule, but seeing no way to imhi method he forged ahead, prove upon and that couple ana actuahy married standing ten' lift apart, wl-.- their right bands uplifted heaven aa a alga of connutiial obed enre, faith and lavs. Explosion Under Water. !' I rt.jj.. yv - . :r V- formed ankle." The Mohammedans hare a great : Mrc work called "El Ktab." ahlih desnea the; eaaenliala for feminine loveliness aa f i low: "Four th.nga must te of hla.-- col-- j or hair, eyes, eyr Las lies and eyebrows.) Kay or Funo B tides WkichP Four things tnuet be white akin, teeth, j hands and the Iris. Four must be. I over Northern Europe the month aald that the camera cannot lie. r Broadway wie evidently in a kind of red lips, tongue, gums andthings chveka. May la considered ths moat favor-hl- e IT rh la probaNy true. But ta tha pic- - mirage, fir Just across the afreet from; thing must be round head. neck, lour arm to contract marriage. But thera 7TCt 11101 frek of h iUua that ! area of on of them, you see a wonderful stretch of the the classic building you observe a weg! and ankle. Fonr .must he slender ar natioiia, ika the herewith. As ths tourist wa whits spot on tbs baaa of theapneartaknown scan la Northern Michigan, here nnye'annar'iegaand thahack wno she. ZA .meres Imagination when Its for.ue Ergiiah, Wsum The A Bald an of Port I lata afternoon dread oRlor. It wee .the tamarack trees slops down to tns final toots, tbia I was turned ea the caving month Development to a brought ght a however, are four proofs of Igwhich la traceable to antiquity.: napahot waa taken of tha Cuatoqj combination of the two pictuiw. Vtaa a wet day, and all the world seamed afloat. t a star s edge. norance, which are betrayed by the ryes, A May bride may ef1 lou,, which In th picture appears to. of course, ha lu expU:,auon a br expect only nostrils. l:ps and Angers, g you see the life. elnga Ovid, who In matters erotic was 5 tlldn an rna- Tha next morning. i thoughtlehinesa of an amateur ariliL French arlter and tbs Mohammedan sage consfdcn d th foremost authority of Rome hv,nF "Ived at Cairo, an excursion was; of tha in v-.body . ' ..? practically agree ,, raising Tha Silk. ft Cold Btorsf 10 I Plutarch saya that tnaaniuch as Bacretary Explains pyramid, and th first lm- - Tha seed of the Abyssinia earsl woman higher than her mind. Is consecrated ts th goddess VenuaApril re-V. !? level h Instrument at IU formerly used for arighingSiil and! 5.V Edmund Burke wus a very particular experiments la Italy In i Jun to bringing into tho perspective two precious stones because it was snuii Juno It would ba a profanation to' Her Is his punotllloua recipe: "flhe th cold storaga of tha iUk; -and wa1 chap. choose ths Intervening month of May furl nat,va priests. The left shoulder ta all always of ths same weight snd las must not bs too tall, but gentl and docile, seem to prov that tha1 wnuinher of acquaintances, marriage. Tbera is a third explanation. hy tha query from a gen- - j Bi must have many varied spiritual qual-t- h methsd la tar superior te the use of Tho word "May te derived fro th Latlnl ' not kindly disposed toward the! lues. Bhe must be exiren.ciy well built, drying stove generally In use. "majorea." moaning tlioie who are of the! without producing an imprtaauin of' It has long been known that the egg iwhmgiOB administration:-- Monster Elephant Executing: elder. The word "June comes from' oddities ar ths secret of ths ef tbs silk worm keep best ta Mid quar-- l 'Mr Taft, do you think that tli Panama atrenrh or power. Shs muct hava a clear, "- -j of elxfeen recent firing thus who are of the meaning te Indian "junior," of which undenaklng la being conducted in a wholesome complexion.' terf awd tha pea aa nil bury tha aga la Southampton, in Abouktr TIDAL ton of younger. "Her:oe,,, aaya a Roman icrjbou end untainted manner?" a port of entry in spite of ih euiamer under the Ice and (now of the.clean waa a gr.-j- t spertacle, and con- -. ..)t j, fitting that youth I should forgo the "Hardiy." and tha Secretary arched hie; It Is possibly known to tew people In mountains fart that under ordinary condition lea of finest one slurred the !efcaln object of Hymen durine u,. seriously, ike nature of the; the Keystone Biate that Erie le a port of ona la ths power of high explosive on M coally dredging would be required to make ui For experimental purposes a belch of w us'b that no one caa engage In It the; town available as a port. mnfia was divided Into three parts. Twn-- 'J entry each year for a cargo of turtles, . , . whi-- a record. The fo'-- c was an great that the , . This statement la given upon the au- - ocean was ?" thirds war platted la cold storage, half Boutliampton fas four tide daily In l.Ticd from it bad. thc Bwch or actuai'y tha' brlda'te that June of tho ordinary two, and scarcely has on;rPa and pulleys. But the rope vw toay, being packed to piper, while the othera .inf. ... tremendous volume sr&TfcSt' . ,Vadm0Iially. ". lb( were wrapped In gauae. The it tide begun to ebb when a second check " tns elephant remained intact. Sea ??? Taft, thoughtfully, when hie friends had WalUre. Captain Wlnn, Pad atPrtvad! 111 h tried poisoning. were placed la the drying oven Th Ua progress and gives high water again. animal whole a th their waterspout, "I learned regained the fodder of fresh bananas, watch ni from Port Clinton wuh a cargn of the' I)10 When a piwaar tima had elapaad It . Owing ts th position of th Isis of given a thousand into and blossoming changing was devoured whose total with weight rellan. Then Z found that tha racoons stored In th raid (lit rascadre. QueM!yttVtlclwkhandlwiBJvbai? reptiles, Wight, the tides enter bath from the Engwars dipped In carbolie act, pounds had loot something of their toughneaa onbte fln.eM lish Channel and tha Bolent. and thereen-.-te.. bananas no amount of This tide. ebb each put of hour could tho to an but ms rhambara, coaxing mrough th dampness of llm- - Finally shooting but this waa ovarroaM by drying In th able th largest steamers to dock at any 5? heaviest until after the Hnformatlon. before which the course of hia experiments h d.icovered time, and has drawn largely from Liver- - triad. big game nfla ta elr. and on being pMt ts tho M. tho sold A XZCHAHICAL BCULPTUBX AT WOBK. procured and a shot waa fired lit m lime tho metropolis waa knows aa treated roeoona not only yielded longer 'sparkling champagne." j pouLwith It costly Improvements. t left The waa armpit. leas liable to, elephant merely bold threads, but tha thread around in surprise, tha bullet hutq as as breakage la spinning. flattened against the riioulder blade. Tta Tli Italian silk warm la a rroa between! XXOHT ERUPTION OF XT. VESUVIUS. Show Tricks Exposed. a a Maxim gun was pulled up. A fudiloh tha Chinas and Japanese worms, and I1 of projectile was pumped into tha te raid to bo moee hardy than either ef tho. HEN yon see a man com out on th beast under tha right armpit. Tin te original, while ths quality of ths atik staa and shoot the ashes off a cigar ihaM went down Ilka a house, la b te as fl as. which' Is being smoked by aa assisttenth et niggle, which waa atadM g ant, don't twlieva all you see. A hatmany aclrnuuu, It broke all lta etulaire pin la run through th cigar, the point eadat-shlTwo hundred and aeventy-fou- r reduced pari of tha Iron fence lu tig Just reselling th aah. Th asslitant J.ist In tha military department af tha to scrap Iron. pushes the knob at the other end and Missouri But Ilalvsrslty are varan L down falls the aah to great applause. Of They will feo lilted by mamlwrs af ths Legcourse, only htank cartridges era used. islature through appointments. A Phlladclptila baker waa recently uH Breaking two glae balls with two pisOn ta furnish a at rang wedding oaks fh Tits oldest brick building In England, tol ta almost aa "simple. One of the e was a Journalist, and tte at steept tboaa hulk by 1m Romans, ta aaM pistol only I loaded, and with shot; the was required to be In the form of stag ts b Hurst monrsaaa Caatto, ta Buaaei. other has a blank cartridge. The loaded In on portion a bulb re fountain pen. which waa oesetad by Dot anna, treasurer pistol a aimed between ths two ball and concealed, and when pressed earned at to Haary VL It was dtemantlad abaut a the shot scatter, breaking them both wins So spurt but of the pen so that in century ago. that's tho trick guests could at once eat th neddlng cl Extinguishing several numbered candle drink tha brida'a health. and hy number en request of ins audience, te A Boffll Flaythlfig. seldom more than s hollow Joke. Behind each candle la a hole In the target. An A Curious Resemblance. assiitanl hidden behind It almitly blows out tha candle, taking cars to blow tha r ' I i r,right candle at the right tlina; that Is. .v ' ewhen the pistol erarks. J' Blindfold shouting simply meins thst the "artiet" glances down hia nose to a mirror HE picture reproduced herewith shows neighborhood of the mountain was mere fixed at an angle behind the bank sight and' I osuvlua at night, with a background than brilliant it waa appalling. 1a belidng genluaea do plared In smoke through which ths flames In M lot fridh from the age wers not there. work turning outfin arts- turns a block of niarbl hooln heavenward In terrify-rhaaleThe earliest known rlrculatlng library fof American consumption. Th "me- quarry Into a atntue Tn an amaalngly abort) Painting a cnmplet picture In a Jiffy In! 5 ,'rcneaa. According to all accounts. waa established in Dumfermllne, Brotland, sculptor" la a ear la point, time. Th operator passea a pointer" iprescnr of the audience la also artifice. : !? h It orbs aa tba principle af th Anieri- - ever tli statu to be copied, while a chisel . What looks to you like an Immaculate and "ctnt 'ruptlon was unusually mag- In 1711. Allan Ramsay toned on in In liSS. aaa autotnatls turning lathe, rt producing at tha other end of tha machine whttllea uutourbrd canvas la In reality a linlwiiwd mlllccnt, and at night the scene in the ibaoluUly Ui outline of ibjt pottvru off th nuirblo block to correspond. plriure covret with whitewash. All the "artist dues Is to simulate pnlnung, while he mrrely w'p-- s off th wtillewmh with v Bejraltjg Burdeng. aown w-- -About Siaoasea. hi brush. The result la a picture that T la not 0 much fun being the Prinee Ofllcial Graft in Xuasla. Crookod a Grava Xan. for Straight would require. If it were honestly done, at ef Wales aa on might export, for Inwork. least a t'flSIA Ims a "wool king. flaws stead of being upon a universal free list through th crowded Those day's pulsated dumbbells wboas awfully heavy looking Mowmow, factories employ SOBfl that unfortunate person te compelled to aa the mourning populace somemeilraca t" under tha J1 ,r0,,fl thnumnd seventy PAF more then th average mortal for worker, to Impressive orations In mentwln HE accompanying picture shows th - ory of tho moat liberal and human condition most fatal: out death of such this trill ea a railroad trnvol H theatre n?iu' .a0 every yet City loadin' merchiini. hIwm. in n0uMnio place, of all diseases couldten; talma ur brig Edward VII, at Vir- of payment and treatment, and who, up Honesty, umlxhtnrM. dono away tickets. le entirely fffifrofltyi u when hia. im b the epcelal JqB.lpteferably was te plvtfiirm, recent I leader d.wtli. th prime with lu Uilrly years. It ta be ginia Water, England, which wera tho mlndadnesa and fair claimed, If the Theatrical managers, of courea, would be " ' Invlied commanded hy Prince Edward of of th Hiwaian Workingmens League. ture loudly exioiiM hTthe bar iLd! to llfl thnn. ,rm , now the platform are pow- - practice of expectorating in public places more than wiHing to bar the.Princ as a ERY day note Improvement I Wale. Th heat la about as targa at a When tho waa tllscontlnued. War broke out clergy, Th guest nightly, but in order to keep the foreign aupply of apes aide erf'll magnets holding the weights down. naphtha launch, and aa king aver had a he doomed inn.itm woollan blanket of th use whisten of his name from being made Into an All. present but on feelingly nodded their Suddenly roll ih. bar off the mos lute resting royal plaything, with very bent quality to tha I room thrn lightmanly looking lady with pUif'.rm and ewa ot n open advertisement "f,en In heeds striking Is and ? Ideal decusIt the as assent the life of the invariable of the rural variety "5 you can probably I.ft It In on hand. thla Mt af naarlaa aeeMUclur th futare ing in th Arrtle winter of Manchuria. condition do not favor tom lo pay for the tickets at the reguiar tenance la called Lor Gibbon." Bh waa recounted. This exception was that npcrailoii releases It from p'ron- - I111 nilar af tha Eaglteh navy will learn all Jits gin waa SGoaptcd by tha Tver's gov- ceased magnetic them they do no harm. Cold accompanied rates. More than this, the customary tips presented by Mr. B. C Stoko. of Uadte tha local undertaker. control. ebawt ihs art af warfare en th high seas. ernment by damp appears to be tha usual cause of are more than aouMtd. and Th merchant tied expreseed a wish to quarter on high ground Greer was hit surprise and Indignation, nnd the same may be said of th uns way the Prims' pays tor from given pneumonia, malaria. Her ladyship waa capture howaror, when only a short time after tha ba burled beside hie father In a cemetery hi The th most kind of fatal train wiicn Indigestion. special In be Pentaaula. tha Malax travel and then Punishment to Fit Crime blanket war shipped, supposedly to Man- long ahanJoncd. Accordingly the underlarge tipi to all concerned. aaxisiant to go to the Bret Introduced can not now be esrt-r-ere) cold end damp drive the bluod from the distribute his entire taker Instructed a CITIZEN wh had hilariously calm churia, he receive d an offer far th cost It Internal while throw small an Item ni postage stamps organa upon the r "c'vttLui-la-l ground and dig a grave tlx taJned. It is. however, tolerably certain surface, b rated a moat Important advent com- shipment at a pries far below tba luouiita into four figures in tha course and bring on the digestive trouble. Coatl Crowu for Status of a jfeet In length and of regulation width and mitted aa IndMcrettoa and found him- -' the goods. at xcer, would though tha stamps bava lua If watr assistant boilpJ UilcvcrvlT1?1' ""X This forthwith, Hple ' departed the of L startling Into example th .rope brougut during Cruiidca trphoUli .hich 1a ona of the moat fatal dis- - father's picture upon tlwm. . self In tha prwenoa of a magistrate. hour of reilgkw' . wtfl m yard stick borrowed Hia Honor listened te the man's diaoon- - among Russian nfllctials was suppressed the crowning, a,orB h would practically diiappcur within The "e Jdul business" envelop are used SEVENTEEN ' .jeaaev' aeted story and ronaldered hie counters from publication first .iv hr Gnand Iniken In humiliation"f nnd deceased. ? Vlrgia of the Wlft "rlct g la a guml dual of Thera few 'a embarrassment decide Inlerpreutlon years. .yl Plea for wvrey. When all waa said and Boyl Wedding the cathedral of tteragosae. mourner eiood about tho open grave, li -- nJM' atwut fillcra, upon which tio much that ilia mystic .O.. IL M. B. la proper: th curt announced tenu.lv: altars were in uee,.aereew wae too email and the ranket could not .by at all stamped as though sent Twenly-tw- o reliance la placed. They are ' accumulator V1 "Thlrtw days in the workhouse." at a'l of thvJf,JL continuous flut a being lowered. The wrwthy undertaker hastily by Individual. private arc end useless unless lieked of at germs Later tha pltlaen' attorney approached rameoa tha Archbishop advanced with s ee'acd a apide nnd cncrgctlcallv fcmoird Even -a more dethan lntcrvalewhich ere 'the formed fiema from fommener proem does he frequent tha Judge and remarked, You Honor, a'llltaw" ,h d8man" t01 Lie purie helTiT'or having two distinct layers or airalnJB2,"'r ,ni'11 ot flronnd. ATlf tli remahts stroys the microbes. that extreme rontenre took my rlicnt s Honrs, for wedding presen ta, and- hia position '""'knot to rarth.'and wldlc of d'ffcrent color. The darker stratum In! , , breath away. the Nothing fright cna people ad much as m outside itioxed played waa I nf i W"rtli 'rgyiiian left be pronnunqinir or seventy teform a background, tha object ? expenditure th tart "It d d. did Itf" eveiaimefi the megla-tr"nw'l-i!i.i.suggestion tliut they may have heart die- - ;?rce the following culiuquy ouwnd dollara for uniforms of the reg- - and a saint was fired from repreoenicd being left In relief liy ruiilna Vet people who are thus afflicted case, jolirtre mlrtbfullr. "TVell, I II order slab of klch marble; Tn'e llis 1he. lnxic'litT,'' parte. .member. and are ua ually live for many years, "H'Vy I pre.umsd that It would tA at I quite .All told. It I ndentkeo Didn't- I tcil ynn that the tion and th perform net of only generally wed for thla purposethrough economy that not to nf die aa else. least thirty days to ennlhllet his breath." something . jas likely ll:e XYlnce I enabled in set aside any. dance in the market place. "T"" r secretary Lcell. M. flhaw for mrc than ure1 0! -- - The crown was presented hy tb ?-- T, w .Ci3 twenty yun prior-lgoing to U'aaMng , sririee a merchant own yard Cherrisa war first brought Ini Europe ton na superintendent of one and Mojhef and the ladies of theBiMA from Ksraauni, on th Blark flea, by of Madrid and 1a valued at tlmea two Bundny siuiool and represnuc.i or X m um. rnaker-i ah xrigni. see. TO a .ndl vidua by una more costly than some of the crown B. C. about the year of th Brg ths lie Hmnn fonfcrencs Hires I'l'lS private who lia "pains In ported l Th average at tha General ronference of I1I1 C'lmrcli. pardon. You may go.standing. by kings. hi kidney" will. If asked to locate those about a foot beorgan, point to a place are. ' Moat ortho low where Famous Brains. ARTIFICIAL WAVE OH THE RHINE. ANOTHER REXARKABLE ROCK FORXATIOH symptom of supposed "kidney trouble' lfl brain do not neccssarilr mean big mentioned In tlie patent medicine adverminds: that notion ess exploded now tisements, for the purpoan of frightening a time ago. It I now known that the Ignorant, are normal physiological ir an- likely to of lar" human being has them phenomena : every have I arse brain. aul liiat In aura now and Uk-u-. tlic c'inv.iiii'.i.uis i usiialiv morr claborste Hi m In small men. more cerebral surface f .r n buman Power of th Pulpit sm-- . machine of gr.-n- i It'll i; that. I'lii.-- r t'llnga brine equal, the HE congregation of a church at Kew-- (. i brniny" nnn ii.t a biggtr br.iiu than b'a of mined to give a lawn J.. 7 . -vr whi.-cream and lemonnde lpe couuunpor.iry r a lower nrd-- r of . l:i order to attract .were l Ik- ecn-cdor a New York a t.i.i nhvinm a large crowd the Th. mlgV. 1 w-rIt n t f r to be w.t.ii s', .mis clergyman wn enlisted. Tula minister has itiany N isqiti-.-il on rrri.11: (,f oplulnn ie eubjivt. the reputation of ng able lo let shafts l The is rats: bimn on .I'of tilling wrn'in leap from the pulpit with thm of tr-ttvlsh. j::--- . Ivan Tnrgroli fT. t'..c port nil novcils:. ol fifing from an emery rparke jt'ic rapidity whldi wcgiic 1 nearly g ouu. cs. Next: wtncl. comes Ibal cf the uatiire'.is: t'uv.er. 5T Tire Visitor w:is well along In hie Uisnur. k lualn neighed KV aiinres. and hr sai not spwing hia audi001101-- . and to.it of ence. Men ttnti hd uneasily and women with lo phy:c: in, cams rxi bit tbcir lip. ounces. Benja-ntF. Bull-- r. who in life1 I "That talk I a hot one- -- regular acorch--er.- " waa cclepr-.',- t f.ir th a.ic o hi head, remarked the gentleman who had a found after lu demise t.1 have hs-- s' (charge nf the ground and the Illumination. brain Just a little short of tt oun cs. I "Yce." dejectedly moaned the chairman William Makepeace Thscksrsy wrote h !of the Rccep'i-t'naimlxtce. "our cans of wonderful imvtis with a jiPN cream are in the basement directly lu-'dt11 oiinrea. Tho bra.n f tur weighed U that pulpit." famous physicist Sm.-r- , i:p;cl the . at exactly snJ iut .if o!in'. fluiiri'ii-.-iphrenologist wr.ghcl 1 mini h-- b m ticd I , Hunt aupei-etitiou- i j i.a - me PjfIXT "''I0' . I jgn I : THE h.Adcn J pte niritaiis I vlly tbVZ n esses sees ps bride-to-b- - 1 - J al 1, Ediq-burg- : 1 y&as4 tl. ...... 1 lal Rnaso-Japane- I I "k" t n A ' ,.e Tr-u- Ck. how-do- hum-Jbu- pre.-lnn- I 11 - lt iauir'whne j et . rorrin . s. j - ! 1 as" stfsts sscravs "J 11 - r ; u. 1 rfon - they-actuall- prr-'in- p.ij-l'ii- Is 1 utidc-nlnb- r. lv i- b - rrg-irJo- e 1 l cr sees ut th. sc of this mad ht:lxh . fix n : u"ri"a,'y- - la erder waterfall. Imoua electrical plant which (undies ta country for trfiy mile around witll light. Iti power la generated from . One Hern Datoh the action or a hug anir.?lally pro- ti ' duevd. Th accompanying IHu.iraiion will fr,,m a crTcr-lli,:,rEf4- -0 and Wul M i "r ,:w . ,i'.i sarm T common enough to And rock forma-- , posed to represent a kaeeUnj tlona which more or leas dotely suggest, and a wild animal, human still there, but the, la face or figure. A remorkabie of this character la shown I . Th cud called "quid elsewhere, aoj group of of Methodists la! herewiTh. The rocks are Hence, perhapa nar.iand. c. Fort Bayard, New Mexico and are ' gni !?rc,";2,rtx" broken up. 1 rru-k- S lup-jhac- r. Ear g te |