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Show fHE MOUSING IJXASIINERs OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY 6 Spring patents 495$ 5.4. the previous maximum hivThe progwa of yellow fever and the record, Wheat No. 3 spring 1.0401.10. been (1.145.9tv.39 on October 8. traffic ing by to resuWr.g Interruption Xu. 8 9501.65. 82.til8.8bQ, decreased lbud. Deposits been alao regarded AND quarantine haveB- in Xu. 2 rod 85. more than fluesum of -t spite of the a to only (1S7.S06 wi'h anxietyCorn Xo S 54 0 55. . leas the contraction In cash the on porthat gain special factors bearing made No. 2 yellow 65. the , In leans. Hc3 that in railroads tion of tha country, dereserve No. 2 Oats 36034. good proof. The required territory have hem strong in the stock which 2 No. white 27 022 diducting market! and industrials working in creased 1854.650. each No 2 white 26 027. left 83.143.450 loss of that region have shared in this fromthe the to reserve decrease In surplus Rye No. 2 57. strength. The winter wheat crop has a, 133,523. Computed upon tha basis Barley Good feeding 26032. III and passed out ofof circuU'ion Fair to choice malting 41045. biacs runt damage to of deposits. Ua those of la88,468,700 WORM) ivorts 1 114,380,-1 1.30. Flux Seed-- No. funds, the surplus spring sliest have not unsettled the public Xa 1 northwestern 1.28. 2i0. general faith in a favorable outcome Timothy Seed Pnme 8.25. of that crop. Confidence in the corn Bank Statement. Meu pork per bbl 13.35013.60. the although taking is shape, EARLY IN crop PRICES LOSE GROUND Lard per 10 Iba 7.4007.43. '.11! The statement I. is York. fur Aug. that Xew crop period critical HOURS OF TRADING. Short ribp (loose) 8.0008.15 house asal'rd. Railroad traffic officials re- of averages of the clearing Short Clear Sidea (boxed) $500 Takes port tin freight movement well sust- banks of this city for the wees shows: 1,-8.62. Precautionary Early Selling 6.163,700; confident commitments Increase, and ainedLoans. JU Place on Intimation of Obscure Wtfekey Baals of high wines 1.27. fur be future by merchants thruugh- - Slti.K'H). Banking Average. Clover. Contract grade 12.75012.76. decrease, 61,197,136,800; !t the west, based on the hope of Deposits, the crop out- 63.618.600. regsrdiug the leeling Shipments and Receipts. increase New York, August 5. Prlcee tort turn. From the side of the natal in149,490,800; (Jiculation, today and dustries reports are of continued large 868I.7UO. ground in the early trading the operadid not entirely recover in orders for steel products, and the conLegal tenders, 89,840,500; decrease, of of copper is reported on ll.O70.7iW. tion that followed the - sumption aellThe early a scale to absorb freely the prevailing the bank stateaeni. Specie, 8323,104,800; decrease, of ng was precautionary on account output. Misgivings recently felt over that the banking opera- the labor outlook in the coal mining inimailcn Reserve, $311,445,100; decrease, tions cf the week had hero 0 compliIndustry hare ben allayed by pubcated aa to Iren? the effect on the lished reports of both the operators Reserve required, 1229, 261, 5T5; defor and the miners, and the prospect for dally average, unusually obscure Fear exlnted that the the advanced winter schedule of prices crease, (654,650. Milmating. Surplus, 813,163, 525; decrease, On the produce exchange today the 4:;m of loans might show a heavy exT has given comparative strength to the the of reauh August ee a butter market was steady. storks. railrond fanaioa 0 (14,280,-20States deposits, settlements and the payment of an Creameries 17020 It la probable that the hesitation decrease, (3.140,000. on the loan aubacription and dullness in the stock market are Dairies 160 18 to duo to the of the money marulA tha privilege to subscribersThe Eggs easy at mark cases included, problem In full aud save lntercat. Money Market to any 16. - ket of the next few weeks than 5. on call Tank atatement showed all of the ex- other cause. The present extrema ease New Tors, Aug. Firsts 17 Money J.rf moB,y Prime firsts ll019. fl,lt t0 g possibly precari- - nominal, steady; time loans steady, pected decrease la cash, but the of (l,31tL80 loan expansion ersta ous and due to conditions subject to (0 days 2 per cent; 90 days Extras 2), had than r formidable much leu Cheese firsts 10011. per cent unexpected or unheralded interruption. months 3 ' proved howis It sufficient, been anticipated. With large crop aid active business Frimo mercantile paper 404 per a of a croaa couple margin to ever by New Yerk Bonds. activity la the country there to little cent. cf hundred thousand dollars the larg- expectation that the demand for funda ...103 Sterling exchange firm, with actual U. 8. refunding 2s, reg touched the record by est previous U. 8. refunding 2s, coupon... ...103 upon- thr reacroa center will be less business' In bankers bills at 486.660 Ocin loan bank New York clearing than usual. The outstanding volume 486.75 for demand and at 484J50 IT. 8. 2s, reg ...102 tober of last year. The surplus re- of loans to known to be large the 485 for U. 8. 2a, coupon ...102 rates, bills; posted re(May same la time at the serve Item aver and some contraction to 485 ...113 Mila U. 8. new 4a, rrf country commercial and with 487; duced to (12,161,525, compared 132 8. new 4s, coupon apprehended to be essential, even in 4I40484. 5T. . 866,308,850 at this time last year an B. old 4a, reg ... . Tha 183 the normal course of buaines Bar silver, show51. This two I2L587.07I year ago. U. 8. old 4s. coupon condition of the government revenues ..104 Mexican' dollars,' 45. ' anxof the undercurrent ing explains 75 given warning that measures of reGovernment bonds steady; railroad American Tobacco 4a, errt iety rogardlng tha money outlook with lief by th treasury for tha money mar- bonds 116 American Tobacco 6s, certi firm. for demand interior the period of the 103 Atehlaon general 4a ket, which have become customary in cuneacy approaching which to only th fan, may bo rnada difficult But 97 4a Atchison adjustment Ceffea. and exae extrema Sugar partly quieted by the 102 still mors Importance to attached to New York. Aug. 6. Sugar Raw, Atlantic Coast Line 4a . prevailing up to this time in the tha part played by foreign funds In 4 105 Baltimore and Ohio cenmarket The movement of the ' present ease of our money mar firm; fair refining, 3 95 Baltimore and Ohio pinr 4 96 molasees tact, trifugal, ike day were trivial throughout. which 114 kat aud possible developments Central of Georgia 6a 3 United Status Bleel preferred waa Refined, steady; auger, to from this point Central of Georgia 1 at Inc ..... 98 - may affect It. It bo) ably Arm and touched 105,' that ei- of view that the peace conference open crushed, 6.00; granulated, 5.10. Central of Georgia 2nd Lae ... 87 tending by oncelghth the margin of at Portsmouth haa Its greatest Inter- Dole Steady. No. 7 Rio, 109 Chesapeake and Ohio 4 a ta record pries. The fact that the est to tha financial world. The great 10 Chicago and Alton Weel. accuquarterly dividend 1a to com off the 101 C. B. and Q. new 4a European money canters hava offWool 5. Mo., fit Louis, price of the stock on Monday waa Aug. mulated heavy reserves and something 82 C R 1 and ered to explain ilt firmness. Prices Ilka has resulted there. Steady; territory and western medi- C R 1 and P R. R. col. 4a redundancy 94 fine 280 26; graerally closed at insignificant frac- Surplus resource mediums, have been placed ums, 28030; C. C. C. and 8t Louis gea 4a ...108 tional declines. Total sales of bonds, 96 temporarily in tha New York market. fins, 16012. Chicago Terminal 4 par valua, (1 J2I.600. It. la accepted as a fact that the 75 Colorado Midland 4s The roovementc of stocks this week accumulations for Chlcaga Produce. . era to 94 Colorado and Southern 4$ has shown a waiting attitude on tha expected Russian and preparation preChicago, Aug. 5. Weakness 107 Japanese loan Cuba 6a, eetrl moro of and the Important larger part vailed In the wheat pit hero today ua Drover and Rio Oranda 4a ....101 follow a which .will Interests. Dealings have been restrict ful or a necessarily outcome of th a result of elear weather generally Distillers' Securities 5a belligerent 80 ed and the day to day development Tbs flotation of such throughout the spring wheat section. Erie prior lien 4a 108 have not been of much effect on prices negotiations. Forecast of continued clear weather loans would lead to withdrawals fro 98 general 4a Mr on the volume of business. Such our market Very large sums of Ja-pi tomorrow increased bearish sentiment Erie 115 F IV and D City 1st made haa establish as been progress New in on Commission are funda houses and trader deposit panese 110 lag more favorable conditions In bus!-es- s York and placed to our loan market old moderately. Septemberpitopened a Horklng Valley 4',s 108 Japan 6a. certi and industry has awakened little Remittance of these funda abroad are hade lower to aahade 15 at higher Louisville and Naah Uni 4a ...104 response la the securities market, sug- believed ta bo making from time to to conwaa under The market 104 15. Manhattan conaol gold 4a gesting that operations formerly effect- lime, and the whola la subject to siderable 78 selling pressure tha entire Mexican Central 4a ed had been la the definite anticipaJa- session. on order of the withdrawal the 24 September dropped to 81, Mexican Central lit Ino tion of events aa they hava occurred, There bean have from Minn, and Bt Lnula 4e . where It closed, a loss of 97 The professional operations to storks panese government bond In for demand the 102 yesterday. Mlae, Kan. and Trxaa 4s which have made up the bulk of the improvements on effect tha hut tha week, Profit taking by bull lend era caused Mlaa, Kansas and Texa2nda . . . 86 transactions in the market have been during waa small. weakness in the eora market Dur- N. R. R. of Mexico con. 4a ... 82 hesitating and varying and In the na- prices ad4s United Staten registered have 135 ing tho last half of the Melon the New York Central gen. 5a ture of testing operation. These teats vanced per cent os call market held quite steady at the 106 4a Northern Pacific have apparently failed to open na outtha weak. 77 let for any great extension and havu during September cloeed 0 lower Northern Pacific 8a at 63. town desisted from or reversed at InNorfolk and Western eon. 4a ...108 Financier's Review. Oats were weak 4t the opening, f 96 O. 8. Lino rfdg. 4i . tervale, giving the market aa irregutember opened New York, August I. Tha lower at 27 and Penn. cost. lar and uneven appearance. The move... 154 declined to 27. LocaJ receipt were Rending general 4a ments of any extent have been indus- clef says: .....101 112 Tha official statement of tha New 113 ears. trial stocks or groups of stocks subBt Loula and I M. coL la some lull common York associated banka this week unices of 8L Loula and 8. Fran. fg. 4a ... 18 Provisions wars steady on a fair d ject to the 90 factor and evidently la many Inatancas again showed n more or less marked mand from shorts. Aa advance of Be Seaboard Air Lino 4a 82 subject operations by organised specu- discrepancy between the estimated In the price of live hogs induced uome Bt Louta S'western con 4a lative pools. Southern Pari lie 4a ..95 change ta th rash Item aa computed buying. September pork waa up 2 Opinions of conditions and outlook on tha basis of the traceable move- at 13.65. Lard was unchanged at Southern Railway 6 . .'nil hare been generally confident, and the ment of money and the u mount re- 7.52 and riba w ere down 8 at 1.15. Texas and Pacific lata 122 languid demand for alorka haa not ported to the atatement, the tatter Cloae: Toledo, St L and Western 4a . . . 86 caused .any important pressure to sell. showing a Iota of (2,797.100, while 105 Union Pacific 4a Wheat Holders ate seemingly content to dwelt come estimate Indicated gain. The May. 82.Sept, 13; Dee, 25; Union Pnclfi c conv 4a 130 5G vaults, confident tn tha aacurity of dlacrep(icy may be to part explained Corn Aug, old, 53 053; Sept, IT 8 Steel 2nd 5a . The paesage of tints by the fact that during the week there 63: old. their holding 118 Wabash lata . Dec, 53058; through tha critical period haa baea were indirect and unrecorded move-ment- a old, 70 Wabash Deb B. . llay, 46. 47;Aug, favorable with tha eaoeptloa of ooa of money between Interior de88 Western Maryland 4a . 26 OaU 8epL, 260SG: too. Tha government report on the' positories, located at manufacturing 92 Wheeling and lake Erin 4a condition of that atapla, revealing a enters aid their New York corres- 027; Dec, 27; May, 29029. 92 4a Central Wisconsin Pork 13.27. Oct, ' Aurtber deterioration, waa 13.57, Sept, ' aa pondent. On notable feature of the Ga . 22 Japan Lard ' toldlng to tha likelihood ofaccepted 7.560 Oct, Sept, 7.47; a shortage bank statement was an increase of 12 certi Japan 7.45; 4a, Nov, Dec, 7.22; Jan, Colo. Ind. Bet A . artilch might impair the prosperous (1,816.300 la loans, which carried the 7.57; 73 7.23. eov dittoes of tha southern territory. total of thia Item to tho highest on Colo. Ind. Set B. il Riba Sept, 8.13; Oct, 1.30 96 8. P. 11 rata 4s certi. . Rye Cash, 69060. Flax Ciah northwest, 121. SALT LAKE. MINING STOCKS. msssKsn Timothy Sept, 342. Clover Aug, 12.76. The following quotations and stocks Burley Cush, 400 46. were reported as follows yesterday: Chicago Livestock. Bid. Aaked. Stocks. Chicago, Aug. I. Cattle Receipts, Good to prime ateera, Alice 3.000; steady.. .40 ( 95.25 0 5.90; poor to medium, (3.750 15 .14 Ajax 5.00; mocker and feeders, (2.3504.25; Bullion Beck 1.50 1.25 cows. (2.400 4.60; heifer. (2.2505.00; Carina .11 .16 eanners. (1.2502.40; bulla, $1,400 Creole . .. .25 Texas calvea, fed 4.00; $1.0007.00; Goo. Mercur .55 .60 Prevents all dangsr of cur steers, $3.8004.76. ' Creole . ... .25 tains or drapsrloa catching Hov Receipts, 16,000; tomorrow, Con. Mercur .65 .00 fire. Avoidc the necessity cf 36.000. Market 6010c higher. Mixed Daly . ... 2.00 1.50 and to butchers, $5.6506.15; good around. Nc 6.90 6.50 having match Daly Judge choice heavy, (5.9506.10; rough Daly West 18.12 14.12 burnt out air, no amell, no heavy. $5.500585; light, (58506.20; E. and B. B. 7.75 1.25 dirt aovaa tho oycslght bulk of sales, (5.800 (.05 Grand Central 1.60 2.50 and turns night Into day with Ito brilliant mallow glow. Wt're pre.03 Sheep Receipts 3.000; steady. Good Galena to choice wether. (1.6004.85; fair to Horn Silver . 1.50 2.50 pared to put In wiring and electric light fixtures In your houao, office, choice mixed. (4.000 4.60; western Little Bell . . .05 .40 store or factory in tho most approved manner at lowest figures. All keep. (4 0 4.75; native lamb, (5.350 L. Mammoth .27 .28 work warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed. 7.40; western lambs. (5.5007.25. .07 .08 May Day 8.00 2.35 Ontario .07 Petro CHICAGO FUTURES. 51.00 Silver King . 58.00 .08 Sacramento . Tha aa Silver Shield Leading Futures Ranged 23 .23 Follows: .07 .09 Star Con. . . .86 .24 Swansea Phones Ind. 346; Belt 346 Y 02 .07 High. Low. Class 8. Swansea 2448 Wash. Ave. ffll STREET 'AUGUST MORNING, ABOR XQJRSION - sta-wne- nt 1 MARKETS OF 1903. occa-atiin- THE i Promontory Point and 0. " a" Mid-La- ke g WAIT FOR THE DATE d I jy Monday, Sept. 4th, 1905 2; , Bathing accommodations will he provided and Ogden's pro The finest sandy beach on posed Lake Resort will be tested Great Salt Lake is located at Promontory Point. The Weber Club, the Ogden business men's association, will give this dt excursion and the profits are to advertise Ogden. ....(. ....... -- 8a 4; 8. Save Your Money for This Trip !a - PX14i ...... i01 one-fourt- h ............ 8s ......... 45045; ...... .............. ........ The Safe Light I .... lv& Fixture Co. -- . . Wheat r Bnnahlnr U 8 Mining Utah Uncle Pam No. 2, Victoria . ...... Boston Con. . Butler Liberal B. Tunnel Con. ....... 3.00 6.13 .10 .07 Ingot Chief Washington . New York . ...... j Tetro . .. .53 .09 .08 1.76 1.88 .30 .38 .05 .01 .04 01 .01 M -- Victor Con Wabuh . . Yankee . . Rich Ana Dalton . .. Pestering Emerald .00 . Nevada &3C3C: at Lower Mammoth at (00 at 22; 1,500 29; 00400at at39.80. 28; Uncle Sam Co 600 New York Boa 806 at 30; 100 aj 54, buker 30. 58;, California string beano, 12 0 per pound. 2 12 cents California wax bean a, per pound. 25 4 for Bermuda onions, pounds ffpfi, Regular Cell Salas REED HOTEL. Ingot 1.0u0 at 1 New York Bon 53 Flour steady. Wln'er patent Straights 49 Wabsah 4 SC 100 at 100 at 53; 1.75; 100 Open Board Sale g 450 Ajax 100 at 14. 1-- 1 and porterhouse steak H cento. Round steak. 12 Chuck steak, 10 onto. Rib boiling beef, 5a i Rump roasts, I to 12 sPlckled pigs feet, three foaadim 26 eeato 40 Pickled lamb tongu dose Loin and rib pork chop 15a Whole pork tolna, 18c a puna Vhal necks, Ic. Sliced ham, 20 cento. Belled ham. SO cents. 1-- 2 California turnips, S pounds for 21 canto. California mild red onions 6 pound 1.400 ( 470.75 Regular call 4,200 1,322.75 for Si cento. Open board Parsley, 6 cents per bunch. Cherries. 8c per pound. 5,600 ( 1.794.50 Today's totals . Cauliflower, 2 heads for lie. Week's totals ...100,185 (23,962.85 Valley strawberries, 2 for 2 Bo. lba for 25a Green peas, San Francises Mining Stacks. Utah new potatoes, 20 lba for 250, San Francisco, August 5. The for mining (1.00 cwt. Quotations cloelng Eastern bam, 10 to 17 a Tomatoes, 15 cento per pound. San Fan cisco, August 6. The Breakfast bacon, 17 2 and B Radiihea 4 bunches for 5 cento. stocks tcay were aa follows: Sausage, 12 2 oenta. Spinach, 4 cents per Justice A3. Alta .03. Dry salt bacon, 12 2 cents, Ik cents 20 .02. OS Garlic, per Con. Con. Kent Alpha cent a pickled perk, 12 Rhubarb, 2 e per . Mexican 185 Andes 14 12 suet, bunch. Chopped a 6e California lettuoa, 87 14 Con. Occidental Belcher Pork sausage, 12 2 Utah lettuce, 4 benches for 5a B. and B. 121 Ophlr 712. canto. 4 Hamburger. 12 for 25c; lba Oregon apples, Overman Bullion 40 Tha price in each Instance hkyM bushel. per 11 Caledonia 48 j. California cabbage, I e per lb. , sella fv Challenge Con. 21 Savcgo 40 Timothy bay. hundred 75c Potatoea weight per .Chollar 17 Scorpion 10 ton. Timothy baled. 60 a 14 (0-0per lba Beet sack, per sugar, 8. Belcher 08. Confidence 93 Alfalfa baled. BOe a hundrai A for (1.00. 130 8. Nevada 87 t C. C. nd V bay, loose, (0.50 to (7.00 pw Cane (6.10. sugar, 8. Hill 85 Crown Point 11 hundred. d-6per e Wheat 17 a pound. cheese, Hooper Union Con. 03. Exchequer 38 Oats, (1.60. Swiss cheese, 26c aad 80e per Gould and G. 17 Utah Con. 02. Whole corn, (1.40. Eastern cheena 20c per lb, Yellow J. 19. H. and K. 175 Cracked com, (L60. Snge cheese, 25a Julia .03. whole; 1.(0 chop? Barley, Ranch egg a, 25c per doa; 2 do, for (L40. barley, Chopped 45a 69 Silver Bars Rye. (1A0 per hundred. Lemons, 20c per dozen. Mexican Dollars, now , Bran end shorts, (1.10 P?. Hlgu patent flour (ZAO per hundred05 Drafts, eight alone, (130 per hoadnt weight; at night gride ISG0. 07 . Drafts, telegraph barley, Coal oil, 25c n gallon; gala (I 1-- 2 Sham. Value - ' 1-- 1-- 1-- 1--2 1-- 2 1-- 1-- 2 (1-6- 5 too, la 0 (1-4- butter, OCDEN MARKETS 17 c. MOUNTAIN STAGE Creamery butter, 25a Oranges from lie to 60o a dozen. each. ACCIDENT SidiHiN Woman From The following ari the official marCooosnuta, 10 cento Killed. Turkish figa, 25c per peckaga ket quotations of the butchers and Bananas, 20c s dozen. grocers of Ogden,' aa prepared by A. Aug. Butt Mont, WyaW Spring tomb, 20c lb. Rlucker, representing tho butchers, tha Miner from Sheridan, was 22 a tha Enstern for grocers; and Edwin Williams, spring chickens, Mr H. B. Henslgner 17 alao the produce quotations: pound. Hens, ly killed in a mountain thliw" Utah spring chickens, 22 s a Ik Utah plumb, 4c lb. miles from Sheridan, teen 12 soles flounders, 4c. Halibut lie; Utah plums, A flaking prty hrf tag. 15c a for Ih. lOe melts sell pound; Clouds Peak Sweet potatoes, aad were returaM2 17 salmon. 17 striped baas. Egg plant, lOe each. east atop down the tag Cock-tolle- d 20e salmon 20 to 50a from cent. Uiai watermelons, which to Horn mountain, 25c. 25c 2 lba. for Utah tomatoes, per pound. npaet twtoe the wagon 20c cliu, whit flab, Smoked per Green com. 20c per do Two Jumped. , five e occupant 17 lb. Huddle Fhtsan -- v Union ontn. 80c package. Ralph and Williams B. C. Lobsters 20a 25c and per Crabs lie Can tomatoes, 10c straight. remained In the wagon and nert pound. Currants, 10c per cop. e 12 for hurt Mr Hanaigneriabadly Lard i trt. retells pound. Gooseberries, 5e per pound. ' end her body Side veal. S veal, 12 e leg Dewberries, 3 lb, for 25a '' , She If from Sedalla. hind quarter, 11a lola veal, 12 ' Utah apples, 6 lb, for 25c. Beef tola 10 to 14 cento per ponnd. mug her sister, Mr Willi' Cucumbers, 2 for Be. Beef riba eota, I to 12c per pound. ranch near Sheridan. Raspberries, 3 for 25c. 1-- e; - 1-- FAMOUS OR IN BULK. This whiskey haa been purchased ! bond and came direct from the U. S. j 'government warehouse. It to guaran-teed purs and unadulterated, nnex-- i nae. medicinal relied for table and John L. Herrick, State Manager at ino at 1.74.. l cent Rib roast 18 Veal breasto, 10a Sirloin steak, II cento. 1-- seller Recapitulation. BOTTLED Stock You with lifa insurance p re positions? If so, give h)m hearing. You have no business so important aa tha solvency of your estate and the safety cf your family. Taka or make time or room for tha life insurance solicitor and ba aura to look over a DES MOINES LIFE elan before insuring. BASEMENT and children and roll on nature's sandy velvet carpet, found only at Promontory Point. Price of tickets, round trip, $1; children under 12 years, 60c; children under 5 years, free. Watch the papers for coming attractions at this, Ogden's own se se ie i and only salt water resort. 08 J. Bowers little Take your wife summer excursions. .11 .14 .01 .08 .01 .00 .63 .10 .04 -- all 1.15 .10 Century Is Anybody .02 35.00 .60 .39 2.15 33.75 .20 .39 CO. It will be the trip of The Tonic You Like Draught er plentiful, THE SEER YOU KIL' roaPe,u,lr Patronage of the public solicited. . GREINER |