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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER: cm:, ac.1 Uncle Sam uuuj up the bus. ness for the day and the by selling 5uu share at 39 cen'.s. luO 3j LAKE DEPARTMENT , Arundel and hi family will not Tialt the fair at Portland, as they desire to keep away from the crowds. Thi Good SAYS HE PREFERS WINE HALLS. the jetefi- - rtr rep- brok- - . Co, coi visit forb-10 11 inriew W' the luh lowers lookin invest their money tUley-- s talk to Interesting to the sentiment of east-toward U,.b mining mkff iBTWtBWBtl to quoted as followa by dr. Copley JL Cicero I j I!aSetobta In a bill for divorce filed in the district conn yesterday, by Mrs. Ann S. Peterson, of Bast Mill Creek, it is charged that Heber H. Peterson has a greater love for the festivities of a wine hall than for his family. Mrs. Peterson dscared that although her husband to able to support her and her family, he hat failed to do so but has spent his earnings for stimulants. She asks for the care of their children. They were married at Salt Lake City September S, 1897. and offering investments of line BINGHAM EXCHANGE OPENED. cent annual returns fVvJStment public of Oicao and The Bingham exchange, of the Utah lasit to beginning to make inquiries Independent Telephone company, was stocks mining artto dividend peyln opened for business yesterday, and western other end the company announced that there p.h, Nevada, would be no charge for the use of the I return Interest theae the lines on the first day. At a consecent 0 per per cent to the line was crowded' all tha quence, I Mil of lev the the permanency The tima. service to prompt and good The a little tom certain. to so clear that the a peak-er- a and line the witocka of Bingham are looked either at end of the line seem no favor nowadays t vttk (Tester farther away than from different city T . other camp. of any ibas points. Then are four operators in mdti art to groat demand,no the Bingham exchange. 5im and Bullfrog an not JSnT although many taquirtea OFF TO PORTLAND. amount Mng made and a large In iL-wthi Investment seek ill Web Mt. Pleasant; F. W. the nnUclpated Ftohburn,Greene, SS this fall with Brigham City, and Rudolph Nevada. Kuchler, Ogden, members ot the Utah I, in southern feature of the 0M gratifying commission to the Portland exposito poo-Jthat to the east tion, left yesterday morning for the or, beginning to exercise greeter city of web fBet. rt is their rninlng investments with They were accompanied by Mrs. . eomegtientlv higher tone to the Green, Mrs. Ftohburn and son and can be ptao-t- t that of propositions ,bn Secretary M. F. Cunningham, wife and them. among son. doubtful Senator W. K. Walton will Join fb( large number of foisted on -been have that rcpnithm them later and remain till the end of has east In the IfiBsupectlng public the month. milted to a loss of millions of dollars of loss this A large part orerroar. NEW ORDINANCES. had tha gjrtt gnat been avoided amount of used tha proper Mayor Morris affixed hla signature to two ordinances yesterday mornmore and more It is becoming ing. One was the ordinance authoristhat this precaution to being ing the board of public works to adae by tboea who wish to Invest. If vertise for bide for the construction i ills to say that the days of tha old of the big Cottonwood oondult. sUoaad wild catter are numbered, Mayor Morris also approved the if ires the man with only moderate the board of pub. -- a win Insist on doing business lie worksauthorizing to advertise for bide for the whom knows he rtth mining oparatora of South Temple street from thosa who paving i fes reliable, preferably Seventh Bast street to Tenth earl had tbs street va la the west and have Jr fuU !tts I liT" or pre-natio- no-lff.- res-olutl- tt la surprising to laarn how many UINTAH TOWNSITE COMPANY. business pwtiwiit and aueceasful ms la the east are quietly Investing The Uintah Townslte company, of ia nines Colorado Springs, filed with the Tbs tavorits method employed to by of state yesterday Its articles mmai of ayalicatas organised by of incorporation. as expert, first In locating and The company ia incorporated for faring tfa mine for them, and then 126,000. detha toward contributing equally Bl W. Thompson, of Vernal, to namsao-recta- eta-dari- velopment. of the most saoceeaful mining lavaitmenta made by the easterners an made In this way, while the public taowi nothing about ft i "la most eases the property sought lr tkia class of investors must be a '((sloped mins, as the expert! cm- Itarsd do not wish to chance their .an reputations on the development , d a prospect of which the future must is more or less haxaidous. As a it la generally necessary to Many ed aa the resident agent R. XX Munson 1a the president of the concern and the vice president to J. I Hoover, SALT LAKE NOTES. NEW REDUCTION MILL. -- ............. ............ ....... a. ................ ........ well-bein- ttal hlonM he believes During the morning session of the to better dron- - stock 5Thv X exchange yesterday there were Fpec 2pon.T metog at Wash- - but 6.000 shares sold, valued at while the total number of shares during the entire week was W,Ll- - BAR PORTLAND. ' 100.186, for which the sum of was checked out by the purchasers. Thera has been steady fallaccompanied by off In the activity of the mining Tejini.,n.nl!.UKh,r nd Alisa Emily ing market during the week, and at the Chicago. are in the city a a t0.?r time there seems to he no of present ,he canitry. Mr . legitimate reason for any erratic maWB thorough change in the situation. ro wwt. and t ft" Thh wants The first trader to participate in ,ihw! fwn,ljr tht ther no the deala of the morning was Ingot. fan?h.y :n?,rr?.W- - H hat Of this stock 1,000 shares were sold fa ahie E',rop! thfT w,n then at 1 2 cents. New York sold 600 ,0 heets and to board lots at prices ranging from to mHa pnropeana. that we have 62 to 54. Wabash sold 200 at 11.74 tfan Uiev h"rr acenery in America and 11.75. serosa the pond. Mr. On the open heard Ajax loosened up I- - 4 - $ pj r.-.- -- TO g OF FLOOD A memorial Chicago. August tablet designed in honor of the late Edward Grafstrom. chief mechanical engineer of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway, has just been completed here, and will be erected and unveiled in the Kansas state capital at Topeka. motive, the design of which he waa concerned in. An Inscription gives a sketch of hia life and describes hia heroic act aa follows: During the great flood of June, 1903 Which swept over north Topeka, ha PRICES STILL DIMINISH NOT AN ARTICLE OP SUMMER GOODS DO WB WANT TO CARRY OVER, AND TO ACCOMPLISH THIS END WE HAVE PUT PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE LINE OF SHIRT WAIST SUITS IN SILK. WOOL AND MOHAIR. YOU WILL WONDER HOW SUCH SUITS CAN BE SOLD FOR SUCH SMALL PRICES. SUMMER SHIRT WAISTS IN LINEN AND ALL THE UCHTE3T WEIGHT SW1SSES AND LAWX8 MUST BE CLOSED OUT AND IT WILL FAY YOU TO BUY IF YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM FOR ANOTHER SEASON. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. KNIT AND MV SUN, ALL WASH GOODS. SILK GLOVES, THE CELEBRATED KAYSER MAKE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE HAVE YOUR SIZE LEFT IN SUMMER OXFORDS AND THE $3.00, $3.60 QUALITIES GO AT $1.98. LIGHT-WEIGH- WRECK ON THE GREAT NORTHERN Butte, Mont.. Augut 5. A report was received in thla city late last night of a wreck on the Great Northern at Mid Canyon, fifteen mile from Great Fall. An ore train of eight cars went into the ditch, tying up truffle along the road about Sevan hour The wreck was said to be due to a broken flange. Nobody waa injured. There was rumor current last night to the effect that a passenger train was Involved In the wrack, but this was denied by the local official It waa also reported that the poor telegraphic communication, resulting from the operators strike was responsible, but this report could not be confirmed. Businas S JjrheArDayoGreaBaixaiijsl FIRE IN WINNEMUCCA. Bistoen T HIGH-CLAS- uauaL 2429, 2431, 2433 Washington Avenue are Burned House Down. Nev., August 6. A Wlnnemucca, disastrous fire awepl over tha business section of Wlnnemucca today, burning sixteen business bouse and inflicting damage variously estimated from $90,000 to $100,000. It started in Armory hall and raged for several hours. The heaviest loaer 4a the EMgle Jewelry and Drug company. Its loss amounting to $24,000. Within four hours from the time it started the fire waa under control, but ths greatest precautions taken to prevent a fresh start from the smoking ruins. Most of the property owners say that they will rebuild at one The town will be In darkness for several day on account of damage to the electric light system. When Yon Have Called At other storea and aesn tha SUfrt; other grades of sewing macblnas rail in ths Wheeler A Wllana Store and see the latest up-to- Sewing are-beln- g Wa can furniah yon with nearly any hind ot sewing machines yon want. I One of the best booklets on Utah that baa ever been issued has Just come from the press and will be distributed by the Utah commission at the Lewis and Clark expoultion. The booklet to handsomely gotten up and to free from advertising of There are slrty-tw- o any natur pages in all, containing s concise end condensed review of Utah's htotory, geography, climate, attraelloni from the standpoint of scenery and pleasure, and then her vast resources In mine and mill, in agriculture, manufacturing, dairying and ne the market. It runs a third easier than otter machine on BOOKLET ON UTAH. Stager $A new drop head,... ...... ........ ......... ASM ........ ... ........... ............... .... $6.00 New Home. 5rswer drop heed.......... Household, drop bead.... And machines that hare been usedwill sell from (2.00 and np to $10. All in good running order. W repair end keep auppHee for nil kinds of sewing machine Machine rented. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Carl Both Phones. C. Raamuaaon, Agt. 2246 Wash. Ava. fruit-raisin- CAREER. ions aa well aa a divorce at the hands of Judge Eason, took bar two little hoys into the ballway adjoining a Wooster saloon a fortnight ago and bought three glasses of beer, drinking one herself and giving one to Culver and one to Charlie Taggart, waa tbs first testimony offered at today's session of the hearing. The witness was Harry Rope, 18 years ot age, who testified that he was drinking beer in the place and saw whit he described. Reading ot the deposition of Mr Schallenbarger, ths Cincinnati trained nurse, waa then resumed and Mr Taggart left the room. The statement was largely technical, but the deponent was not allowed to say what Mr Taggart's aliment had been. The patient had told the nurse that she waa In the liet Washington society and knew senator, members of congress and men of distinction, that they frequently mecompinied her home and that her mother upbraided her about itl weeping bitterly. Mr Peter Everly. of Orville, Ohio, an aged woman, testified that Mr Taggart, with her children and nurse, formerly lived next door to her and that a certain young man wan ofien at the Taggart house. She would often nee this young man leaving at 5 oclock in the morning. He frequently brought bottles wrapped In paper to the house. These bottles would later be thrown under a back porch. There waa abgt a barrel of them. Mr Everly declared that she bad examined some the bottles and that they had contained whis- booklet to sure to excite favorable in- terest In the Ln Ions yoangest state. WANTS HOSPITAL SHIP. (.Burgeon Washington, August General Rlxey is very desirous of se- concuring authorisation from tha gress for the construction of a how Repttal ship for the Pacific cosat. garding the need of such a vessel medical officers of the navy say that it would prove of Inestimable value In cases like that of the Bennington on. It also urged thst It could be used to great advantage in transporting the sick from the Philippines and taking convalescents from hospitals for sea trips which would prove highly benefldsl. AFRICAN NATIVES RISE. Berlin, August 5. Tbs governor of German East Africa telegraphs today to the Colonial bureau of the foreign office that the natives In the Maturbl mountain, north of Kilw have risen: also that there has been nn outbreak on the coast at Samanga, dure were ing which several warehouse burned. The causes of the discontent appear to be unexplained. While rebellions are in progress in When You Advertise DO T With the Papers That Havej the Subscribers STANDARD THI But the Big Gains tM Were For 1 ' the Examiner Dont Throw Your colonic, Eat other German-Afrlc- a The out. rica, hitherto has been quiet break therefore causes some concern. CAPTURE HAS INCREASED SUBSCRIPTION LIET THE WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST Af- Money Away SOCIALISTS. key. toWarsaw, August 6. Detectives on a coffee day made a aueceasful raid houe in Crochmalna afreet, ln the B. The body of Jewish quarter, and captured seventy Aug. Chanute, Ka., treasurer and members of the Social democratic Dudley F. Chamber organix-criassistant general manager of the party, thirty of whom are OH Gas nnd Ckunpany, Southwestern Strikes are Incessantly occurring In has been found floating In n tank of A battalion of and six the different trad oil on the Burgbardt lease, at the a half miles east of town. Chambers infantry has been posted which the strikIron work had gone down n ladder inside the tank to see how much oil there waa ers threaten to destroy. The msnsger of the big flour mills at the bottom. It to supposed be bein the Slowdow loe district wss seised came aapbyalated. bound with rope, and by striker was pitched into a rawer, where he RUSSIAN LOAN. drowned. BL Petersburg. Aug. 6, 6:45 p. m. WILL ADVERTISE ISTHMUS. has decided on the isThe BODY FOUND IN OIL TANK. BUT GET RESULTS From Advertising in the Examiner or Standard Lll-po- p J-- 60-0- sheep-raisin- The booklet to handsomely but not profusely Illustrated, and from cover Wooster, Ohio, Aug. 6. That Mr to cover to a credit to the author. Ten Grace Viola Culver Taggart, who ia thousand copies have been struck off, eeking the custody, of her two little and the Information contained In tha MRS. TAGGARTS government Barker, of thla suance of anotberslntnrnal loan to the in the amount of $100,900,000 of which, however, only $66,000,000 may be ieaued at flrgt. The loan will be practically of the Andrew Jensen, general church his- same nature and under the same 'contorian, will visit with bead of depart- ditions aa that of March last and will ments In the auxiliary work of thU probably be Issued in about a fortward Saturday evening In connection night. with the work of hia office. Washington, August 6. Rev. John LAGOON EXCURSION. Dougherty, S. , owing to protracted illness, ha resigned the presidency of the Georgetown University. He has Saturday, August 12th. The United Commercial Travelers been succeeded by the Rev. David of America special train leaves Ogden H. Buel, S. J. m. Tickets also good on 3:40 10:40 p. m. train. Faro round trip, Including Washington. August 5. Every gun baVe ita duplicate admission to the grounds, adults 75c. in the navy I children 6c. Ticket! nn sale at Wm. to guard against any emergency and Driver 4fc Son Drug company, and ths accident, if the will of the naval chief of ordnance to curried mt union depot ticket office. Henry and James place, have been Ogden City school. 1903. Bun. Mont., August 5. Butte au thurltie were notified last night to report any interruption of interstate commerce communications by strikers to the commission at Washington. It waa stared that in the event that the striking telegraphers interfered in nny way with communication between siates, the federal authorities would take action in the matter. Wires were grounded In several place between thi city nnd Missoula yesterday and iinilar Interruptions were reported today. It to believed that the interference waa mad by atriking telegrapher. The Northern Pacific ha had a large force of linemen at work all day making repairs and at a late hour tonight the wires were reported to be working aa HERO designed And built a email aide wheel steamer, ia which With a volunteer crew of six mea, he rescued LOWER MAMMOTH ASSESSMENT. Hundreds of people While making hia laat It ! mertood that tha directors of the Lower Mammoth, at the reguTrip on the night of June 2, 1903, lar meeting next Tneaday will call the boat for an assessment of 5 cents per share, Was capslxed and Mr. Grafstrom was for the purpose of continuing developdrowned. ment work at the mine in the lower end of the Tlntlc district. In this way FARRIS BRIBERY TRIAL. the company would ralaa $7,600 and It ia presumed that with tha opening up Jefferson City, Mo August A Upon of the new territory to a depth below the resumption today of the trial of 1.400-folevel that pay ore will Senator Frank H. Farris on ths the ba encountered and the mine placed charge of bribery. Senator Farris on a paying basis. was put through a rigid by Attorney-Genera- l Hadley, but ORE SHIPMENTS. be maintained hla denials of every material allegation made against him received yesterday by Former Lieutenant-Governo- r TaylorSrunton Lee, sight can of ore from Nevada, seven on the witness stand. Senator Frank can from Tlntlc, two can from Bing- Costello, of Mayaville-- , who waa a memham and on car from Fish Springs. ber of ths criminal Jurisprudence comThe Pioneer sampler received two can mittee of the legislature and who Lee from Stockton, three can from Bing- testified was In Farris' room at ths ham and two can from Alla. La CMe hotel, St. Loui when Lee aid ha (Lee) gave $7,000 to Farri denied being in Farris' room on Msrch NORTH OGDEN NOTES 9, 1801, tha date specified by Lae, although he admitted having been in St. North Ogden. Weber county, Utah, Louis on that day. Senator C. A. Smith, of St. Lou! August 6 The drop in mercury the who la under indie ipient on the asms last few days has been very highly appreciated in contrast with the extreme charge aaotFarris, testified, denying all corrupt attempts against heat proceeding it Gnfn la now nil charges harvested and finding its way to the tha aoealled Alum bill. He declared tack. The thresher has commenced ha waa not in Farrla room on March its work, showing a fair yield. The 19, 190L He aaid he waa ill and had aa operation performed at hla horns apricot crop to now off and tha early on that day. peaches are on the market at a fair man-.Muw- ia -a On the tablet to a likeness of Mr. dose of the present year tha baa relief, the Milan officials of the Sevier Consolidated Grafstrom in marking the point where he expect to have the mines of the Gold bridge, fitted up with lost his Ufa and a Sams Fe road locoMountain i .......... a By the proposition the new reduction mill, on which there will be expended $75,000. As soon as the plant la put in working order the mines will beglq the production of gold ore, and In a short time there should be piled up a surplus that will admit of the paying of dividends to the shareholders. The mill will havs a capacity of 200 tons daily. 6. GOVERNMENT IS WATCHING SENSATION THE STRIKERS MEMORIAL st AUGUST CAUSES BIG st-e- United States up to $34.60; Utah Consolidated at 46; and Bingham at Boston Consolidated remained 531.25. Consolidated stationary at $8.12 Mercur waa taken np at 6(1 cent as compared to 55 cents on iht local maronly drew $13 here ket, and Daly-Weat home, while ths investors of the east were grabbing it up nt $1.25 per hare higher. MORNING, PF1STER NOW Milwaukee, August second ouly to that chu.-the indictment of Charles A. l'f.u-- yestertuday. hen day, developed in tha the Wiscommencement of uit consin Rendering eomj.auy by Mr. South Star tunnel. Pflster for the recover? of 5:.M3 balThe complainant, the Josh Lawrence ance due on promissory nuie. held becompany, alleges that the tunnel by him, was followed almost immedilongs to it, and, was built by the com- ately by a voluntary sid'.emrut from plainant company at a cost of (10,000. Fred C. Gross, president uf the Wi. Since last November, it is alleged, consin Rendering com;au, denying the defendants have been in posses- that Mr. Pflaur owes the oi:ui,Ey any sion of the tunnel and are using the money and also denying ever having same to develop their own properties, any charges against Mr. i'flsier bewhich are adjacent, and excluding the fore ths grand Jury : bating any complainant from developing its prop- knowledge of inform: inn on which such an indictment could ne based. erty. "The Indictment of Mr. HLter is a UTAH SALES IN BOSTON. most outrageous piece of work.'' said Fred Gross, president of the Wisron-ai- n to fare better In Utah stocks Rendering company, "if Mr. Pfla-te- r the eastern market than at home, and feels badly he cannui i half as as an evidence of the esteem in which bad as I da" these securities are held abroad, one hat only to review the sales of yesterday in Boston. A total of $41,712.75 Bingwas paid out for Utah stock ham drew the biggest end by selling Four hundred employes of the Provo woolen mills, with their wlvro, mothers and sweethearts and little ones, making a party of 600 souls, came to the city over tha Balt Lake prloai Route yesterday and made merry at ueomplish the partial development by John A. Clark has moved his family They left for Provo at 11:10 of naps the owners capital, or else Lagoon. to Ogden for close proximity to hie last night. if tfa ordinary stock company in work in the Southern Pacific shop vMeh cheap e hares are sold. for the Twenpaper Incorporation faatern investors in thla class of tieth Ward Plana and specification are out for Cooperative Institution (aseks have learned that they must were on record In the county the erection of n fruit packing bouse placed fas chances, but they also are learn-f- a clerk office yesterday morning. The by MoGriff, Storey and Campbell on that It is not aeceaaary to take capital stock voted by the company Washington avenua, near tha beet ineh great chancea on the proper was 120,000, John Sharp, president; witch on the Ogden and. Northwestern and financing of the company IX L. railroad. It ia to he 86x100 feet for Romney 4 they direct their investments only George the accommodation of a large force Murdock secretary and treasurer. which are to the ; tonrd companies of wrappers and packers. Four carkoada of competent and experienced Citizens of Balt Lake are beginning loads of box timber have been orutotern people. So far as risking a few to feel n scarcity of water. The dered by the company. 'lialrod dollars in what may be pro-- I amount in Parley's canyon ia lower teed from the mine, no eastern buy-- than it has been before for several Pleasant View ia to have n new sf a prospect stock would com-- ( years. Mayor Morris has ordered the church edifice of good proportion the to1 U the mine did not prove as discontinuance of street sprinkling un- foundation and basement are now in tel u expected. til Monday in order that the reservoir and are very commendable of the en"Throughout the eaat broken and may fill. ergy and enterprise of that little own in touch with tha situation exburg. tern the belief that a big demand for A communication to Governor CutMag stocks will coma to the fall, ler yesterday that ten delegate! be Lervy Chadwick, who left here laat e greatest Interest around sent to the National Conference on spring for a fnitalon to Japan, is us new gold camps centering New meets in which In Nevada. Immigration, the little Brownlee how to York December 6. The request for the teaching baseball, among the other good play is Utah made delegates to represent RAILROAD MAKES ANSWER. he is instructing them in. He things GovFederation.. Civic by the National their language hard to acernor Cutler will make the appoint reports quire. Chicago, August I. Attorneys for menta in n few days Missouri, Kansas and Texas ranted company made answer today to Repairs and renovations are to be SALT LAKE MINING SEWS. commenced at once in the ten school f complaint filed some time tom the United States court by the rooms of District One. including North wwr state commerce Ogden, Randall, Harriaville and Pleascommission TINTIC ORE SHIPMENTS. ant View, for opening at school next Bust the Chicago .Great Western month. Teachers are engaged aa foland seventeen other railroad Ore shipments from tha Tlntlc dis- lowa: John Wheeler and Mins Lake for teporatwna charging that the rail-te- d trict for the last week were as shown companies were Illegally d 1 scrim-lu- g by the table following. This makes Randall; Frederick Barker and Mias with one in rates in connection wth the district look as though the pro- Msycock for Pleasant View, shipment of dressed meats and duction would again equal what it to select for the Intermediate; John Q. from tha Missouri river Blaylock, Pearl Jones and Pearl points used to show. w Chicago. Swift for North Ogden (Central 66 Eureka Centennial Nettie Gibaon and Nettle the answer filed today all the 'Bullion Beck 6 school); terge in the original Mil are 3 Brown for North Ogden (South WashYankee Consolidated and dismissal of the suit la atk- - Gemini 6 ington), with one to select for all 10 grades for Randall. Eagle and Blue Bell 5 South Swansea Mrs. Mary Ann Cragun, of Pleasant 3 ROR UNIFORM Uncle Sam DIVORCE. to a very I View ward waa treated home Victoria Thurspleasant surprise at her vi Cutler received a Ajax oommunica-nevening by her many friends. In day ... Carla l Gov. Pennypacker of Penn-JJtea11 honor of her arrival at the 60th mileMammoth yesterday, asking Utah's co-- f Lower Mammoth 1 stone In her sojourn in thla busy life. carin uniform divorcs Grand Central 3 The evening waa filled with moat enTwighout the United grates. joyable pastime consisting of songs, Pennsylvania games, etc.. Interspersed .111 speeche Total urn delegates meet executive asks that moat essential adIn Washington. In addition to the above the Uncle with lunching, of the person. convenient future time Sam mill chipped two carloads of con- junct to the draft universal divoree lawa. centrate alter will probably E. G. McGriff la leading the van in the extermination of grasshoppers In - C. conference ofeoSi- - 8 li MINING thla place. the promotion of uni- ON THE EXCHANGE. de-JJ- SUNDAY UTAH, A legal fight for the poseslon of a tunnel in the Lit lie Con ou wood mining district wafe commenced in the district court yesu-rdaby the filing of a suit fur a writ enjoining tee Alta Consolidated Mining and Milling company and J. H. Roue from using the from Our Special Correspondent utah investments. 'cpiUlirf. U Field. 15 FIGHT FOR TUNNEL. OF THE SHM-EXII- R : shares at d OGDEN. Washington, August 5. Tha administration will meet the action of the Japanese official! who recently determined that Panama waa not fit for Japanese laborer by Issuing advert, toemente for laborers to work on the canal. H is the Intention to point out the advantage of the work, the good the improved sanitary conwage dition and the care exercised by the government over the men, in order to attract, laborers to the isthmus. Youngstown, O., August 6. Members of the Amalgamated lodges at the mill of the Carnegie company, where a strike has been on for over a year, took a vole tonight, deciding to call the strike off by a large ma . Jority, t The Examiner la crowding the Standard hard for flrat place. of 700 subscribers between tha la only a dlffaranc Standard Tha July 24, 1906, 4,286 papers printed, papar and tha Examiner printed 3,569 on ths same day and every paper thus printed, excepting 200 of each for office use and exchanges wee cither sold by the new boy or asnt to actual ,, rruhrtiirwmr--- -' paying subscriber. There If You Want Results ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD OR EXAMINER! |