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Show TEACHER PAYS if f GLOWING TRIBUTE Declares Tanlao Ended Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Chest Pains and Palpitation Palpi-tation Lost Strength Restored. "Tanloc hag Improved my genorn.1 rendition ten times more than I antlcl-pated," antlcl-pated," recently stated Herbert A. Gun-till, Gun-till, a well-known school teacher at Keznr Falls, Maine. "My trouble began with n mirtdeo loss of strength. Almost everything I ite disagreed with me und ennsed a ilckenlne sensation that remained with me for hours. For months I found Tea thing difficult on account of In ligation, and had such chest pains tnd palpitation I thouaht my heart was iffected. I also suffered greatly from leadaches and nervousness, teldom jlcpt well, and felt tired and worn-nit worn-nit all the time. "Since taklnar Tanlae no kind of food lurts roe and 1 have a wonderfnl appetite. ap-petite. I have (rained ten pounds, irvarhe freely, sleep perfectly, and feel h strong and well a ever In ray life, ranliic U certainly a superior medl hm." Tanlae t for sale by all good Sme I its. Over 83 million bottles sold. rtvertlsP'""" |