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Show I ; j EVENING NEKS. ?tt " r 1T- - LlkS '. IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY CFiTKIS COUNTRY, WiLt SEE BY EXAMINiNQ THIS MAP.TKAT Th'g VVHO .... and MALARIA.- ! A MESSAGE THROUQII . AIR. It THE f r ! was a lovely night la the month of August that I sat ou the porch of olJ Uncla Toby 'a house, inot yet entirely reooyered frorn tte Impressions made by a plorloua auneet, which even then left its footprints upon the clouds that hovered iu the From iheae sources arise of the diseases of the hnman race. These indicate thoir existence gyinptorns or Appetite, ltoweli costive,' Iosa Kick HeadMbe, fullneea after three-fotirtli- a . ion to exertion of body or ion of food, Irrltabila lrnrtat mind, of temper, Low spirits, A feel Injgte Ity dutyJUz-iuess,Flu.tei'hivlnr neglected some the Heart ,lot western tey. ring athiRhJy colored ; before the eyes, My horseatooxl at the gate already Vrlue,COJVSTIPATIOAT,and demand tho use ol a remedy that acts tlirvctly on , saddled, awaiting me, but I was tho Liver. As a Liver inelicineTIJTX'S determined not lo leave UneleToby'e Their action oa house until I had PILI.S havenoeqaaL carried my point, the Kidneys and fckin Is also prompt; an J being his nephew. I had enough removing all impurities through these three " scavengers of tlie systsra," of the f aruo old LJod iui my veina (o riroduclnx appetite, sou ml digestion, make me as pereevtring as he was a clear skin and a vig regular Btools, ".;-no cbjtinate. " TCTX'S PILLS cause oronsbody. r nausea or griping nor interlcro Willi Uncle I have that mait Toby, lally work una aro a perfect Is .... ; MALARIA. ANTIDOTE TO M g Wa'al noweffyV ask me for boldeverywlieregia. Oihie44 MiirmySt.r Y. eUe in the house but that,nd HAIR DYE. it "Ita yours." don't want anything eler, in GkatIIaib ob Whipkkiuj changed Uoc'e Toby, tut that you mistgive a Gixssr Black by singlo stantly to aof this Dyk. Sold by Druy me".) application gist s.or sent by express on receipt of SL Wa'al now, ntffy, you know that OtllCP, 44 Murray Stroet. Nw York. ere carrier pigeon took the first prize at the conn ty fair." 'Which fact will only make: me U more. Come, now, Uncle pr'zi LONDON B&HX OF UTAH, roby, be generous." HVa'al, boy, the bird la yoarn. 22 GREAT ViHCHESTER ST., LOXDOH, Yon always had your own way with r 4i old Uncie Toby." . wan but To I wjuld say delighted Bait Iake Cilj, Utali. expresa my feelings. The faintly bird was a bsanty, as may be easily Authorised Capital,., 841.S7B. lmeglned, and as I bid Uncle Toby lubecrlbtd . go ti night, and mounted my pony, Raarebokiers liable for amount uncalled oa Willi ibe cage in my hand .contain Shares. Drafts payable aa Vctrland, BsoUand or Ire- ing the pr'zj I so dearly coveted, I i rode home with my heart light and land, srVd at krw rates of xeaanaa uram niied to overniwing with Interest aUowed on Oertlfloates of Deposit, pa t aba on eteasand. In whfch the blrd'd ftpeod Advaness mada and approved Dotaf idle plans would! be tested. Numerous BOQ&tad at kw rates of kitarest vlja K : : prize J seemed already to be e. "Austin, !: bio within my grasp aa I reached home, aud ' having s tabled my horse, I to my dark and lonely ' xjECrned U. El?OSITOIlY. room.j I was bat s'xteea years of age at the time, aod on the night la que ticn I was the tola and only oscu : ' ' of my father's mansion, the tant MAJLT ZJJCM CUT, other mt mbers cf the family having on a lummer trip to ttie mouii-taiuPAID UP CAPITAL $200,000. gone leaving me in charge. My . . room was on tbe feoond fl Jor ovtr- tiav.oeo, ICXFLri, the road, and thither I had taken n. 8. F.LDnXDflll, Frldet!tl my bird, Where In solitude! 'could t, w l ehj os, FERAMOR35 LTTTLK, quietly admire its beautiful propox- JOHN BHAH1, ' Biaacxoat. , Kxtlngu'ehlng my Hmn. I sat by L. R. HILl A. Caahler. i the open window contentedly smok J AS. T. LrXTLB, asst. Uksaler. J ing my pipe, and enjoylag the cool bretzes that swept across the lawn lEKifES- - EmsirrriruLE u ieeuilladen with the , rich odnra of the flower, when my a( tention was at-- . Buys and mII eKebaztge ea Hew tracted to some that Tsrk, Us Francisco, Chicago, ht. appeared to be approachicj?; by the, Lonla, Cm.Iia, Leadsa, aad prlnel-pa- l road that led past our hou:e. Coatlaeatol CI ttea. 1 listened intently, and above tbe j of tho bummer bretzi 1 whispers ITT-- Uakea DGsteotiOBs, avmltUaf tj Better thought I could detf ct the hum cf " . ! , - 4 i A b!r-i."- ; i f any-IbD- TUTTS ; '' ..; R'y Rock Island &, PAbiFic Ohicagq, geofrtphJca' ttijrlvaed r?l!'.sltjcstCarml.Ltn,a5or!itotr9Tri,trfM'i or Isa at. Southeast, and tbe Northeast Ik beiweaa beetroots and lAst, itftha, ttiejaortest 5 and Northwest Southwest. , V7t, 5 U !s !it ally aud ftristly truo, th&t 1U coaawttoni ars all of Use prtaylpa! Mneaof road " I bv.wffn ths At:ntlo and the PselQo. i: La Salle, re&cbei Ottawa, Irs line CbicsiTS mala It and braaobw Jcriet, Peofi ky , Uo!'i.9 and Rock Ilaad, la Illinois; Davenrcrt, Muecatice, ysrashlmrton, Keokuk, KtkitL!!, Cekaloce, Fa'lrueid, Dta MoirjvWcat Liberty, Jowa Cftf, Atlantic Avoca, Audutom ITar'an, Outbrta Center and Council Bluffs, to Iowa; tfallaUi, Trenton. Cameron ."aid Kcr.iM City, to Missouri, aod Leavenworth and Atcblsou iti Kansas, aad the bundidf ' Tba and towna la!crme!Ut ' t! c:txi, 1 i ivri-teo- $ ''GREAT ROCK aaISLANDand ROUTE," ootnJbrtt tnoldant to a Jt j adranUref tfea fam!Uar!y t&i:eJ, offwi to iraraiwri i rprt Tritea, .U'.to ir.k, 8fe br:Jei , Union DopoU at all oonr.ct!n poCuta, ' Fast 1 i COMMOLIOu, WELL Vf'NTILATGD, WELL IIEATf I FINELY Jl'nOL-M liOaTON FICENT UOSX Ibl tha COACH of AQ,S 4ui!? KD aud I'LT.a AKX DAT JjS;" 1 IrjaotBOsl bc!'M P0LLMAV8 totef: CHAIR CARS press and Ki.aCK fLPP.riXO CAR?, and OININO CARS itbat aro ae. jrror. en U tb HKE5T T.UN UPCH ANT ROAD IN THE CO, N'XKT, and In which nre sorved to trareSera at the tow rate of S E V KNTSFI B C KNTi EACH. M trior rnrs! ! CniCAqOjftnd tba Mis&OUttliUIVKR. XHiiT.S TRAINS eiab way TWO TRAINS 5?b way tictwea CHICAGO and MINSRAPULI3 and ST. PAUL Tia ij1;f . .t ;w,Jy 1 ' LEA ROUTE-ALBERT a ,r :. ; ST. JOHf, iE. Cen'I R.'.CABLE,.. Uu'I Htnkir. Tlkt;A Fan'r Acat. I UM-rrei'l.a- d mm Till rOFOUl GRADE A1IB RID Ml! iCMH L NEW MOTE TEASS-GOMTIME- mL R2TWREN 1 , , I ' ; ' f, viee-Pret- !f dark-object- 4 . Tha Old Belabla iSftaodara C1oxa BolSd Boad EiV-ri- rt Clasa SAN JCAS MINING DISTRICT?, I DENYER, ffEUBI.O, And all points oa tha entire lystera la j rinll'sueat. - . j md New Utah, Colorado - - - t- ProTo, XepLi, Jnnb, j Milforjl and Frisco. ; CN AND AFTER f SUNDAY, JULY 1st, 16SV The Atlantic Eipresa Train, composed of Pullman Palac 81eopr and elejrant flrst-CiCJaohM, will loave Ojrdoo dally &t 8:42 a. oa Trtvl of train from San Francisco) wait Salt Lako City at 10:20 a. m- -, making dl- eut concoction at Pueblo and Denver for "ia'Xiis C!tyf hu Loula, Cbicairo, Pittsbunr, pi?:jl4siFh!u, New York, Boston, and all East-r- ;, Nuuiiernand fouthom point. Tb Paolflo EifTr&sa Train from Denver, PUsWo anil riaatern points will arrive lit Salt Ltfca City daily at 6:43 a. ra. aod Odon 7:27 a. ui ciaiilnsr direct connection wltb the Centra,! Paoiao Traia tot tha Paclflc Coast. Lrxn Trains leavo Springs at 6:57 a. m., r alt Lake C)iy 9:'.t) a. in., arrlvlmr In Ogdon 10:49 a. m-- ; returning, leave i gien 2:47 p. in.,c iiuit Laie City 1:12 p. ra., arriving at Syrlng-vlii6:47 1, 'OS. Four express irain? loare Salt Lake for Otr-d' dally as foltowa : Pacific express iti Sfpi. Atlantic express 6t 7:0j a. in., Park City p.ra. Spcclaroxpress at 7:40 p.m. Arrive la Ogdea at 7:49 a.m.; 8:20 a.m.; 6:30 : : p.m.and:10 p.m. Kxproat trains leave prdaa at 7.00 a.m. and ft 10 p.m. i Arrive at 8:3)a.ra.; 13:50 Bait Lake 8 33 a in ; a.ra.; 12.-0- noon r add 7:40 p.ra. . , Pxpresa train leaved Salt Laka dally at 70 tar Juab and Btations, d conncots wjth Bait ,Lak(f Wostern Railway for Tintlc, and with Sanpete Valley Railway for en - A Daughters Misery. Eleven years our daughter suffered on abed of misery. From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic iron Me and Nervous debility. "Under the care of the best physicians, "Who gave her disease various names, 'But no relief. , MAud bow she Is restored to tie la jrood health by as simple a as Hop Bitters, that wo had shunned remedy for 3 ears bslcrs using 1:." Tna PAUENis-- i Father lit CSctttna; Well. j "M $ daughters say : "How much better father s sicca be need Hop Uittt rs." "He is settlnfr well after his lmr suSerlaa from a diaeaae declared tnourable" ' A bd wo are so lad that he ue J jour Bitters." A Ladt of UUoa, N. JT. (4) Ei-pre- 4) HEALTH itivL.5 IS WEALTH 1 auwAiitf I - , ilt o 3it ait man on itinr- Ursnchos and Aliauio at 72 a. m., arrive p. tn. For PoSald and Coal Mine, Isavo Bait Lake City I0i) a, in., arrive &48 p. m. Acoointnodatlon Traa will leavo Pleas..'. ant Valley Junction at 7M7 a.m., Tbfst! 10:67 int. K. c. vracrr's Mhts ako Bhai ''Ji p. in., ProvoliUp.m., lit; a.ia., Sprinirvi!le H eanpete. TBaATMSWT, a CUfBt4 SpCCiflO fcf Hj iriviDif at .Salt Lake City at &J02 p m. Ihia Dszuirss.. Convuiaioce, tV. Nenous ra.u w:u run uojij oxutpi sunaaya. Through expresa lc3Vt)5alt Lako at 3:03 p. trr", Praetrfttkai KeutateU, Headache, t"5T" rassnirri will cof be carried on nl., and conoeots with t&g Lines at Mllford tobacco-- . eaiscd by the ue of alcobol i. rreiKbtTialcis. C aud Frisco for Southern'. tab, 'Nevada and Wakefulness kental t,eirtS6j,B, Pcftenln ' of tie Brilu la lntat.it y and tradlay ". ' 'r (ier.'l M('i,nr. fin'l Fiw. A MnL Arijona. train from decay and death, premature old JuaJi and 1 termedlate tomiery, .A Lo-- s of powr eaHed by Tzpress ire, BrrennPM, AV. H. BANCROFT, "Ti A. MtTDGRTT, of the b,aio. PjMh box con-- t overexertion Gea'l SapU Cea'l Ag't. Pass. Dep't. points arrives at Sn'.t Lake at 8 p. m. . BOenmnlh' treatment. $ tOO a box, er .'x bosas for ; Throngh (express frotn FrUoo and Mllford. Knit Lak City. ob sent by ma'J of ptioe. r.ortvt Arrives at 8a.it Lake 9:J9 a.m. tfc-- 0 . e 8-- -- 'in a-.- . iillrrT--ir- , k 1 I AND Asst. - . , , cure any ease. Wltb each order received as for six boxes, aeeomtaBfcd with f 5.00 will send the purchaser cur written euajr te 1 ites ta refund tle mousy if tke treatmea tf jes asa edeet a cure. iiartn're tesite L Drue Store, ftalt Lake. y kf L by GenU Supt. aE tUs. Route to the East r VIA THB ATCHISON, ' ! E.'NEWB'RY SANTA FE urultb HOT DINNERS FROM 12 Every day, " Denver & Rio; Grande Ry I ?pladldly Equlppad with C0L1FQBT! j ETC. t p for TrTIIar. E. NEVBERY. , , H, First Boutb 8t-- j , Oprgalte Theatre . BATING BEST fcyUIPPEW and bonce LE AD1NC f - Of WEST USD Is U N . - Bate Koote betwoeo CI Lr DLU FFS GEEOAGO, MILWAUKEE ir Qu ickest Time to the Missouri JRiver.T&i i. W. F. F..VNN, roBt. wnlTF,Agt-Ca- nen.Pas?. &Tlokt Osasral n Topcka. Ka. V. DRKllAH, TraveIlD Afent,. Salt Lake Cltr, CUb. - Late Cify, TJth. H. T it- - &:rt r.. At Ctloaito, cloro oprjneotJon are mads with the iAke Shore, Michigan Central, aad Peawytv- & Ohio, Fort. and Ch'xagd Grucd Trunk lulhrays ol. and Fan Hand k Root ea. t mu mm m lisroad. trains of Are run on all fqllkas tb'-- throagl It la tUe Only Koad ttpon vrMcti avre Ban ibe celebrated North-Wes(er- of the ill ofthe human hod arise from a derangement ff fhs ThM Wfailng Cars wt mntnrUn WEST C3 KOKTHWEST Or CHICAGO. both the ttemnch and Llvert affecting to effect a cure, it order Insist upon Ttelet AaWnta selllnir you Tick towtete. road. PxAnslne Um, and re-- f sseessary to remove the eatu. Xrregw et vi4ihs not read over the tar and HUtggUh actio se to f buy if tbey tA e Bovfol, Ch'oajro Northwwtewt1 Railway. Aococuroo-di- tl JJeadaehe.Sicknese ai the Stomach, Fain If yoa wtak tb Bct rravel'.cjr iia roa will buy .yrur Tickets bv this ji. m Ttu-- and Loin. etc. indicate that NOSK the Liver is at fault, and that nature re-tST" AND.' WLL TAKB ' 1 (IHKR amautanee re enaote ; All Ticket AjJeriU aoirtJoketa by tbla line. 9M(,es ; , , ; 1. LATise, In ; ! . L ! rr . ft AsTc r- " - ivs the Bst s'atl fiction and meeta with Qal:k Bales. , For Pale by Z. CM.L branch Stores - Overland House, TTirw Dom SoiWi of iro37;r H3u . ne, " p. VT. J HTESSTETT, II; Gn. Paaa. f rrlcltly Atb mtt4tmareepeetattt Thenar dnmponndedforthUpmirpose. and effective a a n their action, .ruuaAf tm tKm txmte and taken Ta atuUy by both children and mdult.are a Men aeeerdlng to directions, tAetf oaf andjpleaeant cure for yspepsj$ coaav Ctsncrstl TettIIty,lJalttal s ninrinrfl ITI Inffrfi. Afraut, cbloaa--a mUd . W, K. BAB COCK, Gyueral Afent,- GEO. Dr WILLI AUSONJIrarelinf ,Aa-en- i, -- Ixi!n fit,, Salt Lake Cily,TJtali t tf-; Better accommodation at Less Kates tfcaa any other Ilouaa Second-Qai- a la tha City. S ' : t 3? JS1 J&'lA: EH luCOK TI MjH.. U) T3 SUSPE1 W. A. PITT, Proprietor. ' t - Take tt Stmsl Cart that paw to and UO; Trcr ih iptvv, and t y no attactloo fcsr fvcm t';.lir liovia til n, 1 . momentarily dezaJ. aud before I could decide on a plan of "action, they had asteitfel the door steps, and I knew from the splintering rl woou that txiey u&d already commence j operations to fprca an entrance Into the house. lit the light of a d rk lantern whlchl' they carried, L diFC veied that tbey were tlx in number, and all wore heavy Wick masks, the more eiieotuaiiy td prevent recogni tion in cue or discovery. Then my voica came back to me and think health and avoid sickness.! ing to make uo for my vouthful Instead of feeling tired and; In' the atvolume of my voice, I years ti ' j worn i out out, instead of aches' in tnnnuering tone:: yeueu iieiiti wnat are you doing and pains; wouldn't you; Mr t there?" feel fresh and strong?! rather The dark lantern was close J like a v;tUsh; but yet I could distinctly de- Hi fine the dim outline cf the robbers ; You can continue feeling; as they stood like dark shadowd in ' miserable and good for no-- i contrast with the white balcony be a yond. For moment the stillness thing, and ho one but your- of death ensued, when I received a self can find fault, but if you repjy, uttered m tones I shall never are tifed of that kind of life,! forgetJ and with an emi)haia that clearly indicated a purpose to carry you cari change it if you i out what was thieatened. I choose. "I say, youngster, Just you take in that I'ead cf youi'a and keen that , IIow? By getting one . baby mouth cloteJ, or I'll, blow the i , bottle top cr your neau cni" of Brown' Iron Bit- The "harp click of tf piatcl followed, and i taking it regularly; and jou can rest assured that i ; ters, : needed no second . warning. What cccording to directions. should I do? I was at least half a mile from the nearest nelchbar. but Mansfield, Ohio, Nor. so, tCSx. the home was surrounded and esGentlemen : 1 have suffered with cape was Impossible." There was pain in my tide and back, and great soreness on my breast, with shootcertain death in the very attempt ing paint all through my body,, at teuded with rreat weakness, depresThe shot gun. Ah! that was a goad sion of spirits, and loss of I have taken several different Idea. I would get the gan and deand was treated by prommedicines, fend the mansion to the bitter end. inent physicians for my liver, kid. The shot gun I had left in the parand spleen, but I got no relief. revs, I thought I would try Brown's Iron lor so as to have it within reach dur Bitters ; I have now taken one bottle lng (he long hours of the day when and a half and am about well pain as were as in tide and back all gone soreness thick . hucklebertramps all out of my breast, and I have a ries, and I had frcgotten te bring It good appetite, and am gaining ia up stairs that night. My mind had strength and flesh. It can justly be been so much absorbed by my carCalled the king cf mtdiciwt. rier pigeon that I had incautiously John K. alukou. overlooked tbe miking of my usual preparations ror self dernce. Brown's Iron Bitters is I thought I wonlJ gi down and get it, ani actually opened my bedcomposed of Iron insoluble room dcor for that purpose, when I form ; Cinchona the great beard a loud crash below which told tonic, together with other ms as plain as ward could utter " it, 'standard remedies, making that the hail-dohad been f suoces tfally forced, and that tho robter a remarkable were then actually in the house. tonic, which will cure DysI returned to the ' shelter of my 111 tie room, locked pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, and bolted the d or, a prey to my worst appreheu :Veakness, and relieve all sions. i rememuereJ tue cruelty of Lung and Kidney diseases. theeo marked men, and I knew thai if tbey did not murder me outrUbt they would te binding and BapgfrK ao tor Jure mt aa to make even death itself CesirabM.""' O. one tbing I was sail fled, that the safety cf the robbers da, ended I upon my being secure J, aid to achieve that result wouhl te their first oi Ject. If I had a weaDon eo that I could have made an efiort to prererve my life, I would then have been Contented, but the lies of ao unarmed boy being thus left to tbe mercy of these unfeeling rufQanf almost drove mo to distraction. I heard thtlr footstep" ascending the stair?, and I proceeded ta bart cade the door, wben a thought flash ed scrota my tra'a. illow wst it that is escapeMl me so loi:g? The carrier pigeon tha I had ut received from Uncla Tob ! I wo ild re-leaso wi:n a maf Rpe; It would return to Uncle Toby V, and I would te eavtd, aod tha robbers foiled 'in f (Successors to NAYLOll BROS.; their search for plunder. I wrote a messsga hurriedly," fFe cured it to tbe bird, which I phord upon the window Bill, wben after a moment' hesitation, it ascended ky waid, and when it passed from ' my sight was flylr g like wind in tte I A O E NTS FOR . duectkn of Uucie Toby's. The read as folia are: message ! Cti.enrttTED : Ujs.oije Toby. The bouse has t een entered by six marked burglarf. Corxe immediately. Eon " FaSMjpUlLPSFllIBlISSS, had bird on STANDARD RBAPER3 A?TD MOWFE3, i the started Scarcely Urand Detour Bulky and Rand Pto, its homeward fi ght when tbe rob-b- e Oorbam Eaodera and Cultivaiora, is reached my door and tried to , Grain and Seed Drt.ls, ; force it; but I had pu&hed my . J . against the door, and with my 6uy Hay Bakes, personal efforts to prevent tbem reed Cuttera, Chilled plows, Barrows, bt and a Stock of Extras for tha earae. from enterlrjg, I had improvised a barricade tbai promised to resist &ll J --DXAUBS IK attacks made againsit It. HARDWOOD, VVAQON MATERIAL, iaON. t BtO. The prolonged defen ee I .was mak ing incensed and exasperated tie Rspoar S kinds cf YihicXes and Parmtrv ,. Imitonent. fellows to such & derta that thy i poured forth threats of venreancs litirsa Ciaoclns o Special t becarxis upon ma.' Their exhausted at last, and a pistol shot Call and ciamlue eta Eiook before , 't' Ess.- '.-which grazed my cheek Warned me yvatiy ,vi of the danger of longer remaining In AYI)It A riHE, i ; btwsea 1st and tad EautSk, that jpoiltloa; f. lit had fceea i.Lmi Jtim Ti2t etc-e- tc OeBlooa JEnuriSer they A tmtt j tho eytter cleansing - WATSON BROS., -- either e&icinei and thoroughly,thetm-malid. imparting now lift a fnerffy tocat ate STOIiEGUTTEi& eUlLQERS. Zt a xaei:Laa tatoxlcatlnaewrwsrs XIrlt and Tombstone. 2Tan?utenU,Orate Ma. He; 3TateU, Iron M earth tvn. ask tboi msao'iiT f t rsi nisstT m KTraa t WV rmrrt c2.:li r:..;r.:x"j " f- -i ft. ews Lon5 f " i r-- 'li I INFANTS' . SHOPS i a. I ! . - Bjrpe-tit- e. BOYS' BOOTS, CHILES' 'SHOES, MEN'S BOOTS, MISSES' SHOES KtriJan Street, Indiana polls, Ind. non-alcoho- lic CaMaieiaiMpii -- ,: " ; bed-ete- ad ; I . : j. iIf , r-acj, i ZLdXxo Olt sr. ; LADIES' SHOES, " Established for tbe special treat ment of Nose, Ear, Throat and Lung Diseases, Also, all Defor mities of the Bxiy, such as Spinal Curvature, Hip Disease, Crooked Legf, We&k Ankles, Club Feet, UI oers, Tumors and Tolypus. Also, all Medical and . Surgical Diaeaaee o' Women. Dr. Van Hummell, Pr'noJ.-Physician totTi Surgecn tf tb!U 1 1 flimiry has an jtiQIce at 3 d iwn South of Valloyj HpuB-- kn Vf Temple, Salt Lake, and at the urgen request of his many pat'ents lis dec! Jed lo remn uliiig; the F " ' months.' .j- Dr. V&n Ildmmtira success these diseases standa "unrivaled, au be openly defies the meJIcal profej! alon to produce a physician or that WiU equal him In ehow a3 great.a proportion cf genuint Ing llTing cures, He has succmfully treated mort cases of thjae dijeatea than, ant other physiaian In. the world. All Warranteil Home-IWe-an- il FIT FOR THE1 CUIViATE GO-T- Soliil, AND ; SOIL, O s Solomon, Bros. , Gold.1 ) , in&t-totio- n : . 1 . Ilia cures arc sfattcretl all '"--r- -- :.iVj; j': r .,' anQ T7ALL TAPM W ':, lv CARPETS acslimoniils vill Mliow. ;;i'.f"; ...:-"- Dr. Van Ilunimell' has been iv Salt Lake but one month. To tbov how highly his professional ekill h appreciated here, he refers . to tbi following well known cH.'zna wbf have some member of their amllie?' v ., ( ander his care : Illa.nonor Mayor Jennings. ' !' ' 1 Ti' I - M -j Cot.C. L. Stevenson. Mr. W. Brede mcyer, Allulng Cnglcccr, 43 Second South FlretiJouth and hit, Blephett Leyl-urn- , Siieood East tits. Cured Ufa. years ago; I. remaloa weil Dr. Stelnhatt, 22 Slate Rtd, trio 3 all the prominent phYslcianfe Id SL l onls aud New York and weut to Euro(e laat year nn seeking relief.' lie received no til be applied lor. treutiueut to L)r. Van to-da- v. ' ' i j Hummell. Mr, J. Fewton Smith, Civil and Mlaiii); . Engineer.' r Mr. A. Wj. McDonald, Mlner Mr. Oreon Hcts, wito Spchccr Ci.w-aoj ' - - 1 fcr''lKHHa A w v A , rr-- t l" 5I a:: BI6UT.HAM) LUli'UE, war R B ? Iff M !1 U. Ft. O dk tasx - ;t a ra n res r t i INDIAN f V DmAtSSAiBa - aw. JL A P0L13 a' 5s I DESiiUICTtfN H Street, te ! ' ' London Bank; Salt I.aks Citt, Utah,'1S33.'- ' Dr LVan Hummell: ure in I t the certirvlt-- - Atigoat j 'ako p're-a- t IHcaey of Flvst-Vli- ' J .0-.- jia.r, xi th;w tST.pall f-.- r t".! yturuclf D N W Old D E Y ' S, I to 134:4, JPlzMztt J. I ltkn, su Lka. f i Letter from JuJtje Weuner, OClcover T . lQOO The above are the reeults of utgkcted and tnlstrfated Catarrh. Below follow reenlta of Dr. Vau Ilucumtli'e treat ment of Nose, Ear, Throat and Lung Dis' ' eases. The Doctor has taken an.cffre cri Vrl Temple Street, third Loue South of Val y Uoue'e, Salt Lake City. :.!;,; or X.ert Ilamlcd liOune, ai:ny both Illglit v IleatN arc mljuvinble. secured the rlht to mike tham, I wa marine abtia' in aud see, at grafts. QtATfiLii Unit Pretty crry : I tfavln j 'i: ) j ilKFiliMnSy, .,:f;4iv - K-- jt M: Ca - - Mr. W. N. Williams, Furnllnrft, eomei of West and South Teuilple birt ts. Capt. J. W Plum in en t5uit. Mammoth Aline,, nalic, ejtau.i! V J ZJ ""f n. ';'!!' '. x Ft. 0 la. (SOFA. -- fx ,; ... , Col, Lee J.Sharp, Attorney. 1 U. J,! Wcnner, Attorutiy. ' Judge Mr. Jas. C. McCaddoni Agt. U. fc U. Q I Express Co. j ;':. T : Mr Lewis &(IgIcr,!Leaccr Fort DohgLiBr-.Band- ; " v v.-'- .. ; Fij.i?Litiir!E3j over (lie Unitcii Stales, us Ilia SEEK Iaiior Mint Bal-tlioo- re r d D . . And all pcinti EAST, incb as NifiRt-'.fllNew rork, Pbtladefcnia, Boston, Vftti!ntnn, Laltlmore, Plttsburah, . Moutreal, Tcrouto, ?etroit, Cleveland. i A CSowoil BtaCfs the'Trairai of the Chtcaro t lc North-W'fUand tbe D. P. Railways cfe- from and arriv at the same Union rn P. I -- AY K33THWESTIJ the 8bort, Sore and CO LUXUBT! flAILW ' j . Ube TH - or - KAlI.fWA.Y-:Or.KWX! BEST CON3TKCTCTBIS U U It SIFETY ! VhiO (.M. ElEfl&iliraSTERfi IN THII COUNTRY, I IN3TJRIN3 FiEB! 1?.M- 1 I.lesant Day Coaclics, I pi' Dinners --rotten up for Prlrate er Public Parties, In the French, EcrHsb and American styles. All orders promptly attended to in a saUsfaotory manner and oa reasonable ternis. Weddiiif or otbor cakes made to order. J . Ihnlman Sleeping Cars. fl'i'liL BAILS, BEST RAILROAD tol asaaiswBBm ZS i Vui aLnucties - N. i, ' xolushre of Sundays., HOT MEAT PIES, . WITH THB 2.02 Ooxxtli Stroeit, r. LUMBER YJJtDl AXI PLAXI2fG MILL, ' j1 W. tw'Rvit, ?. H. KaUvita, , Truvt.-e- , CW MEM Ml SIERRA ffEVADA tsTMraoiB, Bnm'as ' pkas laii-HirnHnsiES- ;- WHOLES AL a AMD KETAIL DEALE1W 1H treatment for Nose, Eat, Throat aod Lun Uiceases. I attribute my rapid ret trra Ion to what I consider permanent bealtb to the treatment I received at pood i our kbatds in i kud 13?d, unhcbitalli piy re jour mat merit to all etCicUd h It h Cstsn b. Throat or Luna Dieat.e. U. J. Wssi'xa. Very truly yturs, commena Xasal Calnrrli Cured. DLafDoetor I have Ix. n troubled wl'h Curoulc Naial Catanh for tbe pafct ten years. I am ;bapty to etate that jour treatment was entirely ruceeeeful lu eaee. If by puldlabiog this you ekn mj Influence others tuUtilDg wRh this dreadful disease to try jour tki l.you are at liberty to do so. Becsute tte l.byticUns whocan cure this disrate are very scarce; and when one is found ekillfal enough to euc eccd, 1 thluk the puklic nbuuld kuDw it. I remain youtu, STKFBBM B. LkTEOURNB, ESTIMATE! . From Mr. Warren rtuer larlj Of Salt Like, owner 'of Jay Gould Mluc, Bullion, I DKjtyaa Cor... 'An nit2, 1ST3. This is to cerllfy that I lu.va Ixtn Tot and bronchial Ja'iarrh. tl,n t&Ii frmu itT.Te my head and eyt-- Mn at times almost unbearable. I have tried maoy doctor and remedies, With temporary relief from some, growing iriadualiy worse, until last winter, belnt; ia" a vcry tmd coi.dt'luo, consalted Dr. Van Hummell aud t tit under his treatment. From the tiisi week my bead; and throat weru re It vul. have not bad a, headache the? were the iiaoe of my life tiiico he with iut and now 1 reraalu entirely lpaa well. I write tbls for lbs benefit of Hhe enffur era who may le ettklu(, relief and uit nl ly recommend thm to ulve Dr. Van liu.u ruell a trial. The Itrtlit I had from hU treatment la luvaluabks aud 1 huoir vS many others be has treated rqualiy eu". Waukbh llttnY." ecsalully. Iins-fey- f- , AND COXTR MIDI AC7T3 or FOR ALL EClLMKOS Tanks of all Descriptions Made to Order. KOTAIR QUILDING A SPECIALTY.- Kalf BkTsk Bestfe U. a K. R. Dwft. :' ti. JT. tYJBlf. Corner First S nth and Third Wcet. er omtl? Wood . TAKEN THB BUSINESS OF MK Uacell, and Is now prepared t HAS I'XJJEBLO : iV HifiELl'SJpHOSL" 13 rQPEKA n-gu- . To Gen. P. & F. Aft. Gn. SaptJ; JOIIX SIARP, ": i SIX BOXES WK .CIl'ABAKTEK tritAJICIS COPE, AXES SHAR1, 0HILDS BOOTS, ITiFIRLiRRY, - a-i- ir j O'" : 0 111 p. ui. on and Rafter October; i i Oglen, Salt Xake, j "She lingered and Buffered along, jlilng only a ripple of curiosity to arie in away all the time for years," my bosom, until I heard tha latch " The doctors doiuir her no good;" our; gate lifted,' and distinctly "Aud at last was cured by this Hop of tne trca or many reel fell Upon my Bitters the papers esy so much about' .i .. ar. Indeed! .Indeed I ?' MI w tliankral we should be for tlial was so surprised and startled at I ; mccllclne." this unexpected intrusion that I w&s 4 ssrwaaa ;KTJSinNCi Mexico. ' It was no unusual occurrence for tramps to pa? s oar - placs at that hour, and the circuiEttancta caused Sid She Diet. 'Nor - , a s whimpered conversation,1 dGDJEjy, SALT LAKH, Pioneer Line of Utah ! j LEADVILLE, at ' OPEN FOR tTOW : . . ;; between Kewport Juavmry 1, 18i3, new lin will be opened, via Seneca and Iv&nVafc trtirt, Hlchracud, Cindanati In4!anapolU and; La Fayette, 'lad Coriil BIuCTe, St. Paul, UjieajiCa aad'Ititwmedtata po!nU. All Tbrocsh Tataongert carried oa Faat T"rpreM Tralni. i Fez Diora detailed lnformaUvn tea Map and 1'oldf n, which toay be obtained, as wail aa Ti lcw,attU prlno! pal Ticket Offlesi latheraUd Stateiar.d Canafciiorof fir. . i j": ) " . P O "R. v'vV ISDIANATOLIS - TORPiU UOWCLS, DlSODCriED LIVER. - 3 7. 1883. Wedneiday, r rkhod ta the window and gaied out upon the lawn below. The die-. ootaiv, tance was great, auu me that, while torture awaited me If captured by the robbers, there was certain death in a leap from ' the window.' What ehould I do The distance to Uncla Toby bouse was only Are roller--, which the niae3D most have covered by this time. But suppose the bird should not be discovered.1 had gone to his Sappose Uncle Toby nu room ror tne my iuctmko would not be teen and read before morning? The Tery thought was so agonizing to me that I refu3id to i entertain it.were fellows time the this All wnrklnsr at tbe door. Tbe bolt was forced, and slwly but surely the br acada was yielding to the force out side. I saw a masked lace peer throueh tthe opening thus made, and the glimmer cf the dark lantern from outside. L eouid remain no lontrer. Death itself ceemed prefer able to the uncertainty of my fate at tbe bands or meeeaaaperattweliaw". I rushed to the window, and, without hesitation, I Jumped, lit sealed to ma to be a li'etiaae before I strnck the ground, and when I didI rolled over upon the gras?; temfrom tte shock I Eortrli'y paralyzed When I. attempted to rise, tha grip of an iron hand pressed my throat, and I felt tbe cold mozzlo of a pistol s It was pressed against my templo. i To reskt meant death. I held my peace while the robber procW dad to bind me: for whenever displayed any restlessness, that cold steal was pressed against my head. The only struggle I made was when he to Insert a gag in my I had tt sun 1 for I rebnt month; ceived a blow from the butt of the fellow's pistol that multiplied tbe stars that I saw in the heavens a i hundredfold, I gave Completely discouraged, myself up in despair. ' X resisted no longer, closing my eyes to shut out, aa it were, tbe gloomy prospect before ma. Somewhat surprised at the prolonged delay of the robber in I ' opened perfecting my pinioning, ' my yea. i Uncle Toby stood over me. Stretched tipen tbe srass I by my side was the fellow who had secured me, a gaping wound in his head affording an explanation ef the tud den ending or his attempt Upon my j liberty.:.. f j, 4 s ., :r, A dozen determined and well-armemen were with htm. Tbe masked robbers at first showed a disposition to resist, but on reflso-tioseeing the hopelessness of aby such attempt, they surrendered unconditionally, j At the next term xt the court they were eash sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment. Uncle Toby was msk'ne his final round of his grounds on tbe night in question j when tbe rustling of bird's wings attracted bii attention. (It entered tbe pigeon oate. Unable to control hla curiosity and anxious to ascertain tbe cause or such a peculiar proceeding, he procured a lad der, ascended to tbe cote, aud t'leie to his surprUe, he found that tte carrier pigeon 'had already returned and with a meat-agelie read it, summoned f his neighbors, and arrived juat in t.me to bag the fellows. . Tbe old bird la dead now, but while it lived there was not money enough in cur town to buy it from me. Wathlngicn Uazitle. I t idL. i ; RABTfB 'ffiOiWARE. yA. Pnii BROILING, BAKING, I UI 1 my-se- if .:! Tlie Cure Is Peruiaiicut. formei owner of the Goldeu 'Te ra mine, B!a"k i f IIUUI;- f : , Wrc te Best for f-- fillip. nn!flim MatcU Dr' to Inform you that the raUrrli and hppy trotiblo for which I ato Slrj throat you trentrd tne over a year ago has not returned, 1 consider the cure pcrmaucnt. t Yours J. W. BkiLitf, ' gratefallr, - OOSIBLE THE-HOS- . ut. ran unmnieii s proueclona qu a!i- una nous aitettta to tiy ono nl the hrt,t men la Atactica, - Ex Gou. T. A. II d ricks: & PERFECT C03KING STOVE tviaDE. :oi- - TXXXJ ! INTETTU-XIS- T - . iwoiAWAPot-ta- , . uj,rnnr irm. 0 (IU Will Mr,llutl tl led., . ....Oct. . i ! SO, - THE UEOT I bat 1. ,r vara ine ata.e Board orI'"Health, I ufc; ,, r.cy. ure In iccommendloir Dr. O. Van II ar uieL for the oslhou. Dr. Vau illuutu id wa a long residtiii of this city KU0 a very near nelphbor end or ml. tie He makes tha In.. ..,, . f V'... r. .. (Til n mi, in L3MIj) 1ST7. . I L.1 Bi.3l ?ici. Mm I VII , 1ST9. Dr. Q. Van Ilttmoiell, 4!m IS .ABB? . Dkntir, Col, ; ; Jn LIGHT, HANDSOME, lb WHOLESOME, DURABLE, . from a prominent cfltallbt, PRESERVING. BOILING, ia . frS'-n- l Throat aud Lungs and oth.:r Chrot ic D a rgxn ai i iicnin la Iwr I be la alfo We i lea rn j ui ma proieseiou is f lie rI!y, eenUetnau of nt h.ui. ler, and would prove a valuable memrc of tbe Board. With great T. A. Your, etc , Tr c,'st- - ' :'. -- f s. letter from the rlht Rev. J. Kplecopal Bishop of Indiana JNlIAKAeou Iud., Feb. C- - TlWi 19. 1S74. nSybIo;Xa,L0sa,on;Utor 't TU' many reference.. of my wife, bow a"riyVy? entirely cured her of eouirta, from which sh maayveara. TnSSJ'i i?' L5 uZyutch and Closet Talbot, ji.ii0p.t With or Without Reservoir ..! Thousands in Dallu Ve in the Territory. Very C. -- aft L 11 i ions la persoa cr Ly e?8tTcnlcBunday, Fcr&lJtj Z. C. M; I. & all i!s Brascto. |