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Show BEAR LAKE. ' Mr. Bane, who was tome ' tay a j and MOBB KOTK3 BY H. W. N." stockholder la the falling house, The famed Bear Lake cover rushed down to Pierce' afore, and some ISO square miles and washes having Informed him of what he oa three aides the rolling hills. It had heard, frightened the book-tellused to be full of finny beauties, Mnto making the asBinnment. A splendid srcaiea trout. Eomewelghf. diversity of opinion exists as to lag nearly 0 pounds have come whether Mr. Pieroe ha Intention- from there to astound the conn oif ally defrauded his eredltora and sear and tickle the palate of the laid away a snug little neat-eg- g for epicure, but nJai for human nature, j himself, or whether, as be himself long sinee, through unlawful metb,- - I asserts, he ,1s reauy a financial ods and at unseasonable as well as wreck and without a dollar in the times, in violation of lw world. The public, ifrom its know. and common sence, the toothsome Hedge of the man, is welcome, of flavor of the ever welcome dainty course, to its choice of opinions. We ' la now only a pleasant memory pi ourselves withhold comment, ftom the past. Mullet and suckers roam the motive hitherto expressed, that the unfathomtd depths and glide In J of never kicking a man when be is or the I down. We have only to say for the tributariss anu out-le- t save by cxlralmostof Mr. Pieroe's creditors, we lake, I nt no more, patience ana ctiorr, comes xo ine I are sorry for them, but to such as baud of the fUberman the prey yM j were lndooed through promises of 4 better dajs. This grand expsnseff per cent, interest, and that alone,to water is a reliable wltne?a to the rure lend him money to sink in hla bosl of old King Frost. Three feet deep ness or anywhere else, the only con his icy power is ieu, ana laaen team I solatton we can afford Is that It and rushing le!gu each uses this I serves them right. polished mlrzow for shorter transit and helghtened enjoymentjbetween Heber City Hews. Affairs in i the distant villages ashore. ' ;' Pro vo Valley are in a nourishing Probably from experience In Utah, condition. It is a verdant, ulcesant all the Eettleuients of thls rcglph vale with three cutlets to different are on the mountain slope s' 'xTJIe' points, via: Provo Canyon, connect-- g rain fields aie also on the nplandS; in with" Utah Valley: Daniel's while the bottoms are devoted ifoCrek Canyon, leading to Uintsb, griss and stock; fthtre fa howbycr and another to Kamas and Parley's one serious drawick to the ya :pf I Paik. Ueber City, the prinolpal visitors from the vals of I' Utah; settlement, Is laid out like Bait tnere ae but few , trees, Lake, an J has some very nice sub either .for Shade cr fmif. stantial buildings, chiefly made Many trlls have been made and of rock. A good meeting houre, there is la Bjme towns promise of kept neat and clean as a euocess In the planting ef trees.; 1 A Is one of the f principal good, patient and intelligent tree structures, and there are also a raiser coull flni a gocd chases betf, I fine court bouse, Tithing office and not only for a fortune, bat for adding j several stores, the main one of the to. a deserving community that latter the Institution, a which ministers both to beauty and large two story rock building with a to use. Borne persons are shipping eplendid cellar. There are likewise the Balm of Gllead and they, with many fine looking barns. In fact the Black Willow and Cottonwood, everything seems to be on the im will help to make g enery andjshade prove. Prest. A. Hatch is as ener and wind-breabut they are all getic and live as ever, aotive In all in all pub poor and not timber. j ; , lliecil organfzslhna,hisand Stock-ralsln- g taste and over Improvements j being one of the are Is but There apparent. sight sources to of revenue, needs leading hare a better c!ass of male anlm&lB. one saloon in the1 place and that President Budge has Just Imported poorly patrcn'asd. The spirit of re. from the late Judge Carter's vaiu-abl- a formation is aotive among the people; great interest Is manifested In herd, a 1 choice, Durham bull, and to rnake a begin' the principles of the Word of Wis ning in another' direction, has also dotn, and the local authorities are brought across 'the mountains tlie diligent in regulating and preserv Brat stand of bees. Lr.:cern r is but log the morals of the people. But little cultivated, bee food will :be few orchards are to be found, but none too abundant, yet It Is worth a President Hatch has raised fruit on trial and many j would be glad to 're- his, and Is leading out also in the alize success. 'Xbe lumber busicbs experiment of shade trees. Provo has brought some money into the Vallsy has numbers of intelligent e men, and the place re neighborhood by exportation. Sbat ceives the fall benefit of their pub- little jrjflt web matfe.aad the home and lb phUanthrophy. spirit market, vastly baore important, wss in a sense neglected. If these mills The Hiddleabrongh Reunion. were Iss !n .the Lands cf Indiv.'dulUs Borne time ago it was stated in this and more in the poeeesion of ocm. that the Balnts formerly of paper uiles p Including carpentry ajd house building,; the settlement cf the Middieebroogh branch of the the Balnts would improve in every Church, Yorkshire, England, in respect more rapidly than they:&o tended to have a sociable reunion in now. There Is a lack cf school one of the Wards of this city. The teachers and room for improvement ides was first suggested by Brother In echool . house and meeting Robert Aveson, of the Twenty-Bra- t houses. Winter being Jong, thse Ward, and the afiatr is now in the should be made! ' more inviting and hands of the following committee, comfortable, and facilities for winter with himself as chairman: Robert employment and general education Aveson, William Garbett, John should command uncommon stimu Breezj, William Williams, Samuel lus, that idle hours might be re Garbett, George Garbett and Benja duced by turning the currents i of mm Haddock. Samuel Garbett is ' appointed corresponding secretary young blood lathe best direction Paris,;ii'.bBrty, Ovid, Montpclter, to communicate with persons at a Bloomlngton, Bt. Charles are 'ell distance, in legardj to the proposed rne en air win come thrifty growing towns; others of less oeieorftiicn. off on Thanksgiving Day, the 29th note are" growing also, but a few test , beginning at 12 o'clock, noon, thousand workers would find here a and through the courtesy of BUbop magnificent caaaoe to Increase Harrison Bperry, will take place in the5r sffictlcn for labor if their leye Ward meeting house. It the Fourth U already ans in that direction. are needed by the dc2sn,and will be a pionio party, with a pro any handicraft Ms cf value in a de gramme of songs, addresses, recita More ft books, tions, etc., a special feature of veloping country. old-tiand hymns mag&slnes are need which will be the nowBpaptrs i ed among the people yet h'v 'rjra snng in England, which will be worried wi'n the importunities "cf practised up by a cnoir formed lor subscription agents, and while a the occasion and rendered with the good book rosy now and then be help of the congregation. William of the got, under the best investmsni :far Garbett, formerly; president lead will more advantage could bs gained for Middlesbrough ' b.anob, Views of Middles the singing. a family If the same amount ;of brough, portraits of missionaries, money was applied for mental and various old rllcfl, to serve as re ment of a dilTerent character EVENING NEWS, m " whereupon '4 it . t NK-W- . er iXOATiyO pAPMESTS. in BeJ the Cityj Council mtnutes j j enotber columnJ i meets cn Friday, H'z'i Counril T j .v."tflb, at ni. Two varrantj arreetai yesterday, got ten days each, this morning. liUipmtiaz atlnlf past rt p. : j - ; ; tuning o'clock Hall. Time on the Utah end Northern U&'.lwsv la to be cut down, repon t-- is far night.. eoes East . Start in X tO- - n fiUamn tiiVKr.r. t &4 ' ' flKii-'ii- T ! sufficient a 'iljrmOi nf?,&n2 be jJJjsjyn enough hang CJlve Iiliaafcl.'. ; ,! v'-' ;j. ; Nevada wants an extension of A IC CJ., rjcian Pacifli?, orj the ;; thai way. ' ApostlsF. M. Lymaa leaked tfcVitcrnicg, from Provo, haie I. the out In - tea:? aj usu&l. ij nd - kns. a. juiu.aj I lalJiers, arrested? were-- - mrneu over io'lcry If the the tj iuthcriLssattboFoit. K nlih. laicleaJadl with Dery or z.:on's I), i T..-- h fr.r tne rotcn ha!. Bank, la out f ... ter hours. for . . V j tbe Iaagrl'he troupe is rad to be in Helena. Well, Mjhwsb is just the placi whtrs 9 ou! tfce J. t . Cit'z'JDS of Spanish Pork are in digERCt because of obstructions in tttlr ran yon rc ?, dae to the D. & ; 'i . K. 1. Railway. Eamlay's storm did not resch fur- Uoaats'n. Iloads dry and solid In Uisl--i County. , car Taa s'reet track;on West Tern-t.l- a Streat. betwee n the Valley Kou-- a &nd the Continental, is being. torn up and replaoeu. Six caacs of dronkennes9 were to. day lined tea?h; Three drunk and era flced, two of them dlsoriifrliea i U cuch and the ether $15. ! ? full-blood- nu'etlcgs !cf the Eighteenth Mutual Improvement Asiool-r.ijx- i, are permanently set for 7 on Wednesday evcnlsgs. .iuftrmailon froai Kankla, Uta his brother tnn'iui, shot and killed W.ilim, mlatakjiig LIm for a desr. TLe : in Heptember medicine, la lying eiek lo New ilij wile will go to him at ; j f ctarts out ., K. Bivsgp, FtWav nornScg on a two wetke trip throash Atiz7ns, California andthe catb,"t3 replace his cactus neg,aUeri Utstroyed by fire. C. E-q- ; j t7Xiftf v( laiuct uudu Ci?: C'j.i lujtor "Thare wjw ain't no sesv, ii.iiea, unless yoa want to staod." Orie of the ladies: 'Well, I won't rldtt If I've got to walk." A i:ocsrUndfnaI leap" from ave--l hide in motion, was the cause of an t to ona of the O den Jlerctld u'.r rr .'a'ttiv. The gentleman, we srs pleesed to note, Is recovering. Prof. Voa Hoi3t, autha? of a hi- ("jrf.f ih lTn!rirtaten. is remrteu sspTsJictiog that the "Mormon" trotjictn w:ll.: be "solved by the der do chncxie at each a prospscu ; acii-len- A phyI un, j'iaHnj a red-tajt'Tel- th patsenu?'' ''No," she answer"yea don't flad thsm on mono-- , meat?, but ua 'er thorn." Thp woik of ctcimlolng the walls aad jf 11 wrini; the upper hall of the Ward Meeting house, ,eTnteeuth Knialie-- i The wiJi b new fl or U of Oregon plae smooth snlpoMsheJ, the varUgated coloring cf the Cijrnica and centre pieces is yery rich and has a flae effsct. ; : me m LOCiL 1KB aTHSR HATTEB3. minder!) of the olJea timiMi, will be on exhibition; A free and cordial tbe liigh Council are requsiid to; extended by the com ''Haveyoiibsen'Pierce--dr'-TheJinvlttlonl-a w?et la the Social Hall,, cn financial failure of the Ray. U. M mittee it all the1 Balnts who have th, at 7 Pierce, bobkseller and stationer, ever bflonged to the branch and to F.May ealpg, Novcmfce'ekek. brief sllaslons ts which hive bsen all the Eiders who have labored in WlLLJAJl W. Tayixu, CItik. be etofore made In this rarerb that part of the Newcastle and Dur TennrRrilv Turned Off. --WaUr still the burden of oonvereatlon pn ham Conference. and Wilek-swute w Inform ail the streets and Jo public places,aldVe ffia An Insntnoientj Luminary. The became since it ths known, water the f hj are ialerrfeteJ, that a in coin Ogden Herald says that that city ia the Twentieth Ward ditch will has been standlag query is mercl&l b4th "has been fooled so long with the circles The point bs turned o3 on Friday, the 8th for 'ere and p it; appears electric light or rather darknses obvious, log so Involved that it has become an urgent ques are that many persons Humes In the Eighteenth Ward. his as . that the creditors, question tion whether she 3s not paying too Water nscrs'wl!! of CO UK 9 act ao coa Id scarcely be impertinent 0 in (:dear for her whistle." Net a few '". tordingly. appropriate wherever it; might merchants have given the insuffi " on cient illumination up. others are Woolen mills. Bishop A. Gard be atked. lit Is stated n- r has purchased the entire" lute- telUblo authority that the liabilities about dispensing with the pretentl it8t la the West Jordan of ths bankrupt man amount I to oos carbon snd taking to the humble to Mills. It is his Intentlen the enormous Sum of $S5,000agslnt bat more reliable petroleum again. of manufacture e3:n?nerwn the which are $7,O03S8ets,b3slJua house Were it not for the contributions an early and a picca of, nil estate, probably from the municipal exchequer, the stocking yarn exclc8ively,at a day, having already bought large worth $J,(H)3 ar $1,000, bslpngiug to Brush would long since have been quantity of wool of the Bsanlon Mrs. Pierre, the minister's wife, brushed out. As It is, the City fsmi'p. Tha mllla have been idle but upon which there is al:eajy a Council and its Finance Committee the litter part of the summer, pen- - first and second mortgage. The are doing their duty by their con 1 4 wa a - -creditors in dado merchants, cltfks, 6tituents by i uljeeting the whole VU VAJ j atPi 4U& editors, doctor?, lawyers, gamblers, matter to a close examination and Weadsd. Mr. D. B. Richards minis ers, Banday school 'teachers Investigation to .find cut whether and Miss Marl; Soreasen, both of - charwomen and children: in SH the light the city 'gets is worth the Mendoo, Cache County, were mar- about u'.xly persons living in Salt large amsunt the. city pays. The IeJ la this city on Thursday not mtntioning business insufficiency an J Inadequacy of the Lika Tbe yonag gent'eman has Jutt firms City, east and west, with which; Mr present system iof lighting as to fiaiehad a oaraa of study at the Pierce dii bulnesi. It Is under the of ths light, the durau " stood that at the Urns ha set up his tion intensity Usparnt ITnlerBllV. steadiness has repeatedly and wishes of a boat cf friends and book five years agoj he waf bten the subject of not vey flatter stare, echool-matthat be will acquit (12,003 In debt, and ever tiace he ing comments in the deliberations himself with equal credit as a hus- - has baen playing a losing fi a ancial of the City Fathers, and all are glad Un.t. m he has hitherto done as "a from Peter to pay, to know that they are determined to borrowing game, nnUn.an and a scholar." Utah Paul, and from everybody else to, te get value received from the Else-Journal plsaee mention. Imbaxss Peter. When bard pushed trio Light Company, or see if some for funds to meet a creditor, he thing more satisfactory cannot be Diitriat Court Proceedings in would borTow at exbor blunt inter arrived at. the Third District Court, Wedneseven engsglcg to pay as h'gb day mnrnlnir. Now. 7th. 1SS3, Chief est,4 as per cent., per month, In order to Ant Broken. Mrs. Iijdla May Justice Hunter, presiding: j lie hew ralso the raeias. necssstry Yourg was thrown from her Ancon Call et. sL. VS. YYHiiani VP " W ITtk- 1 v4 - v m. VW I v AT d ft I - . I lr V - - - V I- Ju sJ es . Itera-dUxnlMedat- afternoon, ba-notes by compounding Interest tween her home' in Pfeaiant Grove ana American Fork, while en route na prmcipa n saw u Fli pl W. b! Clays vs. W S. McCornkA; p!i 1 j r,iintl:f U05.BO: w ueua me zonerai oi ten daTa etav." . m E HA I 11 1 - Wij I V. a a .f vw xswis e.vw. tas itobigon. Besides E. D. Ean vs. A. G. Youasr et. pai that Mr. having her arm was oon si )nrf.m.n tn, - since It was .intjr" . broken, .... reported . she -i fifteen i days r j vi v.uruaea .j m ana eiun.ui shaken up by avuiouwrj clays stay of proceedings. T? R rvi.m -- t al . w. .uuuvu T .nl R. I LtOnaon Jtn vi uuu, wu. ri t Plain - ed him for settlement. This, we are Q. T?.n tiff's costs. itoMjaesjaaaomeMW"".;-- "! Ayert Pills are effectual in a wide range oi Uiseases which arise from vs. Isadora Morris et al., Henry true tne Dan mew" orders of the sumach and dlges-fu- r Bimons et al.; motion by Defendants in the mailer, but simply to tb--f ex Pierce baa hinispaU, Motion arsued. Jhey a conventot tent, as Mr. . . contlnu.nc. i . . m at nana. . LCUi' . uuw- I of laiormmg "et granted.. soger coated, easy to uis. Tbey w . b. aiouornicz, vs. kj a. uars t lu to crisis re uuvt vPierct?ir t Ztlrr, I C4jiiv" ijcf sad cvr?. Ede5 p d!t!!cn cf Mr. called. ! . ; X A. 1 ? .ii.r-.ii.M- iuut. -- ? -- T ki 1 ; i M ' EVlultYTillXO h. LAltOE STOCK OF I WE - BOOTS AND ISHOES, .......and...... .;; j'" ' i ; FURmsmnc goods. ! IM ' :" sj ee AISTD e ' m & tlie W I SOTTOM ;JEIl.I013Sf , ... j h,..., "1 vi, 1? Of V ; " ' ; CD., . PARLOR AND BED ROOM SUITES, KEDl C'l lOIS IS COAL Bock Springs, I Car load. Bock Springs, Yard, . Rock Springs, Uvered, . Bed Canyon, V per ton, by . . per ton, at . . i.60. per ton, de- - r ! I . . We also kasp on hand large stock of all kinds Upholstering and repairing. Carload, Bed Canyon, per ton, at .1 . f.00. Yard, . Red Canyon, per ton, de- .i ft.50. Uvered, . Wslber, per ton, by Car . . 4.W. ,! lead, Weber, pet ton, at Yard, SS. " U j; ill J. M. Fort, Monmouth Ill.,wrltes: Having uped BooviH's 'Barsparilla and B tilling Is, or Blood and Ldver Byrup, acoording to the directions given, for the purpose of enriching and purifying the blood and regulating the liver, and having found tne medicine to do all that you claim . 1 ' ! : and da ;'e goods, M B-- GUSH EE 4 1,00 pei Yard ! Furniture tCompaiif. Co-o- p IISEDTUKFOBTl - H6mt-- o We are Determined Not to be Undersold. .C0. delivered, A. Popup. AsTens. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, FEATHERS, Etc., Etc., Etc. ; per ton, by . . IJI0. ' S, S, T.00. 'i j , DRESSERS, BOOK-CASEWARDROBES, BUREAUS, TVASDISTANDS, HATTRESSS, TABLES, CHAIRS,' SIDE-BOARD- $3.00. I irwels & lo mtM 100 PIECES CHOICE - r:: t . DOLLill Just Received New Fall Patterns in St I MT REMNANTS i ' Body Cl-f- . 00 HEATERS jf Of Every Description, DAILY ARRIVING sad Ulog disposed : 5 CMP 450cte on ' ! THE OTHER DEPARTMENTS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, STOVES OFFER I .EsMllSit BfMltf. V'':-'-.j- - Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds of Furni !! ture, and Upholstery SOUTH TEMPLE STREET, Communication; Telephone Opposite Valley Honse, I lt. I cheerfully recommend its use to all persons affected likewise. STRIPED. X31IISr- - and for S. D. Davis, Jamestowo, Ohio, write: I tried some Red Horee Foar-ttBd-a-ha- STOVES S RETAIL asr closing i Powt'er for Chicken Cholera last fall and found it good. Some of my neighbors are also using it to advantage, jit never fails. Gained Peunds Albert Brown, of Georgetown: 111 ,ray I have taken two bottles of Sec vlli'd Sarespsiilla and Stilllngla, or hsicoa and liver Br run, , and have in ah air pounds gained four-an- d abjet sixty days. We have received feveral ear; loads of ir, C3-IIH- liCu;B fill HO EVRYBODYi ; For everything In the line of Whiskey, Brandy, G'.n, Rum; Fort-Sherry, Ales, Porters and other goods usually carried la a liquor 8 core, rammes snoaiu sena to UEOKQE A. MEEAK3, Second South Street. ; Sell at j Wtolesala Prices lo all THEY EMBRACE ; - S BISLIARCK RANGES, CS- - RENOWNED EMPORIXJIdj, JZ XEEX f , . si , : Wei deliver Stores in any part of the city, set them up and iDg furniture to examine Barrett ETuarantee satisfaction. Bros., stock, especially while the dtf PRICES j LOWER than Ever. Call and Examine mi Larg'a Stock. present prices hoi J good. ' Jest neceived. JENN1NCS & SONG. A fine Btock of cloak?, dolmi.es t ana jsoaeis at . Vn. :: BR08. DONELSON j Go to the Globe Bakery foryoui Confectionery and CAKES, where they are to be had pure and whole some. H. AnwoiiD. S F. CULK1ER G I We are in daily receipt of the latest Noreltiee and best makes of for goods every one of oar numerous Departments, from the leading man. ufactorers of Europe and America, and it is onr earnest desire to sell to oajf patrons the best and most fashionable goods at the lowest possible prices, giving tham the advantigo of a thirty years' practical experience and of an ample capital wherewith to boy at bottom pxloes. . J n i. Our Velvet, Flush and StlTc Department Contains more novelties and better values than are thorn by any bouse west cf Chicseo. We were the first to Introduce Nonparlel numerous in this market, and now cride onre elves in introducing to onr ' patrons the only positively pure Gros Grain Italian 8Uk. Caihuieiw, Mirgorete, wnion ln.oraer to prevent oounterreitiog is woven into every Ve-Ietenv- BROS. -- Just received another lot of Horn Made Gray Centre Double Shawls that we have bad so many ca'I for while we have been cut, also IJn fey Bheetlng, nam andi Check Dress r JanneJs, Tweedy Yarns and o'.her Home Made Wcollen Goodalso TruuKs. John C. Cutler, Agent, N0.S8, Old Constitutin Baildiog, - Salt Lake City. A GEAT DIC4TBT. That is dally bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of ihelr dear oiiem from ans early crave, iruiy is ur. ivug-- new Discovery for tunsumpwon, tvcngns, Colds. Asthma, uroncnuis, nay Fever. Lioea or voice, lit a nng in the Thioat, Pain in Side and Chest. or any disease or tne loroat ana fjuiiff'. a positive cure. Guaranteed rilaJ Battles, rree at & j. 6 DrugBtore. Large size $1.00. Everybody is using and every body is recommending to every' body's friends, Brown's iron Bitteis as a reliable iron medicine, a true Wholesale Wholesale SVholesale Wholesale Wholesale .: , ... t .. " - J .? GROCERIES, V WIN DO V GLASS, PAINTS nd OILS CROCKERY, GROCERY, GLASSWARE SHOW cases; and Cloaking Department, White Goods and Table Liacn DTosiery and Glove Ladles Woolen Underwear Trimming and Dress Button and 1Ribbon Millinery . if cr V.ham ntifl 4 ' j 1 We show Splendid Assortments of the very Newest Good?, mostly of our i European importation, at pices to please, f We call especial attention to the latest Improvement la Corsets, Dwn PITOT ' CORSET TIIE price fl.5. be found This Corset will the easiest, ttst-fitilc- g tnd tac;t durable Corset ever offered to the public V . i. desire of many La ilea for tto In order to gratify the I : oft-expres- . TSTTS7'TTa-!T- r 1' Wa Vi at, rt rum art brated Patterns. 353 ST i Dress Goods Department, la Our Ladles Clotls I . ! y : O. P. OULr.lER BROS. mi. O DAVID A. Eufc S3 - yard, In this department we show high-a- rt Velvet Brocades the r ewFt Parisian productions. One of these Is an exact copy of the materia! in one of the dresses Mrs. Mack-awore at the coronation cf the Rueeian C'zir. i x y g y COOKS, I We would advise all parlies need BROTHERS i A TJP SOFT OOAIj ITRSIIIISK. on the Dollar! P. ACERBAG US. TB2 .t- Pircteit THE CELEBRATED AND AN IMMENSE LINE OF out 50 pieces COCOA MATTINGir at 75cts. 5 A. 2sT , COOK&HEATIN G STOVES -- - Car-pente- rs ed, i IH1 0 1YEAII, COJIPltlSIXG ' f ed ! doo-tor- a' in CARPETS! r CARPET Si!, D Dr. J. Li. Willis, Eliot, Me., sayc CALL THE ATTENTION OF OUR i RESPECTFULLY "H'Orsford's Acid Phocphate gives WE the publo at large, to the fact, that we Lave last re and most excellent results." M ceived a large and well assorted stock of ; lily Niijht," ead, ,VVhen wrote Sbkke'pare tbjut 'Patience cq a uiocatnent' dtd he mean i IVELL-SELBCTE- MAMTCUH j ! wide-awak- o, Et :i UOBSIOHD'S ACID; PIIOSPHATK . Esther Miicn II. Hardy, or Pr-tto t.tudy YorS. once. a TVUs AND WIXTKU ! - Wfird went ' LFOn F1TX:T AOBATES. I have Just received a carload of mantels and grates; They are in every etyle, very handsome and Elias Mobrxs. cheap, j ! - to:- BTOCK OF MEX'S AND BOYS' lag Brown's Iron Bitters. H Wblfe Having fully tested Burks' recomPine Balsam, I can heartily mend It as lust the thing for Coughs and Colds'W. B Goodwin, Quinoy Hi;; Bold by Z. C. M. I. Drug Da d part men t. j: We have on sale, af this office, the Pearl of Great Prlte, Hymn Books nd Words of Defence In German. f: i who -- ' ' COMPLETE, - Good health, rosy cheeks and beautiful skin, ladies can get by ua . i i; . er, I, i .,: Invalid mothers, weak children, nervous and fretful Infants are benefitted by using! Brown's Iron Bitters. Harmless but efficacious. k, ; A-loc- k ' :v; Catch the Btudebaker Branch In the right place. They take due advantage of all ench things and give their customers the benefit of the cut. Their Big Car has lost come in packed with fine work. Notable among it,. is a fine 1 jngllsu uiaes Coach, gorgeous in Its trimming ana general style. Then the Liang try Cart, the Barrey Cart, the Cottage Gig for doctors, the Brldgewater and Canopy Top Barrey, with fine Top Baggies, ranging in price from $165 to $325. The beat la the cheapest, and las Studebakers keep the best, that Is the cheapest dlw plaoe In town. ve drawlu? b'g bouses " I Howsr & Rkymolbs. CUCir BITES. two-wneei- BRUTHERS (ER AT TEASDEL maintained in all cases. Keepectfully, E5. S were fined 75 selling liquor af- Fo:- -. t ioini-- h oaFridViiet O O H? O 23 EJ We wish to inform1 the public and the Brethren of the Fraternity that we recall our special! club rates and that ;our Published prices win be ! i the Ejntheru'micln? districts ua Wojtem region senu M ta b- "livening npf a A tew 8iae?raiK,u going o jwo m the Junction of oeconu reel. F,xet East ECSmi3 kotigzx EPsm , a creditor, m Tar''TTT-- nnrmr.lmttk riflnarlmitnfe r frp i rf tYim dmIm (1.mc IhutTit .j . Our CloaK ana JTur Department 'i i Purify Bleed avew g NOT C Ii A I it a That BROWK'a BAR3AP ARIL-Land Dandelion, with Iodide of Potassium, will cure every disease but it has been proven in a thousand cases that no other remedy can c.-pare with it in curing ; Scrofula, Tumors, Kidney Diseases, Ulcers, Rheumatism, Cancers, Bolls, ConsllpatisD, Erysipelas, Sick Headache, Bait Rheum. Why is Brown's: SarsanarlUa best for oaring tbeee diseases? Because it porifies the blood, corrects inaction of the Liver and Kidneys, and cure constipation and djepepsia ny giv Ins tone to the stomach bo tnat a Use only food la readily digested. the beat medicines. Every Dragetst fa Bait Lake and sell in every dealer - in Medicines ?' :: Utah Browna Caiwapat-llla- ax IS) i 2 CO 111 j Our Carpet, Oil Cloth and Curtain Department m Hat enlarged Its quarters and Is cram fall of the newest and best ww We guarantee well sewed, perfect fitting Carpets and D;apeiiM la newcii O assigns at reasonaDie prices. BUVMLKS'S AS.lDl ' CO i n UI 1"", Ctrl t;, m i O ess.ts ptf teas, rer 7 O T and CHILDUEX'S CIotliinsDrparlmcuf. Hat and C.n Depart in L, Boot and ISlioeDcpartiia't, Furnisbtng Goods Hop. Carry the bast and newest styles only, and our prices will sue w a ssvin & rujy iv per cent, ior vns ssme goooa. of BLANKETS AND QUILTS. over 1,800 Fairs at the most - r- p TVE i HE Alt' WHAT TT E, SAY - Only a few have as yet arrived, bnt they are all will repay yoa to lock before yoa purchais elsewhere hipped, &sd II WhokijJa Eayers know that twenty years' expetieaee la Utah bM enabled ns to study their wants thoroughly, and we are prepared to them a L&ra Axsortseat, Better Goodi and Lower IVicta than ever before. MaU Ordsra promptly filled. We aja nem undersold. crr Jl f, Having bought Important Blanket ever held la the eoantry.on Beptemtex 6 lb., we oiler these goods at 21 percent, less than regular prices. Bale SALTX tlz-zx- We ; . The rrea test medical woedar the workl. Warranted to speedih cure Bams, Bruiser, Cuts, Uloers, F.xli Rheum, Fever Bores, Cancers, FJiXi ChiltiaUBs, Ccrns. Tatr ITands, and til tUa erc Chrpal . gwmntssd to care u trzy f Contains none bat the best Goods tor Xd)s, Children end Ucn warrant cTery pair we ecu. OUR GEXTS BOTS Pa : . Our Ladles9 Shoe Department ; co CO . Needs to apologize for the Insufficient space devoted to its grovriog imp our sales in this department having doubled every tiaie have occupied onr present new baHding. The great variety of Impcrtrd and American garments, their invariably perfect fit, hirmonbus oVtvti' uid first-clas-s workmanship, and above all, the reasoc&tle price wo tilt r them at, are apparent as tne cause or our success. n Brown's Bronchial Trecaei for Couzbs and Colds: ' The only article of the kind which has done me good service. I want nothlu better." lien, n II uraiff,ucuvuie N; Y, Bold only In boxes. ''' r.) i TWO CAR LOADS JUST ARRIVED pzisccaa.oco to ctc. TimiEP, PLUIIBEE, OAO jzzi CTBAII HTTEIt siv-- . ar'-- J-.- r |