Show VA A WORD OF or COUNSEL TO THE W W I 1 LATTER DAY SAINTS concerning THE thil CONFER it ENOE ENCE enoe AT ST GEORGE As the time draws near for the holding of the april conference at st george and as doubtless many of those living in distant parts of the territory have an anxious desire to be present then and at the attendant dedication of the temple tempie it if will be well to bear a few facts in nain rain mind d our general conferences have of late years been held in the new tabernacle in salt bait lake city and spacious accommodation bas baa been afforded the people but in the approaching pro aching conference we contemplate assembling in the lower main room of the temple in st george which being leing without galleries af fordi forda but about one sixth of the seating beating to be found in the new tabernacle in salt lake city there being no railroad in this part of the land many horses and mu mules les ies will necessarily be used to bring pring the brethren and sisters who come to conference As general information to those who have not beon been here we state that the stock range in the vicinity of st george is very limited and hay and grain are scarce the citizens 0 of st G george eorge will no doubt to the fullest extent t man mau mantress manifest irest the proverbial hospitality orthe latt latter erday er day saints but at the same bame time as there are no empty houses all they can do will willbo bo but to share their house room with the ahby many who will come in view of uhe the foregoing circum atances Bt ances it Is advised i 1 1 that f 00 many from the north arn an settlements do not make the exertion to come to st george to I 1 conference 2 that those thole to confer ence enee C ce either bring their i own horse feed or cause it to bab bf brought rought from settlements where it is more plentiful fu 1 an and d 7 us when thosa coming have small ifsits tents and other con conveniences lences en for camping that they bring these alonz along together e with their own provisions 11 visions and supplies and use them if necessary to campous cam camp pout pont out ont in this 0 tl fut cut clim ate could the thee people at t large be ac commo dated with room in the temple wa should be very pleased to haye them present to take part tin ein n vile the dedicatory proceedings and 16 0 0 r receive ce I 1 ive lve such buch anfor information m atlon direct as th the spirit eSpirit of the lord may have tor for us but as temples are made rather than thail for con relational gregat lonal ional purposes the number dupre present i s t at any temple tempie dedication will necessarily be limited jao so far as af the dedication of a is conce concerned rine rire we will say that othe otho the people vor eor orban orsan saw sad pete peto and ana av andoe and of cache county and vicinity ity I 1 as well as of salt lake city and vIci nry nUy will have opportunity afforded forded corded for ded them of being present ani tib at 1 i s sueh such u ip proceedings r I 1 in ll 11 th the earny early fu ture 6 ton tin ph of ba their faithful beas heas in id completing respectively ta the ma mantaj i n til alj logan logani aad ziad salt nake lake f BRIGHAM YOUNG erfan i WILFORD WOODRUFF WOOD ERASTUS 11 |