Show i IL STRANGE STORY f 4 1 rile TIIE OF mis AIS COUNTRY PET ret TO SANDSTONE 1 the from tho the san francisco Chro Chronic nield ife lff may I 1 be 30 an all WI lle ile vue nie or it may i washington feb 15 1877 r fye ve visited H tomb ioway to bayat at mount vernon val vac lomb lome miles from this city down tha vie mie wo had had bad the unusual privilege of beholding the mortal remains of the immortal washington the tomb will wilt remember that the west wall vail of the sama samo has for beveral several years been in hi a a fallI falling nj condition and in great need of repair A few days since sinco part of it tumbled into the tomb completely cover in the of bf ton and also that of f martha wash i ington in order to repair the damage in a competent manner mannor jt ft was mrs found fund necessary to remove them a few fea feel feet from their resting laco iaco place lace the thet r emmins of martha Ny washington ashington was removed first but attracted no attention but the 64 unusual usual weight of the one i containing the remains of wa washington sli sil at once once attracted the attention and ana aroused the curiosity of the tho official who was superintending super intending tending thet the work it was wis decided to open the sarcophagus in order to ascertain abe the cause ot of the tho same bame this was aa done and the thet were found to he be petrified in fact a it solid stone resembling a statue the features perfectly na natural turid fth with ith the c exception of eyes nil nii and d barar ear ean no trace of which can bej seen yeen the body ia Is of a dark leathery ol dor orand arld may be said to be a soft sandstone which would likly break should ari aly an attempt be made to remove it from the sarcophagus edward baker an aged colored man who has resided upon the farm since he was a boy bof and who assisted in removing the remains from the bid tomb to the present one informs us that it la Is 33 years since their laet removal at t hat that time they had rested in the old tomb torb SS years yearb and were ex hamed in a state of preservation beyond all fall expectation being a solid compact mass with the skin drawn tightly to the bone petrifaction no doubt having commenced im work the repairs to the tomb will be completed today to day and the sarcophagus in le not likely to be opened again for a ceiaa century ry to come bome unless indeed in case cise of an accident dent t as in the present instance and petrifaction will complete jis ita work aud and the remains of the inq inc luc mortal I 1 will then be 1 as enduring as his memory is is dear w ORANGE BLOSSOM mua wua hr i phu 10 i i recent congress january 21 mr liing illig walling by unanimous consent reported frd frani III ill the committee of public lands house bill as a substitute for the bill of tile the house K L H no authorizing sale of certain lands in the territory J which was rec re committed ommittee to the committee feb 2 mr bogy introduced ea senate bill no 1211 denning liia lisa man ner nor in which bent bert certain airl alti ian lan ant t mahibe located feb 61 6 mr eni Efi buckner ckner introduced house land claims jn certain states and pud territories feb 6 senate bill JN wo 1163 for relief of public lands lauds un preemption derr deri laws jaws passed the senate benati feb 8 mr booth from com wt tee tebon oh public lands to whom was vas r referred the bill billhi XI B 4 to provide for the 0 maloof sale balo of desert jandrin lands in certain states and territories reported it ift without amendment and submitted mob rob mUted a report they thereon q an ordered to be printed feb 9 house bill to confirm certain privat private oland land cland claims annew Al mexico exico considered by 11 1 house hoube 1 uc in ia committee of the whole ko no resolution thereon I 1 Feb aio alo 10 senate agreed to house resolution to print prin t prof B nayden hayden str report of surveys of territories s for alsta H HB R febi feb 13 3 mr lawrence Ii awrence reported mom 4 rom the committee on judiciary bons house bili bill for relief of holders 4 ou f defective e entries of land beit belt be pdt vit it enacted ac that in all ses iny INT where ILdri an entry has been or ay be ad e by any persons I 1 ergonis er sonis other ehan yhan an corporations in rood nood faltin at f j tha e proper local land onee office ot 0 any cr land subject to entry which may be informal irregular defective or void and whenever such entry shall be ba cancelled the person or persons having made sq sach eb entry their heirs devisees devi sees erase or as signs shall have the dirst first and preferable right to maice malse a lawful lawf ua entry of or and proc procure urel a patent for such lands within one year after notice of such guch cancellation as herein re aured but nothing herein shall shail divest digest ncy acy right heretofore required edt whenever any entry or patent shall shail bo be cancelled the commissioner of the general juana land office shall give notice thereof by mail if practicable to the person claiming thel the land under such entry or if f it 1 be impracticable to ascertain the name and post office address add res of auch person then thon notice shall be given by publication in such manner aa as aad said baid commissioner may deem proper the comm ioner loner of the general lahd 9 effice shall haye havo dwer power to prescribe al proper rules and regulations gu U lations latious to carry this into effect feb 14 I 1 senate senaie bill 1225 to a amend bec sec 2291 revised statutes in relation to proof required iq homestead en tries fries reported without amendment menu ment from committee on lands and placed on the tho calendar leb yeb feb 15 senate dill nto no 1163 ret re rot t forred to house r committee Cammi Uee on ou pub 1 liI ill janda ianda ax X jo by tho iho way Irav have ojust just returned from a very at agreeable visit in ln furness jt ir had been announced that two inee meetings tings would he be held oa on sunday dinst in indol bf james hall of that town a 4 very avery agreeable sur surprise awaited w us on assembling in tha tho afternoon the following gentle gentie meil mefi men alid and ladies ladles having kindly findly I 1 volunteered to aid ua us with their instruments st and voices as a choir thos robinson Bo biason binson thos smith D fones wm traut Trant ef thos rhoa rilmer jD hughes hughe ewd wrenn B Ewd Fellows wm Dunn dant also misses at A I 1 tones fones B jones jukes and K jukes tho whole boie bole ed by brother joseph fones the music was really excellent and added much to the general effect of the he services all ali 11 being outside they the church awakened in us many reflections arid and we give give them our best thanks for their liberal spirit 8 and aud nd kindness of heart henrt may god biess bless them and theman them in his own way A good congregation was addressed in fir the afternoon by elder lt NV naisbitt and in n the tho evening a still larger amenably by elder james mellor prest est of the liverpool the afternoon na on speaker the attention att and pr order der were excellent hild and the tho te re jarks made the cause of much comment and ena enquiry ulry wei we hope hoile ere many days to see d a harvest we ve were kindly entertained ed by mothers brothers and nd higgins anes nes arld alid and arid others th they ey all ill d be much interested 4 idour in our visit it iti being uncommon as they are arc quite remote 4 from any branch brauch of the church A flying bialt to the iha dueks docks iron works and furness abbey and a general house e gathering ing of the Saints their thein fa mUes who met for d a chat chut upon utah Uta hand haud and hi her er in inte teresta resta iesta closed avery a very pleasant time we trust those who ministered to us will ye yet t receive the truth and become thee means of establish establishing inga a good organization in barrom barrow and spreading from the all the region round ft boul bout f returning we visited preston because of its associations with the first arat introduction I 1 4 of tho the gospel into euro europe pe took a look ibok at the li hallowed allowed meeting house bouse where hero the first sermon was preached by the elders of larae vi lH C kimball 0 hyde aud and VY the famous cockpit where hun hundreds nun bun dreda beard t the tho e word gladly who with their posterity are aie now gathered with the golubs go saints ints luts weerd we were particularly entertained by y those old friends of the elders mr and mrs Pa lkinson parkinson and nd while meeting them and ano their a interesting family cherished many an earnest hope that they would yet receive the message god hath sent and see their many friends in zion brother and sister topping and family were aa as they have yeen been been for very many years kind attentive considerate and indulgent but they are on the downhill down hill of life and we all regret their long iong deferred tay stay in preston bub but yet hope hopa to se see e a will be sa gaid gald id too late too late i brother and sister bister sumner with i their thele family intend gathering this beason season ason as a consequence they eky are exultant and they communicate this influence to all nil who another evening in their soel society i ety then back to waiting duties in liverpool feeling stronger and better for a i flying lyng trip outdoors JT ta W jy in millennial star siar peb feb 5 tian THE destruction OF WOODS in the able report upon chili chill by mr bum Rum bold boId to which we lately referred we nind find sonae sortie remarks on the effect that has been produced by the destruction of the wood woodi that formerly covered the country which are well deserving of attention during the i past thirty years an vin extraordinary b extension of agriculture 11 has haq ti occurred occurred d in chili cbill formerly she was an importer of corn now she 9 is a lar lat large ge exporter the first impetus was given by the discovery of gold in california a great I 1 demand for wheat arose nrose and chill chili I 1 set to work to supply it then the discovery of god in australia australla opened a now and profitable market end bud pud aud and now peru offers another outlet in their eagerness to produce rop wheat and barley the peasants reckless sly burned down the woods on the lower lowen near the mast wast tha b S of mining led lo 10 the tha same result regille in tile the valles valleys of the main maln chain of the andes ande q the consequence of this has been to deprive thu the country of its due rainfall and to threaten the soil sell with sterility thirty years ago mr tells ua us travel errs erss posting between valparaiso and san tiago tf ago a distance of enly only ninety miles were ere sometimes in winter winten detained as many ag al flye five days b by the swollen state of bf the rivers a and n the heaviness of the tho roads and it regularly took bullock carts a month to make the journey in 1872 there thero were 69 dry days of which were entirely cloudless and either elther partially or entirely overcast there was much rain on 19 and it ift was showe showery ry on 12 of the remain remaining 31 days in 1873 when the Wi winter riter liter was more severe the rainy days amounted to 25 and the showery ery days toll to II 11 the result is that one whom mr humbold describes ribes asa great authority speaks of the sterility which is invading with alarming rapidity the fields of the cebral region now devoid of woods and the slopes of the tha hills robbed of the vegetable soils soil soll which nothing now prevents the rains fram washing down into the valleys le y s ondon economist vito viyo PAYS MOODY IN BOSTON oby ONY ar mr moody and mr sankey bankey have generous friends in chicago who thoroughly believe iu in their work and being bang men of means and ancl influence pay their T lese iese bent sent the ev evangel aDgel Is sato england angland and dand alid p id their expenses there and have cc continued to toi do since their expensed pen sesa are i ren noi not i ocas as largo as would be supposed owing to the liberality of friends in the various cities visited in this city for instance mr hen han ry F burant durant a converted c lawyer ol 01 0 ample ampie means resi resl residing at the tho highlands invited mr moody and family to lako lake up their abode at his hia house during their slay stay here lovi invitation tation was thankfully accepted and aud thus mr r moody is provi ad set far as his teni jeni temporal wants wanas wana are gre concerned the proprietors of the hotel brunswick in a like manner invited mr sankey and hl his to reside ati that spacious ano an ele ee gant hotel free freo of charge inuring their stas stay in boston thu thus islar frankey provided for fon and thousands of people ejiu are afe ready to 0 accommodate either kwof the evangelists with their famili families eg jf if need should arise and would consider a great privilege to tp do BO so excepting the charo oharo friends these men have havo ho of rd revenue venue and it is stated repeatedly that they thoy th ey refuse gifts of money from any and nd all sources the question of iiri irrl una nna nce ce so 80 far as mr moody and aud mr an sankey were pre ere pro coh cohl i berned nevel never came camo before the altti diri dirl kittee in any form it being understood that the workers came without price in regard to the tabernacle expenses these figures are given cost of the tabernacle running expenses for fog four months making the total amount of money moneyed expended pe to pay this sum it j iq estlina estimated ted that from all sources including the C free w wall bg there have been received thus leaving a deficit of boson globe i 1 J 1 w wet wat ra i corneilus cornelius obrien obrien 0 Brien phot fret qt fire to a house irr lir westfield hlass mass and was las fatally burned before beford he hd could get I 1 out of it served Ser ber veA voa hini him highl right i DM I 1 t S V the Reading Pa times says that nathan rue of earl farl township 35 85 years old is the thet youngest grandfather in berks county A man named waters a witness in an assault case in alleghany allegheny Alleg hany mad recently in the in 8 omee office when the first q question u st I 1 on was askea aaker him by that f functionary unction ary arx abasto n letter ietter whiter writer ter says moody i and sankey bankey do not dwell much on the terrors of hell bell Their gospel is I 1 addressed to men of business td philanthropists to good citizens and lovers of their fellow creatures during tho 0 present century naury 1407 persons have been beeh lost in four wrecks of df steamers 1422 in six kix fires 7 in three floods ll 11 in three battles in ili ten earth quakes and in two cyclones in the east indies it is proposed to lim limit it the bonded indebtedness of new hew york to igo 1501 the bonded debt of that city dec 31 1876 amounted to 79 additional to this isa liability of asbur assur assumed ned bythe city under the law of annexation atin of the towns in westchester county and old claims and liabilities for beveral several millious millions more |