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Show Tuesday. May 19. 1925. THB JOURNAL. LOCAL HEWS of Lcadstoa the ' county were.-.phoppin- Elmer Brossard - of Twin hcHillsofSunnyFranee fomer'Tootball Testeray TafiTldaBoTa tar with: the Aggies, is visiting I seat jitcrnoon. for a few days in the city with relatives and friends. Johnson Lawrence Belknap and Lucy Howell Hooker, both An made by of Clifton, Idaho, obtained a Messrs. appraisement E. Cardon, C. Z. Joseph license today. marriage Harris and A. M. Israelsen, of the estate of the late Marinus For your meat. Phone 50 Anderson of Benson. Which was Hailstone Marker. We deliver filed in the District C6urt this every day, (Advertisement) morning, places the total at -- , $14,897. Luther Y. Smith, son of Dr. President I. S. Smith of the and Mrs. I. S. Smith is making for June leaving Cache preparations Valley Fish and Game 3rd for a mission to California. Protective association together with his Mattie Sessions of Geneva wife are back from Mrs. where they went on , Downey was in Loean yester-day- Saturday and Sunday to attend come down to having the outing tendered the spqrts-me- n Logan to visit her son who is of the state by the Salt attending school at the U. A. C. Lake Fish and Game clob. President Smith who At the regular Kiwanis lunch- went from Logan,says those the eon today, which was presided over by President Parley E. Peterson, Mr. Smith, a pupil of Prof. Southwick, sang two pleasing solos. The attendance prize, jiven by Alfred M.' Cole,1 was drawn by Ed. Brewington. Fol- fAGE THREE CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH John J. Fry is around- again following an operation for appendicitis, John looks well and says he is feeling fine. J. M. Bernhisel Dr. and Mrs. LOGAN To Charm The Women of Logan and Cache including Imperial Glee .Club, had a time. There were a great many contests entered into and prizes were awarded for those most efficient in the various sports. on-der- iU- - the luncheon the Kiwan. Piiter Brothers. Comians in a body viewed the beau- pany have receivedDrug one ton of at the Woodruff arsenate of tiful art exhibit lead, for spraying. school. They are making a special price in 100 pound drums. seven For Sale. Thrifty(Advertisement) weeks old pigs at Gem Jersey at Farm. Farm, Hyrum. $5.50 Some farm bureau member? $6.00 delivered. Phone Hy. 131. are considerably agitated over (Advertisement) the condition of the country organization. They are fearful While outshooting squirrels that the organizatiott will go on en back some few days boys the rocks unless the members tcred a barn west of the rail- take a keener interest in the road track and lighted a fire in bureau in a financial way. It is order that - they might get said that less than, half of the warm and dry from a soaking members are paying up their anwhile out shooting. nual dues. There they got are those who About the same time a large maintain are not getthat they to Smith steer belonging brothers was shot and killed in ting value received for the ana pasture along Logan river. It nual dues of $10. It has taken is believed the steer was killed years to perfect the organizaby. a stray bullet by parties tion to a point where it should It shooting squirrels. might be be of real value in looking after well for parents to check up on the farmers problems and it their boys a little more closely would be a pity should the memwth firearms.It might be they bers refuse to give the financial 4'Hl get in serious toruble some aid thaf 'is retired to keep it intact. time by their carelessness. lowing - V GROUPED on the grassy; hills of sunny France, skilled needleworkers faithfully ply their of linen dresses. No art masterful other women in the world can imparj such deft touches by hand. Every stitch that is taken shows years and years of skillful training the very Height of perfection j in the art of needlecraft , Regular Sizer hand-embroideri- , -- ' Wfcryieesat the Third' The clean-u- p cornniitteewf the ward Sunday night were render- Chamber of Commerce will meet ed by the Aaronic priesthood, to outline a plan to check on the Mr. Kersey Riter actingaa chair various, blocks. Another circuman. The meeting was opened lar no doubt will be sent to the O . ye mountains various block captains urging by singing high. Prayer was offered by them to visit their blocks again Wilhelm Kowwall'sT- - The choir and where necessary have the next rendered, Lord we come cleaning done. There is still before thee. Short talks were some garbage that should be re. given by the following: ' Clyde moved. Weeds are growing fast - Willmore discussed- - the lessons and as usual they will - be -- our taken up hy the deacons during worst pest-t- a overcome.Every-on- e should concentrate on the the past winter; "Percy Darley talked on the lessons taken up elimination of weeds especially by the teachers. Rukm Squires on the streets and parking. On reviewed the duties of the some of the principal streets in Friests and their course of the city, the arking is allowed study. Percy Hawkins and Wes- to go to weeds and high grass. ley Olson sang ..Dear to the Such places of course stand out heart of a shepherd. Russell and are always .noticed .more Darley talked on the duties, of than the well kept places bethe deacons. Othar Rich discuss, cause of the great contrast. ed the requirements of the dea- Down with the weeds and away with the garbage. con, teacher and priests. - f ' ' These are the dresses you are invited to see- - Imported linen beauties at prices youll fcgree are hardly v pnc-ha- lf ' their actual of worth. i, Slenderizing Stouts 1 1' the ; soft, light shades. Many are beautified by that blepdS kilo perfect harmony of , color and, design., . ' , l Ther colors include all t delicate' Stitching f. . ; $ ; 5 1 . , v ;i v V j,y px K Come in Early and Examine These 'll Sterling Imported Values rtf. i J ng I ""Miss Whitney Slenderize Your Figure with Cameo Corsets Thursday, Friday, Saturday This Week an Event of Special Importance Modern Corsetry Demonstration -- j . . , .. Under the Personal Direction of Miss Ann Douglass this opportunity to be fitted with corsets that give that youthful slenderizing figure com fort poise, resiliency Store Hours 8:00 to 6:00 Daily Our Experts Cater to Your Beauty Needs Facial Treatments Shampooing Scalp Treatments Manicuring1 - . ShamharLChristiansen CbV , Miss Ilulme Henna Dying ' Marcel. Waving Ilair Dressing French Paper Curie Wavy hair, switches and transformations teal the bob or covers thin hair. Our experts win show you how y Don't miss and grace. Mrs. Bo tt (ST ,J con- - - Special Sale Prices on All , Childrens Coats . -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred von The Clan play by Logan Acad, Mayor Clarence C.Neslenof Raymond Allen left Logan at Westminbe to in are recipients of a Salt Lake City has an important is for given emy 10 a. m. Monday morning, Salt Lake City preparatory to ster hall Monday evening at 8. fine baby girl, mother and message to deliver at the memA cordial invitation is extended daughter are doing nicely. Mrs. bership meeting of the Chamleaving for the' Canadian to all. Fred von - Niederhausem was ber of Commerce on Thursday Laura Viola May 21 at 8 p .m. The Imperformerly bliss Tomato plants 25c per doz., Weiss. The lesser priesthood of the , ial glee club will be present to , second ward conducted the reg- Cabbage plants 50c per 100; render selections. Every memAsk your friends what they ber of the Chamber should make ular ward sacrament services Canna Plants, 25c each, Gladiola Sunday evening in commemora- blubs 50c dozen, Geraniums and think of our work. No doubt an extra effort to attend. The tion of the 96th anniversary of all kinds of flower plants j now we have cleaned some of their citizens in general and any one the .Aaronic ready at Ola Larsons. the. .restoration-o- f :7 rugs... Electric Carpet and Rug who is not a member of the or, (Advertisement) to Washing Co. Phone 5W, 28 ganization are welcome to at. Joseph Smith and priesthood advertisement tend, East 2 Norths Oliver Cowdery, The opening, Rachel Richards Baker, song, "Joseph Smith's first oneMrs. Mrs. Alice Mitton McMurdie respected pioneer The general comimttee on prayer, was sung by members ladiesof of the at has the away yesterday hyr passed away valley, passed beautification suggested of the lesser priesthood. Praywas the The home home here. at the lady morning various the yesterday organizations Delbert Steioffered that, er was s. by Lydia wife of JohnC." McMnnJie-an- d to whichthe principal streets of Prayer is the of her daughter;-:Mrner, teacher. C. Alice William and College-Hilof Tbe l. daughter were assigned make a the souls sincere desire," ' was the Hogenson, on of John Oldham Mitton. She was born checkcity of the streets, parking, second song rendered' by the lady was the daughter Hill Baker, and was in Wellsville, Jan. 20, 1867. Be. and and especially the trees planted lesser priesthood. A series of born Agnes Wisconsin. July sides her husband she is surMadison, iq the. City on Main and Center short talks were then given by 27, 1846. She was the wife of the vived by the following children: by Preston Richards, Vernon PouL late Jarvis Y. Baker, and, the John McMurdie of Logan; Sam- They will need water frequentter and Allen Quinney of the family; home "was in , Mendon. uel of Ogden ; David and William ly. Weeds are growing fast and attention. North need Frank Her teachers , quorum; surviving children are: J. A. of Salt Lake; Mrs. Marie Bourne they AmerHawkes, Harold England, and Baker of Rawlins, Wyoming, of St Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Rose Main was assigned to the to the Fifth ican North, Legion, Max Vigh of the priests quor- Mrs. Maty B. Stark of Salt Lake, Jensen, La von and Leroy .Mcto street Center Kiwanis club, Frederick Mrs. Lucy Sudweeks of Madison, Murdie of Logan. Funeral servum; Grant Quinney, to 'the Boulevard Brown and Joseph Neilsen of Wisconsin, J. D. Baker of Men- ices will, be held on Sunday at 1 the Elks dub, Main south and club, the Rotary the deacons quorum. Thfr talks don, Mrs. J. C. Hogenson of Lo- oclock p. m. in the Eleventh dealt with early church history gan, Mrs. Emma B. Sorenson of ward room in the Tabernacle. to the Chamber of Commerce. are organizations and duties of a deacon. The clos- New York and Simon M. Baker Mrs.. McMurdie also leaves the These over look their to projects on to God urged of Lynn, Utah. Funeral ar- following brothers and sisters: ing song was "Glory all will be in readihigh." Milton Lewis, of the rangements are not yet com- Mrs. Hannah James, Mrs. Elsie very soon so for ness the opening of the Sum. teachers quorum, offered the plete, but interment will be at Norman, Miss Sarah Mitton and ' school mer 7T Mitton. Willard Mendon.John and benediction' . 7 Nicd-erhouse- m . Kodak Film The Dependable Film in The Y ellow Box -- The film that gives the same results from roll to ' roll, so that you can rely on it. .Kodak. Film tude.. uniformity and each is of j - this store with Kodak film, the Stock up-apendable film in the yellow box. t a . picture-makin- g "I importance. de- Where" Quality Counts Tu.nVeure lvst aualtty prints we use VeW ciclu-ulvdMade to fit amateur negatives puper. Velos gets the most out of every film. ami Results must please our' customers. , out find and films In do. your they Ilriug Cardon Jewelry, Company 41 MAIN STREET Ha Established 1872 , s , r Mr. Everett Thorpe, - former student at the Logan high school and a most promising young art student, has returned home from Los Angeie.4,where" he has been attending the art school, where he showed remarkable talent and was rated in the first rank among the many students of the college. During the vacation per. iod he will attend the National Summer school at the U. A. C. Cali-forn- ia Somewhere in the" announcement' of the Capitol Theatre in this issue are the names of twor persons, selected by a disinter- ested party,-- eaeh- of whom will-b- e presented two tickets with The Journals compliments, to the Capitol on the date given with each name, if the advertisement is presented by the party at the Journal office before 6 p m. on that date and tbo party 13 a subscriber' to The Journal. Is your name there? The tickets are good only for the oartv named and his partner - LOANS CITY PROPERTY Low FARMS Interest Rate Albert 0. Torjuson Hotel Eccles |