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Show coming out of his native Igloo of native reticence, .with Takeeti-anhis native wife, and the original team of three-quartwolf dogs with which Solomon made his record dash. Basco Prof. A. J. Southwick and Mrs. Mathers With Club Charms , Large Audience Which Fills Tabernacle to Capacity Sunday Night . SMITUFIELD, 18. May The Alpha glee club assisted by the male glee club gave a concert on Sunday evening in the tabernacle. This was InvAOi S A LTLAKET AIay I If It os s Bancroft," Liar Alay- - is. of 2199 Third East The first class to be graduated the Alexander Pantages Vaude- Frazer, 19, ville circuit. Good fortune sends street is in St. Marks hospital from the Bancroft high school this hero Henry JohnsonWest suffering from a fracture of the will consist of .fourteen students 21 of the skull, burises and ace rat ion a as who will receive diplomas WedField, Logan,-MaNorthland to Logan, as Solomon a result of a colision between his nesday evening. Basco's stop on the Pantages truck and a northbound street The exercises will be held at circuit. He will open car at Second West and Six- the high school auditorium. th North streets late VVednes- President C. R, Frazier of the day. will According to police, Frazer Idaho Technical institution in Plowing deliver to the address the graw'as going north on Second West street and when he turned duates. west to cross the tracks his A splendid program has been truck struck by the street car arranged, consisting of the folin charge of Alotlorman F. L. lowing numbers: Address of RIDGEDALE, May lG.-- The 2491 Park street. Wilkinson, residents of Pocatello Valley Frazer was taken to the hos- wMcome, Dr. Fitz, class history, tho mostly are only summer pital w'here'his condition Thurs- Genevive Budrow, class ' Childs, classprophecy, tsident, are nearly all back on day was reportccFto be improv- Wilma Gooch valedictory, Alald-e- n the job. A few of the women are ed. C. It. FraDeaton, address, with in town still the children, While riding a tricycle at zier. class song, . seventh and who are attending school, but will be back as soon as that is Fourth South arid Third East eighth grades.' streets Wednesday afternoon. out. SALT LAKE, Alay 19. PresThe valley is looking beauti- Glen Fullmer, 7, of 546 Grant ful with its carpet of green in- street, was struck by an auto ton A. Thatcher, state director mobile driven by, Airs, A. E. ot finance and purchase, yestterspersed; with squares and ob- 1 licks, 868 Simondi avenue. The erday called v attention to the black longs and triangles of where spring plowing is in pro- ity suffered slght bruises and fact that purchases for the and was given atten- state, made cn orders dated prior gress,, and' of brown where the lacerations summer fallow is in evidence, tion in the emergency hospital. to April 1, must be1 paid for beForest Willhoite, 40, of sixth fore June 30 or else will have like vast crazy quilt of our street and Redwood Road to wait the meeting for the North hills giandmothers day. The a fracture of the right next legislature before the suffered and roadsides are gorgeous wdth when the engine of his claims can be honored. Purchasarm their carpet of grass, flowers, while ' he es ordered prior to April 1, in backfired automobile and shrubbery in full bloom. - - other words, are dated as of the ; This can be truly ' classed as was cranking Trejo Kimball, 7. of 613 last biennium, and must be paid one of the beautiful valleys of Third avenue, suffered a frac- for out of appropriations for the Rocky Mountains. arm when he fell from a that biennium, which, are lapMany farmers are turning tured tree at Third avenue slid I street sed- --or aftover the fertile acres with was er June 30. the forming is up to Wednesday afternoon. He emerThere is still some time bein every given treatment' at the date and progressive fore June 30 said the director hospital. gency respect. yesterday, but there are a lot Church activities are again in Elder of purchasing orders here which PROVO, "May It. full, swing in the Ridgedale and have no corresponding invoices. Centerdaie wards. Friday night Melvin J. Ballard of the Quorum is. devoted to the country dance of the Twelve will be the com- The merchants have not yet pre which is attended by young and mencement speaker at the grad- sented their claims for paythe situation, old. uating exercises of the Provo ment. In view ev- this office school will senior Thursday high orr At give claJms Ridgedale Sunday ntoming, fine Mothers day ening, Alay 21, at the high against the 1923-2- 4 approporia-tion- s special J attention, that program Was given. Supcrin-tenda- school auditorium. Supt Orson W. W, Whitney gave a Ryan of the Logan city schools they, may be paid in due course touching talk on. Motherhood, will speak to the junior high and out of the proper appropriMrs, ''Ella Campbell of Provi- school graduates at the exercis- ations. . dence, a week-en- d , .guest of her es Wednesday evening. ' Mrs!; daughter, Frop Foreman, ,Xhq. jeptire. jfreekjhaSlbeei se,fr OGDEN Alav u made d grateful response in be- SpaH for commencement activi- Gustaveroif.T I jreaHTjf Vage, half. of A; number ties. , Alonday1,' is1 senior excur- 3655 South West Temple street. of appropriate songs and poems sion day ,when the members of Salt' Lake, is being held by police were ' given; by the children. the seniop class will go to Town- on a charge. . of . stealing - an automobile belonging- to . J. S. Artificial eamations, made by send park in Payson canyon and Kroft, construction disabled soldiers . were present- to the engineer of reArrowhead bathing Ogden. He will be turned over ed to the mothers: Two stake sort in In th afternoon. the to the juvenile, authorities toofficers were present from the junior class wQl morrow who exconducted the Malad, the seniors at the school. The boy was returned hero ercises and made encouraging The senior play Cappy Ricks, from Brigham CitjrT.rte last remarks, commending the work will be ' staged Tuesday, Alay 19. night by Detective Sergeant of this association. The annual reception of the George B, Wardlaw. He was arMr. and Mrs. George Nelson Wednesrested there with Air. Krofts and children of Preston motored graduates will be held hours two at car in his possession together for afternoon out for the day artdf visited day the home of Principal and Airs. with a bicycle stolen in Logan. friends." Yeung, Gustaveson told SerAir. and Mrs. Leon Eliasen L. B. Hannon, to be followed by and children have held the fort the junior high school exercises geant Wardlaw that a desire in the evening at the auditori- to have a bicycle led him to steal all winter. Air, Hampton Eliason, who um. The girls of the home ec- the car. He said that he did not has been in attendance at the onomics department will also en- v ant to take a bicycle in Salt A. C. at Logon during the win tertain their mothers that af- Lake for fear of easy apprehenternoon when all of the school sion, so he beat his way to Ogter is back otl the job. - Bishop Arnold Furhimaq has exhibits will open for three den on the state highway. Here he stole Air. Krofts car from had his family back Tor several diiys '- -' The last student body meeting in front of the Elks club Friday W'ei'ks; Air. and Airs. R. II. Buchanan the year will be given Friday night and drove it to Logan, made a flying trip to Cache morning and inthe evening the where he took a bicycle. Loading the bicycle into the alumni association meets, folValley and back last week. Airs. John Smith is back from lowed by the commencement and automobile, Qustayeson started back, intending to return Draper where she spent the alumni ball. the automobile. He told Sergewinter and from a trip to Sevier Janies ant Wardlaw that he had bwrn where she isited ' her son AnAlay 18. PROVO, drew and family. The Bishop is Provstgaard, 21. land hi broth-ci- v in trouble once before in Salt ' t happy that his bachelor days George, 17, both of Payson, Lake. are agairrendedTorThe present. were sentenced to serve a Term The weather has been ideal of not to exceed five years in for farming and most of the the state prison by Judge spring grain is in. The fall George P. Parker Saturday. grain is well along, and alfalfa The two young men were found Alon-da- y looking exceptionally guilty by a jury of having comALL DAY brought a downpour of rain mitted a statutory offense. WEDNESDAY which. occasioned no uneasiness They were both taken to the to the farmers, but the rest of state instituton today by Sherthe week has been cloudv iff J. D. Boyd. Liquid Veneer Deal . for Woodwork, Pianos, Good, didnt interfere with it though Furniture, automobiles. . farming .operations until ThursOGDEN, Alay 18 Dr. Wiley Wonderful for Dusting day afternoon, when they came AI. Gragun was found not guilto a full step, with tractors in ty of performing an illegal op30c Bottle 2o the field, and men and horses eration by the direct verdict of 60c Bottle 45 a a jury in Judge James racing for shelter from the $1.00 Bottle 85 a clou dburshiollowing division of the Seeondjiis-tric- t IQ Bars Laundry Soap 32 a terrible thunder clap. In the court this evening. 3 Cans Olives 25 course of half an hour or so, After hearing evidence of the 2 Packages S. G. or Corn ragfng torrents were running in alleged operation Judge Kimball Starch L 23 every direction, and tKe face of halted the trial and held that Try Some Logan nature wus sadly changed, but the husband of the woman opno serious damage is likely to erated upon was an accomplice College Beef result. Another shower, on the to the act. The testimony of the Choice Sirloin Steaks, east side on Friday brought husband, AI. L. Taylor, that Dr. lb.- -19 another river down the new Cragun performed the operation Choice Steaks road out from Portage- fellow-- , cculd not be corroborated. lb. .f lOp ed by a strong east wind which Judge Kimball held. Airs. TayChoice Loin Pork Chops is still blowing. lor being under the influence lb. . .... X. 28 Ernest Jessop is back from of the anesthetic during the op- 2 lbs. Best Fresh Creamery Millville ffter a weekg absence. eration. 83 Thomas Jessop left for The court thereon Instructed on Friday to irrigate his the jury to return a verdict of slfalfa. He will likely bring not guilty. Mrs. Jessop and her mother Somebody is guilty of perjury Mrs. Iloit back with him for Itcwever, Judge Kimball declar-eebi- n Went of First National Bank ' the' summer. i disposing of the case. an extended tour of Jargely attended musicales ever held in our city. Seats were placed in the aisles and every available space and some could not gain entrance. Many musical people from Logan were in attendance and were loud in their praise of the splendid rendition. Professor Southwick director and Mrs. William Mathew at the -- piano. The following . program was rendered : Fair Waltz, ....Combined Glee Clubs Country .. . Sing we and chant "Silver ifmonlilght, Serenade, it,- it '' -- . Alpha Glee Club' Absent,.. Duet, Song of love, from Plossom Time,.....i .MinnieNiqlson and A, J. Southwick j'Glpjun, gleam oh silver moon,, By the waters of Minnetonka, I 1Senorita (a Spanish Bolero), 1 Jj Alphd sGIete qiub A'Von of the aes- -j -- Bass solos ert am I, Friend of mine, by request, A. J. Southwick Spirit of Heroes, . - Combined Glee Clilbs Much praise is due these glee clubs and Prof. Southwick for the rendition of such masterly selections. I .. i) -- DAUGHTERS OF PI ONEERS The Brigham Young Camp of the daughter of the pioneers will meet at the Bluebird, Wednes-day- f May 20 at 3:30 p. Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon, Mrs. John T. Caine, Airs. Margaret Alor-re- ll and Mrs. Ellen Barber as m.-wit- hostesses. The Ballard Camp of the daughter of pioneers jvill meet with Mrs. A. M. Clayton 151 So. 3rd West Thurday, May 21st at 3 p.m. The Thomas Tarbef Camp of the daughters of the pioneers, will meet with Airs. Annie Olson 420 North 3rd West on Thursday, May 21st, at 3 p.m. Solomon Basco -- and ' His Dogs at Capitol AH' the world knows of the thirteen heroic mushers of the Northland, with a precious conn who signment of . raced in relays across 870 miles Alaskan wastes of storm-swefrom Nonana to save diptheria stricken Nome. From among these thirteen heroes, Solomon Basco, the fleetest of the Nbme mushers in his recent race, .is anti-toxi- pt ' Wednesday ALL DAY . Sirloin Steak, 18 Fresh Side Pork, lb 17 1 Pork Sausage, 2 lbs 05 Loin Pork Chops, lb.... 25d Loin Veal Chops, lb.. ALL KINDS OF COLD MEATS Purser's Market at 25J Johnsons Grocery 3 North 3 East. Phone 324 -- made-noneffect- trac-torsaii- 'd ive' v ! a rose, Mighty lak . at Ridgedale , A Twilight Revel, .... Alpha Glee Club Duet, I love a lassie, Alesdames T. W. Jarvis and Edw ard Pilcher. ' Soprano solo, Annie Laurie, Miss "Minnie Nielson My heart at thy dear voice, , from Samson and Deliah. f Combined choVus I Progress will-Alonz- vie oC the most tf 1 nt , , . -- - eev-eni- ng ntertain -. l. Kim-httlT- . - - . Butter,. UNITED Thanks to the Economies of Alodern Merchandising. No one Need go Without. Appetizing and Wholesome Foods. Never in the history of the world has food been selected so carefully ' packed so fresh and distributed so quickly and All of us may have daily, what were cheaply luxuries for the rich a few years ago. Take Advantage of the Opportunity to Obtain the .Best Food at Exceptional Savings. Make Skaggs Your Source of Supply. , From an editorial in the Alay 15th issue of the Box Elder Journal we read : In order that a proper understanding may be had with reference to Sunday shows and Sunday baseball in Brigham City this year, it is but fair to state that the entire proposition is an outgrowth of a public meeting held in the Commer dal club rooms in this city last Alarch. and is not the work of a few individuals. After giving a review of the history of the incidents which lead to Sunday amusements in Brigham City, the editorial concludes : It is but UNUSUAL BARGAINS WEDNESDAY UNTIL NOON VEAL CHOPS Young Beef ...... Extra ....1 Pound Choice v pQc Ofte Pound L. Salmon 2 Cans 10c Castile T6ilet Soap :..i .1,5 Bars 39c , , 29c ic in t55c 1 Ib. Can.Old Master - Coffee , : rVAcross from Post Office unfair, dishonorable and dishonest. Either be for a thing and be able to say why, or opposite it in the open and give your reasons for it. Be honest with your stives. Dont .be hypocrites. The members of the committee who voted for Sunday amusements did not do so be cause they have no regard for the Sabbath day. If there were no Saltair resort.', no Lagoons, Hot Springs, Baseball parks, Sunday shows, race tracks, paved highways , end - automobiles leading to Ogden and Salt Lake -- 39c I STOR JTAHl SAN FRANCISCO le-- "i-ii- -J L0S ANGELES U tucuioa-off- , iccnk AmtHcw Canyoi $46.10 . would be nobody in Northern Utah requesting Sunday amusements. It is simply a question of whether our young people remain at home and patronize a Sunday show of a proper kind and witness a ball game occasionally on Sunday or go to the large cities seeking pleasure all the afternoon and a part of the- night when they should be at home. Th Dox Elder Journal -- utc on nd ftr Mit tVh. Return limit Oct. Utc World famout tnuu. Dtlidom . metis. Penonil ervkca. y To secure this low fare, buy ticket to Ogden. Take receipt ana present to depot agent, Southern Pacific, at Ogden, who will furnish . ticket lor balance of trip upon payone-wa- ment of difference between amount"1 ticket and above paid for one-watare. Clip and take this ad with you when you ga For further information, communicate wiJNjr - y vUl join" a movement Uemand-iii- g that Sunday amusements in the state cf Utah cease. To Southern Pacific close Sunday shows, Sunday ball games, horse rucing, swimming etc., on Sunday, It is not fair to say the reason P, Bancroft, Gen. Agt, LN. HUMPHREYS St, Salt Lake City, Utah 41 So. Main there is Sunday amusements in - OCc 23c Tall Cans Medium Red - Thou Shalt Not. - Such a stand is inconsistant, Ogden and Salt Lake is because the Alormon people are not in the majority in those two citN es. The people of Twin ' Falls, Idaho- practically ' all arid they will not have Sunday amusements Pounds ROUND STEAK man-includin- - there 2 Rib SIRLOIN STEAK fair that each those present at the very first meeting held when the subject was first brought up stand his share of the responsibility and cease passing the buck to a few individuals whalways take an open stand on any proposition that comes up. ,Some people are For Sunday amusementsW'h6n talking to those w'ho favor the propo sition, and. theyare Against the Sunday shoWs and baseball when talking to' those who sr.y, City, or Loin ; ' FUNERAL.: HELD Non-Mormo- AT REXBURG: IDA. A patent has been granted to j the inventor of a vehicle consist- ing chiofly of two large hoops with a seat betwent them and of ;whiph is propelled by motions an occupants body., r Restaurants in New York Cty Air', AIILLVILLE May 15. feed about 3,000,000 persons and Airs. 'Angus ' I Humphreys, daily. Air. and Airs.' W C. Humphreys and Airs. J. B. Humphreys week to ' String ori Finger-I- s Safer for Men . UNUSUAL LiveWelLBut! Eversince the openingpfthe Sunday picture show's in Logan, the Brigham City theatre management has been justifying the Sunday opening . there on the grounds that Logan has opened the shows. This is just a pretext and a desire to pass the buck. - AIill-vil- le 192: THE SUNDAY SHOWS er of Jus life Tuesday, May in BR1GHAI.I CITY AND a, ' ' THE JOURNAL, LOGAN CITY, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH PAGE SIX of This "Nature ,t attend the funeral of LN.-IIum- CAPITOL . phreys, who was accidentally The killed it is said in a runaway ac, story of the professor W'ho advertised a course of How to cident have a perfect memory in ten Air. Humphreys came here an dthen lectures, forgot from Africa when a small" boy where he was to Ueliver with his parents Air. and Airs. the lectures d:d not have anything on someone in - Salt Joseph Ilumpherys in the early: Ilis father was the first Lake who left X sweater in the days. East fTrst South - and South choirJeader in . Alillville . and: Ninth East car Sunday. performed that service faithIt is nothing unusual for peo- fully and efficiently for many' ple to leave things on the street years. The deceased spent his TODAY SALT LANE, Alay 18. cars of - Salt- Lake- - forproQf "of this ask the person in charge of the lost and found department of the Utah Light & Traction - company, The only unusual thing about the sweater left on the car Sun. day was a .little piece of white ribbon, about a half inch wide and three inches long with these twe words in black: Remember , Club.. For increasing the circulation of heat from a warm air furnace there has been invented a motor driven fan, taking current when in operation from a inserted in light socket, to the air intake. . - -- 1 Hf e'hero-Tmtiia'"tium- years after his mariage to Airs. Annie Spacknian Bigelow, when he .moved to Rexburg, where he has since made his home fbr over twenty years. Two yeaVs ago Air. and Airs. Humphreys spent a month or so visiting relatives hnd friends. This was his first visit after an absence of nineteen years. He was sixty five years old on Alay IQ and was buried the following day at Rexburg. lie is survived by his wif6 and several children, all of whom are married. Air. Humphrey was highly respected in this community and the one where he spent the last years of " his life, i j i , , Clue Miirie Prevost and Monte , in The Dark Swan Comedy and News , WEDNESDAY .V Pantages ' V Vaudeville--SOLOM. AN BASCO The Hero of Nome -- HARRY GIRARD RE VLB and 20 California Beauties Other Acts II. W.Hansen, R.F.D. No. I - 5 ' May 21 What Shall I with . Feature Do Dorothy Alackaill FRIDAY SATURDAY , THURSDAY. i . Those Who Dance with Blanche Sweet, and Bessie Love COMING Norma Talmadge in tr . The Only Woman |