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Show Thursday, May 31, 1931 THE ' by suto, no planes. Well we would ometimea leave after tba show, la act tbera wn nights when tba audience would almost demand that I leave, and we would drive till Fred got tired hollering, "Look out, tberes another car coming!" Then we would atop at some town and stay all night, always at dandy hotels. The hotel owners themselves all hftvn same little tucked iwiv In tr the hills. Then In the morning we was out at the crack of day for do rhyme or reason and off to do nothing but look. When you turned In at these ranches you bad to open from one to thir ty gates. Well Fred was master of the gate. lie got so be could open by remote control. We bit one of Mr Hearst's ranches, and this wasent the main one, this was just a mlnature one, named the Just about the size of Rhode Island. His main one Is the San Simeon. It runs fifteen thousand cattle and 400 guests most of the year round, but this Is a dry year out bere, and be had had to move Ave thousand cattle and 150 guests. It was over the mountain from the one we were In. Tbey run a lot of guests at this one that alnt hardly np to the breeding of the main ranch, mostly his newspaper editors and political friends. These California ranches are not "Dude" ranches. At Dude ranches the guests pay. 1934. UcNntkt Syndicali, lite. ranch ijFTTTf 1 Mill-pita- PAGE THREE NEIMII. UTAH S. Scenes and Persons in the Current News BRISBANE m0) (HEIRS TIMES-NEW- THIS WEEK TrT Prof. Raymond Moley, who ought to know what Is what In the new era, writes: "With the passage of the stock exchange bill, the New Deal Is The Irish Free State practically complete. There Is nothThe Irish Free State comprises ing that the President or any the three southern provinces of Ire- responsible member of the administration has said to Indicate that land Leinster, Munster and and three counties, Cavan, any Important further development Donegal and Monaghan of the prov- of governmental authority is conThis will be reassurince of Ulster. It is about equal in templated. size to the states of New Hampshire, ing not only to business, but to Vermont and Massachusetts. The the vast masses of people who do not want democracy to undertake Irish Free State Is a dominion "in the com- too much. "The problem now Is one of admunity of nations known as the Britministration. It Is the practical ish empire" as set forth In Anglo-Iristreaty signed December 8, 1921. business of operating the structure A provisional parliament met and that has now been built That means drew a constitution, which was en- a problem of getting men to do It, acted on October 25, and came into for good men make good adminiseffect by proclamation December 6. tration." The constitntional provision that all Mexico witnesses the beginning of members of parliament must take the prescribed oath of allegiance to another war against the Catholic the constitution and to the king, as church, in the Important state of The governor, Rodolfo In the Dominion of Canada, has been Sonora. Ellas Calles, bas ordered every removed by law. church in Sonora closed and gives the priests 12 hours to leave Sonora. BEVERLY HILLS.' Well all I Already religious services had know Is just what I read In the pabeen reduced to an absolute mini pers, or what I see as I prowl high mum. Governor Calles of Sonora and low. Well is the sen of P. Ellas Calles, who two or sir three years ago closed churches In many weeks ago when In Mexico. I was up in San places U.. , 5 i. I g , ' .! ,in.ii,i .... "'"'""J . in ,i IT . inminiin "J! '. CITY, IT. completexl to accommodate 8000 spectators at thm celebration June Id at Bond, Colo., celebrating tho comiiletloa of the 3,S50.(X)0 Potsero cutuff. ' .,. m 7nrww,i i i Francisco ap- pearing in what Is humorously called the "Drama" (I had never entered the arena as an actual participant of the Drama before) It seemed to afford the na tive sons some measure of enjoyment such as might happen if Chief Justice Hughes did a buck dance. I give It a tussle that It had never had before. But thata a whole story In Itself, its Just of the happenings that took place while I was recuperating from one performance to the other, In what I might say was my relaxatiou period. Fred Stone, a man who has had more actual contact with audiances than any actor 1 know, one night during his career under the management of Charles Dillingham, (embracing ten different musical shows, and three years run to the show) why one night his theatre had a couple of vacant seats, and Congress called for an Investigation. A thing fike that come un. der the heading of a national Pelping reports Soviet Russia "rapidly placing the entire area of outer Mongolia upon a wartime basis," getting ready for Japanese Invasion. Conditions have changed since the last Russian-Japanes- e war. About 100 years before that war started, Charles Fourier in France predicted that Japan would fight Russia, and Russia would lose because of difficulty in transporting troops across Lake Baikal, and so it turned out There will he no question of transporting troops across Lake Baikal In the next war. Flying machines, with poison gas and explosive bombs, will fly high above Lake Baikal. That lake, like the English channel, once so important. Is now as though it did not exist Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, says Great Britain will not undertake to preserve China's territorial Integrity or her "open door" and will not participate in any action "against Japan or any other power in other parts of the world unless the United States gives Its full You ask yourself: "When did Uncle Sam volunteer as world-wid- e policeman and chief chestnut-puller-oWell Fred was here with me and for the British empire?" after looking at the various performances of his friend trying to emSecretary Hull, seeing war In the brace a new field of art, he was for distance, says militarism must be anything to get his mind off it. So curbed. The best and only way to we would prowl togeather, but it deal with foreign militarism Is to was with the distinct undemanding have here In the United States the that tho play wa3 not to be men machinery necessary to curb It In case it should turn in our direction. tioned. Fred is a Westerner, born In Kan In the noble world of "sport,' sas, started his career on a slack rope, and has performed every stunt which fills so many American pages known to man or monkey and can and occupies the Intellects of milstill do more things than a Demo lions except when they are listencrat can with a Treasury behind ing to the radio or sleeping, the him. Well we both love ranches, noble red man easily adopts the and California Is noted for some of white man's "sport ethics." the Quest and most historical old In New Orleans, Tommy Marvin, places. They are mostly old Spanish Indian wrestler, was wrestling with land grants that have been In fam- Chief Chewckl, also Indian. "Clampalies since before depression. (And ing a chin lock on the chief, Marvin Lord knows when that was). A calmly filled Chewckl's eye with toranch two or three hundred miles bacco Juice." Chewckl, confronted away from San Francisco, (in fact by "a condition, not a theory," conI can call It Frisco now I am out ol ceded the fall. It is almost a pleasure to read there) but dont do It while there, Even though I did have to be back further on "Chewckl won the last each night that meant nothing, two falls and the bout by knocking Three hundred miles away was Just Marvin unconscious." C. Kins Ftur Syndtoe.te, aa commuting distance, and thl3 wai WMJ Service catoa-trophe- LAKH Ar-rangv- are telug J-"- I'T. OODKV, The Ogden II.Tf Show will ba held June 7, 8 a rut O. OGDF.V, I "P. A 3ily ceUl.ra. tlon will be lield here to ols"rv 4 !5 &! i f.x 1 I i r &.1 .i. I I i II JTm g 1 Senator David I. Walsh of Massachusetts accepting, for the congress, from Gov. G. G. I'ecry of Virginia the statues of George Washington and Robert K. Lee for the rotunda of the National Capitol. 2 View of part of the Union Stock Yards in Chicago after the $3,OUJ,0(0 fire that swept through the famous stock mart 3 Flags of many nations leading the "No More War" parade up Fifth avenue. New York. Huge Sanitorium for Tuberculosis Sufferers tlie anniversary of July 21. IDA. Pacific salmon, BOISR, which have tattled their way almost a thousand, miles up the Columbia and Snake rivers, have reached tne Wehter river and ninny are being speared there. MOUNTAIN IIOMK. IDA. Development plans for the Brunean-Iuc- k Valley highway to connect southern Idaho and northern Nev-ad- a are being carried out by an organization representing both states, with the Idaho highway department and large mining concerns nt Mountain City, Ncv., cooperating. This la o the City, Nev, a Highway association, formed recent celebration at Mountain City, where business lenders from Kalt Lake, Bolfie, Mountain City, Moun tain Home and other towns assem bled to discuss the mining jirospects and the great need for nn Improved Iduho-Mountal- at road. Investigation of BL'RLEY, IDA. .;; 1 SSmSmmmm ' L.- -, v .. I ,n m at m ar m m m at m en , . I surface phenomena left by recent earthquakes east of Locomotive Springs and at Snowville, L'tnh, will be conducted by crews of the U. S. const and geodetic survey, workinjr out of Burley, tinder direction of Lieutenant A. C. Thorson. BOISE, IDA. The Btate supreme court recently refused to rehear the case by which It upheld the constitutionality of the chain store tax In a suit brought by J. C. Penney i'i Con-naug- h Readers 8AI-MO- X " Busy IDAHO NEVADA ROAD TONS OK IOISON lilt AN KKACII WF.ISKR N 75 I'KIt C KNT DKFKCT1VK CRICKET C'ONTKOL I L,N SALT sur Americans, prised to find old professed Social ists selected by the government to supervise and criticize plana for Industrial recovery, way find comfort In Europe. Socialism has become, in many places, an important part of tba world's political machinery, and without serious damage to what Russia calls "capitalism.'' Ramsay MacDonald, formerly a worker In the British mines, now prime minister, Is a Socialist, always bas been. In his cabinet working with blm harmoniously, are some of the most conservative men in England, Including old school Tories. Socialists have been prominentia the French government for years, even "extreme Socialists.' Old Clemenceau himself, the aged "Tiger," who kept Germany out of France and sent the kaiser to Holland, was a Socialist, enemy of aristocracy and the church. It was his hostility to the church that prevented his being chosen President of the French republic after the big war. Socialists, like others who believe they could make the world over and better, often find when power comes that the world Is doing about as well as It can and that the wise plan la to go along with it for Briefly told Socialists in Office New Deal Complete Religious War in Mexico War Changes Rapidly Sally Sa Intermountain News and the Safeway Stores petition for a rehearing was filed soon after the original decision was handed down holding -" r that the tax, which ranges from $5 ".'.-v . r" a store lor Bingle institutions to $500 a store for those in chains of An aerial view of the huge building project now nearlng completion In a Rome suburb nml which will 20 or more, did not conflict either be the "Benito Mussolini Institute" for the fight against tuberculosis probably the biggest Institution of Its with the state or federal constitutkind In the world. The building will contain 1,391 beds and w ill specialize in tuberculosis In women and chil- ions. dren. The best physicians in Italy will be members of the hospital's staff. men are KANAB, UT. 1 Th off ptnduluia prpcritr. tcdar. drcrly wa w'r careful lh alhrr way. Mar (win But U Back HOME INDU8TBT PATRONIZING BT 'orato: THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Th N. R. A. and th C. W. A. bold prsmintnt poaitiona In tha minda and of lha people of tha United Statea todar. An equally important slogan to a of tha Intermountain --xelon who know and. Iherrforo, boost our products la I. P. E. nr That slocan will (row and achlera hopes rrodocU Mias over tha country. IntsrmoantaJn Excel I Janet Steel, Salt Lake City, Vt. Beautiful New Xvv Iliarhway it Milea Beyond St. Ceerce HOTEL. CABINS AND CAFB Remaonable Rates Prohibition Repealed in Arizona At 400 Utah Oil Gets the D. S. C. for the Second Time MJJje" r t E6. e being put to work on various projects of the Kaihnb forest. A reser- voir at El Vega, East of V. T. Park Is being constructed ; fences enclosing a holding field for cattle, are being built. TROVO, UT. Dogs found loose, damaging gardens and flower beds, will be promptly captured and put to death, warns Tollee Chief John B. Harris and J. AV. Smith, dog tax collector. BURLEY, IDA. Burley Merch- ants association has announced it the American Legion post in arranging a Fourth of July celebration. RENO, NEV. The state of Nevada needs half a million dollars In federal money for drouth relief be- "V i5- will help SSt, sJt tween now and October 1, acting Governor Morley Grlswold Informed .J, 'n jig A rr,r-'- iitt,miivt;nM-i-iT"n- magnificent view of society-sportsma- ut Really Big Breezes Scientific measurements of wind d velocities by means of fixed at pressure a height of 40 feet above the ground, show that the wind never blows steadily. Its speed is made np of a succession of gusts and lulls. Thus the tremendous velocities that occur in tropical zones aro of momentary duration While it Is believed that only. gusts of wind In tornadoes some times attain a speed of over 200 miles an hour, the highest wind ve locity ever measured scientifically Is luO miles an hour. This has been registered on two occasions at Black river, Jamaica, on Novem ber 17, 1912, and at the mouth of Columbia river, Washington, on JanThe fastest wind uary 29, 1921. ever recorded In the British Isles was 111 miles nn hour during a gale at Scilly on December 0, 1029. As proof of wind's Dtfulness, the aver age speed for an hour's run of this particular wind amounted to only GS Magazine. well-expose- Its a ' "'h ! ) he held the opinion that $100,000 will be needed for pumping water from Lake Tahoe Into the Truckee river and for the purchase of water to build up the Truckee river flow. He said that $300,000 would be required to drill wells, Install pumps and furnish concentrated feed for cattle and sheop in central and southern Nevada. Summer Term Starts June 4 Secretary of War George Dern (left) bestowing a palm of the Distinguished Service Cross on Capt. Albert F. Hegenberger, army air corps, as a symbol of the second award of that decoration to the officer. The ceremony was performed at the Army War college In Washington, where the captain Is now stationed. The second decoration was awarded to Captain Hegenberger for "extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flights, In connection with the testing and developing of the air corps system of Instrument flying and landing." J? The two varanlkomodoenses, or giant lizards of the Island of Komodo, In the Dutch Enst Indies, which have been placed on show In the Bronx zoo. New York, are shown at rest In their new cage-homThe tw bensts, believed to be a survival of the prehistoric dinosaur, were brought back from Komode by Lawrence T. K. Grlswold and Edward Ilarkness. MONTH Six Moatks Complete Of JUNK Beautj Count Tod can now learn a profession that will make yon Independent for tha rest of your days, f 15 per month only for the complete Phone or writ, coarse of six months. for our catalogue. Utah High School of Beauty Culture 121 So. Main St., Bait Lake Aity Old Stuff is nothing new ia industry; Roman writers tell of? workmen who made only parts of statues, or certain garments for "Specialization" Specialization trade. the clothing: ASK TOUR DRUGGIST POR HAIR OIL INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT AN First Public Building White House was the first building erected in Washi- The public ngton. Berry Cups and Berry Crates LAKE BOX & BASKET CO. 5 St. West, Salt Uki Citi. SL Was. 6178 il) SALT SAM FRAHGISGO From Ogdei ud Salt "C nuinntt I laki City fK u MEALS 1 A $19&7. ANGELES . (ia Saa Francisco) These are examples of out low one way fares to California, good in coaches and reclining chair cars on our fastest trains. Fares good in Pullman cars are very low, too. LOS PROFITABLE STUDY Attendance at this profcrtssive ichool enables yon to engage in profitable study that will later Increase yonr earning power. Special srid regular courses given in all commercial subjects during the summer months. Special tuition rates in effect. Now is the time to investigate make the summer's efforts worth while. A position for every graduate. 112 calls received for office help so far this year. Write for new catalog and full information. Visitors welcome any time. It pays to get the beat. HENAGER BUSINESS COLLEGE 45 E. w I $75.00 far liMILEll School Komodo Dragons in the Bronx Zoo FOR THE SPECIAL telegram. the yacht Rainbow as seen from nn airplane flying over her In Narragansett bay, when the craft spread her sails for the first time. The prospective America's cup defender was skippered by Harold S. Vanderbilt, the n who heads the syndicate which constructed the boat at Bristol, R. I. If successful In preliminary yachting competition, Rainbow will meet T. O. M. Endeavour Sopwith's British-buil- t late this summer. miles.--Tlt-R- nttman (D., Nev.) In The acting governor said that after a statewide survey Senator Key w iV mMttfmrmt Refining: Stations in Utah and Idaho Service v Sixty-fiv- HER FIRST TRIAL Modern BEAVER DAM HOTEL on th. Arizona Strip. Half Way t. Loa Antelea No. II company Inc. The ? can iwlnf It, Broadway Was. 2753 POCATELI.O, IDA. Only 25 per cent of the 6,"00 automobiles tested, In state highway department A. A. A. safety lanes In southeastern Idaho recently were found 10O per cent. Lights were defective on 75 per cent of the automobiles tested, and unusual In thj examinations was the finding that many of them were on comparatively new machines. PAYETTE, bridges are IDA. Two concrete he constructed on the Tayette highway near Horseshoe bend at a cost of $80,SlO.0O, to CODT. WTO. The annual Cody For See Further Information your local Railroad agent or write Owen, General Agent D. R. 41 So. Main St, Salt Lake City, UL Mennonite Denomination Mennonite denomination took its name from Menno Simons, who was the leader of the sect in The Tha Holland. per week will b paid for th srtict on Whr rom sboold nan made Goods" Similar te above Send your atory in proae or Tent to Intermountain P redacts Goi- imn, P. O. Box 1555 Salt Lako City. If your atory appear thu eolamn yoa wil $3.00 Intenneantaiit ceire check Wk No. for J42I bt - $3.00 WJ(.U-8al- t Lake Cite |