Show washington MINING NOTES special correspondence the great republic mine in the republic district in ferry county wash has resumed u operation under the management of C C knutson who was successful in the litigation which tied the property up tor several years the mine was looked upon as one of the leading copper gold producers in the early days of the camp and thousands of dollars were spent in development work and the mine was considered in a fair way to be classed among the dividend paye payers rs of this camp mr knutson who has now absolute control had faith in the value of the property since its original location and it is due to his untiring efforts that funds were secured to prosecute the large amount of bf development work carried on before the mine fell into litigation A force of miners is already at work and this will be added to as soon as the mine is in shape for active operations and shipping charles T peterson who has charge of the work on rich bar mine near loomis wash reports cutting a strong ledge of high grade galena while drifting at the foot level the property is below nighthawk the shaft is down feet and a drift has been run to cut the cropping ore the outlook has been encouraging from the outset by the presence in places of the ore body which assays essays high in silver and lead with some gold the railroad crosses the property hence the problem of transportation is solved in advance besides the discovery ledge in the progress sd of the work so far carried out several good leads of the same character of ore as present at the surface have been struck the ore seems to carry better bettea val values aes ues with depth the ledge filling is a good concentrating ore bre and eventually the company will reduce the ore for shipment to smelters shelters sm elters hs as the most advantageous method of securing returns on the product in the absence of a nearby smelter tribune gold mining company controlling a group of claims on the east slope of palmer mountain near golden camp now deserted in north central washington has closed a contract with the Simil kameen falls power and light company forthe installation stal lation of electric power A transmission line will be constructed over the mountain for several miles and work of construction will begin in thirty days the tribune is one of the first claims located and worked in the upper country the property is owned by boston capital and a prospecting tunnel has been started it is in several hundred feet and three good ledges have been cut but the main ore body for which the tunnel is reaching has not been touched the installation of power means the renewal of development upon a more extensive and systematic plan railroad Rail foad creek creelin cre ekin in the lake chelan country west of spokane is active A large force has been employed all season in them holden mines and about the same forcel will be at work during the winter work i men are installing a big steam plant and air compressor by which the big mach machine in e drills will be operated much d h work ha has S been done in tunneling and in making cross cuts in the mine recent reports from the mine indicate that the ore showings improve with every foot of work on the property the owners are pleased with the progress so far and they have great faith in the prospective output when everything is in readiness the lake chelan country as ae a mining district is greatly hampered through lack of transportation as the ore does not appear in large enough quant thus far to pay the excessive charges of transportation but there are many properties in the moun mountains bains nearby which will make their owners rich when the proper machinery is in operation mining men from various parts of montana idaho and washington have been invited to attend the blowing in of the first panhandle smelter furnace at ponderay Pon deray idaho october 20 C C titus manager says the montana mining association will wili run a special trains train leaving helena the morning of october 19 and reaching sand point th that at evening the spokane international is ef also arranging to run a special from spokane for the accommodation of the coeur dalene and washington shippers between and shippers will come co me on the montana special mr titus said the smelter is receiving ore daily we jve now have 2500 tons on hand and each day we e receive more than the day previous we have 2000 tons of coke on hand for the furnaces the roaster building is nearly completed and work is progress progressing ln rapidly on the stack which is to be sixta sixt feet in height we are receiving con considerable side r ore from the mines across ore ville lake the proximity of the sm smelter elter anil and the lowered smelting smelling sm elting rates making it possible for these mines to ship when we get started it will be only a short time until we will be receiving sufficient ore to run night and day to our full capacity tons for the twenty four hours |