Show CHOICE OFFERED DENVER VISITORS take politics straight or mix them the way of the politician as everybody knows is a soft easy pleasant way and perhaps that is the reason why it leads right to the albany hotel in denver where a whole floor is devoted to politics there is a little of every kind on the political floor no favorite brand and the visitor can have his choice of being a straight republican or a straight democrat or he can even mix them it often happens that a house is too small even a large house to hold two men of different political faith but at a hotel it seems the rule does not hold good for when an antagonist feels the argument too heated he can withdraw to his own committee room and there find a friend who will soothe his injured feelings by agreeing with him then with renewed strength he will sally forth into the corridor to vanquish the enemy the corridor on the political floor is the common battle ground here occur the fights between democrats and republicans all about the corridor are the forts and strongholds strong holds of the two parties these are the headquarters where the valiant political soldiers gather their ammunition decide grave issues and make ready the plans tor for their campaigns in these political camps the midnight oil is often seen to burn a silent witness to the fact that some matter of weighty importance to the state or perhaps to the nation is being discussed there is a general impression that all politicians look alike but to the experienced eye of the observer the watchful man who hangs around albany headquarters there is a marked difference this year and he can often spot the republican or the democrat at once large fat men are in fashion this year with the republicans this came in in when bill taft was nominated and sam dutton proprietor of the albany says that he has noticed that republicans generally are taking on flesh they do this of course ou out t of compliment to taft if they cant get fatter then they wear large clothes that lend them the air bryan being an exponent of the simple life it is in fashion with the democrats to assume the plain unassuming manner and the country style of dress following are some of the political headquarters on the albany political floor democratic national committee in charge 1 of governor osborne of wyoming west of the mississippi democratic advisory committee state of colorado in charge of hon tully scott of cripple creek senator fred baileys committee of county democrats consolidated bryan clubs of colorado in charge of C F wilson republican county committee in charge of fred parks headquarters of C W franklin democratic candidate for governor |