Show DEfENSE TEST GROUP NA Roial J Dough Douglis 0 G I 1 L L Becker and Ralph E of Ogden will represent Ogden on n n the tale state committee appointed by 00 Go Charles Go Charles II H Mabe to la e 1 I o a charge of organisation plans tor for nation nation- national national al at defense day September 12 The first meeting will 11 be bo held at the governor s a office Monday after after- afternoon afternoon noon at nt 2 0 o clock Other Utah men mn tip tip- ap appointed pointed Include Frank Fishburn and W V Call Coll of ot City herschel Herschol and fl I J R II Oen or of Logan Col Thomis Thoms M 11 chief ot of staff dh Islon led orgal reserves of ot Salt Sail Lake has been designated to assist th the tho civilian committee In utah The defense teat beheld held on tho an ot of the bottle bittle of St will nut bo be boIn bein beIn In charge of ch Chilian Ilian appointed b state county authorities and the demon demon- which nih will 11 bp be br of f a patri patriotic otic olle nih will III Include pa parades rates rades of ot chic civic ii labor and other 1 l 00 |