Show ESCAPES E cAPEs FROM WEBERS WEBER'S JAIL I II I I mm JAilER I UNCONSCIOUS AND AD GET AWAY Two Prisoners Successful In Desperate Efforts to Escape TRUSTIES HEROES They Fight to Keep Men From Getting Deputy's Keys Two Tao prisoners escaped from the the Teber eb r jail Friday night after hight Ight Jailer JOlter Clar- Clar Clarence Clarence enc Clar-enc ence E Port Porte until he was as as un- un un T Two Tuo 0 other I in the Ule Jail hurts while fighting In defence of the night jailer and andIn andin andIn In tl ti In to present I re reent ent the two to des des- desperate desperate des desperate men from retting lg away The Th prisoners who eca ped are I Tale Take Bird 20 negro neero held on a charge barge or of o burglary burglar and II it It H Holt bit 33 held on a torger charge charce The prisoners who ho bo ought rought to toI I tho the escape are In Ira Bro Brown Bron n ot of Ogden Orden s serving time tim for tor hi part In a a Ice station robberY robben dOd nd Earl arl Thompson Brown Broun Bro nand and on are trusties trustle trusties'S Another prisoner who ho he had bad some om real stuff In him hims himI I s James Jame Parker a pris- pris pris prisoner oner Parker ran out of ot the jail J but not to cape a-cape e cap He ran to notify the authorities that there had been a 11 break and th ta a deputy sheriff herlt was 1 Ing badly hur hurt la In a pool of blood In inside ineide the jail now IT rr HAPPENED Porter was cas placing William Leighter of ot Salt Lake Lahe charged with Into Intoxication In the th Inner chamber of the th jail known n as the tho tank when hen Holt NoR rushed for for- forward forward for forward ward and struck him on the jaw hI his fist fiat 1311 Bud Blid d then camo caine for tor- torud waid tor-waid ud and anti Joined the fight against the tho officer Porter knocked the tho negro down n dow n with his Ills hea jail klY keys but Ell Bud Bild d regained hi his hie feet struck Porter with a heavy piece of ot Iron he hid h tied In an anol r tock sock ock Porter was floored The two tao men mn then were con con- confronted confronted con confronted fronted b bl Ira Brown and EdrI Thomp-on Thomp trusties trustle who were ere In inthe Inthe the corridor and a bittle ned to toi the possessIon of ot the tho th Jail ks keys Bird and Holt Molt Uv got them und made mad their way av out of ot jail log lell tho I ho door open Leighter did not attempt to 10 escape e IU T IUT T l- l T T Porter was kno knocked ked clou clou and the trusties were dazed while the 16 It 16 pl on ran round around aroun the tanas ann ana coo C corridors In their None tot of r them to e- e es escape cape capo although the jail door as as open After Atler the prisoners prisoner were ere Quieted down and placed In their cell Porter was wa-s attended by Dr DrI r r I Rich who found deep gashes cashes on the jailer rs head rh rise e stitches were n ceary to clor cloie one olle deep gash eash ash oer 0 er For Por- Porter's Por Porter's ter's right eye He lie was bleedIng but die die- dl elos d no wound which mIght provo set sei bus loua S Gl AID rank Frank Williams a large laree n negro gro I held the other othor I at lit bay br b them within thin their cells ceils and by this thi action probably pro pre pre vented others other from attempting to escape S 'S Williams illiams has been ben elected sheriff of ot the tank and It Jo is I his duty duly to enforce re regulations there there- therein ther-In ther In and to see that Ute the tn lank tank Is In sanitary conditions condition It Ia is 1 II lie lie- sh If a ho ee ier I comes forward when the th tank door Is 10 opened to watch while prIsoners rs are taken talen In III or out ont Hoe Howe ei last night before betor Wil- Wil Wil WU Williams llama hams could let get to to to the tho th door Jolt Bolt jumped forward and struck Por- Por Porter Porter Por Porter ter Bird also airo lumped jumped out swing swing- Inc log Ing his weal weapon on contained In the sock ock Williams Immediately backed th the other Into tit their ell celia celli celland and closed their doors during th the battle baUlo of the th two 1 men and the tho th ot- ot officer of officer While It Is probable that some of ot the th men m n would not hake ha attempted to escape there thero ther ar are with with- within with within se seera era I desperate Characters character in the tank and they might ha hae aIded the th fighting prisOners prisoner DRO BROS I IS During the fight Bird backed ha Brown Bron trusty Into a 11 corner corn rand and struck truck him times with the loaded sock ock while Blown battled back agaInst the th odds odd of ot his ad armed with the tho weapon Prisoner Prisoners today slid sid that Bolt had a It las zag wrapped around his right lit hand and it It is believed that he had a nope piece of ot metal concealed under It 11 and his fists flats Inflicted the deep dep gashes Bashes on en Porters Porter's Porter face fac and head It a was Holt Bolt who first rea reached th the outer door with the keys and unlocked it the th prison- prison Continued On Page Pace TWO l I BEAT ATM JAILER AND ESCAPE Continued from raso rago One ers era cr said laid Bird th thi-n thi n ran out after Holt had escaped they said raid B BID D U Holt Is considered a bad char char- character char acter and has lias a lone Ions prison d dIn In California lie He II 80 so oral forged chicks chck In Ogden and In other Intermountain When Whon he escaped he h was ns as dressed In Iii a aCO CO cowboy boy outfit with high boots HG HoIs Is known as Coyote Holt and scented o med proud ot of this name then hen wh arrested Every ery member of ot the department is working on the case casc toda ind nd officer through through- throughout throughout throughout out the th country ha o ha 0 been noti notified fled fied Immediately following the tho th es- es escape es escape cape ol ot the t ts two 0 prisoners James Parker who Is beIng belnA held hold for torto go eminent officers on a Dyer act chars charge charger mad ade hi his way ay out of the jail and notified Douglas 19 years yara ot of f age ace son on of Sheriff Richard D of the Incident The boy bov ran down the street and returned with aith Ith Po- Po Po Police lice Ilce Officer D who aided aid- aid ed ad d In quieting and locking the prisoners In the tho th Jill lill None Nono Non pt f the theother theother other sheriff was os as at the jail at the time and Sheriff Sh Fin Fin- Pin cock cock Is I now after a woman ant n ant ant- anted ant anted ed In Ogden on a bad check charge Deputy Sheriff Porter do- do d-clard d dared that that this was vaa the first time de since sine ho h ha has been connected with the sheriff s a department that he hue hal ever over opened the th tank tank door other being b pres pros present ent Porter ha has boon n connected with the th sheriffs sheriff's department for tor nearly four tour years Jako Jake Bird was with the Brothers Brother carnial al and weB wal arrested by Sergeant ergeant George Georgo and Detectives George Goorge G Theobold whilo In an Ogden Ofden 0 home on the night of July 18 It He H Is 20 years yeara of ot age nf 5 f feet 10 Inches tall pounds Is a waiter by occupation His Hia HI bond as fixed at 2000 12 Holt Is la 33 sears ears of ot ago age 8 6 feet teet tall weighs HO pounds and Is a cowboy forger lie Ho H was dressed Sn In full cowboy regalia Including hIgh h heeled boots and gallon five five b Sheriff hat He H wis ws by Richard and Sheriff D F Steele at the Golden Rule Hulo store ator as ho h was as I to pass a forced check on June Jun 9 0 |