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Show PAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1942 THE BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH PAGE FIVE I Imgijam Salktm 1 Every Friday at Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah : id ai Second Clan Matter, at the Post Office at Bingham 4 Canyon, Utah, Under the Act of March 3. 1879. --isajiSS NATIONAL EDITORIAL- - XELAN-- G. BURRESS, Editor and Publisher xription Rate, per year in advance $2.00 I Advertising Rates Furnished on Application Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ireland and daughter, Colleen, of Mid-- 1 valo, and Norman Gray were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ireland. Attending a Red Cross Benefit entertainment Sunday evening at the Hellenic Orthodox church in Salt Lake City were Mr. and Mrs. Anast J. Chipian and fami-ly. John Chipian played a violin solo on the program. Billy Davies, son of Chief of Police and Mrs. S. P. Davies, is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo-- , with the 28th battalion, com-pany F, Engineering corps. Senior League of the Commu-nity Methodist church will meet at 7:00 p.m. Saturday at the home of Miss Mary Panas at 83 Main street. Mrs. A. J. Bolliger of Midvale visited last evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alma Mantle. Mrs. J. J. Barrett returned home Thursday morning after a ton-da- y visit with her son, How-ard C. Thomas, first class in the private signal aircraft warning re-giment at Camp Haan, Calif. Earl A. Wilson is a cadet in the army air corps and began train-ing at Shepherd's field, Texas. Miss Clara Christensen of Salt Lake City was a gest this week of her sister, Miss Althea Chris-tensv- n. The two plan to leave this afternoon to spend the week-end at the Christensen home in Salt Lake City, where the family will celebrate the birthday of Anton Christensen on March 3. Principal T. H. McMullin of Bingham high school left Sun-day morning to attend a national convention of school principals and superintendents. Dr. C. N. Jensen is also attending as a re-presentative of Jordan school district. No. 2 Firemen's auxiliary met Monday evening with Mrs. La-ve- ll Timothy as hostess. Bridge was played, prizes going to Mrs. Verl Peterson and Mrs. Raymond Marriott. Mrs. Alger Baum, Miss Marion Copenhaver, Mrs. J. Crellin and Mrs. Robert Crellin returned Monday evening from Fort Lewis, Wash., where they spent five days visiting Pvt. F. C. Robert Crellin and Pvt. F. C. Julian Baum. The party from Bingham stayed at the hostess house and were guests at dinner Friday ev-ening at the fort. They found the food excellent, the thousands of soldiers at the camp happy and well cared for. Most impressive spectacle is the retreat at 5 p.m. Privates William Fennemore and Joseph Loverich, who left ' the fort February 19 to travel to New York, joined the other boys from Bingham in sending "re-gards to everyone". Bill Porter, now at Key City, Wash., work-ing in the torpedo department at the U. S. naval yards and go-ing to school, joined his aunt, Mrs. Baum, and the party the evening of February 19 and stay-ed with them until they left .for home. LOCALNOTES ' Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Masters left Monday to visit their son and familv, Lieutenant and Mrs. Av-ery W. Masters and son, David, at Fort Lewis, Wash., for a week. Mrs. Don Stuart and small daughters, Nancy Lou and Norma Jean, of Fillmore, arrived Mon-day evening to visit a week with Mrs. Stuart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer A. Berg. Miss Helen English, district health nurse at Junction City, spent last week-en- d with her mother, Mrs. Mamie English. Mrs. Leo Brisk underwent an appendectomy February 19 at Bingham hospital and is report-ed recovering nicely. Her small son, Jerry Dean, is at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Roy Willis. Mrs. James Covert of Spring City, mother of Mrs. Brisk and Mrs. Willis, is visiting at the Willis home. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer A. Berg were hosts Sunday at dinner for Miss Magdalyn Gust, Miss Kay Gust, Miss Donnetta Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and fa-mily. ond and third grades; Georgt Washington, the Father of Oui Country, Jimmy Osoro; You Can not Tell, Paul Smilanich; Blue Birds Over The White Cliffs ol Dover. Billy Clough; Abraharr Lincoln, Betty Steele; Awards for Americanism essays, Mrs Ross Hocking; God Bless Amer-ica, fourth, fifth and sixth grad-es; remarks of appreciation, Mrs J. Dewey Knudsen; Star Spangl-ed Banner, fourth, fifth and sixth grades; flag salute, led by Joan Antell. i ighland Boy Leslie Gleavei ind Mrs. Arthur Grange ic were visitors at the home ieif daughter, Miss Morinda ce.'-- Saturday and Sunday. ud Mrs. J. Gibbons of Lake City and Mrs. R.L. Cun-an- d son, David, of Copper-wer- e dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. R-- G. Steele Sunday, s. Rosie Cordova of Fruita, , arrived Tuesday for an in-- it stay at the home of her Mrs. Lee Erezuma. j F. B. Godfrey of Orlando, ia will be a visitor at the land Boy Community House iy,i Saturday and Sunday. Qtfesters will be in charge e Sunday night service and abo honor Mrs. Godfrey at option. :s JWary Pazell was a busi-vilit- or in Salt Lake City "and Mrs. Royal C. Austin Children, Norma and Darell, etcn, Idaho, moved to High-Eo- y February 11 and are t at the Jeffcott apartments. Questers enjoyed a very evening as the guests of i Jeffcott, daughter of Mr. ":. Vernon Jeffcott, Tues- - I ie Arko, Miss Ada Du-an- d Barbara Cleaves were e refreshments committee. itful luncheon was serv-- t e meeting. II Gonzales, who has been I'M Mrs. Alfred Gonzales, 'ebruary 20 for his home in Ltke City, date children of the High-Eo- y school have purchased 0 &i defense savings stamps it Ichool. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. c:k was scene of a cottage members of the LDS 1 of Highland Boy Febru-J- . There were 20 in attend- - Ajpnericanism program pre-- l at Highland Boy school .'riday afternoon included Ciwing numbers patriotic y,J Billy Clough: pledge to i, Kathleen King; We're rericans, first, second and rdes; Flag song, first, sec- - I OUR DEMOCRACY byM.t h I II .i ' , Y ' OUR OACEVSOAEO OAILV AND WEEKLY mW'm l NEWSPAPERS HAVE A READING PUBLIC . OF 104,700,000.' - 'J'jj&iyl 12,142,000 GO 31,950-00- 0 REGISTERED MOTOR TO THE MOVIES. VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR USE. 3900 COUPLES 6200 BABIES ARE BORN, GET MARRIED ABOUT 51.4 BOYS, AND 48.67 GIRLS. 3600 PERSONS DIE. POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES OF LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES RECEIVE 397,000 EACH AVERAGE DAY. .f$ MORE THAN 36,000,000 MEN AND MORE THAN ii1 11,000,000 WOMEN GO TO WORK. ON SCHOOL DAYS frjjWJfr 30.300,000 BOYS AND GIRLS GO TO CLASS IN SCHOOL OR COLLEGE. 1 J.;H Are YOU the 4iSr-0,)serva- nt lpe? . ' yv J to spot details, you'll notice that 'tL Creiim of Kentucky in mnda with ... iV ' the iiiipxcollwl limestonn water of W VNsJL Cove SpriiiK. No wonder it's "$4 li7S "rWMr-r7i- " -your licst buy if you 4 Tty jlRS wa"1 ,,w "cream" of Kentucky' L- - &JhJR Hwurbo,w- - 88PRO(ir.8niAICHTHorKm)N WIIISKKV HCHKNI.KY niSTII.I.tfRS CORP..N.Y.O. fc LM W much need you pay M or the finest whiskey? ftfk Tliit great Kentucky favorite costs jhSbsES little more than ordinary whiskies. H 1 1 m Those in the laioi.. j iit) 1 flVatiuiul birtilleriProilucU Corporation. New York 100 Proof IT COSTS SO LITTLE TO GET RID 1 of "slsssr:. orvshuortmooKenr0,.s.y: Here's what we do: . .. you're probably losing enough I Tighten spring clips, U bolts, shackle good gas mileage to quickly PAY f bolts, fender bolts, body bolts, running for our famous 1 boards, side aprons, bumpers, radiator, battery and carrier, universal joints, en- - mUTOR TUNE" UP f gine side pans, hood sills, head lamps, (for peak performance) 1 engine bolts to chassis, instrument boards, floor boards, tire carrier, cowl bolts, Remove D.stnhutor, cle.n, tdiut end I muffler and tail synchronize points with special rortl mi. I pipe, rims and wheel lugs. chine-cl- en, ttst & adjust spark plug-.- ( I test & adjust vacuum timing, test com. 1 flMD MRlYfW TIPUTTII" pression remove carburetor, clean all I UUK BUUI IIUnitN fa A 0 jet" nd ,creens- - et float levc' increase nrrrp .... i lklM. MX mileage with special Ford gauges adjust I I UI1IJ tJTTiitVJ carburetor with laboratory test set, check I j' fuel pump ... 1 f mmmmmKf REGULAR PRICE ON 's ... $5.00 1 I I i --Jin I Iffi (rWi M,,n80Pi, $r70 ( TRUE ECONOMY (IF YOUR CAR "BURNS OIL' ETC.) IS AN EXPERT, LOW-COS- T RING JO- B-, : EXPERT VICTOR OVERHAUL LABOR: MATERIAL: Clean carbon (worth $4.50) " Set of Ford compression ring9 "V60Q Overhaul oil pump Set of Ford steel section oil rings Clean oil pump screen Complete set of gaskets .... 1.90 Remove ridge from 'v 7 nft qts "5est 2rae oil ... . . 1.75 cylinder walls f Valued at $36.65 Install new Ford steel ( BRAKES WEAK OR "CHATTER"? y w P 00 J plete brake overhaul EXPENSIVE. Act now, II Uf IneiiranoA LI before your linings are too far gone! F vOtJap Var insurance JM Or we will reline them using genuine Ford 1 flllR PFPIAI I flW-Hfl- T I material -e- f qualizing and centralizing all con- - J 1 nections. New, reconditioned brake shoes. BRAKES HJBE BOOK Oflly QO V ittiA nr I I 10 complete lubrications, slffw I I RELINED onu 3)lZ,y: h I t w. rt ZE.NS ELSE CAN YOU GET THESE ADVANTAGES! do together. That1; to keep the trucks now on 1. Genuine 2. Factory Approved 3. Factory --Trained lio'n. Thlt's1 tartSn? Ford Parts! Tools & Equipment! Mechanics! America! Easy, too if We use only genuine Eliminates expensive Trained in Ford methods you catch needed "Paj" Ford parts. Guarantees "guess work" in locat- - our men know Fords. Their early before perfect fit and better ing trouble ... assures efficient service saves you faKF tnXPBU!lT'- - 9" Performance. Nothing you efficient work money. Have your car serv- - trnrfc JFJEl counts 50 much in without wasted time iced by men who know Ford NOWI lteping your car riiht, 0f abof products best. (CAMYON MdDTdDIE (DO). Main & Markhatn Phone 333 JUDGMENT , I l During time of bereavement, it becomes necessary that some one person or group of persons be depended upon for the complete arrangement of the last rites. By depending on our judgment, you, too, will find almost complete re-moval of your burden. BINGHAM MORTUARY John Slampfel Licensed Embalmer Telephone 17 T " .. " MgaMMMfssaMtMHMgMnBBH WE GUARANTEE OUR COAL TO GIVE SATISFACTIO- N-E US FOR NUT, DOMESTIC LUMP, LUMP, OIL TREATED SLACK. HAVE SCALES GUARANTEEING HONEST WEIGHTS. ONE 80 FOR PROMPT COAL DELIVERIES. I HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS. 10PPER COAL AND LUMBER CO. WE SERVE GOOD EATS-GI- VE US A TRY PASTIME INN AND CAFE CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY - CIGARS, CIGARETTES, BEER Joe Jaurequi Mrs. Rose Lepore Proprietors innnnnanoonnonnnnnnoonnnnnn GOOD SERVICE! SHIPMENTS ROUTED VIA THE B & G RECEIVE CAREFUL HANDLING AND PROMPT MOVEMENT. FAST DAILY MERCHANDISE CARS FROM SALT LAKE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. YGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY CO. PERLEYWITS J. H. CULLETON eral Freight 8t Pass. Agt Agent rns Building, Bingham Canyon, Lake City, Utah utah Copper Roof Is Not Only Best But Cheapest In The Long Run. iQacansQnnsnnnQQQnnnsnnsncEi Copperfield Mr. John Pan! alone. Ph. 106 A civilian defense meeting will be held at the Copperfield school Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Paul S. Richards and Irvin Stillman will be speakers. The public is invited. Corporal James H. Kirkendall of the U. S. army air corps at Elmendorf field at Anchorage, Alaska, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Kirkendall, received his ser-geant's commission. He holds a first class airplane mechanic's ra-ting. Mrs. Bert D. Kinsey and her daughter, Mrs. Jack Bush, were business visitors in Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kirkendall entertained at dinner Monday, the occasion being Mrs. Kirken-dall'- s birthday, for Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Bjork and son, George, and daughter, Jolane; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, all of Salt Lake Citv: and Mr. and Mrs. John An- - derson. Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Tom Anderson Tuesday evening. Present were Mrs. Eva Watson, the Rev. and Mrs. Mere-dith Smith, Mrs. Eleanor McDon-ald, Mrs. Thelma Barrett, Mrs. Lucille Chestnut, Mrs. Bert Whet-se- l, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Blanche Leatherwood. A delicious lunch-eon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beckstead of Midvale spent Saturday at the W. L. Leatherwood home. Mr. and Mrs. ' Meredith Yates and children were visitors at the Ed Cunliffe home Tuesday. Mrs. John Pantalone was hos-tess at a party given Thursday for her daughter, Pauline, on her fifth birthday. Games were plfty-e- d, prizes being won by Don Ty-son, Diane Miller, Gerald Burke, Joan Karl, Junior Golish and Peggy Callas. Others present were Jerry Burke, Gib Burke, Ellen Golish and Johnny Gardi-ka- s. A delicious lunch was serv-ed. Mr. and Mrs. James Hill an-nounce the birth of a daughter Sunday at Bingham hospital. Mrs. Mary Borich is confined to home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Burke are proud parents of a son born Tues-day at Bingham hospital. Mrs. Mary Delich of Murray was a visitor at the Mary Boricn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Error and family of Midvale were visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Borich Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Miyake and children are now making their home in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Eileen Tyson and Mrs. Ruth Burke attended a party in Bingham Saturday honoring Mrs. Gloria Mitchell. Lila Contreras was hostess at a birthday party given in com-pliment to her sister, Ruth, on her sixteenth birthday Thursday. Guests were Lela and Thelma Leyba, Adela Salazar, Carma Contreras, Juanita Florez, Ofelia Espinoza, Dora and Margaret Gallegos, Margaret Tafoa, Alice Gallegos, Rumalda Dominquez, Edonila Lopez, Genevieve Whet-s- el and Eva Pino. Many lovely gifts were received by the honor guest. A late luncheon was serv-ed. Mrs. Eugene Faketti of San Francisco was a week-en- d visit-or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Falsetti. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Karl attend-ed a dinner at the Catholic mis-sion in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. A civilian defense meeting was held Monday at the Copperfield school. Dr. F. E. Sfraup outlined many defense problems. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spiers of Salt Lake City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- - Frank Swain last Friday. Helen Georgelas was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kouris of West Jordan. A play will be presented by first graders of Copperfield school for their parents and other grades at 1:30 p.m. Friday, February 27. Mrs. Ella Jacobson, teacher, is director. |