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Show November 10, 1998 4 - THE FORUM SISTERS FORD Continued from page Continued from page 1 Dimensions of Global Environmental Change particularly in the tropics of Africa and Latin America and also rural development problems in the Third World. If you have any aucstions about Hurricane Mitch, study abroad or other international 5 issues contact Ford at or visit his website from Westminster's home page for information and pictures of his travels. 488-165- GOOD WEEKLY INCOME processing mail Tor national company! Free supplies, postage! No selling! Bonuses! Start Immediately! Genuine opportunity! Please rush Long lope to Self-Aoaress- stamped Enve- . MFC, Sunt: 391 2045 ML Zion Rd MORROW, GA 30260 ed 2 suitcase, grabbed it and dumped the entire contents on the floor. She pulled the hair dryer out and threw it at me. "Keep you damn hair dryer," I shouted and threw it back at her. "I'll go with wet hair." With that parting remark, I stormed out of the room feeling gloriously victimized. We didn't talk the entire three-hodrive to the airport. She said goodbye and I harrumphed. I waiteu three months for an apology. So did she. The problem is, she nas that Dutch stubbornness too. In the half century she has been my sister, not once has she ever apologized. So, I don't either. That's the thing with sisters. No apologies are necessary. One day, circumstances dictate the need to pick up the phone and talk. We never mention the previous error of our ways. We carry on as if nothing ever happened. "I love you," sne'll say. "I love you too," I'll reply to my only sister. "I just can't stand to be around you longer than three days." ''So whose fault is that?" she'll retort. Three days I think, maybe less; for the rest of my life. Top Ten Reasons For a Statue of George Washington on Westminsters Campus by William Richlin Contributing writer President Peggy Stock recently email announced in a campus-wid- e receive will a Westminster that bust of George Washington from George Washington University. Westminster is currently looking for a marble base. ur 10. Our school is in America. 9. There are a lot of short people on campus and they need someone to look up to. 8. We have a history department? 7. Mormons like marble. 6. People on campus talk too much and need new gossip. 5. Updating the photo lab seemed obvious. 4. Ty Harrison wanted to plant apple trees. Campus Art: The recent bronze statues added to Westminsters campus have caused mixed reactions among faculty and students. The Forum has also received several written responses to the new additions. Students and faculty who want to voice their opinons about campus happenings are welcome to send to Amy Hodson or to the Forum through campus a letter to the editor by ail mail. of Business needs some distraction. 2. We have no affiliation with George Washington. 1. It will go well with the statues of the horses. 3. School Guaranteed Credit Cards with Credit Limits Up To $10,000 Within Days! No Credit, No Job, No Parent Signer, No Security Deposit! h YI i IP i I want Credit Cards immediately. CRA, PO Box 16662, ATLANTA, GA 30321 I Name. i i i i i i Address. City. i State. i Zip. Signature. Tired of Being Ttorned Down? WffliM) to CiKihi " i |