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Show Quizzers Quiz Quints Dr. Dafoe Child Genius Popular Only With Parents Released by Western Newspaper Union.) WE SHALL BECOME WORLDS FINANCIERS ENGLAND WAS the greatest of the creditor nations for generations, in fact, for centuries. To maintain that plan, England was forced to She did it finance debtor nations. by supplying the funds for development of those nations. She developed their resources, she built railroads, she provided shipping facilities Large quantities of English money were invested in many countries of the world. Such funds were provided not so much by the English government, as by the English people as individuals, with the government back of them to minimize their chance of loss. That will be Americas job when the present world conflict is over. It was our job after the close of World War No. 1, but we did not do it effectively. We did not know how. It is a problem our financial leaders must study now if America is to achieve that world dominance which is her destiny. SOUND ADVICE BANKERS THE AMERICAN magazine says every man or corporation or institution that in any way depends upon public patronage for support should never permit any issue of its hometown newspaper to go to press without containing a mention of his or its name and business. To that it adds: The man who does not advertise his business does an injustice to himself and his town. The man who insists on sharing the business that comes to town, but refuses to advertise his own, is not a valuable addition to any town. The life and snap of a town dee liberal pends upon advertising men." The wise business man will follow the advice of the Bankers magazine. wide-awak- DIVIDE AND GET FIFTY CENTS A YEAR A WOMAN CLERK in one of the retail stores rides the same suburban train I take each morning. She is married and every day tells me of the small wages, $25 a week, her husband receives, all because others are paid such unwarranted salaries, from $25,000 to as much as $200,000 a year. I became rather fed up on her daily complaint and looked up a few figures. How much do you think your husband should be paid? I asked. He could have at least $100 a week if they would divide up the unwarranted salaries paid In this country, she said. Would you place the limit at say I inquired. $10,000 a year? v That would be too low, she replied. Many people are worth more than that. Then I pulled out my figures. Do you know, I asked, that if all salaries of more than $10,000 a year were divided between people of the United States it would mean less than 50 cents for each one of us each year? She refused to believe it, though 5t is true, but I have heard nothing more about the salary her husband Is entitled to. Talented Children Escape Discipline, Develop Washington, D. C. GOOD NEIGHBOR The United States is getting much from some of our South American neighbors than has leaked out to the public. By ROGER SHAW When Portugal protested to the (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) United States against Roosevelts CHICAGO. Gifted children fireside chat hinting the seizure of the Azores, the Brazilian governare a pain in the neck. They ment immediately got in touch with are the pride and joy of their The the U. S. state department And the parents. special pride Portuguese had sent the Brazilians of the psychologists. They a copy of their protest, and Brazil are also the special pet-hat- e asked us what reply we were going to make. of the psychologists. They Ambassador Caffrey in Rio de Jaare this and they are that, neiro immediately showed Foreign and nobody ever seems to Minister Aranha a summary of our know quite how to handle proposed reply, and Aranha volunteered to send Portugal exactly the them, or get along with them. same answer telling them it was to used crush They gifted vital to the safety of the Western children under the Old Testahemisphere that the Azores be in ment and the strict Victorian friendly hands, and that Brazil could When Dr. Allen Roy Dafoe brought the Dionne quintuplets Into the not afford to see the islands taken hearth-and-firesitechnique. world, he had to think fast if the five famous children were to survive. the Axis. They made them do the goose-ste- p. Now another set of five famous children, the Quiz Kids, again make him byThis There was a German think fast. This time it is the good doctor who is in danger of losing means message waswillsent: which that Brazil movie called Maedchen in his reputation, as a scholar, as they fire a barrage of questions at him. with the United States if and when rear In the and Gerard Darrow. Uniform that told the tale. He is holding Richard Williams, (L.) the time comes to occupy the are (L. to R.) Cynthia Cline, Van Tiers, and John Bishop. Azores. English schools, too, are Argentina also has been more cowhich d mostly run that way the children, and the spoofery older. In their own than ever despite the dieoperative the have of humiliated adults. gifted traditional method. they of our Rocky Mountain hard efforts In children are big and bouncing. There was a revolt against that Discipline Returning. be congressmen to prevent the imporother method. It was nicknamed the may words, ArThere has, however, been a conlook it. They tation of Argentine canned beef. method. Under the siderable reaction the ascetic, but they dont is sentiment against letting overwhelmingly gentine book anything went little supermen and supergals ex- may be greasy grinds and little The and Anything was all right. If the gift- press themselves with all the initial worms, but grinding and worming are much stronger for Argentines have built them ed child wanted to stand on its head, post-wa- r physsomehow, up, is freedom. Discipline Roosevelt than for the United States, as well as mentally. instead of doing its arithmetic, it in its most ically itself, and have their fingers crossed as to again asserting is another startling discovThere was all for the best. It was develdraconian forms. There is now a what may happen after Roosevelt is this: about the It In its little its school of ery oping personality thought which one might Their is not closely linked leaves office. own sweet little way. If the child call the believes with genius It Dakar and Robin Moor. dark insanity. Most of us have wanted to stay up all night and read that children should be seen and For approximately one month, have We otherwise. the Encyclopedia Bntannica, so not always thought and that like Mussolheard, all White House advisers however, to even led been to believe, and much the better. Loss of sleep inis trains, and troops they should have agreed that the Azores were might make it peevish, but in the be made to run on time. One re- swear to it, that genius and nutti- far less than Dakar and long run the child would be the gain- actionary spokesman for this group ness are close pals almost Siamese the coastimportant West of Africa. That is overto exact. If be er. It had cashed in on its mo- of counter-reformegenius is Dr. Henry twins, what makes the sinking of the Robin or ment of excited curiosity, and a its steps, itself, just Link, the eminent psychologist. Dr. too bad for the All this, Moor by a Nazi submarine so dougenius. good thing, too. Link is convincing, and he is highly to dis- bly significant. now science tends Unconcerned Children. He thinks that group apparently, articulate. Despite the menace of Dakar, prove. Insane asylums are not acBy and large, gifted children are games and individual advisers have been worpresidential to be filled with used what not pleasant children. That goes tually are far more valuable character-forto what we should do about as ried of a As matter children. fact, without saying. They themselves ming gifted factors than the s are it To take Dakar from the French know this, generally speaking, but childish individualism that rugged say the statisticians, flourand to hold it against all comers dont care. They are a bit unbri- ished in America in the twenties and more stable in their emotional re- would require more men than the hewlittle actions than the dled. They rationalize all around the thirties. plodding ers of wood and drawers of water. 50,000 in the U. S. marine corps. It the parental discipline, and tie it up Dr. Link and he is typical of his This latest in knots. They tend to be arrogant, datum, frankly, does not would require an expeditionary of thought dislikes intra-vertmake sense to your correspondent, force from the regular army. and even condescending. Generally school He believes that pampered And while such troops are availbut there it is, in black and white. speaking, they know they are gifted s should not be encouraged able, the bottoms to transport them children, and thats a headache from to do what want when they are something else again. Once bethe word go. They love long want it. Hethey age-ol- d the prefers fore, the British urged us not to get words. They are blase. They know virtues, and the allegedly eternal mixed up in the South Atlantic behow to make their elders uncomfortverities. He thinks that the cause it would divert our navy from able, and how the elders hate them should be compelled to play Offices the North Atlantic. for it! Theres a perfectly good psyextravert tennis, willing or no, even The sinking of the Robin Moor, chological reason for this. Child-appe- when the n would much preS. however, has played directly into is very much like to on the licentious spree of fer go the hands of those who have been What makes it appealing is trustprehistoric natural histourging the President to adopt the ful, dumb devotion which makes the studying or submarine conchology. WASHINGTON. -- How can a busi- strongest policy in the South AtlanHe adult feel flattered and superior. The ry, to the government? tic and, if necessary, land troops on adult naturally loves this, so he believes that the little gifties should ness man sell into bridge, systematicalApproximately 2,500 government the bulge of Africa. loves children and dogs as well. be shoved t But wolves and gifted children do ly and without stint even though purchasing agencies purchase some not share this engaging trait with the Wunderkinder think bridge is 300,000 different articles. Indeed, CATHEDRAL OF AGRICULTURE lowbrow and intellectually the government buys some quantiPaul H. Appleby, diminutive, didogs and normal children. Hence, pretty ties of almost everything produced dactic undersecretary of agriculwolves and gifted children, are not sterile. Spare the rod, spoil the in this country. child, according to the ture, made a flying trip to Nebraska d so popular. Never look a The magnitude of the government the other day which had some inTheir opponents, of course, lain the mouth. Hes liable to bite , bel them intellectual fascists. The purchasing especially in this teresting inside background. you. Beware! when first emphacome intellectual grave fascists, emergency Purpose of the trip was to set When Thomas Babington Macaug sis is necessarily placed upon de- up what some agricultural hands back by the lay was a very wee gifted child, as cultural bolshe- fense equipment for the expanding call a Cathedral of Agriculture in they asked him how his finger felt. viks. Get d and take army and navy and for Great Brit- Lincoln, Neb. What Appleby was your He had hurt the rosy little digit, choice. ain, tends to confuse many manu- working on was a plan to pool all of your somehow. The gifted little Macaufacturers who desire to the different federal agricultural Growth Also, Thank madam. Physical you, lay replied: 100 per cent. agencies under one roof and under The pain has somewhat abated. the bright little Actually, government purchases one director at Lincoln. John tilings, are not undersized, pale, and Macaulays contemporary, are made on a very simple formuThese were to include the AAA, Stuart Mill, could read two foreign anemic. They are generally bigger la. The specifications are not com- Rural Electrification administration, fluenmore and active than the average, languages with considerable In fact, the biggest buyer soil conservation, farm security, exand hearty, too sometimes too plicated. cy when he was four. In the modin the world Uncle Sam has the tension service, farm debt adjustern era, Braintruster Berle and Bob hearty, say the observers. They Hutchins have quite lived up to the sometimes do seem to be smaller simplest system of purchasing sup- ment, and so on. The plan was to plies, equipment and services. The make the state of Nebraska a guinea Nineteenth-centur- y English stand- than the others. Thats merely an ard. So have London Punch and the optical delusion. The answer is sim- system functions something like a pig to test the idea. All of these New York New Yorker. A high per- ple. They have been pushed ahead large mail order house, except that different farm representatives would where the latter sells to thousands, then report to one director in Lincentage of their humor is based on into classes of older children, who the precocious chatterings of gifted are bigger merely because they are the government buys from thou- coln rather than to Washington. sands. However, the proposed Nebraska The initial venture of selling to the director was Cal Ward, regional government will, of course, present supervisor of farm security. And al9 Cross-Curren- ts some new problems. None of these though working for a Democratic problems, however, are necessarily administration, he is branded as a complicated. In order to help manu- staunch Republican. His selection facturers solve them, Jesse Jones, therefore caused opposition from vasecretary of commerce, early in his rious federal farm representatives administration set up a service and in Nebraska who didnt want to Information office, staffed with men any Cathedral of Agriculture join unwho have had years of service in der Cal Ward. government and have recently comChief objector was Fred Wallace, pleted months of intensive study of chairman of the Nebraska AAA, and the purchase systems of each gov- it was to bring him into line that ernmental office. Appleby flew out to Nebraska. Write for Information. Appleby had first ordered Wallace Consequently, the service and in- to Washington. But Wallace refused. formation office is equipped to in- Even after Appleby flew out to see form manufacturers whom they him, he could not make Wallace should contact and exactly how to Im interested in an agribudge. do so. A manufacturer who desires cultural program, not a lot of buto with the government reaucracy, Wallace said. in the present emergency, and lacks Appleby stayed an extra day, specific information as to how to finally flew back to Washington. His to is invited proceed, apply to this "Cathedral of Agriculture for Neunit, room 10G0, department of com- braska definitely merce, Washington, D. C. The ef- Note Secretary of Agriculture Cross currents are running now in the agricultural situation, the U. S. fectiveness of the assistance ren- Wickard has been looking around to department of agriculture reports. Higher prices, income and costs are dered by the office is demonstrated find a new berth for his undersecrein prosiwet this year, coupled with anxiety over drouth. Early crops by the large number of telegrams outside of the agriculture deand livestock were in good condition, but the long dry spell has seriously and letters of appreciation which it tary partment. has received. damaged pastures and fields. Many manufacturers apparently WASHINGTON.-Anxi- ety Army Movies. is felt loans have aided farm markets. have felt that if they desire to transMovies are the top amusement over the possible effects of contin- Prices of agricultural staples rose act business with the government of the boys in camp and the army to new marks in more than a year. they must cither come to ued dry weather on the Washing- gives them all they want at barprogram, but drouth would The program has ton in person or employ somebody gain prices. need to be serious In view of the raised the prices of livestock, poul- familiar with government purchasFor this purpose the war departreservoir of feed in the try, and dairy products. Prospects ing methods. ment has organized the Army MoThe service and information of- tion Picture granary. Winter wheat will for farm income in 1941 are above service, which in a soon be in harvest. The crop is fice strongly urges manufacturers few earlier estimates. months has become one of the Total agricultura estimated to not come to Washington, at least practically made, crop theater chains in the counat 653,000,000 bushels, the largest in al production may be larger this until they have carried on prelimi-nar- y largest try, with about 300 theaters in opthan year last, notwithstanding the 25 of the last 30 years. Total supnegotiations by mail with the eration. There is at last one movie ply of wheat during the coming smaller 1941 pig crop unless drouth purchasing agency that handles theater in every army camp, with d should of a be of prevent. Reports serious farm their particular products. They are proyear labor shortage have been received advised not to employ outsiders on shows seven nights a week, plus Satportions. urday and Sunday matmees. Higher government commodity by the department of agriculture. a commission or other basis. better Individualism. de so-call- ed express-yourselfist- gift-chil- age-clas- s, anti-Hitl- n. over-reach- gift-kid- s. gift-kid- Local Division gift-bai- rn Handle Purchasing U. gift-bair- L gift-chil- set-up- mud-slingin- express-yourselfis- ts gift-chil- n, IS THIS DEMOCRACY A CONTRACT the C. I. O. was demanding one of the big aviation plants must sign, or else , provides that the company cannot discharge any member of the union because he is a communist: it must pay a maximum wage scale of $1 15 an hour; compel all employees to join the union; collect all initiation fees, dues and fines for the union; pay for time off for sickness; grant vacations with full pay; pay any member of the union the difference between his earnings as an employee and his pay as a soldier during his period of conscription. That plant is working exclusively on defense orders and NLRB supIs ports the unions demands. America still a democracy? two-wee- k DAY DEMAND WE ARE NEARING that much-talke- d of M Day when all of our man power and resources may be mobilized in that all out conflict which is now engulfing the world. When it comes there will be no question of profits, hours, or wages. It will settle all present difficulties with a demand for production, for work. M SACRIFICES UP TO THE present time, the only Americans who have made any real sacrifice In the cause of preparedness are those who have given up good Jobs or lives of ease to go into the armed forces of the nation for a wage of $21 a month, and the families of those men. BLESSINGS HERE WE AMERICANS represent of the people of all the We consume and enjoy Just world about 50 per cent of such luxuries and conveniences as automobiles, telephones, radios, bathtubs and th many other things. represent, under normal world conditions, just about 50 per cent of all the purchasing power of the world. In the face of such facts there are people who would change our democracy, our We to some one of the totalitarianisms of Europe. way of life, in Farm Picture side-tracke- e ever-nor-m- al near-recor- Private Papers Of a Cub Reporter Dorothy Thompson, the columnist, refused to sit at a dinner table the other night where the guests were lauding the achievements of Hitler. She said she couldnt sit with her enemies . . . Enemies? asked one of them, but you are a pure Aryan journalist! . . . Perhaps, was her volley, but Im also an American, and you people are so you are my enemies! That isnt the first time shes done that . . . During the recent campaign she found herself with dinner guests among whom sat a senatorial dark horse, who made some remarks that made her innards somersault You four - syllable! Dorothy shouted as she got up and left The following amazing story about Hitler is credited to one of his former intimates now in the U. S. It is passed on to exercise your eyee intimate brows . . . The of Hitler says it came from Hitlers personal pilot . . . The legend: one-tim- That Hitler maintains a secret hideIt away in Bogota, Colombia estate, and is said to be a the front gate is two miles from the main house, which, above the ground, is a plain flat building. The building underground is five stories deep and there is enough food stored there for two years. A Hitler aide inspects the place every two months, etc. ... Sportswriter Chas. Scully and some of the boys were reminiscing . . . When Heywood Broun was covering big league ball games (before he took up colyuming) he casually mentioned, in one of his reports, that a large and intelligent crowd witnessed the contest . . . What, his sports editor wanted to know, was the idea of writing that a large and intelligent crowd had attended the game when the Associated Press coverage of the same tussle mentioned that the attendance was slightly less than scanty. Crowd at game was large and intelligent, wired back Broun, Fatty Arbuckle was in stands. He is large. I am Intelligent. THE BETTER. ij' Way W CONSTIPATION DUE To PROPER 'BULK IN THE CORRECT THE CAUSE OfH TROUBLE WITH A PELICiC Prnd Kite CEREAL, KEULCCOS ..EAT I ALL-BRA-N. rr arey my m prink. plenty tiki .. i.ldt remain' ion, both s the most -- OF WATER. droppe' ensured a 430 f sot only t bis punc Indifference Slay 4 the finest Affection can withstand evtr known vere storms of vigor, bs smoothness long polar frost of indifi 1 1 e Babe 1 Sir Walter Scott. of 50o fee sale any es -- tof - w surement 6 Delicious Flavors iat sails ou MIX IN A JIFFY Morejiavor tft every glaee IS BIG GLASSES upr 51 ere is a cer ce in the DB!NH THE PERFECT cra or he Perfect (or Picnics or Home ass iV:vte Is burg f i 500 f and no hit ide on the 4er Painfully Good Some people are so , good that they would i right than be pleasant. L ecordini ff knowle 'Slusge fUtJ Jimm f to spare. BY YOUR LAXATIVE-R- rit recall t CONSTIPATION THIS MODE last When you feel gassy, bead-by the j due to clogged-u- p bowels, do . at bedjph be n do take Feen-A-Mmorning thorough, comfort,fi. trlie measi helping you start the day (nrface, wi normal energy and pep, doeni million! ball a m your nights rest or interfere wi.I tt I of the loi t, next day. Try gum laxative, yotuself. It tasted elevated handy and economical ... a fat Feen-A-Mi- nt Feen-A-Min- The Damon Runyons were doing the town the other midnight with Hazel Forbes, the girl, who married Harry Richman . . . It was the night the stories broke announcing the split of the and Hazels plan to go to Reno . . . "Tell me a love story, Hazel said, anything to show me that romance can bloom on this darn old street or that marriage can survive. Patrice Runyon, who rarely gabs, then revealed how she met Damon nd It how she almost didnt was at the Silver Slipper many years ago, and Patrice was in the new show as featured dancer . . . Runyon came in for the premiere, and the manager asked him if hed like to meet Patrice. Shes a nice girl, he said . . . Then he went backstage and asked her if shed like to meet a nice Broadway guy If there is such an animal," she 6aid, lead me to it I never In the meanmet one before! time, the star of the show sat with Runyon . . . Im going to meet the dancer, Damon remarked . . . "Oh, you wont like her at all! the star said, shell bore you stiff. Ill have you meet some of the pretty ones . . . But Patrice met Runyon first and They Lived Happily Ever After. The star, Patrice dramatically added, "was Harry Richman." Rich-man- ... ... ... t FEEN-A-MIN- T earnest iove a g Early Arrival s, -- I I owe all my success rf having been always a (jiving from an hour beforehand. Lor d by a w - usually ri Tliis is b i'ards FEMALE FI fitting. WITH WEAK, Kieran of "Info, Please getting more laughs playing tennis at Forest Hills than theyll ever get with their typewriters . . . Just a dutiful wife Leelee Pons gingerly blotting Andre Kostelanetzs damp brow on E. 57th, with her little silken hanky . . . Gloria Swanson looking more glamorous eating cheesecake in Reuben's than most Hollywood hopefuls look in a bathing suit. Sallies in Our Alley: One of the local bam actors was complaining about the way the New York press refused to admit he existed. Amazing, he intoned, "the way they all Ignore me! . . . It reminded someone of the guy who made a similar squawk to Oscar Wilde. "It is a complete conspiracy of silence against me, he said, what ought I do about their silence? To which Oscar counseled: Join it! ... The Dept: Cudahy says he submitted his interview to Hitler, and Adolf didnt change a word . . . Which is the worst criticism that interview has recd! . . . Maxie Rosenbloom is now taking dancing lessons . . . Meaning that hes returning to the ring? . . . The League of American Writers, mostly Leftists, met a while back and agreed that they still disliked the people they didnt care for last year . . . If they didnt get better surprise twists in their yarns than they get in their politics they'd starve. 1 CRAfCpj, minus , NERVOUS FEELINGS . You women who suffer pain ft ular periods and are nervous , ere 4 functional is t due to monthly . ances should find Lydia E hams Vegetable Compound PlnS or marvelous to relieve such a treater d symptoms. Plnkhams Compound especially for women to heir icip since such distressing feelings s mg and ov help them go smiling tb dlfflcultdays.Overl,000 Oft1 mistake have reported remarkable ft l WORTH TRYING I Any dr Far a tas Knowled: the one v Cynics The cynic is the price of everything value of nothing. Oscar Salt Lakes prime t a pole tver saw Guest iride teill distal one NEWEST . ash. Ai good, longest wri S3 Innocent Bystander The Big Parade: F.P.A. and John un fir carriei Notes of an Ho-hu- andmg Canyon. 'pi f st teed M brook o .ly ViJJI vaHih ' and H y o W 'd a di e golf 1 field a ill t r. carr, machin 1" hick sli iichine 1, fhfcnce. g Dis Itance isn '! Physi Hotel TEMPLE SQUA!,.m, Temtwli is Ion Opposite Mormon HIGHLY BECOMMENW & the 180 Rales $1.50 to $3.00 I It a mark of distinction btift S3W f this beautiful iin P' ERNEST C. KOSSITEB. M-n, at kUnament vigblarI- - tingle fae COMMITlVr, Mrs. Jo, Unces ADVERTISING is a gfftf lance committee, esu astor and maintained in )'l mua g j tuid gei est, to see that the to aspire to sell nc.,ied"for ' always be worthy of yu ' |