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Show UINTAH EASIN RECORD Your Dreams May Tell Secrets About Yourself a that was just LUCKY he thinks, lose my job, Id or But hes wrong. No dream is Often it reveals just a dream. something in yourself that you never knew and perhaps should. Dreams can really help when you take them to heart. You may r Sh, HEF-r--r- " - a y mr im ini- 30E 331 33E 30E 3DE33H333!: aar -3ac- 3DI- .-::'L-3BE cWhen the evening performance was over 3EFF WENT IQ ms TICKET WAGON - " ,JS3DE -- ILL SEE YOU LATER -I'VE GOT "TO SET THIS SOON afterwards THE -- TREASURER vjhem j i When In 3 na HOTEL GOLDEVK.no-- , ?P " mml popnlir hotel. y rt he 33 3QE ... KIMBALL HOTEL APTsTJ 1 150 North Main, Salt Lake 'Those block from Temple. Beautiful . aDI by day. week or month. Rates to nn , t, - " no Sail 'rs, , V t The best food m Salt Lake is KrworSa Th - MAYFLOWER CAFE ?1 X t 154 South Main POPULAR pR, yashan Luncheons. Dinner, and Sandwuh.hlt re Wanted Diamonds, Jewelry 4 SB Belts, Elastic Stockings, Crutches and I "7 Extension Shoes, Arch Supports, etc 1 " od Artificial Limb Co, 135 W. 3rd So, Ss Up gTe , XES, LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG A Useful Gadget For Hotels, Restaurants, Camps R, ' Dairies, etc. All held furnished Western Employment A employer. 73 West First South, Salt Lake Citj PIANO BARGAIN Chickenng, Autopiano, Kimball, Clark, Crown and many other r , I $49.53 and up. Write ua for more c St o HOME SERVICE COMPANY leir, 1 45 West 3rd So U Salt Lsli SERVICE San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents in com for your READER-HOM- 111 Minna St. MEANING , PiC Sal lost oi dream of stains, inkspots, because youre feeling guilty about something. Thinking out what it is might relieve you greatly. Instead of lightly dismissing these dreams, use them to help solve your problems. Our 32 page booklet gives the scientific explanations for several dreams flying, falling off a cliff, running from wild animals and other typical dream situations. Tells why some dreams are "proFor your copy send your phetic." order to: T DiamoB'pe V F. C. DAHNKEN, 215 Continental Bank Bldg. Should He Ignore His Dream? copy of THE ff HOTEL APARTMENTS "V X I Nice quiet rooms at $1.50 close te everything. Coffee ShotL1" NtW GRAND HOTEL. 4th S and legal adjuster SUDDENLY started on the short trip to the train if j. SALT LAKE HOTELS By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP 'v T-- it CD Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young 30E k - THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE 3DG - -i- ni-1- OF BABY CHICKS DREAMS herce tek r Denver Hatched Blood Tested y Leghorns $6 50 AA $7 45 $8 25 : Heaties $7 15 AA AAA 8.25. All prepa d. For Chicks write 7 w COLORADO HATCHERY Denver, Cif 'lusty: 'pe J j WASHING MACHINES Jau tzMltnm u uxt JSI fTvt Tin OFFICE EQUIPMENT POLYTECHNIC ENGINEERING COLLEGE 13TH AT MADISON STREET . OAKLAND, CALIF. i!it Ii NEW AND USED desks and chain tjpewnters, adding mchs, safes, S. L. DESK EX, 35 W. Broadway. Our Great Defense This college is specialising In courses of vital Importance in our dofrnse program B. ti. degrees awarded in the following Mechanical, Aeronautical, CtvIL Electrical, Radio, Chemistry and Structural Engineering AVIATION MECHANICS offers an attractive field for boys mechanminded. Also special short courses ically in MedmnWol lirawing, Aero Drawing, Machine tihop and Welding. Airplane Instruments Course This is a special technical course now being prepared A highly specialised course for a special field. War Won In Factories and Shops It is said this war will be won at home by men in shops and factories Our part shall be to train hnglneera, MochanUs. Druils-uit- n and Technicians in many Helds. Sheep and Stock i bit clatr froi Sail (Q 'tl RANCHEime oth a hi WYO L NEAR EVANSTON, r W FOR SALE BY OWNER. Good afae cattle fenced range land. Present fit beca for 2400 sheep, including deeded Li w grazing leases and privileges; aisojp1 Fc Rop range with or without sheep , ther particulars write P. O. Box ifwa. aore, Evanston, Wyo 215 Continental Bank Bldg. SakieVeS, t iairy, f( USED EQUIPMENT ftelat otpe-- Says. BARBER COLLEGE No Obligation hot . meeti Rope wher SUMMER SPECIAL r and For a Limited Number of Students t fnged bj HOLER BAHBER COLLEGE, Salt Lak fris ti $ay the moral faculties the character is likely to be embittered or corrupted by extremes, either of adversity on prosperity. Jameson. MONEY L. W. B, C. & C. Low mileage truck, 2 speed Perfect "land Ton Pickup. New finish and tires. Ex- - jTv M cellent motor 37 CHEV. POP A Common Fault PLAYED IT95RIBL& education; it fosters every virtue, teaches cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind. l, TODA A GAME By I DONT COLONEL I T. T. Munger. DO , KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH MET YOU HPT YOUR RIGHT ELBOW TOO MUCH J. MILLAR WATT 39 CHEV. L. W. B, C. & C. pt, Less than 17,000 miles on Har motor. 2 speed axle, 825 t t fula tires 41 CHEV. 10 wheel Reefer g body. Repossession. Ths smartest buy In Salt Lake. ,$ Lj Originally cost J2160, now r 38 CHEV. L. W. B, C. & C. 32 x 610 tires. Performs FTu KILL ALL FLIES 10 Placed anywhere. Daisy Fly K til attracts and kills fill's. Guaranttxxl effective, 3Sot, L aitnol spill cmveult nt W 1)1 not noli or injure anything. Last all eiaHon. oo at all tlenlcra Harold tionura, Inc, t and looks like new... Others. L L. T 15 Streator-Smit-h 41T the Best for Leslie 505 So, Main St. Salt Lake loOUeKaibAvob klynN.Y. Always DAISYXFLYtKILLER W tires. axle, 825 condition ie WNU rive five 40 CHEV. nay affect the Heart Qu trapped in the stomach or gullst may act like s hair trigger oo the heart. At the Oral aign of duties mart mt n and women depend on Bell aus Tahieu to aet gj free. No laxatlfe but marie of the fastt-rtlti- R meHitcinea known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST 1)08 h down t prove Hell-an- a better, return botue to us and recelre jX)UlU klontiy DaX self-denia- Sere r, (led n You can earn lots of it one of our renued mon;ftr Lg makers INDIGESTION Saving Habit The habit of saving is itself an , Earn most of Tuition through Mer Barbering Taught in a Few Mod Effect of Extremes Where the vivacity of the intellect and the strength of the passions exceed the development of T m Dr; A COLLEGE, Oakland, Calif. ru Ten INTERMOUNTAIN MERCHANTS SI (Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks) We buy and sell all kind3 of business $ and equipment. Cash registers, meat office equip. 56 E. 4th So Salt Lak A chance to earn Room and Board. Write tor Free Catalog and secure very important information 11 , $30 $20 ROLLS REPAIRING. ALL MAKE.uym HOMER HANSEN MAYTAG SHl e; 426 So. State, Salt Lake City, Lil w KBtur POLYTECHNIC - APEX - DEXTEH MAYTAG $10 ) Clo- - 2(541 Appreciate Life Be glad of life because It gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars. Henry Van Dyke. Help Ihem Cleanse the Wood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste muter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work do not act as Nature intended fad to remove impuntus that, if retained, may the system and upset the whole Eomoa machinery bymptoms may bo nagging backache, persistent headache, atla ks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puthness under the eye a g feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other sfgns of kidney or bladder disorder are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. 1 here should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect, tse Voan s Iilit. Doans have been new friends for more than fortywinning years, They hae a nation-wid- e reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ak your neighbor! The Neighbor hood League HOTEL BEN OGDEN, UTAH 1 1 -j i N 4 f1 A lan Iff 'a.' i i i'tt M: i rarz2 a Wst'Jt 656 Rooma 350 Bath $2 9 Family Rooms for 4 porsonss Air Cooled Lounge and LoMT Dining Room Coffee Shop Tap Home of Klwenis Eieenll'JJ Rotary Exchange Optimists "2 30 Chamber of Commerce and 44 8' Hotel Ben OGDEN i- LOMOH Lomond Jrriu UTAH '1 Hubert E. Vliirk, Mgr. ! 1 w, rkin t |