Show obituary carbon county utah fob 22 the wife of the well known joseph birch of american fri died at anie utah feb from old age birch waa born m alenick north of england on the fourteenth day of july 1821 wag married in man cheater england to joseph birch in lay 1850 left england for utah in april 1855 crossing the plain with ox team arrived in salt lake city in ef the same year went ou a with her husband to st georae ia 1861 and remained there for twenty yeara wa one of the first to settle n that place before boine to visit her and spending the wint erat price abbe wai residing in american fork utah bouc ta her house she waa a remarkable woman in many respects was a kind and affectionate and a loving wife har kindness and hospitality seemed boundless when mcc ns would allow She always sought to comfort those who in arc her hua 1 ban 1 did not reach her egide until af er her death ea ha was in pocatello idaho when the of her reached him burial arera conducted at the price meeting blueey sunday feb 15 1596 p in atie largest procession followed the remains to the cemetery that has ever been seen upon any funeral occasion in the history of price town E W meltire McL TiRE |