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Show fi Pa, ;e FLAK XwlSilCH 7a i j 'NOVl .ho'" intend to Students enter the oratorical contest on November 11 should be aware of the fact that Armistice day is rapidly approaching.' -- S c PHOHU f J ' AUTHORIZED DEALER students will enter the finals, to be given in Two the community program. A beautiful medal is awarded the winner by the A local post of the idea, just hit us, were;' going to show a secret Our Diary new and ou Saturday-- - now Dear Diary and will be presented bn Honor day. Legion Tuesday Dear Diarv mutual- , so. tf gu.es:s to . the ball game 31 Wednesday-- to 0. .Gosh, Diary, a;.e Dearest Diary felt sorry for the poor Is.n't life wonotrful? Snow boys; we should say Tomorrow wo have .a game good with Carbon College and they're really 'But sports. they don't, oh, but we hope re wini "ave anything-oveon our You know it's the funniest .. ' J but thing, . fed just 'to we didn't notice any- like it's going rain. We thing of interest Saturguess the clouds have day nite, but the Dutch to let off a little steam We FIVE ENLIST FOE RESERVE - won We A school we'll go. or tonight we ' 11 be '.la American ' Biixietment day for the various- branches of the reserve officer military" has come and gone and with it a major disappointment. Of 68 openings to - Dixi-.-student- 5 only plied for. were ap- : Students may still ei throi only list, but a to distant travel poins football players were all now and then, just, like seen the Carbon.- team, and at the carnival. else and us. ohnh everybody "mama buy- us some." we" Sunday Diary, thought we'd We' "don' t know who is sellDear Diarv you all about the 'Antell Ho ing '.'Carbon" this year or hum!.. had to get na N. and Maurice T. epiwe would '(buy you some). up early this morning besode (interesting,' - but It's raining, Diary'. cause we're- flying' nigh . definitely) and they were and 'Ain't it v.;onderful) he didn't notice a very at a swimming party and and Jasper got his draft high percentage of people watermelon, 'bust ''last nite D- -- WTe -- in Conference. This ( afternoon ticed we no- rally John B. and Shirley 3 humway we Not together. bad, but, Diary the eather this afternoon is lat we're talking about. about Shirley they'll John tiiat ' s Tuesday) seen knew . Bye, Diary, see you tomorrow . w- - 'll Thursday : VJvil, Diary, dear Here we are Cgain;, mar- -' rihg.-.- chicken and probably at the dance" hbns ( F ir erne n ' s Bali ) Thur s d ay . tow be Natu- . with your-- scratching, and iusti like- Am old ' ' Gues. jahat,! - 06 know? we silly, Diary shouldn't tell take after like T u F Don't you secrets on your S. We vote Arnold football game last exciting we- Hope like day win: hop-- hope', .hope! Friday Carbon won'. We'll ' be Bye 'now seeing you. PEEK & GABBY ye RPPLI RACE X K au-'- rs Leavitt as the, hero of the an this. that but I guess huh? onday (Censored) , got .its nerve- to stay away ' did sure sun'-- s The papers. Afe'vm Gr ne O u. h Si a cL OK ft 3 U W tW Ct()2V Che vl s no J o i) e A), evk A' . 1 |