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Show EIGHT POINTS OF WrtR EKi LAINED PROGRAM Mr. Smith expl.aincd the War' Time of schools end c o.il mes, in assembly Wedges toy. Students ahG uachors the eigne points n?s 'i ogram fm orient m t :oo are asked to work. 1005b to realize the following : 10- Guidance and entrance inro critic ol v r c s nd o c u pe t ions r .ice, 2, Training in science and natheimti cs. 3. training in aeronaut Mu- a. LJcK- '"itotfers - Pre-flig- ht- 4 . Tr'ain ing for phy s ic a 1 f i bne s s . $. Optional ni lit ary drill, 6, Citizen siri p training brainiu 7. - Pre-inducT.- -ion production, Performance '. services. GET-nCQUA- for army and in essential community A ED TEA CONSIDERED INT The ; get-acquain- tea ted SUCCESS sponsored by the Faculty Women1 s club Wednesday was considered very successful by those who attended. There was a fair turnout of studeni and patrons. Each 'guest, was greeted by members oi the club and given a red, white and blue Music Dixie 'was provided a by assisted students, 'Roses ; number of by Irene. effectively as decorwith. the ations, centerpiece on the serving table being particularly beautiful. Members of the-- Faculty Women1 s club were responsible .for the decorations, the serving, and for. the general success of the tea. , were-use- d ' D JUANITA .BROOKS Mrs. - REVISES Juanita- DRAMA HISTORY entertained the very .interesting talk' Brooks mega Delta with on early dramatic activities in St. George, at the club.1 s meeting last week, a also spoke of .early stages,' costumes, etc. Florence Beatty was elected vice president of the club ito take- the place of Mrs. Brooks : - Shirl Evans, ,who Mrs. Roxey Romney 'vel did not return, will review a modern at the meeting of the- club next : .ursday, - D - iN L.nST FRIDAYS nSSEMBLY 'was James Chad burn and' her "old-tim- e' FEATURED Mrs. orchestra. Other excellent numbers were also given. D victory favor, |