Show THE bilter COINAGE tho latest issue or of the philadelphia Artar american hw has a careful article on the oliver question eal fat itol ital the th two sides or of the silver dollar its put purport la 18 to ilia iho doncet that the silver OEL am tho ito ono title fiod and ache dia anti silver faus lica oa ca the others other are ara a satisfactory outfox out foa ot at the tris or bi its opinion in IB that thero there should be lit at a tom pore ry co station of tho the dollare with aview lattice to tore jog ing a thou geol silver u coin by other countries countr lct to this programmer pro grammo gramme tun THE Tace suNn hn hat falls jio its ita amak provided filial the continued use or bognar shield to the people iu in ilia of certificates thief ou on or of bullion at t the ox fix d rate ol at the issue the its ita hope what li it to lo lie la the ibe danger of in 0 o crooning the alio silver col DajiC ou on the giot bot 9 third party klion well mil taie taLe tai e madd a ground the affects jun miles on both aides it to gee co in 10 ill tha continuation of tho ilia colo coin ago or the standard dollar sa an alarming increase io ia a cur cui reDoy the iho tendency searcher or of which wll will be bas to drive the iho gold out of circulation circa rad an d reduce it to lo the condition or of mor biang knuehl and slid gild but dot used to in payments cut but it might be well enough to les inquiry quiro right here if that it act just where pid gold is ii to day it Is orion ly logn tarl in fit valdes tiddo an compared with everything oleo in ia commerce la Is much dearer t io leanda itao dad dof of ft tr or vulula in m comoro I 1 sold gold I 1 1 the tao r WIND of 0 the yellow bittl over the whito white basloe tho the I 1 area go the or ol C very every other commodity a wilh ROM gold what la is d la is a see oily ecco ono ilot a by it scarcity joe initially be coming haril lorder tir to get bet and or of bah it alls a oleo steadily ill y quietest y of over everything I 1 be 0 sales it i i to oblate n given I 1 gold is doai by year jr silver remalda steady heady compared with tho the average prices of ft sell arll bics whose value it la Is to nicotinic therefore silver in the ilio bettar ise IQ cited the iad world la is with such lucli a scarcity of gold that that metal zulal will bo be utterly to meet tho the requirements tit of oam mercial needs should thle condition bo be to re gold geld would bo be re jirld oad and silver bo be used as tho the mesa uro ore and this ahl ii if n hat v a might yea rea potently cipich in ouro case ilia iho trion ino Domel omet idea id lu in Itis it r forthe fur ihu of gold he 03 well ila of silver and its ia the cf if the present sod nod pros proa doud or tho the world that silver liver inca insist the double standard sums BUTOS of ilia made by the Al merican are so directly in point and 0 0 fairly illustrative of the difficulties of the situations that wo we append I 1 isam them Is I 1 body ol of ed educated d america elly say aay lutt bli blun in ID matters acts bus tiu 0 dot 04 4 toy afi 1 I K a it aalt hl hleb aluag lul dt up lima 11 vio e w were t m t told ol 01 d ID 10 hon i n 1 laub 1 member that but the wim a some boom bubo ol 01 1 anle U a clarinets now that ibal mr life hid nick his bud binl soma oleo r il IIA binau alia zo S 1 that it a has out will ully clr boc 11 I 1 bo mian 1 t n M lien ui ul 11 tua 0 bank ul furland d aad d 1 I 1 alk ko it mr tiu mr r k iu u cui e ki tbt ilio it d ol of driver bj does dobo I a III reen taur 1 limea it alim 1 tai shut azemat americans ary t tm m than at their tio leebe slid nit MI olds cT lilu too eai from men liko like ur b ikic und said mr air oa to woral titar atu btu study Y mr M h a u our md ra M d der uro am aw am 19 1 not b object ul aur hummel aut ba li ail lau a B bouno clau malet ot of rw re ascia ed llo lie bu bail studied the alj m g c I 1 en essem u problem 0 1 detinue ahr mv aud 0 c 01 into of 4 bubus act p luneil iio 1 li nut ireal tb calla ol of comma illus la bi bu bag DO bo bubi r conel atoo vl us its ica limb that lomas kukaua tow idea oleo lit li amplo for or boudros bour ros asca bus down when cue b ra lale 1 lt I amay to hi production as a wi 11 II u to lu acco it is cou aud and air sm asOm ferm mag scene tills gwint ul it view tim alitt IS abst tit htiu irsai lo ili or acce we cau call hard utters ilium 1 r all ana lu ILI u ill ul 1 sister killer mr in ili such uch reactors Uial loia li 11 I heated a janst lot in kugland llo ilia 1 the ull lili adl iab anc iia ut of tun tua br 1131 exchequer diAt ruction u ul f m party Y 1 I 1 li bi tua 1 I rel felthous m d wa wil 6 11 aliu h hj J ul 1 buciu 1910 L 91 ill 0 ill lu itt he bla loer ithe la TV Jul tersO dealers a limit 1 the fall la IQ the the great goltiao ol tiao arm soa 0 lot an or tim 11 alo very y properly ha halelis leeis all 11 rarely I 1 bascil hi lu tod raida hurld ion phatma aud no 1 aik I I 1 lor leui lis u are co ca as ai it wilh till ul aljo en bucl L lie ilu too cwi iwi ahki air afy binm I nm ceat cuo lead on na maw that ill 1 but ul client but abo ul llor editor jill arca J the ifie us ir aired it allua theory 00 0 the ibo limited trat that I 1 abl I 1 ism LM out of od when great 1 ir rapid tj t gium ahou hirra slid lul io aidt ur As I 1 r V a he tuti alow that the a at sup lup af he alad 1 lu ili birli tirli I 1 la lu ft ali voe arto tac ro yell plat war mid aar ul f ibo fi allou iid thul it ru colled us iise 60 dinush list lilau A u e t b D 1 l t it 0 hir I 1 la 0 I 1 KJ a 0 allu a us th 3 1 I 1 F 6 6 idao b 0 g M 0 U 1 lu 0 I 1 arx cu ocas lit the but ply |