Show DIE GRUEN I 1 U A N S E 1 Tho Circus and thol linn aho vho dilugi like it ills fits ithac the alic tavil loca does VI ti lh 1111 file coul sto lors J in hii laws that to ilia 1115 center or of the file larth I 1 THI nv by DAN DR DB last b ovI taing tu ol of isle often oooo o silicon was ile jell to 10 bu be crof the abo I 1 lot oi wildia lim blen growel ill ha had much to antar any afteu m t lie ciruti aba hud orritt out of awa ai the town chuigo or dahme dallar yea Ye smora in ore oa As of jo do lam java sold liao when lo 10 do A loy the circus was wa hog now cow ia was wai all small abo WIB so well der uber ter dur i rdo as great a 6 thu ilia hight or of aflame the ibe car corli h I 1 alio llio be clowie wro so DO longer but tho the of went weak Dots of 11 to rot got monty moncy to moo these abeso humbug shows blyd bobb 0 w would old owner and etca ica I 1 b bottai D it aad ad od frees broo old momma roll boll the last egg begs their hens could produce I 1 nod the tl last drop ol at milk that could bo be tram brorn ilia teddie of t bair it c sd emaciated go its ill ia abort ibo ibis W whole I 1 comstock Co rokel baro student aad milked e tell melville 1 I have bavo an 60 Idest alint hatour our brudd hafl it a fawd dual like roy neighbor lorn boots io in I 1 till ill abuse ol of the circum asid ad a lutta it tic old od mao man looking at his bla neighbor borover over bai joani began busbia thu the circus a work beform before it arrived A circus took all tho abo money county oat of it was ill ibe e adio thing over and over doter Is a de W idea be could not be hired to go when the big tiny cumo came grat wait waa my surprise to sea ice neighbor jones on the abo ground ila ho was w at tho the ticket abon taper eager and wild eyed ila wits in lie bo very heart of tho the crush crash a crush bod and abosh a rash urail tho wg on fits right hand bund WM was bavin braying sault tua big money tits bol bat was on the iho back e k of big head bit coat was almost air 1 ed from bu bid shoulders nod his bla va voica nas as hu ky icy with emotion sad and anxiety As aa joada emerged tient ly from the orad with lit alb in IA hla his baud bo be saw av mo me lod looked somewhat a he 1 I wish 1 silos bild ile he bat all t abo he circuses cl roas in my three could dot be put offard I 1 was vw oiw to 10 cido came find talio lake cat cgue of oe thim them but for the buys boja no coolly bodoy would hire oie me to fonoti a bro biro just juet rt at this hr moment the be sharp wild music or of the baud within the b R g loot lent was birol ott off with cloth ot at cymbal mad thunder nordrum of drum jones bounded from the ground like A rubber lubber ball Where Wb croaro are the ibo boyer cred bo be ile ho had bad gian them their tickets a moment before and they had scamp cred away where oro are the hive bel a gala braia or onca led joath blefary Ble famy my lire life I 1 believe the ia Bla up and aad they arandt are not herbs ito mist a glance slowed but his hie boys boy wire were not dot la in sight ito ho law however thal crowd teas was b binning to flock into the big calva abnot another or burned glance among the kagous mcd a lemonade lomu nado for fair him bia boye bod ad neighbor jones br be ke kc for forth ilia tent ho a went loto into the crowd at the entrant a like a bull going into acano brake til bit hat bills on the bock back of his bla hold bold of alb out hr his about deh and liia under his bf lets car 1 I bad not long been before the down clown got off a jake that had bad done duty duly in ID the ibo days ol at our great grand flithers ing IDS sally theta was such auch n guffaw from a near upper seat that I 1 sad more turned to see een whence it came mazyt hure was neighbor james smiling train from or car to car sad aad madli eidly clipp olp Dg ins hands not mot eno CDO of lii his boa bo a WM was duty DOU him bim apparent lly bo be bad for forgotten goten that a boy wa vat ever born boril to io ilen him ho he soon wo vo ked lit himself aiuto such a tant to bo boy halt a dozen gla sos of adl then ft a bag or two ot of candy caddy to UIKO the bad ta uto tato to out of LIB ills mouth lie he joked with wilb the lemonade and reidus aid seemed about IQ in a lit fit atlate to down to sharing end mount the trick that evening I 1 raw aw jones and ahod him abo circus never wu woo to bored i 11 my key I 1 said ho but base too sod dillwo thi clug nj ill a moa man who bus buys boya must an endara tt the coir air 11 1 I 1 thought you vou seemed a read ehat dial stirred up slid 1 dil aon ou see mo me infidel I 1 icat laid d jones jonca outing mo MG pa on ugly gi gladce ue aida ilia a seat within fir fineu au f ot at ol of you aid I 1 there goes goei DIU bill smith tuia this mo ina bercut cried jeers bua for him lor for over sn oil hour P 1 and away rao ran toy my boig nai gubor bar blushing to ibo he eyes do ow WM afraid raid you we would aid get offer after alm oo on tho ta so boap p rocket racket I 1 send fold tho the man to choai he I 1 this his ave ion wat vai ad did jones alow aimea f 13 in ID by abo scap man abot VI yea bo be spent tle 15 try inato to bu buy A a 10 greenback for r 3 lie empl ildy bu b pockets among the bid bids bow allows aad antl all brel t of houd swindlers lers bading his bla 1 career ot of financial dissipation at the ibo stand or of the cap dalal malal mab cartain aims DREU or am aa be took big sent eat kt at bu bit favorite lav orilo fable opposite Pr processor olessor Robell opt captain ami taid im worried about a dream I 1 had last night I 1 never before had qui am a uch such a dream at the time all ai seemed reasonable ell u but jui flow DOW I 1 cant tho f from rom tio he 1 yell vell vat TOI you treace ill 1 sold ilia pro po 1 I dreamed that I 1 diel deal rod and went to heaven or at least to the sub larbe of f that place ol at rest I 1 landed all olon s asay up among the ibo which seemed achmed A mighty distance apart all was BIO a d and finally I 1 saw av the now tic w st akion it looked familiar slid bod boac liko BO I 1 went and stated in tho the curve or of it if where there was WAB a comfortable real not lor for my by tick back thUl thinking sing id take things rose and look aboulos lor joe a time its hardly Hird adly ly WM was I 1 dubbed subbed before a brisk lookhe 9 IA ago wearing B cp cap rod and leaher bid aid witti watt ba an oil one caa and 6 monkey wrench it ID lite liia haud hand appealed before mo ice jut just laid enid b bo a quile briskly just this 1 bid id L 11 place punoo tor for idiots said the ibo mae who looked like an 00 a en gincer or some flomo kind of you must ROI got to work I 1 11 to work P 1 cried calud 1 I aam ami I 1 not in fo heaven 1 I 1 I 1 dont laia what your ideas of heaven my may be but bat I 1 can caa toll you yoo that you yoo are in lh the trent great work shop of ortho the U no ko idiom hero I 1 call secure yea said the in maa an quite 11 I thought I 1 had bid CODIO cents here to re rest 1 I I 1 stammered I 1 la in a feeble voice alid the mao man opening hie 6 lyoa yes of I 1 you on bat bare come to the ibo wrong pance I 1 it you con bro ing for comat why look ra you on air here e aro to the allos of all I 1 bea be a worda or to rease r I 1 to bo be kept kepi u up ia a suns w oceans 0 or De nebulous bulous me matur it ut to lo bo be looked alter iler a A od it worked A up p into die act so and d things int of work to jo do and ju juat at now BOW we ore are rather shorthanded short banded beta our rei zuber work out in IDIO to epim whole we tire making some lome no new w ol 01 of jual ob t than I 1 wu wait startled led at as sight fight of all a m evno fiery ball bail that bat ouno came gaiu raiu I 1 all along with h a tearful roaring anise aud 4 in q behind a long lead sparks avers 1 c cried r led 1 what Is abot ft a cornel comet I 1 6 A comet sold the parsonage pore nage bo be foro form mo ins 11 1 I it is what you rou hive IN MOO on taught 0 cull call a comet bit alid 11 ill out exactly what it ta is before bouvo bouvo aca hn nga mag us however I 1 mivy may u a we well talk lot you lit at once tb ibal at what you sea be to li ilia cir car of one of alia boto theta ato ru mil few or of theme line we who afo a abacut through batur unior space paco infecting things to me IDO they appear to lo bo be fusing terry h div w minutes nii ouie but where yon boll bail from you yon only so go a ot of those at loog long latO cIlls onty only mile aben they to ti pull pui tear your clarn act I 1 Wh crola 15 ILE ibe great bells bobof of all allt dof does be luo ion have a car kekec I 1 ko you fool cool I 1 jo do yoa yea wal wani me t to enoc knock you oil off the horn hom a or abati it moo avon no koono one ever let seen tho the u p reum archi arch ool mot Is bat t hint it a said I 1 6 wely do you IOU pirami la in asking that tion i aitu n had bad A very tory reed aci it r A w here you came fr m but you col id n 1 it kooby now r not bo id kilo 1 ud id 1 4 lost it all tit nt up bore aud and jo do na at tru lets plea i ijen thoro there loll 1011 ou hau d alf but looks tuaato yourn yours liB ilits bappe youral vad lot liko a park ol of toils y you on all ali go lo 10 a piling up maney maccy or ct c T trying to nod worry sorry ajr it hilr ahinga that lire ara or of I 1 11 it jo ia consi considering during the timoor alsy got tobit ti work been pro pal over boo bo o by one or of tho the coasto to lo toll you 10 U up I 1 boulo hoo you dont avo a boaras oara ill lubberly bb t fly wy that you yon must we veto lor for but to I 1 moo BOO said mid 1 I wo we hive have a a chape 1 yea olad ilia ibo tai being a g be bifaro roro me up boro you bavo a body aid elent di nl avo moo yon son reel feel still aro are hurt but oot not demised demigod ilow flow can that loledio lol lo 10 T enid eDid 1 I 1 1 01 ol oil down oo on thit flags little litte earth of yours da you not dot know that when a moo mail hid halt loss loel at aa arm ore or a lug by fallen them still r ins ned great tym partly sod a corli corlila fia oms aim dinnies ninnies true bellida bel iTea the abo or of the lie body and the sepa limb I 1 too well DOW your whole body Is ia akpu failed but fast which was bubla you oo cc caiti tx sad to aad tro between you ou ad your severed log or term arm Is still alavo but I 1 must act ct you to wo we it chero you from V from virginia gials city cryb a god fearing town lomnic I 1 maid aid I 1 nod forcing tu any h head 1 I I 1 its frizek cair liy li Y to ty said where a I 1 atilo b black c n t ai 1 e about tn ten foot in ID r was whirl 1 1 df round the moon mood whilo while a bout about it whirled others of the ibe size or pumpkins sod orau geo with some baby spinning round ilia ibo letter laflor th that at nuro ore not DOI irger abarr than P AB and bird shot ahot I 1 what train from tho the comstock Co malock he hey 1 I scowls mad bud the ike before mo me garfol y fromille Fro from milie ahe coulstock Coul why ive TO a good mind to tend rend yon right out to 0 shoveling Bh oTello comet dua into the heart of the ibo sum BUD 11 11 tray do not cot put mo me into a hot hoi pi for though imthorn I 1 I 1 tic T r worked in tho the lower lovold I 1 what them do you full like do ing idge I 1 suppose liko like mo me to let kt you out bad and lick the bo cousin off the ibo milky way hero a lusty 6 ba balk a regular horselaugh horae lauga list tied mo me I 1 turned abbat quickly rod aud caught the mn la in the moo just driving down the cot cor scra ocra of big bi mouth and trying tt look 18 cut I 1 t hen spoke up dp it theta a 6 vacancy Taca ocy I 1 I 1 think hink id like the place of watchman somewhere a little back from the sun un say ay out on cue ol of tho ilia taaim of jupiter 11 I 1 youa like a nice cool place oh all id lor suc auch h a paso pao to begin wt w with t raid I 1 wull uil I 1 ill II 11 1 fix you ill give you a nice in cool 1 I job jb ITIl thank anic you bir air I 1 asid I 1 much re homed I 1 yes yea 1 ill 11 set et you to lo work dowel dowa at your bl rth at ai the north polo nofeo olli to edff wd to do 0 but to chop ice oil all tho the bip 1 dg coa and kosp keep it well gras Ero saco como cobio I 1 ight along now and dd gt eel to work walk I 1 I 1 list his eight moon meant a aej vi and bo a vacancy RO go dawn down to where I 1 lull loll you on and chop ico ice a li 11 tto while A mil loll lion ion let eara a or so 13 youre the beer core coin wove were over aein hori bore and if I 1 cant danl sand lend you dowitt old od oil undo clo satin satan with the roil real ill put pot you back ioto into tho ilia of fc tho the world you ball ironi I 1 have a lot of fellows here from tuo tire klamet mercury memory that cold bo be glad t go rb cro I 1 am tending sending you come aad ad hero hu mo me off the abo moon into inlo acoca epico I 1 til lel falling falli og falling falling lor joe amz k efa aad nd moats till at Is lat t I 1 I 1 laca rd ed on a big biff coke or of ice 1 there you go out of ct bed agnia I 1 I 1 nn an angrl angel voice ia the next toom room which voice I 1 oon awn as aa the private prop friy ty a 0 my land lady focer dream 11 V Velly ci ald tho iro ostor 1 but dont lot dot bodnor you you till go to a blaco veto varo daro dare Is ia no DO ico ice to tull DEVIL aho 1 tant rue mo I 1 said an old lower iata in m dir di r of a spirl beacom we bad up town ilia othor other wo culled called up the iho spirit of til block gaii a k abder pete ito an a 0 it chum ol at mica we aoker him sto a 0 lie ho was wa and ho he suld in hell bell 1 wu then ask d lit bm r how he bo found down there lie ho maid laid toot he be had bad cover been more moio comfortable la in hla his life than ban bo be won was till nil inch a crowd ot of got cot in ia thi ibi ter rr that they wanted tj kj run rua ovir thing lynu own I 1 efty my polo mid this that for lit ba ua saw very little t N motoo a too sod comstock Co chiky but m the ibe many mj ny could find nothing no batig good enough lor for them they b buehr utter on me into fruto 8 I 1 theo the o follows wanted blied up the enec lion aon the said acid polo and bothered bol bored the devil so BO much for ice waite wad r ani bod I 1 about putting up a cooling coblio oli off room this finaly the tha old follow lost all pati oncel lie he lum bled ry into a big cel lar far w which na on lie be had bad ordered c aug 1 under slant the bottom kea pit lend ana shu ehul t I 1 iem cm up there liow as some isa 61 a leads ho be ia a chucked checked into the collar sad aad the ibo trapdoor shut down OV OF A JUSTICE your tour cellar below the bottomless bottom leia pit my friend reminds mo me of a thing that once occurred lo in a justices court in this city said an all old powder worked marked miner two olour of our men rot not lota into a fight on tho the level of the union on coming to lo the surface one of tho the men was visa arrested no 0 o a charge of assault ond ind bat tery lory brought bronchi into court ila ho pl e adel hla his own cat c a 0 ho H 1 argued that the th e court could hare nothing abig to do with the c buo cuo me that I 1 a jund iolen did not dot extend to tho the depth dept ft of fici feel althis m a do ile ho do iti clarol tb a t hit hi extended down to t tho tia tery cooler of the earth acair yes Yc air air a led he I 1 ill have you to know clr it that tbt the tons law of provell prevail oten even down to the center of ilia earth down t who rethey ey meet the laws or the other side coming up I 1 11 1 naab ON OH arril rn all was vai a cry now raised la ia the iho back part ef cf tho the saloon two tiro rough looking CUB lombra bad entered colored the iho place a row fow minutes before and dow one ot of the abe pair par had bad lumbley from hit hii baur and od jay iby on the floor in what appeared to be ba a first class fit the companion of 0 tho the man aka antho oo 00 the floor ran raa forward to tho the bar sod kp patently lit la groat dih tross cried A glas gla ggs s ol of braudy brandy quick its it the abo only thing that will help |