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Show Sport Hates In playing 18 holes, the average golfer Is said to walk about five miles. Eugene Criqui and Benny Bass held the featherweight throne for the shortest short-est time In the history of boxing. We note that many who don't have time to stop at a grade crossing are numbered among those laid to rest According to one authority, golf has a greater number of active participants partici-pants than my other game In America. Amer-ica. The American tour projected for this year by the Glasgow Celtics, the most famous of Scottish soccer teams, has been deferred. Wales bus won i:, of the 3S International Inter-national soccer mutches played with Ireland. Of the rest, Ireland won 14 and one was drawn. Sabin Carr, Vale's brilliant pole vaulter, and world's record holder, Is taking lessons In airplane flying at an airport in Hartford, Conn. Harold Glelchman, forward on Northwestern university's basket ball team for two years, hits been elected captain of the Ut'-'O quint. The University of Wisconsin stadium, sta-dium, Camp Randall Held, will have a seating capacity of 44.IHK) when the lU'.'S gridiron season opens. Ex-Gov. Cary A. Ilaree jf Florida recently made the coveted hole in one while playing at the Live Oak Golf club, of which he Is president. While urging his teammates on from the sideline Ileber Wlnebrcnncr, a member of the Wolf I. like basketball club In Indiana, dislocated n knee. The Whitney, a stake race named in honor of the late Payne Whitney, with a gross value of $10,000 to $12, 000, will have Its first running at Saratoga In August. l.uls Klrpo, Argentine heavyweight, engaged In fewer bouts than any other pugilist In history who attained equal prominence. lie fought 52 times, scoring 22 knockouts. Harold O. Olson. Ohio State basket hall coach, would like to see basket hall officials adopt the Idea of Sam Harry, Iowa State coach, to abolish the Jump ball at center. Kid McCoy Is now head of the San Quentln fire department. Even In his matrimonial ventures, the Kid made something of a record for himself as an extinguisher of old Humes. |