Show Rid Red Butte Gardens s are in Bloom By Shane I. I Callahan A E Editor The new construction at the Red Butte Gardens has rendered it an at at- at traction Located on the U of U campus campus campus cam cam- pus the Gardens have many activities activities activities ac ac- ac- ac to tantalize the taste buds of all The gardens need no explaining except for the fact that they leave you with the same feeling as walking walking walking walk walk- ing around in the Cathedral of the Madeline Its It's quite and peaceful enough to not be disturbed by the confusion outside The concerts are filled tilled with much talent and entertainment The line up for this summers' summers concerts are as diverse as the many flowers in the Garden The next concert will beheld beheld be beheld held June 25 with Francine Reed On July 16 a baroque and classical classical classical classi classi- cal duo called Woodbury Binkley-Woodbury will be playing their guitars Riders in the Sky will be performing July 30 bringing their happy spirited cowboy music Zachary Richard is next on the agenda with his unparalleled sounds from the Bayou who will be performing performing performing per per- forming August 13 To end the summer summer summer sum sum- mer on a good note the group Asleep at the Wheel with special guest Bob Wills Wills' Texas Playboys performing August 27 Other important aspects of the Garden are its soon to be new fea fea- fea- fea tures The new gardens to be added should be finished by the middle of this summer On the list of new gar gar- dens are arc the Four Seasons Garden the Herb Garden the Pharmacology Garden the Fragrance Garden and the Rose Garden All of which are sure to please the th senses With all these di different aspects to it including a childrens children's list of concerts concerts con con- guided tours and horticulture workshops the Red Butte gardens is must see for those that have not yet meandered down its paths I If V f 1 r r g 9 Y t C C M w i 4 r. r |