Show r In Left Field I By Core Corey Bullock 1 Sports Editor If you are planning on going to toa toa toa a major league baseball game in inthe inthe inthe the near future you may not have to sit in the left field bleachers Attendance is down nearly 30 percent percent percent per per- cent over last year and there are plenty of seats available and not just in left field It appears that the cloud of the strike is still lingering over Americas America's pastime In order to try and improve the forecast for the future of the game the owners of the teams held a meeting on June 6 They discussed the problems with the attendance and the apathetic attitudes that the fans have towards baseball They tried to come up with a solution or at least a way to weather the in inclement inclement inclement in- in clement times that baseball is passing passing passing pass pass- ing through Their solution was not an agreement with the players union to settle the problem that caused the greatest season in recent memory come to a screeching halt The answers they came up with were not a very good at attempt attempt attempt at- at tempt to repent for halti halting ng the possibilities of watching two great grea t players chase the triple tri pIe crown arrived at in their meeting were not sufficient to erase the pain of not being able to watch Tony of the San Diego Padres chase the mark of batting above for the entire eason No the solution they came up with to solve the current attendance attendance attendance atten atten- dance problem was this Build eleven new stadiums in current major league cities and some say that if teams will have to move if they dont don't cooperate with the funding funding funding fund fund- ing for the new stadiums No solution solution solution tion to the problem that caused the strike No penance for interrupting the regular season and canceling the World Series No retribution for the forgotten fans Instead of the obvious answers the money hungry owners want new stadiums in places like Boston Boston Bos Bos- ton thus tearing down Fenway Park and the tradition in Detroit ripping down the historic Tiger Stadium and in San Francisco Philadelphia Minnesota New NewYork NewYork York and Pittsburgh I have a little news flash for forthe forthe forthe the owners If f you build it or them were we're not going to come We are not going to return until you solve the problem that caused the strike |