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Show ''8 A f m DESERET NEWS, s 4f 4 4 e - An WASHINGTON (AD) Army .sergeant and member of the Arlington National Cemeteiy honor gua'd, has lost !ns bid in U.S. Distnct pourt to have las teassign-nien- t to V'etnam blocked St. Michael C'. Sanders, 22. Ieunglon Ky , an enlistee hpd implied to newsmen that he was being sent to Vietnam because of Ins uitKism of the war published m a newspaper. He has eight months left to or.e .Federal Judge Gearhard A. tieSell braid aiguments Monday and decided that his court flli not have pn lsdiction The judge added however, that if 5 ! i 1969 Soldier Loses In Bid To Avoid Viet Duty . ! Tuesday, May 27, Chairman John (SHPGmiOliDS hia own. He ani.oum ed Monday he would run for a seat in the Missisiippi House in a election to fill a vacancy. Sicnnit C. ON SALE WEDNESDAY Anne l Scrvtces Committee, is stril ing out on a political career f of the Senate -- limit quantities . . . Sorry, no phone or mail orders, no lay aways or c.o.ds. We reserve the right to PLAZA, PARKING your choice of PARK FREE with 3.0C minimum purchase, 2 HOURS IN OUR 20c each. hours 6 entrances directly into store . . . extra standard or oversize stal's pe-ti- ... People imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiitiiuitiitiiimir he would not have granted Sand-Jjfi- s request for an Injunction. I Resell said Sanders version I. of Why he is being reassigned i?Jif J'largely an inference and s Hut the sol grant's have been rebutted by l espousibie military of fleets. The Army last Friday or- J riJrcd Sandeis' reassignment held up for one wee'e, pending J further investigation. he did have jurisdiction allega-v-tncm- BUSY - Raising 13 keep Mrs. a fcjfrltne B. Weldon of busy enough, so she pjoljirned to college. Monday received a master of edu- vsjion degree from Temple Mrs. Weldon. J.SjJversitv. children range from 2 3i23 years, was graduated the College of New JV f iW. ijxhell, N.Y., in 1914 and was IsJhlmed shortly after. thijdren . MOM didn't Phila-gjjjlphi- Join the Money Savers at Deseret Federal - Watch your savings goal come closer faster when you save at DFS, earning the current rate paid on insured savings. Drop in at the Deseret Federal office nearest you and find out from the friendly financial advisors how your savings can actually double in just 15 short years of saving at DFS . . . 62 years safe! $35 million strong! LNTOY President nominated John foreign service 1947 and ambassa- Jiei! to Honduras since 1965, as representative to the of American Jova will succeed Sol. Linen itz, former chairman Xerox Corp. S Iftxon has 52, a p ry highest-in-histo- jltes. DFS Pays the' Both Ways Postage Save by Mail jRAIRD De- CONFERS tdnse Secretary Melvin R. lJitrd confeired in Brussels tjactey with top lT S. representa-- i tijes of the North Atlantic ViS'rgaty Oigamzation in pre-- J wPmg for Wednesday's meet-'i of NATO defense mini-:S- . I mesiwm m utt c SstEffc i - CAREER John S tennis, 33, son of :j i, r 1 p jM A-1- 4 karat yellow or white gold $200 R. Two diamonds in C IOK yellow gold-fille- 1 4K or white $79.30 d Fourteen karat gold oval case $150.00 karat gold; tark textured $373.00 (IienSw jJuuIuateJXkan OMEGA site will have one of the most rewarding gifts you can give her for scholastic achievements. Internationally renowned for impressive beauty and incredibly most likely to accuracy, Omega is the world's most wanted watch the one movements. seventeen-jewAll with succeed with the sweet girl graduate. el Christensen HUB B ARD-OEN- N Jeweler, 230 South Main mm A f; 0 '7 llw "4 iwinnp wMj fflp'i mm ifriMwa |