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Show fcfflTiTiirtWiBl May 27, 1969 DESERET NFvVS, Tuesday, A7 rk. TWO STORES 5954 SO. STATE MURRAY 3333 WASH. BLVDJ SO. OGDEN OPEN DAILY 9 9-- li ? .& : - Exciting Day. Exciting Gift! (graduation Gory Steven Krist . . . kept victim alive y Exciting Day... Exciting Gift! 9-- SUNDAY 11- - TAMl TOPS life' Cau I Ul 7 Memorial Day Specials Sentence JUMP " Kt 1 lllSl a - A DECATUR, GA. (AP) Jury has convicted Gary Steven Krist of the $500,000 ransom kidnaping of coed Barba- ra Jane Mackle, but spared his life because of elaborate steps taken to keep the victim alive in a buried box. Krist, 24, who had predicted the death penalty which the state asked, was given a life sentence Monday night on the for jurys recommendation mercy. Normally a life term may be reviewed for parole in seven years In Georgia. Jury foreman H. I. Raideliberations nwater He diswith a prayer. began closed in an interview that the 12 men were divided on whether to impose the death penalty, but finally voted for mercy because of the effort and precaution he took to see that she (the victim) wasnt killed. LOT OF TROUBLE He did go to an awful lot of trouble to see that she w ould be all right, Rainwat- Om SM SUOVelee SUITS PricSell- 87 KMesQ&NtyuNr Cette Washable M Mr-te- Ml) StuMU hlMl JMocMoe fwirsl Cfi Conors $15.95 Value Gibson's Price j Permanent Press FLAIR BOTTOMS Jest wnk, dry halle or I wear. festal Celers Sixes 2 $2.75 Vale Gibson's Price said Congratulate the Graduate! I Congratulate1 the Graduate! a Give Give a. Be Cool V&XZU&2SX from $4500 a Emory University junior, was foot buried in a box for 83 hours after her from a Decatur abduction motel last Dec. 17. The box Miss Mackle, contemporary backed by Hamilton's -- Hamilton watch Choose designs legacy of excellence. irealay drip or tvmbie wear. Size $2.50 Value . Gibson's Price t contained food and tranquilizer-loaded drinking water. It ventilaalso had a battery-ru- n tion system, water putnji and small light that burned out after a short time, leaving the girl in total darkness. After the victims father, Mackle of Coral Gables, Fla., paid the ransom, the kidnaper the FBI with telephoned directions to the remote burial spot northeast, of Decatur. MASSIVE EVIDENCE Dist. Atty, Richard Bell had and presented a massive unrefuted array of evi- BILLFOLDS TYPEWRITER Full sin Carriage, Light Standard Size Keyboard or Stylo Craffem U. S. Coast Guard Era MEN'S MASTERCRAFT SILVER REED PORTABLE Amity light Pleasant Touch In Portable Carrying Cast COOL & COMFORTABLE National Brands Approved Life Vest AKl Adult Size; CK-Child's Medium and CK-Child's imall sizt. DECK S Black or Brown OXFORDS Vnluii to $4.50 Watoe Buffalo c n English Morocco leathers Several Styles YOUR CHOICE Approved For Clan 2 and Motor Boats Floats You Fact Up Kapok Flotation Sealed In 2 UniSitMlU wjiftMim Vinyl Orange Outer Cover Model 7200 dence, eyewitnesses and fingerprints linking Krist to the Parliament Values to $7.50 $49.95 crime. Valu Bell disappointed, of verdict. the said Krists two lawyers, Mobley Childs and James R. Venable, offered no defense testimony, choosing instead to plead for mercy in testimony, they were entitled to open and close the final Im Gibson's Price d Blown in TEAK FLAT steerhide Your Choice $1.50 Value Gibson's Price Gibson's o Ws&hers arguments. The verdict came at 9:52 46 p.m. after three hours and minutes of deliberation on the Price seventh day. FISH Qwide REMINGTON sack Completely washable, derabta oppers, ail assorted colors. rubber soles Yalui ts $5.95 Gibson's Price Your Choice Selection Sizs ft to ff JtoSfeffih CofessaFUEL GOOD GROOMiNG GIFTS 100--9 his Ruth Eisenmann Schier, 26, former University of Miami biology student also charged with the kidnaping, is to be tried in June. POUR-SPOU- T mB PAPER 200 SELECTRO! Easypoor Cat sevsrat fecks smmmt ceek-eet- s REMINGTON fsr the S1.C0 IN HER NEW PIZMZ.FKX flip-te- e lost dls. Gibson's Clkses's Price 800 A widt by 25' $8.66 TAPE RECORDER CAMERA with EASY-DOES-- in U s Gibson's Pric mmrt' E9 BEF3SIT - K9 IET3R9 BSTTIEB 5255 NEW, COOLERS steal cats, raia forced kata, 56 apart ffliF-GAU- tCCtSl Automatic Automatic Automatic PUREEY, Control You can't toko GoNo Go pour Eioctric Film Advonco Advances film for tKo noxt pictir Automatic Cuba Advance a bad o e Ultra Sharp . f 2ft glam Inn e REWIND FAST FORPUT-MCWARD SPEED O by Uctric motor e DOUBLE RECORDINS TRACK y. ti. i MICRO- RECORDINS PHONE Automatic ft e cassette Irutant load Ex $24.91 Velua Css-set- ts 7M Concord Tape Recorder uses a standard taps Suspicious Pipe aJ 23 Worlds finest insulation $59.95 Valua horizon to horizon. England (UPD-Do- naid Bate struck what he thought was a pipe as he dug in his garden. But the pipe had fins and Bate quickly retired to his house. Policesaid it was a World War II Ger-ik.- IT BTU. S9c Value Gibson's Pric Modal Echo 1, the first satellite to serve as a space reflector for radio signals, burned up May 14, 1968, after eight years In orbit. For years the satellites could be seen at night, moving along in a leisurely fashion like car head lights, from P CATALYTIC HEATERS $42.50 Value Gibson's Prict 135-foo- 25, 1964. DIAL-TEM- Safe, flameless, with no harmful fumes. For cabin, tent, trailer, boat, duck blind. Dependable. ..no matter how cold the weather. Concord Solid Stote Cussetto OLYMPUS IS&MS 3000-500- 0 long t, V $333 ADJUSTABILITY! is REMINGTON today. Officials at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Green-belMd., set the probable destruction date at June 7 for diameter balloon t the that was placed in orbit Jan. fa. HEAVY DUTY triflHoor. pop-u- Gihson's Price engineers predicted Cibtsa'i Pries fries SHAVER Yev'ra n.v.r without a corHI.u shave. Now 78 sharper blade SHAVER Model 5506 $5.95 Valve , Pethepe QUICK-CHARG- E PRINCESS UsMet- - Headed for tap perfonaeaca is Celemee laatoras, Cesif ixvsrtlt kjwidl j Stores, Catalytic Restate. SUtVebe CORDLESS REMINGTON -WASHINGTON (AP) 2, the most highly visible of all satellites, will disappear at the end of next week, dropping into the atmosphere and burning up, M- -. tsci0 rt up cint Ball dm- - THE CORD Echo the. fjw spout, PLATES SHAVER BY Last Days For Echo 2 iWnb. 87 Prints A Pastel Colors wk S backed by Hamilton's 75 yea' legacy ef excellence from our exciting contemporary styies, as low as $45.00 75-ye- ar suov.i... Gibson's Price FLAIR BOTTOMS Hover needs F or her exciting new career choose from our exciting new Hamilton fashion watches young imaginative creations world-famou- 17 festal Colors TURTLENECKS from $45 Next to the diploma itself.no gift will thrill your graduate s more than a For his exciting new career, choosetrom our exciting new Hamilton watches young, rp and Comfortable girl's conoa by er said. project wv s Will be Closed Memorial Day tju-v-R KIDNAPER trials v 9 i Is v . SATURDAY $59.95 Value SAXE ;s BOTTLE IN N'Jfi M Gibson's Pi ice SYSTEM Gibson's i'rics KM fc.! 1 .fr |