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Show x . .dM. mm twum mrtiftfn T MEW Variable cloudiness tonight and Wednesday. Collet tonight. DayLows time highs in the 55. to 50 weather Details, tonight map on Page mid-80- s. 1 News, Ntws Tips Home Delivery 10c PACES 5 8 2 6 THE VEST'S MOUNTAIN FIRST -- 52 J 4 100 -- Information 1-4445 Sports Scores Classified Ads Only Editoiial Offices 34 E. 1st tioutb -52- 4-4413. -52- 521-353- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH B-1- 0. NO. WtWUa Our Phone Numbers Clouds, Cooler VOL. 371 miiMM MjltliM t TUESDAY, NEWSPAPER MAY 27, 3 1 969 u Asks fM I"""" A it , TT irrfrrr.r, YM Fwrrrr weepong A y VVi V . ts !Lr'W tr 4: JU.ytVV1,- - President Nixon asked Congress toWASHINGTON (AP) day for legislation to convert the Post Office Department into a service removed from Cabinet government-owned- , mss. rtfcs n,n self-sustaini- status. Traditions die hard and traditional institutions are difficult to abandon, Nixon de- claied. But tradition is MiiTnnmr I - . ffjfn Xy " - fS xv iwWyjSHWWtw ' , f ' s Moin Street entrance to nsw Multi-Million-Dol- multi-millio- V ' v V V v dollar mol n I will retain ZCMI s distinctive if our postal system is to meet and colonnade. cast-iro- n ZCMI Plans Downtown Mall In Dramatic New Expansion dramatic A dollar new multi-nillio- n several sweeping changes Creation OTHER OUTLETS week. Bennett said the decision to roceed with this project in Pe downtown area is an in of confidence of the city. There are few other places the country where this type mall f a regional shopping Duld be built in the heart of le city, he said. The size of our city blocks nd the strength of the down-w- n as a shopping area lakes this possible. WORKED 10 YEARS i jlilf uu-su- al Company offcials said they rd worked 13 years on planing to bring tire development i its present stage, and remised that it would be the nest development of its kind Key feature of mall is an enclosed central court area in service. Details of the plans showed: Construction of a completely enclosed and air conmall in the ditioned, two-lev- the West center of the block. This will announce-en- t, be the main entrance not only The n to a ney ZCMI building, but which downtown claim will stimulate also to as many as 70 new in entire area, was made as tenants, ranging in size from d busi-ssnie- r small service shops to a second department store. ZCMIs new store will be 50 per cent larger than the pi sent store and be in excess of 400,000 square feet, occupying four stories and a basement selling area. Other tenants will occupy about 220,000 square feet of space. There will be 40 stores on the first floor and 27 on the block's interior, with entrance to stores. second floor, all connected by central escalators and eleva- tors. Parking spaces will be increased from the present r capacity to 2,000 car spaces. This parking will be on two levels below the shopping malls and four levels above the mam selling area Parking area will be controlled by the entrance: cars 500-ca- - teen-age- 10 years. The drop means the total number of smokers in the United States remains about 49 million despite increases in the population, according to Koy L. Davis, a spokesman for the survey group. quesAmong 23 6 per tioned during 19C7-6cent of the boys S'ud they smoked cigarettes and 15.7 per cent of the gills said they si e smokers. A 1957 survey of tl e same age group wported 34.7 per A tent cent of the boys and 25.5 per of the gills said they smoked. The new suivey by the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health was prepared for the U.S.- Public Health Service. Ninety-on- e per cent of those queried answered yes when - asked : Would you say smoking is harmful to health? The survey offered no reasons for the (Hod in youth smoking but, m an interview, education Davis programs about health factors m cigarettes. Kids probably have the greatest impact on k.ds, said Davis, citing for example the program at a Bakersfield, cited Calif., high school wheie students campaigned against smoking with the help of billboards, radio, television and newspapers. Davis said youngsters thete d i s tributed the smoke, choke, croak bumper stickers. He said he saw one on a car in San Francisco, about 250 milps north of Bakersfield. There probably are hundreds and hundreds of school districts and groups of kids doing things like this, Davis said. "You should hear the kids in these projects theyre death on smoking. Another California project, at San Fernando Valley State College, is studying the immediate effects of smoking. Weve been saying that some day, way down the road, cig-aiet- te a going to die of lung cancer" Davis said. "Kids are more mteiested in the right here and right now. One Public Health Service pamphlet says: "It is difficult to imagine for a teen-age- r being 57, ill, or disabled. Recently, scientists have been learning that disability from smoking may result even at relatively young ages. This may make tlie hazards of smoking seem more real to you're young people." Davis said education programs on the dangers of smoking must also be directed toward parents. One study found the smoking rate highest among students in households where father and mother smoke, he said. However, if neither pai- - entering from First South will park in the lower levels, those entering from South Temple will park in the middle and those coming in from State Street will park in the top areas. Pedestrian entrances to the mall itself will be from all streets forming the four boundary of the block: Main See ZCMI on Page A-- 3 ent is a cut lent smoker, the rate of student smoking is almost as low as it is when neither parent has ever been a smoker, the survey found. Davis said the survey also showed young people who their have slipped behind s in school and those who do r.ot expect to go to college are more likely to smoke. age-mate- Today's Thought If you, see ten tioubhs coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. Calvin Coohdgc I As a band piped them in with Up, Up and Away and Deep in the Heart of Texas the three men who returned from the moon just 24 hours earlier, leaped from the plane p that brought them irom Samoa. The astronauts. Air Force CoL Thomas P. Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. Eugene Ceman and John Young, were wearing leis. Their first act, after embracing their wives and children, was to drape the necklaces around their loved non-sto- ones necks. What the astronauts report will determine when the Apollo 11 astronauts leave on a g mission. The blastoff for that voyage is scheduled at Cape Kennedy July 16, but space agency officials said Apollo 10 raised a few questions that could delay it a month or two. Still wearing of the one baseball caps the aeronauts received when they boarded the earner Princeton, Young told the crow d : have That moon doe-any air and that moon's not Texas and were sure glad to be here. Stafford said Its really great . . . its fantastic to be back from the moon. And Ceman said: Im convinced now more than ever that theres no place we cant eventually go and theres nothing we cant eventually nt -- do. There was little time for reunion with families. After lunch, the astronauts were to undergo extensive physical examinations. The astronauts flight from Pago Pago in the Pacific took exactly 12 hours. They landed at Ellington AFB, near the Manned Spacecraft Center. In the window' of their plane, a C141 Starlifter, was a picture of the comic strip dog the name the Snoopy, astronauts gave to the fragile See ASTROS on Page A 4 -- B52s Retaliate, Pound Commies full-tim- Youths Heed 'Smoke, Choke, Crook' A WASHINGTON (AP) exposed survey of to antismoking messages smoke, including the blunt shows a chose, croak stnrp decline of youngsters taking up cigarettes in the NO POLITICS Nixon said all nine directors would be chosen without regard to political affiliation. Seven members including the chairman, would be appointed by the President, and would require Senate confirmation. These .seven would e chief then select a executive officer who will join with the sewn others to select e executive who will also serve on the board, Nixon said. The President said the reform proposal has been under consideration for the past several weeks, and he described it as the most significant reform bill that will be sent Congress under his full-tim- ZCMI entered its 101st year of - moon-landin- Postmaster General Winter. M. Blount held a White House briefing today on the nlans. President Nixon and Blount appeared together before reporters at the briefing and both made comments on the Nixon message to Congress. The project is designed to nclude, in addition to the new ICMI store, some 70 other etall and service outlets, a heatre, and in later stage, a high rise office build- last n tions and postage rates, subject to review by the seven presidential appointed memboard. bers of the nine-ma- n Much of what the Presidert recommended was leaked by congressional sources last be Zions Securities Corp. i indepen-de- Valley Authority. SUBJECT TO REMEW Establishment of a commission of experts to propose changes in mail classifica- Harold H. Bennett, presi-Jen- t, old the annua meeting of stockholders that the project would take four years to complete. Project developer will future an capital improvements, similar to the funding arrangement now held by the Tennessee jortion of the block where tCMI has been located for more than 100 years. xpression of nine-memb- " HOUSSPACE CENTER. The Apollo 10 (AP) astronauts returned home today to a hero's welcome and to make the reports that will determine wrhen man will go to the moon this year. TON postal service wholly owned by the federal government and administered by a board of direc- tors. New and extensive collective bargaining rights for postal employes. -- ond financing for major nt lie in- cluding: n store as the key tenant, vas announced today. The nail will occupy the greater On Journey OTHER CH4NGES Nixon said his reform, besides removing the post office from the cabinet, cals for development construc-ioirogram, involving ot a shopping mall in town town Salt Lake City with i totally new ZCMI depart-ne- To Report Postal Organization. emi By DON C. WOODWARD Deseret News Business Editor Astros Home the expanding needs of the 1970s we mut act now " The Presidents proposal was largely based on recomsubmitted mendations by Frederick R. Kappel, head ot former President Lyndon B. Johnsons Commission on Project lar HERO'S WELCOME substitute for no s administration. THE ONLY WAY He said such a reorganizaan urgent national tion is and the only requirement way to forestall either massive postal deficits or huge rate increases. Noting that the department See NIXON on Pagp A-- 3 LSU Bars SDS From Campuses BATON ROUGE. LA. (AP) Students for a Democratic Society has been denied charters on all campuses of the Louisiana University system. The action, which also bars similar new left organizations, was approved Monday by the LSU Board of Supervisors. Recent events have made it clear that SDS is totally incompatible with the purpose of the modern university, LSU President John Hunter told the board The record of SDS, he added, shows it has no respect whatever for acaor preser-- v demic freedom ation of the rights of others. State - SAIGON (UPI) The U.S. Military Command sent nine waves of B52 bombers against Communist troop concentrations in three sections of South Vietnam during the night, it was announced today. The strikes followed a series of 30 mortar and rocket attacks on U.S. bases. Military spokesmen also reported 5,000 Communist violations of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) since the American bombing halt began last Nov. 1, They reported a major violation Sunday when Com- munist shellings blew up an ammunition dump, killing eignt Mannes and wounding 24. The B32.s were sent against Communist forces threatening Saigon and against troop concentrations in the Central Highlands and on the northern coast of South Vietnam. Allied forces in those areas killed 194 Communist troops m scattered fighting Monday. Two of the strikes came in support of troops ore hitting Communist approach routes to a highlands camp under attack and another suppoi ting the U.S. Lamar Plain offensive protecting Tarrf Ky 340 miles north of Saigon. The brunt of the raids hit Viet Cong and North Vietnamese positions 29 to 91 miles northeast and northwest of Saigon, where a series of Allied bases pioteds the capitals outer defense ring They followed a total of nine battles Monday in which U.S. sol- and South Vietnamese diers reported killing a total of 194 guerrillas from the Mekong Delta to near the Demilitaiized Zone (DMZ). . Communist gunners. shelled one South Vietnamese town and 29 Allied military bases overnight, the U.S. command said, inflicting damage or casualties at eight of the sites, ' none serious. reAllied headquarters ported one major Commuuist attack a North Vietnamese thrust Monday against a South Vietnamese outpost eight imles southwest of Dak To In the Central highlands. -- INSIDE THE NEWS SEC 1 ION V National, Foreign City, Regional 16 17 39 Womens Pages Editorial Fages Our Man Jones 20, 21 21 21 Music SECTION B City, Regional Theater Financial Comics Obituaries Weather Map Action Ads SECTION Spotts . . . SECTION C 10. 20 4. 5 0, 7 -- 8 10 10 1 19 7 P -6 City. Regional TV Highlights 7 ri'. |