Show THE OF TUB LW bilier the st loul alio ana to t on glorn pitr ln which to over fully ST ilo may 27 when alio paso of tiller express robber was the criminal court this room lii 1 l acs na ready to proceed jhc thc indictment was then the prisoner was to plead to laiq astonishment ment 0 abo court tiller answered without n moments your IIo norl toa a sensation succeeding this jut jadao van wagoner hl ordered the prisoner to rise and sentenced him to flap years imprisonment in alic tills 1 the lull penalty 0 abo law lor grind larceny mr attorney ap clemency tho vacille pi stat lug leiai was no cause ier leniency the in the on the company lu oll rust and proved unworthy ml abo confidence il lu him in abe 0 the tho imposition 0 n sentence wit due and alic company taking tle circum into judic van took the latter alic ac tiller stood tho bar with hla head libus down tho news ot his arraignment ment attracted a crowd abo audience room ol 01 the other couns several ladled had hm urca positions la the circuit attorneys in view of the chair when aliu sentence bifi in van U adonera the turned to go chrit his attorney suggested thit tho othar cases be disposed ol 01 today to day jio thy court that which tiller pleaded covered alic in its entirety anil a nolle ot the charger was sug and wi granted by alic court this 0 tho caso li acca george U to lusht ills battle gingle aa tiller walked back to alic dock ho LIT A which bad been civan libia by his attorney alter pacing ibe bloor jor awhile hu nedr alie door and pk as adaly a ila all over now aid hf and I 1 have nothing to sidy I 1 bavi no whatever to make I 1 I 1 h byln arc fairly and justly I 1 dont know whether my plea prevents nic bruni tc in ic lad denh or not I 1 to go to the and to serve my time the t 0 acar will with good bc cavior L hi scans and nine months under alic rule tho other charges me been no ie drosd ai thi to which I 1 pleaded covered all the nino unta iby tillar none ol 01 that swag germ conduct which it was characterized his boon attar ins iia wis polite and ant aind in rc lurn fora word spoken by ono ot the deputy i tiller returned his thanks and ac mat m at lon to his or the kindly wish tiller will go to the sat biday he Is by lawyer for the mcfaidden case mcfadden was jointly indicted with tiller and awai tsi seadog on the for embezzlement and grand larceny speaking ot aliis cao mr said 0 o intend to fight thil out when it comes up but in the meantime this boy will go to the it will be remembered that on sunday afternoon march 9 tiller in tho employ ot the I 1 carried away broin the express ot llcy 1 or satchels walli money packages lie lit until monday night alivn he started for canada pi diug through chicago aud going to alic rewards fur his amounted to nearly lie was captured thursday march 13 at mil and was returned to this city the next day ami held by the company until when ho made a desperate ct lort to escape from the was eliuh jallad tiller was jointly indicted with oue who a the company recovered nearly all the stolen money about |