Show falla ANU riKE SlUE never paper a wall over old paper ahli may bo removed by dampening it with and water dairymen have found mid clings aro ono of alie beat rations that can bo jod or the promotion of tho milk yield every farm should havo a rooi crop as part of a rotation A root crop cleans tho land of weldi and furnishes an abundance ot food for farm animals JV Y times prated considered by sonic cooks a welcome addition to plain cream it bo put in mixed with tho cream after that lias commenced to freeze i j T josaph alien in tho ohio Farni tr thinks a fanner might as well attempt to dodge death and taxes as escape the results of or unkind treatment of atia cow or other stock animals to mako milk gravy brown stir a large with a spoonful ol 01 butter eliou mixed melt in a and clour cook giitl become browned buforo putting tho abal m ci journal a recent at columbus 0 secretary chamberlain recoup mended tho 1190 of instead of un for drainage as abc former will last a lifo limo ox longcr all tho water practically practical lv it the boint between alio bilci nt any rato i ly fried cabog to bp eaten fresh arc ri a laro pinch of s alt and hour enough to iloah that caiti bo rolled cut with a canoy cake cutter drop into boiling lard dono and thilo still warm dip them into powdered they may 10 with lemon or with rose the house ra y mr isaac bartho ho north apt farnce following the direction tor making a accito for shipping market kor iasu binch baard cut 12 vichca for slats iro iian at wide pulling three slata at the bottom of the cr itc ditc ind tarco on each side tho crate when should uro twenty inches long outside measure arotca mr claitt aro the mot size for loading a wagon box pumpkins and squashed lesi cultivation than almost any 0 tho crop in alo i field or pardon there h cheapness and profit in for feeding stock il ihring iho fall and early pait of mako aa for fowls durina hin winter they some fresh food ami in many plates it n easier to supply with than any or vegetable bump kins fitl in with corn to fattening hogs cn act upon tho who will put on inora fat in a given time ami mako a tine r showing i than under j tho old system of almost exclusive cord feeding cleveland leader w 1 |